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Everything posted by eXorcism

  1. eXorcism


    Salut sunt TheRoW si astazi va prezint un tutorial despre operatori. Ce sunt acestia ? Foarte simplu sunt niste simboluri de comparatie. Mai jos avem lista operatorilor, semnificatiei si modului de folosire. Operatorul ==. Acest operator se foloseste atunci când vrei sa verifici daca valoarea din stânga este egala cu cea din dreapta. Ex: [pawn] new a = 5, b = 5; if( a == b ) return print( "Valoarea lui a este egala cu valoarea lui b" ); [/pawn] Operatorul !=. Acest operator se foloseste atunci când vrei sa verifici daca valoarea din stânga nu este egala cu cea din dreapta. Ex: [pawn] new a = 69, b = 5; if( a != b ) return print( "Valoarea lui a nu este egala cu valoarea lui b" ); [/pawn] Operatorul >=. Acest operator se foloseste atunci când vrei sa verifici daca valoarea din stânga este mai mare sau egala cu cea din dreapta. Ex: [pawn] new a = 69, b = 5; if( a >= b ) return print( "Valoarea lui a este mai mare sau egala cu valoarea lui b" ); [/pawn] Operatorul >. Acest operator se foloseste atunci când vrei sa verifici daca valoarea din stânga este mai mare ca cea din dreapta. Ex: [pawn] new a = 69, b = 5; if( a > b ) return print( "Valoarea lui a este mai mare ca valoarea lui b" ); [/pawn] Operatorul <=. Acest operator se foloseste atunci când vrei sa verifici daca valoarea din stânga este mai mare sau egala cu cea din dreapta. Ex: [pawn] new a = 69, b = 5; if( a <= b ) return print( "Valoarea lui b este mai mare sau egala cu cea a lui a" ); [/pawn] Operatorul <. Acest operator se foloseste atunci când vrei sa verifici daca valoarea din stânga este mai mare decat cea din partea dreapta. Ex: [pawn] new a = 69, b = 5; if( a < b ) return print( "Valoarea lui b este mai mare decat valoarea lui a" ); [/pawn] Operatorul &&. Acest operator se foloseste atunci când vrei sa verifici 2 valori de odata. Ex: [pawn] new a = 69, b = 5; if( a > 4 && b > 4 ) return print( "Valorile lui a si b sunt mai mari de 4" ); [/pawn] Operatorul ||. Acest operator se foloseste atunci când vrei sa verifici mai multe valori de odata. Ex: [pawn] new a = 69, b = 5; if( a > 4 || b > 4 ) return print( "Valorile lui a sau b sunt mai mari ca 4" ); [/pawn] Operatorul !. Acest operator are rolul de '!= 0'. Ex: [pawn] new a = 69, b = 5; if( !a && !b ) return print( "Valorile lui a si b sunt diferite de 0" ); [/pawn] Un exemplu concret de folosire mixta. [pawn] new a = 69, b = 34; if( a > 4 || b >= 2 ) return print( "A este mai mare decat 4, B este mai mare sau egal cu 2" ); [/pawn]
  2. eXorcism


    Salut sa-mp.ro, astazi va prezint un tutorial despre functii. Functia combina mai multe instructiuni într-o singura linie de cod. Functiile sunt de mai multe feluri, si anume: - Functie privata - Functie publica - Functie stocata Functia privata Acest tip de functie se creeaza prin nume si parametrii. Compilatorul recunoaste aceasta functie fie ca este folosita fie ca nu este folosita. Ex: [pawn] NumeFunctie( Parametrul1, Parametrul2 ) { return Parametrul1 + Parametrul2; } [/pawn] Functia creata mai sus va aduna cei 2 parametrii. Functia publica Acest tip de functie se creeaza prin forward, public, nume si parametrii. Compilatorul recunoaste aceasta functie fie ca este folosita fie ca nu este folosita. Ex: [pawn] forward NumeFunctie( Parametrul1, Parametrul2 ); public NumeFunctie( Parametrul1, Parametrul2 ) { return Parametrul1 + Parametrul2; } [/pawn] Functia creata mai sus va aduna cei 2 parametrii. Functia stocata Acest tip de functie se creeaza prin tagul stock nume si parametrii. Compilatorul nu recunoaste aceasta functie decât când este folosita. Ex: [pawn] stock NumeFunctie( Parametrul1, Parametrul2 ) { return Parametrul1 + Parametrul2; } [/pawn] Functia creata mai sus va aduna cei 2 parametrii.
