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Everything posted by DarkyTheAngel

  1. Adauga dutilis.inc in folderul pawno/include. In ziua de astazi orice server are comanda /dive.
  2. 1.In primul rand eu nici nu am gamemodurile RSS sau DKR in PC.Singurele comenzi luate de pe alte site-uri/gamemoduri au fost cele cu /stunt. 2.Eu am crezut ca este mai bine un Kill decat un Spawn dar fiecare cu preferintele lui. 3.Chatboxul se poate porni/anula cu /cbon sau /cboff asa ca verifica /cmds. 4.Textdraw-ul de bani nu ti se vede tie pentru ca ai moduri pe GTA.Eu cand l-am facut m-am gandit ca lumea nu are GTA-uri cu moduri. O sa fixez toate problemele la el + o sa adaug ceva mai multe comenzi/systeme in versiunea v1.5 ! Peace :cool:
  3. OFF: Am antivirus si nu am nici un virus. ON : In versiunea v1.5 as vrea niste mape schimbate deci o sa imi iau cativa mapperi.Din profil, mapele arata cam goale dar ele sunt prin tot orasul defapt.
  4. Nu, numai pot downloada de pe orice link solidfiles.Imi spune ca nu este accesibil iar de pe tableta merge perfect.Probabil am eu o problema cu solidfiles ...
  5. Apropo, scuze de urmatoarea intrebarea dar ... ti-e iti merge sa downloadezi de pe solidfiles ?
  6. La IP scrie : localhost:7778 Portul nu este 7777 ci 7778.
  7. Multumesc.Am folosit doar un sistem de culori : alb, albastru, gri, oranj (portocaliu).
  8. Ca sa rezolvati erorile din Pawno, folositi Pawno 0.3e pe care il gasiti mai jos, la sectiunea de descarcari. Cu acel Pawno nu veti primi nici macar o eroare/warning.Multumesc de intelegere ! [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] [img width=500 height=375] Features v1.0: Star event [RCON] Abilitatea de backflip pe un NRG-500 Gamemodul este complet in romana Abilitatea de teleportare dand click 2 pe harta [RCON] Panoul administratorului [RCON] Nitro pe NRG-500 Un sistem de AFK prin textdraw-uri Buy score system iPad system Register/login system Neon system Anims system FightStyle system Colored Moneys system Colored Health system 3D vehicle life system Damage system Deathmatch system Auto Messages system Anti fall off system Snowball minigame Reaction system Tune system Maze system Gang zones Class selection Un OZN in continua miscare +20 textdraw-uri +200 comenzi generale +200 comenzi de teleportare 10676 linii 20963 obiecte Pornire server: Dupa descarcare intrati in folderul cu Stunt King Romania : [img width=500 height=320] Deschide-ti launcherul numit "Stunt King Romania 0.3.exe" : [img width=500 height=199] Apasati "Porneste server-ul" : [img width=500 height=199] Note: Deci ... in primul rand as vrea sa ii multumesc lui Zh3r0 pentru ca fara mapele lui din The Eclipse nu stiu ce as fi facut.Sper sa nu se supere.In al doilea rand vreau sa multumesc comunitatiilor SA-MP.RO si SA-MP.COM pentru membrii care au creat filterscripturile acestea minunate.Acest gamemode a fost creat pentru comunitatea mea dar pentru ca nu am deschis-o as vrea sa va dau voua gamemodul. Download: [download]http://www.solidfiles.com/d/886c635e2c/[/download] [download]http://www.solidfiles.com/d/eca664895b/[/download]
  9. http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/SetPlayerMapIcon http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/MapIcons Succes !
  10. In cazul de fata, va pot da cuvantul meu de "onoare" ca nu am copiat nimic.Stop off-toping.
  11. Multumesc.Pai ... un script ca asta il fac cam in maxim 30 minute )
  12. Stiu ca mai exista multe sisteme de animatii.Am facut acest sistem din lipsa de ocupatie )
  13. Sistemul este foarte usor de folosit. Sistemul foloseste ZCMD. Sistemul are 47 animatii. Poti opri o animatie doar scriind /animsoff. Pastebin : [download]http://pastebin.com/Yx63HkQD[/download] Solidfiles : [download]http://www.solidfiles.com/d/1c7f07009e/[/download]
  14. new nrg[MAX_PLAYERS]; CMD:v_create(playerid, params[]) { DestroyVehicle(nrg[playerid]); GetPlayerPos(playerid,Pos[playerid][1],Pos[playerid][2],Pos[playerid][3]); nrg[playerid]=CreateVehicle(522,Pos[playerid][1],Pos[playerid][2],Pos[playerid][3],0,-1,-1,10); PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid,nrg[playerid], 0); return 1; }
