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Everything posted by (SE)SoNNy

  1. Se lucreaza asa de mult incat o sa scoata cate un RC pe luna. Oricum au facut o prostie cu /fontsize si au dat peste cap si dialogurile.
  2. Sunt 240 obiecte noi Acolo sunt prezentate doar cateva si legat de coliziune... e vorba de vehiculele conduse de altii adica asa cum e in MTA Ghost Mode. Nu trec jucatorii fara masini prin ele.
  3. Adica.... serios?! Baiatule, dupa ce un player isi creeaza o factiune si teritoriul respectiv, unde faci cu salvarea in fisier?
  4. Daca vii si cu un log de la "crashdetect" poate o ne va fi mai usor sa te ajutam
  5. Foloseste pluginul crashdetect si vezi care e treaba cu el
  6. Depinde ce cunostinte ai tu... eventual poti folosi functia IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint si http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/OnPlayerKeyStateChange
  7. Serios ca mi-ati sters raspunsul...? Dupa ce ca tot pe mine m-a intrebat prin PM-uri ce sa faca.
  8. Vrei sa rulezi plugins de pe linux pe windows. TC: Cererile de ajutor nu au voie sa contina id-uri de Yahoo Messenger / Skype / etc..
  9. Problema e din Update(para1, pDonateRankx); posteaza acea functie.
  10. Omul a zis "daca stiam o faceam eu" ... Tutoriale: http://forum.sa-mp.com/forumdisplay.php?f=70 http://www.sa-mp.ro/forums/forum/353-tutoriale/
  11. strcat(BigString, "n", 1900 ); Serios? ) Known, ai uitat si de: warning 219: local variable "BigString" shadows a variable at a preceding level CMD:credits( playerid, params[] ) { #pragma unused params new CString[ 2048 ]; CString[ 0 ] = EOS; strcat(CString, "{168ADD}Te-ai intrebat vreodata cine a contribui la creerea acestui server?n" ); strcat(CString, "{168ADD}Uite ca iti spunem aici!nn" ); strcat(CString, "{F81414}Scripter GM:n" ); strcat(CString, "{E4EDF4}Daciann" ); strcat(CString, "{E4EDF4}97freshn" ); strcat(CString, "{E4EDF4}xxSPEEDYxxnn" ); strcat(CString, "{F81414}Web Site + Host:n" ); strcat(CString, "{E4EDF4}Dacian ( {ff0000}Web Site Host + Design Forum )n" ); strcat(CString, "{E4EDF4}97fresh ( {ff0000}Sa-mp Host )nn" ); strcat(CString, "{F81414}Creatorii Hartilor:n" ); strcat(CString, "{E4EDF4}Dacian n" ); strcat(CString, "{E4EDF4}97fresh n" ); strcat(CString, "{E4EDF4}[9mm]_LimiTLesS_ nn" ) strcat(CString, "{F81414}Server Owner:n" ); strcat(CString, "{E4EDF4}Dacian n" ); strcat(CString, "{E4EDF4}97fresh" ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_EMPTY, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Credits", CString, "OK","" ); return ( 1 ); }
  12. for(new i = 1; i < sizeof(TurfInfo); i++) { Turfs = GangZoneCreate(TurfInfo[tMinX],TurfInfo[tMinY],TurfInfo[tMaxX],TurfInfo[tMaxY], TurfInfo[tNr], TurfInfo[tNrSize]); } Acest cod trebuie executat dupa incarcarea teritoriilor. Verifica daca se executa in ordinea corecta.
