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Everything posted by AnDrEyUpS

  1. Am intampinat urmatoarea erroare/problema la comanda ! Aceasta e comanda mea ! YCMD:getgift(playerid, params[], help) { if(SpecialWeek == 0) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_LGREEN, "Giftbox-ul nu este activ!"); new string[180], won[256]; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGiftPoints] >= 2) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pConnectTime] < 1) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_LGREEN, "Ai nevoie de 2 ore jucate pentru a putea lua acest cadou!"); if(PlayerToPoint(25.0, playerid, 153.0107,-1951.2157,5.7501)) { new rand = random(310); PlayerInfo[playerid][pGiftPoints] = 2; Update(playerid, pGiftPointsx); if(rand < 270) { new randmoney = 1000000 + random(4500000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] += randmoney; GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat $%s din gift box!", FormatNumber(randmoney)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat $%s din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(randmoney)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftMoney += randmoney; } else if(rand >= 270 && rand < 280) { new randrp = 2 + random(6); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints] += randrp; Update(playerid, pPremiumPointsx); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat %d puncte premium din gift box!", randrp); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat %d puncte premium din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), randrp); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftGold += randrp; format(string, sizeof(string), "(( AdmBot: %s a castigat %d puncte premium din giftbox! ))", GetName(playerid), randrp); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_CLIENT, string); } else if(rand >= 280 && rand < 297) { new randrp = 1 + random(4); PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp] += randrp; Update(playerid, pRP); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat %d respect points din gift box!", randrp); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat %d RP-uri din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), randrp); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftRP += randrp; UpdateProgress(playerid, 0); } else if(rand >= 297 && rand <= 300) { if(GiftVehicle < 60) { if(GetSlots(playerid) == GetVehicles(playerid)) { new randmoney = 1000000 + random(4500000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] += randmoney; GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat $%s din gift box!", FormatNumber(randmoney)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat $%s din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(randmoney)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftMoney += randmoney; } else { GiftVehicle++; format(won, sizeof(won), "Felicitari! Ai castigat vehiculul Stretch din giftbox."); GiveVehicle(playerid, 409); format(string, sizeof(string), "(( AdmBot: %s a castigat vehiculul Stretch din giftbox! ))", GetName(playerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_CLIENT, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "(( AdmBot: Mai sunt %d vehicule disponibile. ))", 60-GiftVehicle); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_CLIENT, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat un Stretch din giftbox.", GetName(playerid)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); } } } else if(rand > 300 && rand < 305) { new str[128]; PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] = 1; PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicT] += 250; PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicS] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLic] = 1; PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLicT] += 250; PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLicS] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoatLic] = 1; PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoatLicT] += 250; PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoatLicS] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunLic] = 1; PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunLicT] += 250; PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunLicS] = 0; format(str,128,"UPDATE users SET `CarLic`='1',`CarLicT`='%d',`CarLicS`='0' WHERE `ID`='%d'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicT],PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID]); mysql_query(SQL,str); format(str,128,"UPDATE users SET `FlyLic`='1',`FlyLicT`='%d',`FlyLicS`='0' WHERE `ID`='%d'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLicT],PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID]); mysql_query(SQL,str); format(str,128,"UPDATE users SET `BoatLic`='1',`BoatLicT`='%d',`BoatLicS`='0' WHERE `ID`='%d'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoatLicT],PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID]); mysql_query(SQL,str); format(str,128,"UPDATE users SET `GunLic`='1',`GunLicT`='%d', `GunLicS`='0' WHERE `ID`='%d'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunLicT],PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID]); mysql_query(SQL,str); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai primit toate licentele pentru inca 250 de ore!"); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a primit toate licentele pentru inca 250 de ore.", GetName(playerid)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); } else if(rand > 305 && rand < 306) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pFpunish] == 0) { new randmoney = 1000000 + random(4500000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] += randmoney; GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat $%s din gift box!", FormatNumber(randmoney)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat $%s din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(randmoney)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftMoney += randmoney; } else { PlayerInfo[playerid][pFpunish] = 0; Update(playerid, pFpunishx); format(won, sizeof(won), "Felicitari! Ai ramas fara FP-uri."); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a ramas fara FP-uri.", GetName(playerid)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); } } else if(rand > 306) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pWarns] == 0) { new randmoney = 1000000 + random(4500000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] += randmoney; GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat $%s din gift box!", FormatNumber(randmoney)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat $%s din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(randmoney)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftMoney += randmoney; } else { PlayerInfo[playerid][pWarns] = 0; Update(playerid, pWarnsx); format(won, sizeof(won), "Felicitari! Ti-au fost sterse warn-urile."); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a ramas fara warn-uri.", GetName(playerid)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); } } else { new randmoney = 1000000 + random(4500000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] += randmoney; GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat $%s din gift box!", FormatNumber(randmoney)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat $%s din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(randmoney)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftMoney += randmoney; } UpdateGift(); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Giftbox", won, "Ok", ""); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Nu esti la loc-ul getgift-ului ,acesta se afla pe plaja Los Santos"); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "Poti lua acest cadou peste %d ore.", 2-PlayerInfo[playerid][pGiftPoints]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, string); SCM(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Orele se contorizeaza doar in momentul in care ai jucat cel putin 30 minute pana la payday."); } return 1; } function UpdateGift() { if(SpecialWeek == 0) return 1; new string[500]; format(string, sizeof(string), "Giftbox (/getgift)\nBani castigati: {FC6A6A}$%s{FFFFFF}\nRP-uri castigate: {FC6A6A}%s{FFFFFF}\nPuncte premium castigate: {FC6A6A}%s{FFFFFF}\nVehicule castigate: {FC6A6A}%s{FFFFFF}", FormatNumber(GiftMoney), FormatNumber(GiftRP), FormatNumber(GiftGold), FormatNumber(GiftVehicle)); UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(GiftText, -1, string); new query[256]; format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `stuff` SET `GiftMoney`='%d', `GiftRP`='%d', `GiftGold`='%d', `GiftLevel`='%d', `GiftFP`='%d', `GiftVehicle`='%d'", GiftMoney, GiftRP, GiftGold, GiftLevel, GiftFP, GiftVehicle); mysql_tquery(SQL, query, "", ""); return 1; } Eu am adaugat ce mi-ai zis tu sub if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGiftPoints] >= 2) incloc de stmsg am pus SCM A 3-a linie de la YCMD:getgift Si primesc urmatoarele errori : (19489) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (19489) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (19489) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (19489) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Linia(19489?if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumAccount] == 0 ? (PlayerInfo[playerid][pGiftTimer] = gettime()+300) : (PlayerInfo[playerid][pGiftTimer] = gettime()+240))
  2. ?Buna ziua ,ma numesc Andrei. Am si eu un system de /getgift Problema : Cand folosesc comanda /getgift o mai pot folosii de cate ori vreau si asta nu imi place. Ma-ti putea ajuta cu un timer de 1ora ? GameMode:wa-rpg GameMode=Shane de pe youtube. Folosesc: YCMD. Dau +1 daca voi fi ajutat .Pupi ?
  3. Am de la ultra-h din canada mi-se pare.Nu pot sa le dau mesaj sa mi-l puna ei ?
  4. Salut baieti si fete,am creat accest topic pentru ca am intampinat o mica problema si nu stiu sa o rezolv,si m-am gandit ca poate ma puteti ajuta.Este doar 1 rand de o comanda scurta !!! Problema:Am si eu comanda /bonus,si am vrut sa adaug si un picador la aceasta comanda,dar am intampinat urmatoare problema Error 035:Argument type matching ( argument 2 ) = Ma puteti ajuta? Cateva define-uri ( culori ) ( COLOR_ROSUVV2) , ( COLOR_[PORTOCALIUV2) , )COLOR_ROZV2) Cateva new-uri ( variabile presupn ) https://imgur.com/a/Snt7Uzi Procesor ( YCMD ) Comanda : YCMD:bonus(playerid, params[], help) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] >= 3) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Ai primit deja bonusul de inceput sau ai trecut de level 3!"); PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] = 5; Update(playerid, pLevel); SetPlayerScore(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]); GivePlayerCash(playerid, 15000000); Update(playerid, pCashx); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints] += 100; Update(playerid, pPremiumPointsx); UpdateProgress(playerid, 0); GiveVehicle(playerid, 600); UpdateProgress(playerid, pCar); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "[!] Bonus", "+5 level up [level 5]\n+100 premium points [/shop]\n+$15,000,000\n\nWelcome to the server, have fun!", "Close", ""); return 1; } Eroarea mi-o da la ( UpdateProgress(playerid, pCar); Sau la ( GiveVehicle(playerid, 600); = 600 fiind id-ul Picadorului.. Am adaugat doar : GiveVehicle, 600); UpdateProgress(playerid, pCar); Erroarea : https://imgur.com/a/vdvaDqM Ofer + 10... Multumesc !
