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Everything posted by Diabolik

  1. Deci intru pe sv , ma fac lider lcn si cand dau /f text merge dar peste 5 minunte nu mai merge, cum fac sa mearga bine?
  2. Imi poti uploada pe alt site si pune fara parola , pls daca poti,
  3. ce parola ai pus la arhivare? + ii doar amx pune si pwn.
  4. Frumos gm dar e GF-EDITAT.
  5. 90/100 daca e facut de tine daca nu ..
  6. La mine nu se intampla nimik
  7. Uitete mai bine in FS meu si ce are ala.
  8. Lam vazut pe un sv si am vrut sa il fac ca de pe sv ala si mea iesit bine , ceasul.
  9. Ceas Romania Autor:RuSke Ajutor:Tequila Timp de lucru: 15 min Poza: Download [download]http://solidfiles.com/d/3569bcd2aa/[/download]
  10. Deci am adaugat in gm urmatoarele linii pentru comanda help. new help[ ] = "• Account help\n\n/stats /buylevel /upgrade /resetupgrades /(c)hange(s)pawn(c)ivil /leaders /helpers /admins\n", help2[ ] = "/pay /charity /time /buy /get /id /drink /showlicenses /robbing /ticketlist /animlist /nr /esarfa\n", help3[ ] = "/buygun /skill /licenses /lotto /surrender /contract /factionlist /jobs /rules/glasses /swithkey /neon\n", help4[ ] = "/report /needhelp /accept /cancel /eject /usedrugs /usepills /fill /fillcar /service /fightstyle /info\n/balance, /withdraw/deposit, /wiretransfer,/credit /paycredit /infocredit /animlist\n\n• Job Help\n\n", help5[ ] = "> Detective - /find\n> Lawyer - /free\n> Whore - /sex\n> Drugs dealer - /selldrugs /getdrugs /usedrugs\n> Car Jacker - /dropcar\n> News reporter - /paper, /papers, /live, /news\n> Mechanic - /repair /refill /duty\n> Bodyguard - /guard\n> Arms dealer - /materials, /sellgun\n", help6[ ] = "> Boxer - /fight /boxstats\n> Bus driver - /fare\n> Paper boy - /papers /bring /deliver/n> Trucker - /load /buyprods /sellprods\n> Car Dealer - /sellcar\n\n• More help\n\n/sapdhelp - Only for Police LSPD, FBI, National Guards\n/ah - Only for SA:MP Admins\n/cellphonehelp - Cell commands\n/househelp - House commands\n/businesshelp - Bizz commands\n"; Comanda /help if(strcmp(cmd, "/help", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { new DialogString[1024]; format(DialogString, sizeof DialogString, "%s%s%s%s%s", help, help2, help3, help4, help5 , help6); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 73, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Help", DialogString, "Agree", "Exit"); } return 1; } Poza: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/687/samp000lej.png/ Dar nu imi apare toate joburile in /help dar le am in lista plss cum fac sa apare toate + comenziile?
  11. Cum fac sa adaug masini dupa modelul asta: {"Stallion",0,439,-1,750000,5000,783.0,-1335.0,13.2,121.1}, {"Feltzer",0,533,-1,500000,3000,783.0,-1340.0,13.2,121.1}, {"Windsor",0,555,-1,450000,3400,783.0,-1345.0,13.2,121.1}, AddStaticVehicle(560,-1988.50000000,306.10000610,35.00000000,0.00000000,-1,-1); //Sultan AddStaticVehicle(560,-1984.40002441,306.20001221,35.00000000,0.00000000,-1,-1); //Sultan
  12. Dute la if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailed] == 1) si pune cooordonatele unde vrei sa se duca playerul dupa ce il omoara (jail).
  13. Gata am rezolvat problema dar acum cand intru pe sv si vreau sa vad cat costa masina nu imi arata si nici /v buy nu merge.( http://www.sa-mp.ro/forum/index.php/topic,12269.0.html )
  14. LOL:)) Scrie undeva ca vrea FS? Tequila vrea doar ajutor. P.S Am vrut sa adaug masini personale dupa FS http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=223926 dar cand intru pe sv nu gasesc nici o masina dar comenziile merg(v buy etc) si fisier cars.cfg il am facut. format(file,sizeof(file),"Cars/%s.ini",name);
  15. Incearca: forward PDGATECLOSE(); public PDGATECLOSE() { MoveObject(PDGATE, 1588.421631, -1638.088257, 14.655367,2); return 1; } if (newkeys & KEY_FIRE) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { if((IsACop(playerid)) && PlayerToPoint(15, playerid,1541.8696,-1628.0836,13.3828)) { SetObjectRot(PDBARRIER, 0, 0, 270); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "The barrier of Los Santos Police Departament has been opened."); SetTimer("PDBARRIERCLOSE", 6000, false); } if((IsACop(playerid)) && PlayerToPoint(15.0, playerid, 1588.2966,-1637.8121,13.4255)) { MoveObject(PDGATE,1597.846802, -1638.088257, 14.655367,2); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "The gate of Los Santos Police Departament has been opened."); SetTimer("PDGATECLOSE", 10000, false); } } }
  16. Foloseste FilleZila sa urci fisierile pe host.
  17. Imi trebuie asa ceva pe sv meu. 10/10 ;)
  18. Le pui sub public OnGameModeInit()
  19. pune comanda /a aici sa o vedem
  20. UP ma ajutati? Acum am refacut ce meai zis tu dar imi da 6 erorii. C:\Documents and Settings\BogdaneL\My Documents\Downloads\GameSpeed\gamemodes\hhc.pwn(324) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) C:\Documents and Settings\BogdaneL\My Documents\Downloads\GameSpeed\gamemodes\hhc.pwn(325) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) C:\Documents and Settings\BogdaneL\My Documents\Downloads\GameSpeed\gamemodes\hhc.pwn(326) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) C:\Documents and Settings\BogdaneL\My Documents\Downloads\GameSpeed\gamemodes\hhc.pwn(327) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) C:\Documents and Settings\BogdaneL\My Documents\Downloads\GameSpeed\gamemodes\hhc.pwn(328) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) C:\Documents and Settings\BogdaneL\My Documents\Downloads\GameSpeed\gamemodes\hhc.pwn(329) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 6 Errors. Liniile: if(strcmp(cmd, "/reguli", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { strcat(BigString, 0xE60000FF, "|--------------------------[Reguli]--------------------------|"); strcat(BigString, 0xFFFF0096, "Respeta a los demas jugadores(a)"); strcat(BigString, 0xFFFF0096, "Respeta a los administradores(a) del servidor"); strcat(BigString, 0xFFFF0096, "No se admite el uso de Cheats/Hacks en el servidor=Sancion Ban"); strcat(BigString, 0xFFFF0096, "Prohibido hacer publicidad de otros servidores o Paginas Web=Sancion Mute/Kick/Ban."); strcat(BigString, 0xFFFF0096, "Intentar Atacar el servidor, con programas maliciosos sancion Ban IP completamente"); } return 1; }
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