  3. eXorcism


    Salut sa-mp.ro, astazi va prezint al 3 lea tutorial din serie. Ce este o variabila? Destul de simplu, o variabilă este o formulă ce stochează o valoare. Variabilele se creaza în pawn cu ajutorul functiei new. Variabilele sunt de mai multe feluri, si anume: - Variabile de tip integer - Variabile de tip string - Variabile de tip float - Variabile de tip boolean - Variabile de tip array Putina caracterizare despre variabile. * Integer Sunt variabile numerice care accepta numere de la -2147483648 la 2147483647. Nu accepta alte tipuri de date. Sfat când crezi un nou integer, creaza astfel "new Integer = 0;", daca vrei sa îi dai o valoare in loc de 0 pui valoarea. * String Sunt variabile ce accepta doar caractere. Pentru string-uri este recomandat ca dimensiunea sa nu depasasca 1024 caractere, la mai mult de 2048 de caractere va da crash celui ce îl foloseste. Un string are pe fiecare rând un caracter, de exemplu "new string[ 6 ] = "String";" el arata asa: [pawn] string[ 0 ] = S string[ 1 ] = t string[ 2 ] = r string[ 3 ] = i string[ 4 ] = n string[ 5 ] = g string[ 6 ] = \n sau \0 Sau ( 'S', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g', '\n 0ri \0') [/pawn] Ce reprezinta \n sau \0? Ele reprezinta sfrsitul unui string. Ce reprezinta [ 6 ] ? Reprezinta marimea stringului. Cum formatez un string fara a ma folosi de format sau alte metode? Uite asa "GlobalString[ 0 ] = EOS;", EOS reprezinta EndOfString. Sfat când crezi un nou string, creaza astfel: new String[ 128 ] = " "; Atentie nu confunda string-ul cu array-ul, ne dam seama când este folosit daca este un string sau un array. * Float Sunt variabile formate din numere zecimale, cel mai des sunt folosite pentru coordonate. Variabilele de tip float accepta doar numere zecimale. Sfat când creezi o variabila de tip float, creeaza astfel "new Float: variabilaFloat = 0.0;" * Boolean Sunt variabile care au doar 2 valori respectiv true/false. Sfat când folosesti o variabila de tip boolean, creeaza cu una dintre valori( true/false ), "new bool: Valoros = true;" * Array( matrice ) Aceste variabile sunt de 2 tipuri: I. Un numar de rânduri si un singur tabel. II. Un numar de rânduri si mai multe tabele. I. Aceste tip de array se aseamana mult cu string-ul, dar nu trebuie confundate. Exemplu de array cu randuri si un singur tabel "new array[ 3 ];". Acest array are 3 rânduri si 1 singura coloana. Reprezentat grafic acest array ar arata asa: II. Acest tip de array are în plus mai multe coloane. Exemplu de array cu mai multe rânduri si mai multe coloane "new array[ 3 ][ 3 ];". Acest array are 3 rânduri si 3 coloane. Reprezentat grafic acest array ar arata asa: Câteva exemple. [pawn] new VariabilaTipInteger = 25, VariabilaTipString[ 24 ] = "Sunt un string", Float: VariabilaTipFloat = 69.00, bool: VariabilaTipBoolean = true, VariabilaDeTipArray[ 5 ][ 2 ]; [/pawn]
  4. eXorcism


    Poate va întrebati de ce am facut tutorialul asta, simplu, cred ca o sa întelegeti mai bine dupa ce stiti si despre Pawno putin. Acest program a fost creat de spookie pentru Sa:Mp. Poate multi dintre voi nu stiau ca Pawno este doar un GUI( Graphic User Interface ) a compilatorului PAWN. Scurtaturi în Pawno( Lista realizata de [sRC]stuntman ): CTRL + A = selecteaza tot ce este in document CTRL + S = salveaza documentul CTRL + Z = undo CTRL + X = cut CTRL + C = copy CTRL + V = paste CTRL + G = search line number CTRL + H = replace lines CTRL + F = search text CTRL + Y = sterge linia la care esti CTRL + N = inchide fila actuala si deschide new.pwn CTRL + O = deschide o alta fila CTRL + M || ENTER = creaza o noua linie F5 || F6 = compileaza documentul CTRL + T || DELETE = sterge caracterul din fata la chestia care pulseaza CTRL + Space = cand scrii o parte dintr-o functie, apesi asta si iti da variante de functii care seamana. TAB = da de 4 ori ( 4 space-uri ) in fata scrisul. SHIFT + TAB = opusul lui TAB. CTRL + Rotita = schimbi pozitia mai repede CTRL + SHIFT + [ 1 - 9 ] = salvezi linia CTRL + [ 1 - 9 ] = mergi la linia salvata
  5. Salut sa-mp.ro, am sa fac o serie de tutoriale pe întelesul tuturor. Scurt istoric: Limbajul de programare PAWN a fost creeat de ITB CompuPhase prima editie aparând în anul 1998. Limbajul PAWN are fost scris dinamic si influentat de Small-C. Ce face PAWN asta, de este asa de interesant? Pai simplu el este folosit în multe jocuri printre care enumeram GTA San Andreas, Counter strike: Source, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Left 4 Dead etc. Mai putem adauga ca nu este chiar asa de greu de utilizat. Cam asta a fost introducerea in PAWN.