  15. Ar trebui sa postezi scriptul complet pentru ca unii chiar nu stiu cum sa il faca.
  16. Daca imi poti arata de unde sa il downloadez ....
  17. Seamana mai mult a tutorial decat script dar ...
  18. Le-am bagat dar tot nu mergea. I-am facut update de la cea mai veche versiune pana la cea mai noua.Totusi , multumesc ca ati incercat. Am rezolvat problema. - Darky
  19. Peace :wink: Deci ... nu stiu daca am postat unde trebuie si nici nu sunt sigur ce sa scriu in acest topic deci sper ca cineva sa ma ajute.De curand (defapt de ceva timp) m-am apucat de un gamemode , toate bune si frumoase , a mers pana cand am incercat sa ii dau update la versiunea 0.3e si nu a mers.Asa ca am incercat sa il fac 0.3d inapoi si acum numai merge deloc.Pur si simplu imi da crash. Crash info : -------------------------- SA-MP Server: 0.3d-R2 Exception At Address: 0x00403334 Registers: EAX: 0x00006998 EBX: 0x00000000 ECX: 0x00001075 EDX: 0x02EADE2C ESI: 0x02211830 EDI: 0x0000006D EBP: 0x02211830 ESP: 0x0012FDB8 EFLAGS: 0x00010297 Stack: +0000: 0x012E7EE8 0x0012FE14 0x00403684 0x02EADE2C +0010: 0x02211830 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x7FFFFFFF +0020: 0x00000064 0x01DC2836 0x76B6C246 0x00000000 +0030: 0x0047A541 0x012E7EE8 0x0012FE14 0x0012FE18 +0040: 0x02211830 0x02EADE2C 0x00000000 0x76B6C290 +0050: 0x015C8FD8 0x3BA5AAB1 0x005C8588 0x0010FDF4 +0060: 0x02EADE2C 0x00000028 0x00000000 0x004867F7 +0070: 0x76B6BD5C 0x00000000 0x3BA5AAB1 0x00482E7E +0080: 0x00000000 0x00001DB1 0x0012FF88 0x7FFDA000 +0090: 0x0001A000 0x00010101 0x0000003C 0x00001E61 +00A0: 0x00000078 0x00000E38 0x015C8FD8 0x656D6167 +00B0: 0x65646F6D 0x00003531 0x004B6014 0x004B6010 +00C0: 0x7FFDA000 0x004A0190 0x0012FE70 0x0012FF78 +00D0: 0x0012FF78 0x004920A8 0x004ACE28 0xFFFFFFFF +00E0: 0x00490331 0x00490341 0x004A0190 0x0012FF78 +00F0: 0x0049FE21 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00491B45 0x00000001 +0100: 0x015C14C0 0x015C1510 0x00000094 0x00000006 +0110: 0x00000001 0x00001DB1 0x00000002 0x76726553 +0120: 0x20656369 0x6B636150 0x00003120 0x00000000 +0130: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 Server Log : ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3d-R2, (C)2005-2011 SA-MP Team [14:52:53] [14:52:53] Server Plugins [14:52:53] -------------- [14:52:53] Loading plugin: audio [14:52:53] *** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded *** [14:52:53] Loaded. [14:52:53] Loading plugin: regex [14:52:53] [14:52:53] ______________________________________ [14:52:53] Regular Expression Plugin v0.2.0 loaded [14:52:53] ______________________________________ [14:52:53] By: Fro (c) Copyright <TBG> 2009-2011 [14:52:53] ______________________________________ [14:52:53] Loaded. [14:52:53] Loading plugin: sscanf [14:52:53] [14:52:53] =============================== [14:52:53] sscanf plugin loaded. [14:52:53] (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [14:52:53] =============================== [14:52:53] sscanf error: The current build ONLY supports 0.3d [14:52:53] Loaded. [14:52:53] Loading plugin: streamer [14:52:53] *** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded *** [14:52:53] Loaded. [14:52:53] Loading plugin: Whirlpool [14:52:53] [14:52:53] ================== [14:52:53] [14:52:53] Whirlpool loaded [14:52:53] [14:52:53] ================== [14:52:53] [14:52:53] Loaded. [14:52:53] Loading plugin: xStreamer [14:52:53] xStreamer plugin loaded [14:52:53] Loaded. [14:52:53] Loaded 6 plugins. [14:52:53] [14:52:53] Filterscripts [14:52:53] --------------- [14:52:53] Loading filterscript 'NNitro.amx'... [14:52:53] Loading filterscript 'CM.amx'... [14:52:53] _ ___ /^^. /^. /^^._ [14:52:53] _ _@)@) . ,,/ '` ~ `'~~ ', `.. [14:52:53] _/o._ _ _ _/~`.`...'~. ./~~..,'`','',.,' ' ~: [14:52:53] / `,'.~,~.~ . , . , ~|, ,/ .,' , ,. .. ,,. `, ~._ [14:52:53] ( ' _' _ '_` _ ' . , `._/ .' ..' ' ` ` `.. `, ._ [14:52:53] ~V~ V~ V~ V~ ~. ` ' . ' , ' .,.,''`.,.''`.,.``. ', ._ [14:52:53] _/. /. /. /._/, . ' , `_/~._ .' .,. ,, , _/~._ `. `. '., ._ [14:52:53] < ~ ~ '~`'~'`, ., . `_: ::: ._ ' `_/ ::: ._ `.,' . ', ._ [14:52:53] . ' `_ '`_ _ ',/ _::_::_ . _ _/ _::_::_ . `.,'.,`., .-,-,-,_,_, [14:52:53] `'~~ `'~~ `'~~ `'~~ .(_)(_)(_)/ `~~' .