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Everything posted by ONYSYM


    News van

    hmm dai apasa ctrl+f si scrie /news dai putin mai jos si iti cere /oldcar in joc le pui alea si merge . bafta
  2. Fa tu mai bine PS: 10/10
  3. frumos "Tutorialul asta ii foloseste bine lui StuntMan
  4. daca e facut de tine ,bv

    [MAP] Titanic

    4/5 cam simpla, dar e tare , gj
  6. Pune frate niste poze! nu este greu!
  7. adauga asta in fs la u si o sa mearga enum pInfo { pKey[128], pLevel, pAdmin, pGM, pDonateRank, gPupgrade, pConnectTime, pReg, pSex, pAge, pOrigin, pCK, pMuted, pMuteTime, pExp, pCash, pAccount, pPassport, pCrimes, pKills, pDeaths, pArrested, pWantedDeaths, pPhoneBook, pLottoNr, pFishes, pBiggestFish, pJob, pPayCheck, pHeadValue, pJailed, pJailTime, pBlackList, pMoneyClear, pBLTime, pHackTog, pMats, pDrugs, pLeader, pMember, pFMember, pRank, pChar, pContractTime, pDetSkill, pSexSkill, pBoxSkill, pLawSkill, pMechSkill, pJackSkill, pCarSkill, pNewsSkill, pDrugsSkill, pCookSkill, pFishSkill, Float:pHealth, Float:pArmour, Float:pSHealth, pInt, pLocal, pTeam, pModel, pPnumber, pPhousekey, pPbiskey, Float:pPos_x, Float:pPos_y, Float:pPos_z, pCarLic, pFlyLic, pBoatLic, pFishLic, pTow, pGunLic, pGun1, pGun2, pGun3, pGun4, pAmmo1, pAmmo2, pAmmo3, pAmmo4, pCarTime, pPayDay, pPayDayHad, pCDPlayer, pWins, pLoses, pAlcoholPerk, pDrugPerk, pMiserPerk, pPainPerk, pTraderPerk, pTut, pMissionNr, pWarns, pFACWarns, pADMWarns, pGMWarns, pAdjustable, pFuel, pMarried, pMarriedTo[128], pStoredDrugs, pStoredMats, pRequestingBackup, pLocked, pSf, pMatsHouse, pDrugsHouse, }; new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];
  8. Vreau si eu fs cu comenzile /capota /portbagaj ..alea de sa-mp 3.0c daca le aveti lasati un replay pls
  9. Foloseste asta http://www.sa-mp.ro/forum/index.php/topic,7004.0.html
  10. Sar putea sa fie din cauza la Placa Video! Ce fel de computer ai ??
  11. Iti dau 3/5 , Sa te incurajez ,\.
  12. Cer scz pt dublu post,nu am observat ,ca am mai dat un post ,deci va rog sa stergeti postu
  13. Eu cred ca la facut JoeMan !! GJ 5/5
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