  13. mcmd:ah( playerid, params[] ) { if( !IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) ) return true; new HouseCost ; if( sscanf( params, "i", HouseCost ) ) return SendUsage( playerid, "/createhouse [Cost]" ); if( HouseCost < 200 || HouseCost > 2000 ) return SendError( playerid, "Invalid Value! Only values between 100 and 2.000 coins!" ); new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z ; GetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y, Z ); format( gsQuery, 512, "INSERT INTO `Houses` VALUES(0,'Nobody',%d,%d,0,1,0.00,0.00,0.00,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,0,0.00,0.00,0.00,0)", HouseCost, HouseCost / 2, X, Y, Z ); mysql_tquery( g_Handle, gsQuery, "", "" ); HouseIntID = cache_insert_id( ); SetGVarString( "h_Owner", "Nobody", HouseIntID ); SetGVarInt( "h_Cost", HouseCost, HouseIntID ); SetGVarInt( "h_Sell", HouseCost / 2, HouseIntID ); SetGVarInt( "h_Interior", 0, HouseIntID ); SetGVarInt( "h_Locked", 1, HouseIntID ); SetGVarFloat( "h_IntX", 0.00, HouseIntID ); SetGVarFloat( "h_IntY", 0.00, HouseIntID ); SetGVarFloat( "h_IntZ", 0.00, HouseIntID ); SetGVarFloat( "h_X", X, HouseIntID ); SetGVarFloat( "h_Y", Y, HouseIntID ); SetGVarFloat( "h_Z", Z, HouseIntID ); SetGVarInt( "h_Rent", 1500, HouseIntID ); SetGVarInt( "HousePickup", CreateDynamicPickup( 1273, 23, GetGVarFloat( "h_X", HouseIntID ), GetGVarFloat( "h_Y", HouseIntID ), GetGVarFloat( "h_Z", HouseIntID ) ), HouseIntID ); SetGVarInt( "House3DText", _:CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( "{FF0000}Nobody", ~1, GetGVarFloat( "h_X", HouseIntID ), GetGVarFloat( "h_Y", HouseIntID ), GetGVarFloat( "h_Z", HouseIntID ), 30.0 ), HouseIntID ); SetPlayerPos( playerid, X - 5, Y, Z ); gsString[ 0 ] = EOS; strcat( gsString, "Madd Doggs Mansion (5)n The Johnsons House (3)n Verdant Bluffs Safehouse (8)n Hashbury House (10)n Golden Bed Motel Room (9)n" ); strcat( gsString, "Big Smoke's Crack Palace (2)n House 1 (3)n House 2 (2)n House 3 (1)n House 4 (7)n" ); strcat( gsString, "House 5 (15)n House 6 (15)n House 7 (15)n Ryder's House (2)n Sweets House (1)n Jefferson Motel (15)" ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_HOUSE_INTERIOR, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""W"House Interior", gsString, "(Select)", "(Cancel)" ); SendSuccess( playerid, "You created the house on this position!" ); return true; }
  14. Chiar aveam nevoie de un raspuns de genul...era sa-ti dau "Best Answer". Daca nu ai idee ce se intampla aici gaseste alt thread in care sa faci posts++;
  15. Daca ai ceva cunostinte ai putea sa te folosesti de urmatoarele: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showpost.php?p=1800970&postcount=26 http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=333934
  16. Nu are nicio legatura comanda /v cu scriptul de la OnPlayerDisconnect
  17. La inceputul scriptului pui: static Text3D:pWantedText[MAX_PLAYERS];
  18. if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPcarkey ] != 9999 || PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPcarkey2 ] != 9999 || PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPcarkey3 ] != 9999 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid -1, "Nu mai ai slot-uri disponibile pentru a cumpara alta masina." ); if(PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPcarkey ] == 9999) { PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPcarkey ] = car; } else if(PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPcarkey2 ] == 9999) { PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPcarkey2 ] = car; } else if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPcarkey3 ] == 9999 ) { switch( PlayerInfo[ playerid ] [ pVip ] ) { case 0: SendClientMessage( playerid -1, "Trebuie sa fii VIP pentru a folosi al 3-lea slot!" ); case 1: PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pPcarkey3 ] = car; } }
  19. Se poate face orice dar chiar n-am incercat. Poti eventual sa faci un timer care sa verifice daca sunt mesaje noi intr-o baza de date. Faci un table cu `ServerFeed` si cand dai ban de pe site.. sa bagi in table acele date si sa pui un timestamp dupa care sa verifici.
  20. TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraw0, 0); TextDrawBoxColor(Textdraw0, 0); la fiecare
  21. Am facut aceasta functie pentru /arrest din Cops'n'Robbers asa ca am decis ca ar fi bine sa o impart cu altii.
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