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Everything posted by Roach

  1. WTF?!?! Ai ceva de genu: new PlayerTeam = GetPlayerTeam( playerid ); Inafara unui Callback... Intelegi ? EDIT: Incearca sa iti UPDATEZI Streamer, Pawno Compiler si celelalte Plugin-uri...
  2. Dane public OnPlayerText din GM tau...
  3. Roach


    Foloseste SSCANF cu inputtext, adica asa: if( sscanf( inputtext, "s[24]", inputtext[ 0 ] ) ) EDIT: if ( dialogid == RegDialog ) { if ( !response ) return Kick( playerd ); if( sscanf( inputtext, "s[24]", inputtext[ 0 ] ) ) { new rstr[ 512 ]; format( rstr, sizeof( rstr ), "{FFFFFF}Welcome {FFFF00}%s {FFFFFF}on {0000BB}Romania {FFFF00}Apocalypse {E60000}Stunt\n\n{FFFFFF}Please register to save your stats!: {FF5500}Score, Money, Coins...\n{FF5500}Password:", PlayerName( playerid ) ); return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, RegDialog, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{E60000}Register", rstr,"Register", "Let's Play" ), ( 0 ); } if( IsNull( inputtext[ 0 ] ) ) { new rstr[ 512 ]; format( rstr, sizeof( rstr ), "{E60000}ERROR!: {FFFFFF}You must type a password if you want to register!\n\n\n{FFFFFF}Welcome {FFFF00}%s {FFFFFF}on {0000BB}Romania {FFFF00}Apocalypse {E60000}Stunt\n\n{FFFFFF}Please register to save your stats!: {FF5500}Score, Money, Coins...\n{FF5500}Password:", PlayerName( playerid ) ); return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, RegDialog, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{E60000}Register", rstr,"Register", "Let's Play" ), ( 0 ); } if ( strlen( inputtext ) < 5 || strlen( inputtext ) > 24 ) { new rstr[ 512 ]; format( rstr, sizeof( rstr ), "{E60000}ERROR!: {FFFFFF}The password must be between 6 and 24 characters!\n\n\n{FFFFFF}Welcome {FFFF00}%s {FFFFFF}on {0000BB}Romania {FFFF00}Apocalypse {E60000}Stunt\n\n{FFFFFF}Please register to save your stats!: {FF5500}Score, Money, Coins...\n{FF5500}Password:", PlayerName( playerid ) ); return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, RegDialog, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "{E60000}Register", rstr,"Register", "Let's Play" ), ( 0 ); } if ( udb_Create( PlayerName2( playerid ), inputtext ) ) { new file[ 256 ], tmp3[ 100 ]; new strdate[ 20 ], year,month,day; getdate( year, month, day ); format( file, sizeof( file ), "/ladmin/users/%s.sav", udb_encode( PlayerName( playerid ) ) ); GetPlayerIp( playerid, tmp3, 100 ); dini_Set( file, "ip", tmp3 ); // dini_Set( file, "password", inputtext ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Registered", 1 ); format( strdate, sizeof( strdate ), "%d/%d/%d", day, month, year ); dini_Set( file, "RegisteredDate", strdate ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "LoggedIn", 1 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Banned", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Level", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Vip", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "LastOn", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Moneys", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Kills", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Deaths", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Hours", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Minutes", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Seconds", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Coins", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "DeathMatchScore", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "RaceScore", 0 ); dUserSetINT( PlayerName2( playerid ) ).( "Rank", 0 ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ LoggedIn ] = 1; PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Registered ] = 1; SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "ACCOUNT: {FFFFFF}You are now registered, and have been automaticaly {33AA33}Logged In!" ); PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); } return 1; }
  4. Roach


    Frumos... 7/10 PS: Schimba numele la Topic si pune Prefix-ul: '[MAP]'
  5. Destul de bun pt Serverele de RP... 4/5
  6. Roach

    Crash Error

    Te bagi tu repede... Cer Topic Locked / Solved
  7. Version 1.5 Updated the First Post Cateva Credite Noi si Mici Update-uri !
  8. Frumos, TUT... Cam urata Descrierea dar Merge 4/5
  9. GF / RP tutorial... Merge 3/5 Puteai sa faci o Descriere mai Frumoasa si o Identitare mai... #First
  10. Defapt, ca a Loat Ban de la RCON Admin... Care poate fii si Consola ;)
  11. #include <JunkbusterFS>, doar asta trebuie in FS
  12. Sau incearca sati instalezi NeT Framework ;)
  13. Daca nu ai ShowPlayerDialog( ... ); la public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) ... Ma refer la Dialog-ul de Register / Login
  14. @Lil_Wayne 2xPost - E prima abatere deci fara Report
  15. Roach


    Ma capcaunilor ), el nu are ZCMD :| PS: Mi-am dat seama ca a zis OnPlayerCommandText ci nu OnPlayerCommandPerformed... :P
  16. Roach


    Razvane eu asa Mam obisnuit si asa imi place :| [pawn]if( !strcmp( cmdtext, "/chat" ) ) { if( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == 0 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "ERROR: You are not On Foot !" ); if( GetPVarInt( playerid, "cAnim" ) == 0 ) { ApplyAnimation( playerid, "PED", "factalk", 4.1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "cAnim", 1 ); } else { ClearAnimations( playerid ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "cAnim", 0 ); } return ( 1 ); }[/pawn] Puneo la OnPlayerCommandText
  17. Roach


    Gresit! CMD:chat( playerid ) { if( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == 0 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "ERROR: You are not On Foot !" ); if( GetPVarInt( playerid, "cAnim" ) == 0 ) { ApplyAnimation( playerid, "PED", "factalk", 4.1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "cAnim", 1 ); } else { ClearAnimations( playerid ); SetPVarInt( playerid, "cAnim", 0 ); } return ( 1 ); } Daca erati atenti Amandoi, Functia ApplyAnimation Are implementat FREEZE
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