  6. Ma omule comanda e buna, updateaza in db. Dar daca tu ai parola 123456 si o pui tot 123456 vrei sa fie alt hash?
  7. Dupa cum spune titlul am conceput un sistem de admin care foloseste MySQL( r38 ), Zcmd( 0.3.1 ), Sscanf( 2.8.1 ), Whirlpool( 1.0 ), Foreach( IDK ). Sistemul are: V.I.P: Acest sistem contine 12 comenzi de VIP. Admin: Acest sistem contine 34 comenzi de Admin. Coins: Are comenzile /setcoins, /givecoins ( Nu apare la /status ) Anti-Cheat: Docamdata are doar anti money hack. Cateva poze. [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] Download -> SolidFiles -> GirlShare -> 2Shared -> VirusTotal( Daca musai sa fie )
  8. Da comanda facuta de mine ai incercat-o macar?
  9. Adaugă asta în scriptul Y_INI. [pawn] enum pInfo { pPass[ 50 ], pCash, pAdmin, pKills, pDeaths } new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo]; forward LoadUser_data( playerid, name[ ], value[ ] ); public LoadUser_data( playerid, name [ ], value[ ] ) { INI_String( "Password", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPass ] ); INI_Int( "Cash", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pCash ]); INI_Int( "Admin", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pAdmin ] ); INI_Int( "Kills", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pKills ] ); INI_Int( "Deaths", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDeaths ] ); return 1; } public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { switch( dialogid ) { case DIALOG_REGISTER: { if (!response) return Kick(playerid); if(response) { if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, ""COLOR_WHITE"Inregistrare",""COLOR_RED"Parola scrisa GRESIT!\n"COLOR_WHITE"Tastati parola corecta pentru a va conecta.","Register","Quit"); new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid)); INI_SetTag(File,"data"); INI_WriteString( File, "Password", inputtext ); INI_WriteInt(File,"pMoney",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Admin",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Kills",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Deaths",0); INI_Close(File); SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, 0, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); SpawnPlayer(playerid); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SUCCESS_1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,""COLOR_WHITE"Succes!",""COLOR_GREEN"Bun venit pe BlackFlash RPG!","Ok",""); } } case DIALOG_LOGIN: { if ( !response ) return Kick ( playerid ); if( response ) { if( strcmp( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPass ], inputtext, true ) == 0 ) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney]); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SUCCESS_2, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,""COLOR_WHITE"Succes!",""COLOR_GREEN"Cont creat cu succes!","Ok",""); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,""COLOR_WHITE"Login",""COLOR_RED"Parola introdusa gresit.\n"COLOR_WHITE"Tasteaza-ti parola pentru a te loga.","Login","Quit"); } return 1; } } } return 1; } [/pawn]
  10. Poftim, acum poti da kick si fondatorului doar sa fi fondator. [pawn] if( PlayerData[ giveplayerid ][ pAdmin ] >= 1337 && PlayerData[ playerid ][ pAdmin ] != 1337 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Nu poti da kick Fondatorului.");[/pawn]
  11. Stiam eu ca il faci doar sa il postezi. De la mine sa nu mai ceri ajutor. Si in privinta sistemelor, sistemu de masini dinamice, dar fi atent toate masinile si cele de la job-uri, personale, factiuni etc.
  12. Tot ce vad in scriptul tau gresit este asta [pawn] GasesteReclama( Text[ ] ); //pune cu ";" [/pawn]
  13. Trebuia să spui că nu ai făcut totul singur. Din descriere "Made by Martyz, Alpacino and NexT". Oricum felicitari mapa arata tare rau :x.
  14. Foloseste /rcon login parola gen /rcon login RoWareMere, dar sa fie parola ta rcon.
  15. eXorcism


    Pune asta: public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { printf ( "%s ( id: %d ) has killed by %s ( id: %d ) | Weapon: %d" , PlayerName ( playerid ) , playerid , PlayerName ( killerid ) , killerid , reason ) ; ForceDead( playerid ); if ( ( GetTickCount ( ) - DeathTime [ playerid ] < 3000 ) && ( PlayerIsDeath [ playerid ] == 0 ) ) { format ( gString , sizeof ( gString ) , ""ROSU3"AdmCmd: %s has detected possible Suicide Cheat." , PlayerName ( playerid ) ) ; AdminsMessage ( -1 , gString ) ; Kick ( playerid ) ; } DeathTime [ playerid ] = GetTickCount ( ) ; if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 0 ) { Kick ( playerid ) ; return 1 ; } //======================== Hitman Undercover =================================== if( HitmanUndercover[ playerid ] == true ) { SetPlayerColor( playerid, 0xB22222FF); HitmanUndercover[ playerid ] = false; } //======================================= GPS ================================== if( GPSOn[ playerid ] == 1 ) { GPSOn[ playerid ] = 0; LocationType[ playerid ] = 0; SCM( playerid, -1, ""GRI"GPS has stopped, open it using /gps." ); DisablePlayerCheckpoint( playerid ); CP[ playerid ] = 0; DestroyObject( GPSObject[ playerid ] ); TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, TextdrawGPS[ playerid ] ); } //=================================== TextDraws ================================ TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, TextdrawSpeedometer[ playerid ][ 0 ] ); TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, TextdrawSpeedometer[ playerid ][ 1 ] ); TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, TextdrawSpeedometer[ playerid ][ 2 ] ); //=================================== Checkpoint =============================== DisablePlayerCheckpoint( playerid ); DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint( playerid ); CP[ playerid ] = 0; RCP[ playerid ] = 0; new string[256]; if( killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID ) { if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 && PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) { if( reason == 255 && !PlayersDistance( 1, playerid, killerid ) ) { format( string, sizeof( string ), ""ROSU3"(Warning): Player %s (ID:%d) has disconnected from the server for possible Fake-Kill.", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid ); AdminsMessage( -1, string ); SetTimerEx( "KickTimer", 1000, false, "i", playerid ); } } } if ( killerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID ) { if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 && PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pWantedLevel ] > 0 ) { foreach (Player , i) { if ( IsPlayerConnected ( i ) && PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 && IsACOPMember ( i ) && CopDuty [ i ] == 1 ) { if ( PlayersDistance ( 20 , playerid , i ) ) { if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pWantedLevel ] == 1 ) { PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] = 300 ; } else if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pWantedLevel ] == 2 ) { PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] = 600 ; } else if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pWantedLevel ] == 3 ) { PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] = 900 ; } else if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pWantedLevel ] == 4 ) { PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] = 1200 ; } else if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pWantedLevel ] == 5 ) { PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] = 1500 ; } else if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pWantedLevel ] == 6 ) { PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] = 1800 ; } PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pWantedLevel ] = 0; SetPlayerWantedLevel ( playerid , 0 ) ; PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pCash ] -= PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] + 750 ; PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pWantedDownTime ] = 0 ; format ( SQLString , sizeof ( SQLString ) , "UPDATE `%s` SET `JailTime` = '%d' , `WantedLevel` = '0' , `Cash` = '%d' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'" , DBNAME_USERS , PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] , PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pCash ] , PlayerName ( playerid ) ) ; mysql_function_query ( gHandle , SQLString , false , "SendQuery" , "" ) ; PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pCash ] += PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] + 750 ; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , "~w~Running Suspect~r~Killed~n~~w~Bonus~b~+~g~%s~y~$" , FormatMoney ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] + 750 ) ) ; GameTextForPlayer ( i , string , 5000 , 1 ) ; format ( SQLString , sizeof ( SQLString ) , "UPDATE `%s` SET `Cash` = '%d' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'" , DBNAME_USERS , PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pCash ] , PlayerName ( i ) ) ; mysql_function_query ( gHandle , SQLString , false , "SendQuery" , "" ) ; } } } if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] > 0 ) { format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""ColorF1"» Player %s have been arrested for %d seconds." , PlayerName( playerid ), PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] ) ; SendClientMessageToAll ( -1 , string ) ; } } } if ( killerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID ) { if ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) { if ( Robbing [ playerid ] == true ) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint ( playerid ) ; CP [ playerid ] = 0 ; Robbing [ playerid ] = false ; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""CREM">> News Los Santos: Player %s failed breaking the bank." , PlayerName ( playerid ) ) ; SendClientMessageToAll ( -1 , string ) ; } } } if( killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID ) { if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 && PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) { if( ( PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pAdminLevel ] > 0 ) && ( GetPlayerInterior( killerid ) == 1 ) && ( GetPlayerVirtualWorld( killerid ) == 1 ) ) { return 1; } if ( ( GunGameTeam [ playerid ] != 0 ) && ( GunGameTeam [ killerid ] != 0 ) ) { new SkillName [ 64 ]; if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 1 ) { SkillName = "Brass Knuckles"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 2 ) { SkillName = "Baseball Bat"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 3 ) { SkillName = "Katana"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 4 ) { SkillName = "Knife & Silenced 9mm"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 5 ) { SkillName = "Knife & 9mm"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 6 ) { SkillName = "Knife & Desert Eagle"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 7 ) { SkillName = "Knife & MP5"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 8 ) { SkillName = "Knife & Tec-9"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 9 ) { SkillName = "Knife & Micro SMG/Uzi"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 10 ) { SkillName = "Knife & Sawnoff Shotgun"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 11 ) { SkillName = "Knife & Combat Shotgun"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 12 ) { SkillName = "Knife & Shotgun"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 13 ) { SkillName = "Knife & Country Rifle"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 14 ) { SkillName = "Knife & AK-47"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 15 ) { SkillName = "Knife & M4"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 