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Problema schimbare spawn



Salut tuturor. Am o problema cu gamemode-ul BestFrag

Vreau sa ii schimb locul de spawn și nu reușesc sub nici o forma. Ideea este ca gamemode-ul are un spawn ok dar când intri pe server te da în alta parte. Am încercat cu Save fără sa ma mișc și nu am găsit coordonatele.

Mersi anticipat 😁

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Acum 9 minute, ancisz a spus:

Salut tuturor. Am o problema cu gamemode-ul BestFrag

Vreau sa ii schimb locul de spawn și nu reușesc sub nici o forma. Ideea este ca gamemode-ul are un spawn ok dar când intri pe server te da în alta parte. Am încercat cu Save fără sa ma mișc și nu am găsit coordonatele.

Mersi anticipat 😁

Cauta in

C:\Users\Your Computer Name\Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\savedpositions.txt

Sau cauta in search savedpositions


Si ca sa schimbi spawnul cauti public onplayerspawn si cauti SetPlayerPos si schimbi coordonatele acelea.

SetPlayerPos(playerid, 29(skinul), x, y, z);

AddPlayerClass(124(skinul),-158.0189(x),-288.8980(y),3.9053(z),88.5958,0,0,0,0,0,0); // 


Ce inseamna cuvantul "Unic" este atunci cand Chestia / Obiectul / Idea / etc... nu exista in alta parte.

Copii, nu mai veniti cu vorbe de "Am gamemode unic", nu exista asa ceva, la ora actuala totul este pe net.

Aveti grija pe cine ajutati, majoritatea sunt caini.

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 SetPlayerSkin(playerid, pInfo[playerid][pSkinActual]);
    if(pInfo[playerid][pDuel] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        if(IsValidDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj]) && IsValidDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj2])) DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj]), DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj2]), pInfo[playerid][pDObj] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID, pInfo[playerid][pDObj2] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID;
        else DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj]), DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj2]), pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID, pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj2] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID;
        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, pInfo[playerid][pTruck]), SetPlayerHealth(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], pInfo[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]][pTruck]), SetPlayerVirtualWorldEx(playerid, 0), SetPlayerVirtualWorldEx(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 0), SetPlayerInteriorEx(playerid, 0),
        SetPlayerInteriorEx(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 0), SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1219.1031,-1813.2378,16.5938), SetPlayerPos(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 1219.1031,-1813.2378,16.5938),
        ResetPlayerWeapons(pInfo[playerid][pDuel]), GiveMoney(playerid, -pInfo[playerid][pDPrice]), GiveMoney(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], pInfo[playerid][pDPrice]);
		//format(SpStr, sizeof(SpStr), "~r~-%s$", FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice)), PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, ShowMoneyPlus[playerid], SpStr), PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, ShowMoneyPlus[playerid]), SetTimerEx("HideMoneyTD", 4500, false, "i", playerid);
        //format(SpStr, sizeof(SpStr), "~g~+%s$", FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice)), PlayerTextDrawSetString(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], ShowMoneyPlus[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]], SpStr), PlayerTextDrawShow(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], ShowMoneyPlus[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]]), SetTimerEx("HideMoneyTD", 4500, false, "i", pInfo[playerid][pDuel]);
        format(stmsg[playerid], 100, "* You lose duel with %s. (-%s$)", GetName(pInfo[playerid][pDuel]), FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice])), SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xC90000FF, stmsg[playerid]);
        format(stmsg[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]], 100, "* You won duel with %s. (+%s$)", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice])), SendClientMessage(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 0x00BA19FF, stmsg[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]]);
        pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDuel] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, pInfo[playerid][pDuel] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
        return 1;

Asta am in OnPlayerSpawn. Am incercat ce ai zis tu cu Save si sa merg in documente. Nu gasesc nicaieri acele coordonate.

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Acum 25 minute, ancisz a spus:

 SetPlayerSkin(playerid, pInfo[playerid][pSkinActual]);
    if(pInfo[playerid][pDuel] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        if(IsValidDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj]) && IsValidDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj2])) DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj]), DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj2]), pInfo[playerid][pDObj] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID, pInfo[playerid][pDObj2] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID;
        else DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj]), DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj2]), pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID, pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj2] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID;
        SetPlayerHealth(playerid, pInfo[playerid][pTruck]), SetPlayerHealth(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], pInfo[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]][pTruck]), SetPlayerVirtualWorldEx(playerid, 0), SetPlayerVirtualWorldEx(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 0), SetPlayerInteriorEx(playerid, 0),
        SetPlayerInteriorEx(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 0), SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1219.1031,-1813.2378,16.5938), SetPlayerPos(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 1219.1031,-1813.2378,16.5938),
        ResetPlayerWeapons(pInfo[playerid][pDuel]), GiveMoney(playerid, -pInfo[playerid][pDPrice]), GiveMoney(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], pInfo[playerid][pDPrice]);
		//format(SpStr, sizeof(SpStr), "~r~-%s$", FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice)), PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, ShowMoneyPlus[playerid], SpStr), PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, ShowMoneyPlus[playerid]), SetTimerEx("HideMoneyTD", 4500, false, "i", playerid);
        //format(SpStr, sizeof(SpStr), "~g~+%s$", FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice)), PlayerTextDrawSetString(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], ShowMoneyPlus[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]], SpStr), PlayerTextDrawShow(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], ShowMoneyPlus[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]]), SetTimerEx("HideMoneyTD", 4500, false, "i", pInfo[playerid][pDuel]);
        format(stmsg[playerid], 100, "* You lose duel with %s. (-%s$)", GetName(pInfo[playerid][pDuel]), FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice])), SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xC90000FF, stmsg[playerid]);
        format(stmsg[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]], 100, "* You won duel with %s. (+%s$)", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice])), SendClientMessage(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 0x00BA19FF, stmsg[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]]);
        pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDuel] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, pInfo[playerid][pDuel] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
        return 1;

Asta am in OnPlayerSpawn. Am incercat ce ai zis tu cu Save si sa merg in documente. Nu gasesc nicaieri acele coordonate.

Mai multe indici si exemple de atat am doar sa iti fac eu cu mana mea ... 😂

Pe al patrulea rand ai de doua ori SetPlayerPos, sterge pe ala cu pDuel si pune codul tau de coordonate la celalalt, ti-am mai zis cauta in search in stanga acolo jos savedpositions

Ce inseamna cuvantul "Unic" este atunci cand Chestia / Obiectul / Idea / etc... nu exista in alta parte.

Copii, nu mai veniti cu vorbe de "Am gamemode unic", nu exista asa ceva, la ora actuala totul este pe net.

Aveti grija pe cine ajutati, majoritatea sunt caini.

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Deci , te reconectezi pe server, cand te-a spawnat nu te misti deloc si scrii "/save vechi-spawn" , bun.


Mergi in fisierul .pwn si cauti coordonatele din fisierul "saved-positions" , copiezi coordonatele si le cauti in .pwn. Unde gasesti aceste coordonate le inlocuiesti cu cele noi.


Mai mult de atat nu am ce sa-ti explic! Zi faina.


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