(_)(_)(_)/ ~'`._.._,._,'_;_;_;_;_; [14:52:53] _____________________________________________________________________________ [14:52:53] | | [14:52:53] | Colored Moneys | [14:52:53] | Created by Darky | [14:52:53] | ________________ | [14:52:53] | LOADED ! | [14:52:53] | | [14:52:53] |_____________________________________________________________________________| [14:52:53] Loaded 2 filterscripts. [14:52:53] [14:52:53] ======================================= [14:52:53] | | [14:52:53] | YSI version 1.03.0011 | [14:52:53] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole | [14:52:53] | | [14:52:53] | Checking the latest YSI version.. | [14:52:53] | | [14:52:53] ======================================= [14:52:53] [14:52:53] , , [14:52:53] /( )` [14:52:53] | |___ / || [14:52:53] /- _ `-/ ' [14:52:53] (/|/ | | /| [14:52:53] / / | ` | [14:52:53] O O ) / | [14:52:53] `-^--'`< ' [14:52:53] (_.) _ ) / [14:52:53] `.___/` / [14:52:53] `-----' / [14:52:53] <----. __ / __ | [14:52:53] <----|====O)))==) |) /==== [14:52:53] <----' `--' `.__,' | [14:52:53] | | [14:52:53] | / [14:52:53] ______( (_ / |______ [14:52:53] ,' ,-----' | | [14:52:53] `--{__________) // [14:52:53] +---------------------------------+ [14:52:53] + Stunt King Romania 0.3d + [14:52:53] + Created by Darky + [14:52:53] + Just another gamemode ! + [14:52:53] +---------------------------------+ [14:52:53] + Copyright @ 2012 Darky + [14:52:53] +---------------------------------+ [14:52:53] + GAMEMODE WAS LOADED ! + [14:52:53] +---------------------------------+ [14:52:53] Number of vehicle models: 0 I-am bagat pluginurile de 0.3d (asa cred) , includerile de 0.3d (asa cred) dar tot nu merge.Sper ca ma poate ajuta cineva ... Multumesc !
  20. Cu toata sinceritatea iti spun ... ca este foarte urat si ma refer la design : rosu , verde si albastru. Puteai pune in loc de un fundal albastru , unul negru , in loc de acel dolar verde un albastru dar nu unul intens si in loc de acel rosu de la bani , un alb. Nota finala : 2/5 pentru efort.
  21. SKR = Stunt King Romania Nu , defapt SKR este serverul meu.Facusem acest textdraw pentru serverul meu dar m-am razgandit.
  22. [pawn]#include <a_samp> #define bandana 1000 enum pInfo { pDonateRank } new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo]; #define MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS 5 #define SetPlayerHoldingObject(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9,%10) SetPlayerAttachedObject(%1,MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS-1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9,%10) #define StopPlayerHoldingObject(%1) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(%1,MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS-1) #define IsPlayerHoldingObject(%1) IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(%1,MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS-1) main() { print("[FS]Hold Bandana by Lucian."); } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/bandana", true) == 0) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,bandana,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Bandana","Bandana 1\nBandana 2\nBandana 3\nBandana 4\nBandana 5\nBandana 6\nBandana 7\nBandana 8\nBandana 9\nBandana 10\nRemove Bandana","OK",""); return 1; } return 0; } public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if(dialogid==bandana) { if(response) { if(listitem==0) { SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18917, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==1) { SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18913, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==2) { SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18916, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==3) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18915, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==4) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18912 , 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==5) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18911 , 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==6) { SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18914, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==7) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18918, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==8) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18920 , 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==9) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18919 , 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==10) { for(new i;i<5;i++) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid,i); } } return 1; } return 0; } public OnGameModeExit() { for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) StopPlayerHoldingObject(i); return 0; }[/pawn]
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