16 ) { SkillName = "Knife & Sniper Rifle"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 17 ) { SkillName = "Knife & Grenade"; } else if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 18 ) { SkillName = "Satchel Charge & Detonator"; } if ( GunGameTeam [ killerid ] == GunGameTeam [ playerid ] ) { if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] > 1 ) { if ( GunGameKills [ killerid ] > 0 ) { GunGameKills [ killerid ] -= 1; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""VERDEDESCHIS2"GunGame INFO: Deoarece ti-ai atacat coechipierul (%s) ai pierdut un kill (%d total kills)" , PlayerName ( playerid ) , GunGameKills [ killerid ] ); SCM ( killerid , -1 , string ); if ( GunGameKills [ killerid ] == 0 ) { GunGameKills [ killerid ] = 3; GunGameSkill [ killerid ] -= 1; } } } if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 1 ) { GunGameKills [ killerid ] = 0; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""VERDEDESCHIS2"GunGame INFO: Deoarece ti-ai atacat coechipierul (%s) ai pierdut un kill (%d total kills)" , PlayerName ( playerid ) , GunGameKills [ killerid ] ); SCM ( killerid , -1 , string ); } } if ( GunGameTeam [ killerid ] != GunGameTeam [ playerid ] ) { if ( ( reason == 4 ) && ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] < 18 ) ) { // Omoara cu cutit GunGameSkill [ killerid ] += 1; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""VERDEDESCHIS2"GunGame INFO: Deoarece l-ai omorat pe %s cu lama ai avansat un skill ( Skill Level %d )" , PlayerName ( playerid ) , GunGameSkill [ killerid ] ); SCM ( killerid , -1 , string ); GunGameSkill [ playerid ] -= 1; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""VERDEDESCHIS2"GunGame INFO: Deoarece ai fost omorat cu lama de catre %s ai pierdut un skill ( Skill Level %d )" , PlayerName ( killerid ) , GunGameSkill [ playerid ] ); SCM ( playerid , -1 , string ); format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""VERDEDESCHIS"GunGame INFO: %s a ajuns la Skill Level %d ( %s )." , PlayerName ( killerid ) , GunGameSkill [ killerid ] , SkillName ); for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if ( ( IsPlayerConnected ( i ) ) && ( PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) && ( GunGameTeam [ i ] != 0 ) ) { SCM ( i , -1 , string ); } } if ( killerid == LeadAtGunGame ( ) ) { format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""ROSU2"GunGame INFO: %s a devenit lider cu Skill Level %d ( %s )" , PlayerName ( LeadAtGunGame ( ) ) , GunGameSkill [ LeadAtGunGame ( ) ] , SkillName ); for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if ( ( IsPlayerConnected ( i ) ) && ( PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) && ( GunGameTeam [ i ] != 0 ) ) { SCM ( i , -1 , string ); } } } GunGameWeapon ( killerid ); GunGameWeapon ( playerid ); } if ( reason != 4 ) { if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 18 ) { format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""GALBEN"GunGame INFO: %s a iesit castigator la partida de GunGame. Felicitari !" , PlayerName ( killerid ) ); SendClientMessageToAll ( -1 , string ); for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if ( ( IsPlayerConnected ( i ) ) && ( PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) && ( GunGameTeam [ i ] != 0 ) ) { GunGameTeam [ i ] = 0; ResetPlayerWeaponsEx ( i ); SetPlayerArmour ( i , 0 ); SetPlayerPos ( i , 1615.5863 , -1494.4757 , 14.2319 ); SetPlayerInterior ( i , 0 ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld ( i , 0 ); GunGameKills [ i ] = 0; GunGameSkill [ i ] = 0; } } } if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] < 18 ) { if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 1 || GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 2 || GunGameSkill [ killerid ] == 3 ) { GunGameSkill [ killerid ] += 1; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""VERDEDESCHIS"GunGame INFO: %s a ajuns la Skill Level %d ( %s )." , PlayerName ( killerid ) , GunGameSkill [ killerid ] , SkillName ); for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if ( ( IsPlayerConnected ( i ) ) && ( PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) && ( GunGameTeam [ i ] != 0 ) ) { SCM ( i , -1 , string ); } } if ( killerid == LeadAtGunGame ( ) ) { format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""ROSU2"GunGame INFO: %s a devenit lider cu Skill Level %d ( %s )" , PlayerName ( LeadAtGunGame ( ) ) , GunGameSkill [ LeadAtGunGame ( ) ] , SkillName ); for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if ( ( IsPlayerConnected ( i ) ) && ( PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) && ( GunGameTeam [ i ] != 0 ) ) { SCM ( i , -1 , string ); } } } } if ( GunGameSkill [ killerid ] > 3 ) { GunGameKills [ killerid ] += 1; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""VERDEDESCHIS2"GunGame INFO: Deoarece ai omorat un rival (%s) ai primit un kill (%d total kills)" , PlayerName ( playerid ) , GunGameKills [ killerid ] ); SCM ( killerid , -1 , string ); if ( GunGameKills [ killerid ] >= 3 ) { GunGameKills[ killerid ] = 0; GunGameSkill[ killerid ] += 1; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""VERDEDESCHIS"GunGame INFO: %s a ajuns la Skill Level %d ( %s )." , PlayerName ( killerid ) , GunGameSkill [ killerid ] , SkillName ); for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if ( ( IsPlayerConnected ( i ) ) && ( PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) && ( GunGameTeam [ i ] != 0 ) ) { SCM ( i , -1 , string ); } } if ( killerid == LeadAtGunGame ( ) ) { format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""ROSU2"GunGame INFO: %s a devenit lider cu Skill Level %d ( %s )" , PlayerName ( LeadAtGunGame ( ) ) , GunGameSkill [ LeadAtGunGame ( ) ] , SkillName ); for ( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if ( ( IsPlayerConnected ( i ) ) && ( PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) && ( GunGameTeam [ i ] != 0 ) ) { SCM ( i , -1 , string ); } } } } } GunGameWeapon ( killerid ); } } } } if( PlayerAtPaint[ playerid ] == true && PlayerAtPaint[ killerid ] == true ) { // Player participant la Paintball TotalPaintKills[ killerid ] += 1; format( string, sizeof( string ), ""ALB"Paintball INFO: You were killed by %s.", PlayerName( killerid ) ); SCM( playerid, -1, string ); format( string, sizeof( string ), ""ALB"Paintball INFO: You killed %s, have accumulated %d kills.", PlayerName( playerid ), TotalPaintKills[ killerid ] ); SCM( killerid, -1, string ); if( killerid == BestPlayerAtPaint( ) ) { foreach(Player, i) { if( PlayerAtPaint[ i ] == true ) { format( string, sizeof( string ), ""ALB"Paintball INFO: %s is lead with %d kills.", PlayerName( BestPlayerAtPaint( ) ), TotalPaintKills[ BestPlayerAtPaint( ) ] ); SCM( i, -1, string ); } } } } if( ( FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fInWar ] == 1 ) && ( FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fTurfAtacked ] == FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fTurfAtacked ] ) && ( IsPlayerInArea( killerid, TurfInfo[ FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fTurfAtacked ] ][ tPos ][ 0 ], TurfInfo[ FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fTurfAtacked ] ][ tPos ][ 1 ], TurfInfo[ FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fTurfAtacked ] ][ tPos ][ 2 ], TurfInfo[ FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fTurfAtacked ] ][ tPos ][ 3 ] ) ) && ( PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] != PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ) ) { FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fWarScore ] += 1; format( string, sizeof( string ), "%s - %d points", FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fName ], FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fWarScore ] ); PlayerInfo [ killerid ] [ pRWKills ] += 1; PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pRWDeaths ] += 1; for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if( ( IsPlayerConnected( i ) ) && ( PlayerInfo[ i ][ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 ) && ( PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] == PlayerInfo[ i ][ pMemberFaction ] ) ) { TextDrawSetString ( TextdrawRivalWar [ i ] [ 0 ] , string ); TextDrawShowForPlayer ( i, TextdrawRivalWar [ i ] [ 0 ] ); } } } if( TintaID[ killerid ] == playerid && PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pValoareContract ] > 0 && IsAHitmanAgencyMember( killerid ) ) { format( string, sizeof( string ), ""GALBEN"* Hitman member %s succeeded in killing %s has collected and the amount of %s.", PlayerName( killerid ), PlayerName( playerid ), FormatMoney( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pValoareContract ] ) ); FactionMessage( 5, -1, string ); format( string, sizeof( string ), ""ROSU2"You receive the amount %s for you killed %s and you have fulfilled the contract.", FormatMoney( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pValoareContract ] ), PlayerName( playerid ) ); SCM( killerid, -1, string ); PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pCash ] += PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pValoareContract ]; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pValoareContract ] = 0; format( SQLString, sizeof( SQLString ), "UPDATE `users` SET `ValoareContract` = '0' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'", PlayerName( playerid ) ); mysql_function_query( gHandle, SQLString, false, "SendQuery", "" ); format( SQLString, sizeof( SQLString ), "UPDATE `users` SET `Cash` = '%d' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'", PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pCash ], PlayerName( killerid ) ); mysql_function_query( gHandle, SQLString, false, "SendQuery", "" ); AsasinID[ playerid ] = 499; TintaID[ killerid ] = 499; SetPlayerColor( killerid, 0xB22222FF); HitmanUndercover[ killerid ] = false; TogglePlayerControllable ( killerid , true ) ; } if ( Robbing [ playerid ] == true ) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint ( playerid ) ; CP [ playerid ] = 0 ; Robbing [ playerid ] = false ; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , ""CREM">> News Los Santos: Player %s failed breaking the bank." , PlayerName ( playerid ) ) ; SendClientMessageToAll ( -1 , string ) ; } if( PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pWantedLevel ] < 6 && !IsACOPMember( killerid ) && PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pJailTime ] < 1 && PlayerAtPaint[ killerid ] == false && FactionInfo[ PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ][ fInWar ] == 0 && GunGameTeam [ killerid ] == 0 && TintaID [ killerid ] == 499 && ( PlayerInterior [ killerid ] [ 1 ] != 0 && PlayerInterior [ playerid ] [ 1 ] == PlayerInterior [ killerid ] [ 1 ] ) ) { if( ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pMemberFaction ] != PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pMemberFaction ] ) && ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pMemberFaction ] > 0 ) ) { PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pWantedLevel ] += 1; SetPlayerWantedLevel( killerid, PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pWantedLevel ] ); PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pKills ] += 1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDeaths ] += 1; PlayerInfo [ killerid ] [ pWantedDownTime ] = 15 ; format( string, sizeof( string ), ""ROSU2"You committed a crime (+1 WantedLevel). Reporter: %s.", PlayerName( playerid ) ); SCM( killerid, -1, string ); format( string, sizeof( string ), ""ALBASTRU5"Player %s (ID:%d) has committed a crime (%d WantedLevel).", PlayerName( killerid ), killerid, PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pWantedLevel ] ); DepartmentMessage( -1, string ); format( SQLString, sizeof( SQLString ), "UPDATE `users` SET `WantedLevel` = '%d', `Kills` = '%d' , `WantedDownTime` = '15' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'", PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pWantedLevel ], PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pKills ], PlayerName( killerid ) ); mysql_function_query( gHandle, SQLString, false, "SendQuery", "" ); format( SQLString, sizeof( SQLString ), "UPDATE `users` SET `Deaths` = '%d' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDeaths ], PlayerName( playerid ) ); mysql_function_query( gHandle, SQLString, false, "SendQuery", "" ); } else if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pMemberFaction ] == 0 ) { PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pWantedLevel ] += 1; SetPlayerWantedLevel( killerid, PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pWantedLevel ] ); PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pKills ] += 1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDeaths ] += 1; PlayerInfo [ killerid ] [ pWantedDownTime ] = 15 ; format( string, sizeof( string ), ""ROSU2"You committed a crime (+1 WantedLevel). Reporter: %s.", PlayerName( playerid ) ); SCM( killerid, -1, string ); format( string, sizeof( string ), ""ALBASTRU5"Player %s (ID:%d) has committed a crime (%d WantedLevel).", PlayerName( killerid ), killerid, PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pWantedLevel ] ); DepartmentMessage( -1, string ); format( SQLString, sizeof( SQLString ), "UPDATE `users` SET `WantedLevel` = '%d', `Kills` = '%d' , `WantedDownTime` = '15' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'", PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pWantedLevel ], PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pKills ], PlayerName( killerid ) ); mysql_function_query( gHandle, SQLString, false, "SendQuery", "" ); format( SQLString, sizeof( SQLString ), "UPDATE `users` SET `Deaths` = '%d' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDeaths ], PlayerName( playerid ) ); mysql_function_query( gHandle, SQLString, false, "SendQuery", "" ); } } if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pWantedLevel ] > 0 ) { if( IsACOPMember( killerid ) ) { if( CopDuty[ killerid ] == 0 ) return SCM( killerid, -1, ""GRI"This player had wanted but. he went into jail because you were off duty." ); if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pWantedLevel ] == 1 ) { PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ] = 300; } else if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pWantedLevel ] == 2 ) { PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ] = 600; } else if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pWantedLevel ] == 3 ) { PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ] = 900; } else if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pWantedLevel ] == 4 ) { PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ] = 1200; } else if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pWantedLevel ] == 5 ) { PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ] = 1500; } else if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pWantedLevel ] == 6 ) { PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ] = 1800; } PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pWantedDeaths ] += 1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pWantedLevel ] = 0; SetPlayerWantedLevel( playerid, 0 ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pCash ] -= PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ] + 750; PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pCash ] += PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ] + 750; PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pWantedDownTime ] = 0 ; format( string, sizeof( string ), "~w~Running Suspect~r~Killed~n~~w~Bonus~b~+~g~%s~y~$", FormatMoney( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ] + 750 ) ); GameTextForPlayer( killerid, string, 5000, 1 ); format( SQLString, sizeof( SQLString ), "UPDATE `users` SET `JailTime` = '%d', `WantedDeaths` = '%d', `WantedLevel` = '0', `Cash` = '%d' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'", PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pWantedDeaths ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pCash ], PlayerName( playerid ) ); mysql_function_query( gHandle, SQLString, false, "SendQuery", "" ); format( SQLString, sizeof( SQLString ), "UPDATE `users` SET `Cash` = '%d' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'", PlayerInfo[ killerid ][ pCash ], PlayerName( killerid ) ); mysql_function_query( gHandle, SQLString, false, "SendQuery", "" ); format( string, sizeof( string ), ""ColorF1"» Player %s has killed by cop %s he went to jail for %d seconds.", PlayerName( playerid ), PlayerName( killerid ), PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pJailTime ] ); SendClientMessageToAll( -1, string ); foreach (Player , i) { if ( IsPlayerConnected ( i ) && PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pPlayerConnected ] == 1 && IsACOPMember ( i ) && CopDuty [ i ] == 1 ) { if ( PlayersDistance ( 20 , playerid , i ) ) { if ( i != killerid ) { PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pCash ] += PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] + 750 ; format ( string , sizeof ( string ) , "~w~Running Suspect~r~Killed~n~~w~Bonus~b~+~g~%s~y~$" , FormatMoney ( PlayerInfo [ playerid ] [ pJailTime ] + 750 ) ) ; GameTextForPlayer ( i , string , 5000 , 1 ) ; format ( SQLString , sizeof ( SQLString ) , "UPDATE `%s` SET `Cash` = '%d' WHERE `UserName` = '%s'" , DBNAME_USERS , PlayerInfo [ i ] [ pCash ] , PlayerName ( i ) ) ; mysql_function_query ( gHandle , SQLString , false , "SendQuery" , "" ) ; } } } } } } } return 1; } return 1; }
