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Everything posted by IstuntmanI

  1. foarte frumos bradul :-bd
  2. sper ca iti e de ajutor: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=122308.0
  3. e misto scriptul... m-am uitat doar prin script si am vazut, nu l-am pus pe server sa il vad :D
  4. cred ca trebuie sa pui la inceputul scriptului new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; ;D PS: Ce inseamna HQ ? ;D (scz, dar eu nu stiu gf )
  5. GM-ul (gamemode-ul) pare misto dupa descriere, gj PS: Tradu descrierea pt ca aici e sa-mp.ro nu .com ;D
  6. misto mapa, gj OFF-TOPIC: Mai ai putin si faci 300 posturi ( acum ai 298 ) )
  7. SetPlayerCameraLookAt e unde sta jucatorul cand alege pozitia ;D adica SetPlayerPos(playerid,-44.2625,62.9148,3.1172);cred... ) SetPlayerCameraPos o salvezi in joc, te duci unde vrei sa stea camera, dai /save acolo si gata ;D
  8. la 1 e: cauti public OnPlayerCommandText si la sfarsitul lui e return 0; .... in loc de return 0; pui: return SendClientMessage(playerid, CULOAREA_TA,"Aceasta comanda nu exista"); CULOAREA_TA o inlocuiesti cu ce culoare vrei sa apara textul "Aceasta comanda nu exista" [sa o ai la #define (nume culoare) sau codul culorii] ;D Sper ca-ti va merge 2. SetupPlayerForClassSelection(playerid) { SetPlayerPos(playerid,-44.2625,62.9148,3.1172); SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,398.4077,2530.5049,19.6311); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid,398.4077,2540.5049,19.6311); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,78.8830); } SetPlayerPos(playerid,-44.2625,62.9148,3.1172); asta e pozitia unde sta jucatorul cand alege skin-ul...cred ca e la ferma [code]SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,398.4077,2530.5049,19.6311); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid,398.4077,2540.5049,19.6311); SetPlayerCameraPos este unde sa stea camera, iar SetPlayerCameraLookAt este unde sa se "uite" camera ... deci trebuiesc schimbate cu pozitiile corecte de la ferma PS: Sper ca ai inteles, mai ales la 2 )
  9. super ;D, mapa asta o pun pe server :D
  10. Am facut mapa asta mai dedemult si abia acum m-am hotarat sa o postez ) Poze: [img width=300 height=300]http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4055/mtascreen0030.jpg[img width=300 height=300]http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/4994/mtascreen0031y.jpg[img width=300 height=300]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/5133/mtascreen0032.jpg[img width=300 height=300]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/4710/mtascreen0033.jpg[img width=300 height=300]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/1962/mtascreen0034.jpg[img width=300 height=300]http://*picture URL* Se vede asa pentru ca am GTA SA in windowed mode si a trebuit sa decupez din poze ;D Obiecte: CreateObject(5131, 185.790390, -2635.779785, -32.519447, 0.0000, 0.8594, 357.4217); CreateObject(5309, 227.953537, -2626.692627, -33.756607, 11.1727, 2.5783, 292.5000); CreateObject(5313, 220.371078, -2710.483398, -25.731028, 2.5783, 2.5783, 102.1094); CreateObject(5728, 279.400543, -2647.743408, -32.072914, 354.8434, 5.1566, 325.3906); CreateObject(7269, 264.276611, -2594.563232, -35.054611, 0.8594, 358.2811, 78.7500); CreateObject(7490, 312.092285, -2583.733643, -30.902542, 8.5944, 1.7189, 17.3434); CreateObject(1675, 239.718628, -2601.136230, -33.861496, 5.1566, 0.0000, 