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Everything posted by Roach

  1. E bun, dar cam complicat....
  2. Roach


    Foloseste un Pickup sau un Checkpoint ;)
  3. Da, dar daca era cum ai zis tu lipseau mai multe Functii, nu numai 1
  4. Nu ai functia xD Sterge forward PlayerToPoint si Adauga asta jos in Script: [pawn]stock PlayerToPoint( Float: radi, playerid, Float: Z, Float: Y, Float: Z ) { new Float: oP[ 3 ], Float: tP[ 3 ] ; GetPlayerPos( playerid, oP[ 0 ], oP[ 1 ], oP[ 2 ] ); tP[ 0 ] = ( oP[ 0 ] - X ); tP[ 1 ] = ( oP[ 1 ] - Y ); tP[ 2 ] = ( oP[ 2 ] - Z ); if( ( ( tP[ 0 ] < radi ) && ( tP[ 0 ] > - radi ) ) && ( ( tP[ 1 ] < radi ) && ( tP[ 1 ] > - radi ) ) && ( ( tP[ 2 ] < radi ) && ( tP[ 2 ] > - radi) ) ) return ( 1 ); return ( 0 ); }[/pawn]
  5. Ms tuturor, si ms Ryder, nu miam dat seama ), pana acuma nu am facut un Include si eram obisnuit cu Tag-ul [FS]
  6. Introduction Mi-a venit aceasta idee in minte cand m-am uitat la Comanda NRG in Gamemode-ul meu... Merge cu orice masina, ca sa stiti cum sa il folositi Uitativa in Include sau la How to Use Features y_hooks - Hook any callback in one line! How to use VEH:411( playerid ); // Or VEH( 411, playerid ); native VEH( vehID, playerid ); Versions v1.5 Credits to Zeex for ZCMD and for VEH:(...) ideea. Credits to stuntman from some ideeas and councils. Credits to Y_Less for y_hook and all the YSI Library. Credits to Roach for this Include ) . Removed pVeh Variable. Added pVariable. Added Y_HOOKS ! ! ! Added Hook Function... Added 'Destroy This F**ing Vehicle when Player Disconnect.' v1.0 Credits to Zeex for ZCMD and for VEH:(...) ideea. Credits to stuntman from some ideeas and councils. Credits to Roach for this Include ) . First release... Added Public: Define( aka fc | function ). Added pVeh Variable for All Players. Added Personal Vehicle Function. Added VEH: Define. ( Thanks ZeeX ) Updated the function to the Final. Installation 1. Scoate toate Filele din Arhiva .rar si punele intr-un Folder. 2. Copiaza filele din Folder-ul Includes in .../pawno/includes. Download v1.5 Direct | Mirror v1.0 Direct | Mirror Accept 'mirrors' la Download. Daca gasiti vre-un BUG, Postat-il aici.
  7. Dane Dialog-ul de la OnDialogResponse, ala de Login ;)
  8. Roach


    Misto mapa xD 4/5
  9. Roach

    Pawn Directives

    Frumos Tutorial, Rock...
  10. new Radio[ 9 ][ MAX_PLAYERS ]; Oricum eu zic ca nu este facut de tine :-?
  11. Roach

    [MAP]Primarie LS

    Destul de tare pentru rp xD 5/5
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