  16. Ai dă satan. Ai inclus ma a_samp ?
  17. Greu era sa scri pe domnu google properties.inc dar noh.
  18. [pawn] public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { switch( dialogid ) { case DIALOG_REGISTER: { if (!response) return Kick(playerid); if(response) { if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, ""COLOR_WHITE"Inregistrare",""COLOR_RED"Parola scrisa GRESIT!\n"COLOR_WHITE"Tastati parola corecta pentru a va conecta.","Register","Quit"); new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid)); INI_SetTag(File,"data"); INI_WriteString( File, "Password", inputtext ); INI_WriteInt(File,"pMoney",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Admin",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Kills",0); INI_WriteInt(File,"Deaths",0); INI_Close(File); SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, 0, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); SpawnPlayer(playerid); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SUCCESS_1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,""COLOR_WHITE"Succes!",""COLOR_GREEN"Bun venit pe BlackFlash RPG!","Ok",""); } } case DIALOG_LOGIN: { if ( !response ) return Kick ( playerid ); if( response ) { if(inputtext == PlayerInfo[playerid][pPass]) { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pMoney]); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SUCCESS_2, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,""COLOR_WHITE"Succes!",""COLOR_GREEN"Cont creat cu succes!","Ok",""); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,""COLOR_WHITE"Login",""COLOR_RED"Parola introdusa gresit.\n"COLOR_WHITE"Tasteaza-ti parola pentru a te loga.","Login","Quit"); } return 1; } } } return 1; }[/pawn] Dă şi publicul de loadare.
  19. Poftim. [pawn] public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { if( PlayerPaintballing[ playerid ] == 1 ) { ResetPlayerWeaponsEx( playerid ); GivePlayerWeaponEx( playerid, 29, 999 ); rand = random( sizeof( PaintballSpawns ) ); SetPlayerPos( playerid, PaintballSpawns[ rand ][ 0 ], PaintballSpawns[ rand ][ 1 ], PaintballSpawns[ rand ][ 2 ] ); } //Celelalte coduri return 1; }[/pawn]
  20. Poftim: [pawn] if(strcmp(cmd, "/fill", true) == 0) { if( !IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) ) return 1; new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), Litri = 0; tmp = strtok( cmdtext, idx ); if( !strlen( tmp ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Use{FFFFFF}: /fill [numar litri]" ); Litri = strval( tmp ); if( !IsAtGasStation( playerid ) ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Nu esti intr-o benzinarie!"); if( Litri > GasMax || Litri == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTRED,"ServeR: Ne pare rau, nu poti introduce in rezervor litri de benzina doriti." ); if( GetPlayerMoneyEx( playerid ) < Litri * SBizzInfo[ 3 ][ sbEntranceCost ] ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "{DBED15}Angajat peco:{15D4ED} Nu ai destui bani, pentru a achita benzina." ); GetVehicleParamsEx( vid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective ); if(engine == true) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "{DBED15}Angajat peco:{15D4ED} Nu alimentam masinile cu motorul in functiune." ); GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~w~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~Alimentare masina, te rugam asteapta...",2000,3); SetTimerEx("FillUp", RefuelWait, false, "i", playerid); Refueling[playerid] = 1; CaridRefuel[playerid] = vid; RefuelPrice[playerid] = Litri * SBizzInfo[3][sbEntranceCost]; RefuelLitri[playerid] = Litri; return 1; }[/pawn]
  21. Banuiesc ca folosesti metoda de hash din y_users nu? Adica "Player_HashPass(pass[], target[]);". Acea metoda de hash a fost scoasa din libraria YSI, schimba in WP_Hash cam asa: [pawn] native WP_Hash( buffer[ ], len, const str[ ] ); new ParolaHasurata[ 129 ]; WP_Hash(ParolaHasurata, sizeof( ParolaHasurata ), "Ana are mere.");[/pawn] Si ca sa incluzi libraria YSI parca trebuia sa pui include cu include nu tot folderul odata. P.S: Mai incearca sa stergi si "#error Default hash removed: See YSI topic for details. // Linia 150"
  22. Încearcă aşa: dcmd_setplevel(playerid, params[ ])//Set a player level { new Playa, iAmount; if( sscanf( params, "ud", Playa, iAmount ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "{FF0000}[ERROR]{FFFFFF}Usage: /setplevel [PlayerID] [Level]" ); PlayerInfo[Playa][pLevel] = iAmount; dini_IntSet( PFile( Playa ), "pLevel", PlayerInfo[ Playa ][ pLevel ] ); return 1; }
  23. Deasupra ultimei erori pune: forward NumeleStockului/publicului( parametrii );
  24. eXorcism


    Asta ar fi o rezolvare. [pawn] stock ForceDead( playerid ) { return ApplyAnimation(playerid, "FINALE2", "FIN_Cop1_Fall ", 4.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); }[/pawn] Da tot OnPlayerDeath, daca nu poti posta pe forum pune pe pastebin si lasa link.
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