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  1. Salut! Am o problema cu acest gamemode. Cand intru pe server ma spawneaza la jobul busdriver. Desi ar trebui sa ma dea acolo langa DMV. Am cautat coordonatele in gamemode si nu am gasit nimic. Ma poate ajuta cineva cum sa schimb va rog?
  2. Am rezolvat problema. Trebuie sa actualizam plugin-ul sscanf
  3. Script[gamemodes/GM.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" Number of vehicle models: 0 Apare aceasta eroare si nu ma lasa sa intru pe Server! Eu am schimbat numele Gamemode-ului in GM.
  4. Nuuu, m-ai inteles gresit. Stiu unde se afla fisierul cu savedpositions. Eu ma referea ca am cautat in GM coordonatele si nu mi-a dat nimic.
  5. SetPlayerSkin(playerid, pInfo[playerid][pSkinActual]); if(pInfo[playerid][pDuel] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(IsValidDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj]) && IsValidDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj2])) DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj]), DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[playerid][pDObj2]), pInfo[playerid][pDObj] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID, pInfo[playerid][pDObj2] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID; else DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj]), DestroyDynamicObject(pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj2]), pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID, pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDObj2] = INVALID_OBJECT_ID; SetPlayerHealth(playerid, pInfo[playerid][pTruck]), SetPlayerHealth(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], pInfo[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]][pTruck]), SetPlayerVirtualWorldEx(playerid, 0), SetPlayerVirtualWorldEx(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 0), SetPlayerInteriorEx(playerid, 0), SetPlayerInteriorEx(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 0), SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1219.1031,-1813.2378,16.5938), SetPlayerPos(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 1219.1031,-1813.2378,16.5938), ResetPlayerWeapons(pInfo[playerid][pDuel]), GiveMoney(playerid, -pInfo[playerid][pDPrice]), GiveMoney(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], pInfo[playerid][pDPrice]); //format(SpStr, sizeof(SpStr), "~r~-%s$", FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice)), PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, ShowMoneyPlus[playerid], SpStr), PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, ShowMoneyPlus[playerid]), SetTimerEx("HideMoneyTD", 4500, false, "i", playerid); //format(SpStr, sizeof(SpStr), "~g~+%s$", FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice)), PlayerTextDrawSetString(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], ShowMoneyPlus[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]], SpStr), PlayerTextDrawShow(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], ShowMoneyPlus[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]]), SetTimerEx("HideMoneyTD", 4500, false, "i", pInfo[playerid][pDuel]); format(stmsg[playerid], 100, "* You lose duel with %s. (-%s$)", GetName(pInfo[playerid][pDuel]), FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice])), SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xC90000FF, stmsg[playerid]); format(stmsg[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]], 100, "* You won duel with %s. (+%s$)", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(pInfo[playerid][pDPrice])), SendClientMessage(pInfo[playerid][pDuel], 0x00BA19FF, stmsg[pInfo[playerid][pDuel]]); pInfo[ pInfo[playerid][pDuel] ][pDuel] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, pInfo[playerid][pDuel] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; return 1; } Asta am in OnPlayerSpawn. Am incercat ce ai zis tu cu Save si sa merg in documente. Nu gasesc nicaieri acele coordonate.
  6. Salut tuturor. Am o problema cu gamemode-ul BestFrag Vreau sa ii schimb locul de spawn și nu reușesc sub nici o forma. Ideea este ca gamemode-ul are un spawn ok dar când intri pe server te da în alta parte. Am încercat cu Save fără sa ma mișc și nu am găsit coordonatele. Mersi anticipat
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