  5. Buna ziua am si eu un server de samp RPG. Problema:Atunci cand scriu ceva in cheat .ex.( ce faci ? ) se vede la toti jucatorii care nu sunt in apropiere. Ma putrti ajuta cum sa fac cheat-ul pe o raza ? 10-15 m. Gamemode:wa-rpg.YCMD Host:ultra-h Cateva define-uri:define color_rosuvv2 , define color_verdev2 ... ETC Ma puteti ajuta ? Dau +5
  6. St0ry imi poti lasa discord ul tau da vb acolo ?Despre Neon.
  7. Am si eu aproape aceasi problema.Cate o data cand trag cu arma imi zice ... Kicked for server ( wepoon hack ) .Ce ii pot face ? Am un gm wa-rpg YCMD
  8. Ma poti ajuta si pe mine,caut de mult timp.Am un gm wa-rpg ,procesor YCMD.Cum caut cu ctrl f sa gasesc .? Dau +1
  9. Buna ziua,am si eu o problema cu un system det /getgift. GameMode = wa-rpg Am dat ctrl+f sa caut /getgift = YCMD:getgift(playerid, params[], help) { if(SpecialWeek == 0) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_LGREEN, "Giftbox-ul nu este activ!"); new string[180], won[256]; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGiftPoints] >= 100) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pConnectTime] < 1) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_LGREEN, "Ai nevoie de 2 ore jucate pentru a putea lua acest cadou!"); if(PlayerToPoint(25.0, playerid, 192.0716,-1825.4077,7.2670)) { new rand = random(310); PlayerInfo[playerid][pGiftPoints] = 100; Update(playerid, pGiftPointsx); if(rand < 270) { new randmoney = 1000000 + random(4500000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] += randmoney; GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat $%s din gift box!", FormatNumber(randmoney)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat $%s din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(randmoney)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftMoney += randmoney; } else if(rand >= 270 && rand < 280) { new randrp = 2 + random(6); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints] += randrp; Update(playerid, pPremiumPointsx); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat %d puncte premium din gift box!", randrp); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat %d puncte premium din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), randrp); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftGold += randrp; format(string, sizeof(string), "(( AdmBot: %s a castigat %d puncte premium din giftbox! ))", GetName(playerid), randrp); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_CLIENT, string); } else if(rand >= 280 && rand < 297) { new randrp = 1 + random(4); PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp] += randrp; Update(playerid, pRP); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat %d respect points din gift box!", randrp); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat %d RP-uri din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), randrp); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftRP += randrp; UpdateProgress(playerid, 0); } else if(rand >= 297 && rand <= 300) { if(GiftVehicle < 60) { if(GetSlots(playerid) == GetVehicles(playerid)) { new randmoney = 1000000 + random(4500000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] += randmoney; GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat $%s din gift box!", FormatNumber(randmoney)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat $%s din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(randmoney)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftMoney += randmoney; } else { GiftVehicle++; format(won, sizeof(won), "Felicitari! Ai castigat vehiculul Stretch din giftbox."); GiveVehicle(playerid, 409); format(string, sizeof(string), "(( AdmBot: %s a castigat vehiculul Stretch din giftbox! ))", GetName(playerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_CLIENT, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "(( AdmBot: Mai sunt %d vehicule disponibile. ))", 60-GiftVehicle); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_CLIENT, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat un Stretch din giftbox.", GetName(playerid)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); } } } else if(rand > 300 && rand < 305) { new str[128]; PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] = 1; PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicT] += 250; PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicS] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLic] = 1; PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLicT] += 250; PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLicS] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoatLic] = 1; PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoatLicT] += 250; PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoatLicS] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunLic] = 1; PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunLicT] += 250; PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunLicS] = 0; format(str,128,"UPDATE users SET `CarLic`='1',`CarLicT`='%d',`CarLicS`='0' WHERE `ID`='%d'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLicT],PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID]); mysql_query(SQL,str); format(str,128,"UPDATE users SET `FlyLic`='1',`FlyLicT`='%d',`FlyLicS`='0' WHERE `ID`='%d'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLicT],PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID]); mysql_query(SQL,str); format(str,128,"UPDATE users SET `BoatLic`='1',`BoatLicT`='%d',`BoatLicS`='0' WHERE `ID`='%d'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pBoatLicT],PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID]); mysql_query(SQL,str); format(str,128,"UPDATE users SET `GunLic`='1',`GunLicT`='%d', `GunLicS`='0' WHERE `ID`='%d'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunLicT],PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID]); mysql_query(SQL,str); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai primit toate licentele pentru inca 250 de ore!"); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a primit toate licentele pentru inca 250 de ore.", GetName(playerid)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); } else if(rand > 305 && rand < 306) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pFpunish] == 0) { new randmoney = 1000000 + random(4500000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] += randmoney; GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat $%s din gift box!", FormatNumber(randmoney)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat $%s din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(randmoney)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftMoney += randmoney; } else { PlayerInfo[playerid][pFpunish] = 0; Update(playerid, pFpunishx); format(won, sizeof(won), "Felicitari! Ai ramas fara FP-uri."); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a ramas fara FP-uri.", GetName(playerid)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); } } else if(rand > 306) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pWarns] == 0) { new randmoney = 1000000 + random(4500000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] += randmoney; GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat $%s din gift box!", FormatNumber(randmoney)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat $%s din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(randmoney)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftMoney += randmoney; } else { PlayerInfo[playerid][pWarns] = 0; Update(playerid, pWarnsx); format(won, sizeof(won), "Felicitari! Ti-au fost sterse warn-urile."); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a ramas fara warn-uri.", GetName(playerid)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); } } else { new randmoney = 1000000 + random(4500000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] += randmoney; GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); format(won, sizeof(won), "Ai castigat $%s din gift box!", FormatNumber(randmoney)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a castigat $%s din giftbox.", GetName(playerid), FormatNumber(randmoney)); InsertLog(playerid, string, LOG_GIFTBOX); ProxDetector(30.0,playerid, string, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW); GiftMoney += randmoney; } UpdateGift(); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Giftbox", won, "Ok", ""); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Nu esti la loc-ul getgift-ului ,acesta se afla pe plaja Los Santos"); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "Poti lua acest cadou peste %d ore.", 2-PlayerInfo[playerid][pGiftPoints]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, string); SCM(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Orele se contorizeaza doar in momentul in care ai jucat cel putin 30 minute pana la payday."); } return 1; } function UpdateGift() { if(SpecialWeek == 0) return 1; new string[500]; format(string, sizeof(string), "Giftbox (/getgift)\nBani castigati: {FC6A6A}$%s{FFFFFF}\nRP-uri castigate: {FC6A6A}%s{FFFFFF}\nPuncte premium castigate: {FC6A6A}%s{FFFFFF}\nVehicule castigate: {FC6A6A}%s{FFFFFF}", FormatNumber(GiftMoney), FormatNumber(GiftRP), FormatNumber(GiftGold), FormatNumber(GiftVehicle)); UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(GiftText, -1, string); new query[256]; format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `stuff` SET `GiftMoney`='%d', `GiftRP`='%d', `GiftGold`='%d', `GiftLevel`='%d', `GiftFP`='%d', `GiftVehicle`='%d'", GiftMoney, GiftRP, GiftGold, GiftLevel, GiftFP, GiftVehicle); mysql_tquery(SQL, query, "", ""); return 1; } Aceasta este comanda,o sa va las aici cateva poze cu ce am in gm si variabile etc / Procesor YCMD / https://imgur.com/a/SCJ7IwJ = variabile = defineuri de ce aveti nevoie... Hai sa trecem la ce vreu sa fac si nu stiu cum !!! Vreu ca in comanda /stats sa apara GiftPoints ... /200 Si sa zicem la 200/200 sa poti da getgift.. La mine in gamemode poti da de cate ori vrei si asta nu imi place.Ma puteti ajuta va rog frumos ?
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