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Everything posted by Diabolik

  1. Nu mai deschide Topicuri care sunt mai vechi de un 1 an , ca sa faci +1,John_Ionut .
  2. Vezi ca ai doua lini : password, sterge una dintre ele. echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 1 rcon_password ioicenabeandrei maxplayers 75 port 7777 hostname Star-Gaming: RPG [0.3D] gamemode0 StaG filterscripts Anims FakeKill AntiCbug announce 0 query 1 weburl www.s-gaming.org password **** onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 Password ma maxnpc 10 plugins streamer.so crashdetect.so sscanf.so sampmysql.so audio.so logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] bind *************
  3. Comenziile care nu merg am uitat sa le sterg din /cmds , urmatoarea versiune o sa fie toate comenziile functionale.
  4. A aparut Galaxy Omega Stunt [0.3e] Versiunea 0.5 , o luati din prima pagina daca o doriti.
  5. [ftp=ftp://Prima mea mapa facuta de mine]Prima mea mapa facuta de mine[/ftp] Chiar el a zis.
  6. Ce ii urasc pe cei care spun ca e prima mapa, 4,5/5 pentru mapa.
  7. A aparut Galaxy Omega Stunt [0.3e] Versiunea 0.4 , o luati din prima pagina daca o doriti.
  8. Autor:RuSke Ajutor:Tequila Timp de lucru: 15 min Download: [download]http://www.solidfiles.com/d/38cb1f390a/[/download]
  9. Adauga obiectele la public OnGameModeInit() public OnGameModeInit() { CreateObject(3724, 1284.5, 794, 26.10000038147, 0, 0, 182); CreateObject(3624, 1287.5999755859, 769.20001220703, 14.5, 0, 0, 185); CreateObject(3621, 1217.9000244141, 748.20001220703, 14.699999809265, 0, 0, 89.994506835938); CreateObject(3621, 1332.9000244141, 746.09997558594, 14.5, 0, 0, 89.994018554688); CreateObject(3621, 1273, 687.20001220703, 12, 0, 0, 179.98901367188); CreateObject(3620, 1325.4000244141, 693.20001220703, 22.89999961853, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3620, 1213.1999511719, 706.29998779297, 22.10000038147, 0, 0, 270); CreateObject(5126, 1265.4000244141, 769.59997558594, 24.700000762939, 0, 0, 2); CreateObject(2991, 1197.5, 706.40002441406, 33.599998474121, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(2935, 1325.1999511719, 677, 33.099998474121, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(18260, 1293.1999511719, 806.5, 11.39999961853, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(18260, 1293.19921875, 806.5, 11.39999961853, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(18260, 1288.9000244141, 808.40002441406, 11.39999961853, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(18260, 1280.5999755859, 809.40002441406, 11.39999961853, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(18260, 1251.8000488281, 808.90002441406, 11.39999961853, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(18260, 1266.3000488281, 806.59997558594, 11.39999961853, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(18260, 1270.4000244141, 810.79998779297, 11.39999961853, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(18260, 1251.5999755859, 813.90002441406, 11.10000038147, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(18260, 1283.6999511719, 813.90002441406, 10.89999961853, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(18260, 1295, 813.40002441406, 10.89999961853, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(12932, 1301.1999511719, 719.40002441406, 13.199999809265, 0, 0, 272); CreateObject(3568, 1256.6999511719, 820.5, 10.199999809265, 0, 0, 272); CreateObject(3569, 1292.5, 820.90002441406, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 272); CreateObject(3574, 1296.3000488281, 707.40002441406, 12.5, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3574, 1278.4000244141, 707.09997558594, 12.5, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3630, 1281.8000488281, 779, 11.300000190735, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3630, 1281.7998046875, 779, 11.300000190735, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3630, 1292.6999511719, 779.79998779297, 11.300000190735, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(5259, 1265, 706.90002441406, 9.5, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(5259, 1265, 706.8994140625, 9.5, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(5259, 1265, 706.70001220703, 15.699999809265, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3578, 1318.5999755859, 803.5, 10.39999961853, 0, 0, 91.994018554688); CreateObject(3569, 1275.0999755859, 820.40002441406, 9.6999998092651, 0, 0, 271.99951171875); CreateObject(3569, 1292.5, 820.8994140625, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 271.99951171875); CreateObject(3569, 1292.5, 820.8994140625, 9.8999996185303, 0, 0, 271.99951171875); CreateObject(3578, 1231.1999511719, 807.40002441406, 10.60000038147, 0, 0, 89.987670898438); CreateObject(3578, 1323.1999511719, 809.20001220703, 10.60000038147, 0, 0, 181.98852539063); CreateObject(3578, 1226.5999755859, 812.5, 10.5, 0, 0, 183.98449707031); CreateObject(1233, 1322.5, 824.79998779297, 7.5999999046326, 0, 0, 180); CreateObject(1233, 1306.1999511719, 826.59997558594, 8.6999998092651, 0, 0, 169.99450683594); CreateObject(10831, 1235.3000488281, 742.20001220703, 14.5, 0, 0, 92); CreateObject(2935, 1325.19921875, 677, 33.099998474121, 0, 0, 90); CreateObject(2935, 1268.1999511719, 769.79998779297, 22.700000762939, 0, 0, 4); CreateObject(5837, 1228.5, 807.5, 11.300000190735, 0, 0, 88); CreateObject(5837, 1321.3000488281, 803.90002441406, 11.5, 0, 0, 271.99499511719); CreateObject(11547, 1286.0999755859, 722.59997558594, 12.39999961853, 0, 0, 180.49633789063); return 1; }
  10. Pune la public SetPlayerSpawn(playerid) SafeGivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 200); SafeGivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 25, 200); SafeGivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 28, 200); SafeGivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 30, 200);
  11. Cine ma ajuta si pe mine cu erroare asta: C:\Users\eu\Downloads\SistemAdmin\filterscripts\sAdmin.pwn(6) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "YSI\y_ini" Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error.
  12. Diabolik