0.0000); CreateObject(3167, 240.914810, -2589.521484, -34.740696, 0.0000, 0.0000, 90.0000); CreateObject(3167, 286.912964, -2584.429443, -33.744831, 0.0000, 0.0000, 191.2500); CreateObject(1684, 212.706055, -2646.221680, -37.160126, 6.0161, 353.9839, 11.2500); CreateObject(1684, 208.395660, -2637.111328, -37.160126, 7.7349, 3.4377, 33.7500); CreateObject(1684, 208.252258, -2626.539063, -37.160126, 1.7189, 5.1566, 358.2811); CreateObject(1684, 202.159668, -2618.347168, -37.160126, 6.8755, 12.0321, 54.5311); CreateObject(1684, 220.530731, -2653.203613, -37.910126, 354.8434, 353.9839, 43.2811); CreateObject(1684, 223.290222, -2665.385986, -37.160126, 346.2490, 6.0161, 9.5312); CreateObject(3504, 276.280273, -2568.609863, -29.309443, 283.6141, 123.7589, 228.4466); CreateObject(3866, 239.280518, -2564.577881, -22.907646, 4.2972, 0.0000, 315.0000); CreateObject(3873, 255.336792, -2529.875977, -27.659813, 17.1887, 0.0000, 0.0000); CreateObject(3887, 212.461044, -2563.556396, -23.200764, 6.8755, 5.1566, 317.5783); CreateObject(5837, 245.460800, -2572.685303, -30.414783, 11.1727, 359.1406, 49.2972); CreateObject(3866, 276.633453, -2698.524658, -30.911436, 0.0000, 0.0000, 90.0000); CreateObject(3866, 289.246124, -2705.386230, -30.911436, 0.0000, 0.0000, 269.9999); CreateObject(5837, 272.823608, -2688.262939, -37.032505, 352.2651, 0.8594, 337.5000); CreateObject(8136, 336.552795, -2687.016357, -37.784740, 359.1406, 357.4217, 168.7501); CreateObject(8168, 327.165497, -2640.544922, -37.302055, 351.4056, 0.0000, 292.5000); CreateObject(8230, 329.205963, -2625.584717, -36.790970, 0.0000, 0.0000, 112.5000); CreateObject(8675, 269.919098, -2557.783936, -20.514406, 10.4171, 5.1566, 348.7500); CreateObject(10379, 279.343842, -2500.743164, -21.021595, 7.7349, 1.7189, 337.5000); CreateObject(10401, 285.106232, -2522.268799, -26.966440, 334.2169, 356.5623, 112.5000); CreateObject(10829, 275.712708, -2507.803955, -29.638695, 5.1566, 0.0000, 337.5000); CreateObject(10832, 311.850800, -2531.115479, -27.458038, 5.1566, 355.7028, 0.8594); CreateObject(11088, 292.419495, -2757.568604, -31.993116, 0.0000, 0.0000, 202.5000); CreateObject(11426, 307.937317, -2724.362549, -38.538620, 11.1727, 9.4538, 117.6566); CreateObject(1454, 320.284729, -2627.189697, -37.852203, 0.0000, 0.0000, 22.5000); CreateObject(1454, 321.080292, -2627.030762, -36.759068, 79.9276, 0.0000, 293.3595); Timp de lucru: ~20 minute Coordonate: 215.808472, -2670.154053, -38.089622 PS: Distractie placuta cu mapa PS2: Comentati pls ;D
  11. cred ca da ... incearca ;D PS: Bun tutorialul.
  12. eu nu stiam cum se creeaza ;D si am invatat putin EDIT: Am facut un dialog cu reguli, daca apesi pe "I agree" zice "Have Fun!" si daca apesi pe "I disagree" iti zice "You didn't agree with the rules" ;D
  13. in gta sa nu exista asa cv....el are moduri de masini ...se gasesc pe net PS: Draguta mapa ;)
  14. mi se pare misto din descriere PS: Il incerc si eu acum :> EDIT: E superb gm-ul :)
  15. faci screenshot pe F11 si gasesti pozele in <unde ai instalat MTA>/mods/map_editor/screenshots>
  16. comanda este /save si pozitia o gasesti in <folderul unde ai instalat GTA SAN ANDREAS>savedpositions.txd
  17. IstuntmanI

    [MAP]Parkour City

    am incercat mapa si e greuta... PS: GJ
  18. Frumos tutorial, incearca sa faci unul cum pastram masina tunata cand se spawneaza pt ca eu am incercat asta si nu mi-a iesit :| ( ;D
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