    format(string, sizeof(string), "[Admin Info] %s [AOD] : nu va poate ajuta in acest moment.Motive: AFK/TREABA", sendername,playerid);
  13. Diabolik

    Parc Centru

    Foarte frumoasa map? 10/10 acum o pun pe server.
  14. bravo 9/10 continua tot asa
  15. Bravo pentru inceput 10/10
  16. E foarte bun scriptul dar daca este facut de tine ai 9/10 de la mine.:D
  17. Deci am gasit fostul gm mortali si am vrut sa pornesc sv dar am observat ca tot isi d? restart, dupa restart si nustiu cum sa fac sa nu mai dea restart , ma ajutati: Server.cfg echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password caaa maxplayers 50 port 7777 hostname ManiacX RolePlay Server[0.3e] gamemode0 mortalii 1 filterscripts adminspec announce 1 plugins streamer query 1 weburl www.mnx.ro onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 0 logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] server_log: ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3e, (C)2005-2012 SA-MP Team [19:33:22] [19:33:22] Server Plugins [19:33:22] -------------- [19:33:22] Loading plugin: streamer [19:33:22] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded *** [19:33:22] Loaded. [19:33:22] Loaded 1 plugins. [19:33:22] [19:33:22] Filterscripts [19:33:22] --------------- [19:33:22] Loading filterscript 'adminspec.amx'... [19:33:22] Loaded 1 filterscripts. [19:33:22] HouseInfo:0 Owner:The State hTakings 2045 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:1 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:2 Owner:The State hTakings 21600 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:3 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:4 Owner:The State hTakings 3400 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:5 Owner:The State hTakings 77256 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:6 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:7 Owner:The State hTakings 19077 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:8 Owner:iGood hTakings 93406 hVec 522 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:9 Owner:The State hTakings 121 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:10 Owner:The State hTakings 839 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:11 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:12 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:13 Owner:The State hTakings 40600 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:14 Owner:iGood hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:15 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:16 Owner:The State hTakings 2600 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:17 Owner:The State hTakings 64050 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:18 Owner:The State hTakings 65000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:19 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:20 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:21 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:22 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:23 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:24 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:25 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:26 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:27 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:28 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:29 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:30 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:31 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:32 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] HouseInfo:33 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:22] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 85 [19:33:22] [19:33:22] [19:33:22] The Godfather : LS/SF [19:33:22] _____________________ [19:33:22] By : Mortalii Team [19:33:22] [19:33:22] Number of vehicle models: 59 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:0 Owner:The State hTakings 2045 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:1 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:2 Owner:The State hTakings 21600 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:3 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:4 Owner:The State hTakings 3400 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:5 Owner:The State hTakings 77256 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:6 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:7 Owner:The State hTakings 19077 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:8 Owner:iGood hTakings 93406 hVec 522 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:9 Owner:The State hTakings 121 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:10 Owner:The State hTakings 839 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:11 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:12 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:13 Owner:The State hTakings 40600 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:14 Owner:iGood hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:15 Owner:The State hTakings 0 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:16 Owner:The State hTakings 2600 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:17 Owner:The State hTakings 64050 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:18 Owner:The State hTakings 65000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:19 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:20 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:21 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:22 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:23 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:24 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:25 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:26 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:27 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:28 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:29 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:30 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:31 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:32 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] HouseInfo:33 Owner:The State hTakings 20000 hVec 418 [19:33:35] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 85 [19:33:35] [19:33:35] [19:33:35] The Godfather : LS/SF [19:33:35] _____________________ [19:33:35] By : Mortalii Team [19:33:35] [19:33:35] Number of vehicle models: 61
  18. Diabolik

    [Map]Banca by dR.

    3/5 pentru inceput.
  19. Foarte frumos 9/10 se mai putea pune obiecte pe acolo pentru parcare.
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