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Everything posted by InceMan

  1. InceMan


    aratane server_log posibil sa nu ai virusi in pc si sa nuti suporte hostul respectiv sa incarci fisierele cu probleme
  2. InceMan


    adauga in server.cfg de exemplu daca ai host adaugi la plugins de exemplu crashdetect.so sau ce plugin ai tu sau daca folosesti doar prin linux server folosesti cu denumirea crashdetect.dll daca mai da eroare cauti plugin-ul respectiv si ii faci uploade
  3. am rezolvat singur C/T
  4. Problema intalnita (descriere): Salut vreau sa-mi fac un system de joinrace si lam facut bine pana in final dar am o singura eroare la format(str,128, ca acolo imi provoaca si eroarea poate nu am fost atent eu si am gresit undevaEro(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): C:\Users\andu\Desktop\FIVEGAME 2016\samp03\gamemodes\FiveGame.pwn(10606) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) C:\Users\andu\Desktop\FIVEGAME 2016\samp03\gamemodes\FiveGame.pwn(10606) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\andu\Desktop\FIVEGAME 2016\samp03\gamemodes\FiveGame.pwn(10606) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")" C:\Users\andu\Desktop\FIVEGAME 2016\samp03\gamemodes\FiveGame.pwn(10606) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Users\andu\Desktop\FIVEGAME 2016\samp03\gamemodes\FiveGame.pwn(10606) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 4 Errors. Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid) { new rTime[3]; if(UtrkaInfo[utrkaUcitan] == 1) { if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Na_Utrci") == 1) { if(UtrkaInfo[utrkaVozila] == 1) { if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { KillTimer(EventTimer[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent5[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent6[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent4[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent3[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent2[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent1[playerid]); SetPVarInt(playerid, "Na_Utrci", 0); DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GLAVNA,"You have to be a driver! You're disqualified!"); return 1; } } if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, UtrkaInfo[CPRadius], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpZ])) { if(CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][utrkaProlaz] == 1) { UtrkaProlaz[playerid] = UtrkaProlaz[playerid]+1; new TimeStamp,TotalRaceTime; TimeStamp = GetTickCount(); TotalRaceTime = TimeStamp - UtrkaBrojac; ConvertTime(var, TotalRaceTime, rTime[0], rTime[1], rTime[2]); new str[128]; format(str,128,"-> | %s || Pass-%d(circle %d) || %s || Time: %02d:%02d",UtrkaInfo[utrkaIme], UtrkaProlaz[playerid],KrugProlaz[playerid], PlayerName(playerid), rTime[0], rTime[1]); UtrkaPoruka(COLOR_MEDIUMAQUA, str); } if(UtrkaInfo[utrkaZadnjiCP] == CPid[playerid]) { if(UtrkaInfo[utrkaZadnjiCP] == CPid[playerid]) { if(UtrkaInfo[utrkaKrugova] > 1) { if(KrugProlaz[playerid] != UtrkaInfo[utrkaKrugova]) { CPid[playerid] = 1; if(UtrkaInfo[utrkaZadnjiCP] == CPid[playerid]) { SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 1, CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpZ], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpZ], UtrkaInfo[CPRadius]); } else { SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpZ], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpZ], UtrkaInfo[CPRadius]); } UtrkaProlaz[playerid] = 0; new TimeStamp,TotalRaceTime; TimeStamp = GetTickCount(); TotalRaceTime = TimeStamp - UtrkaBrojac; ConvertTime(var, TotalRaceTime, rTime[0], rTime[1], rTime[2]); new str[128]; format(str,128,"->O | %s || CIRCLE PASSAGE || %d/%d circles || %s | Time: %02d:%02d",UtrkaInfo[utrkaIme], KrugProlaz[playerid],UtrkaInfo[utrkaKrugova], PlayerName(playerid), rTime[0], rTime[1]); UtrkaPoruka(COLOR_MEDIUMAQUA, str); KrugProlaz[playerid] = KrugProlaz[playerid]+1; return 1; } } } DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid); new TimeStamp,TotalRaceTime; TimeStamp = GetTickCount(); TotalRaceTime = TimeStamp - UtrkaBrojac; ConvertTime(var, TotalRaceTime, rTime[0], rTime[1], rTime[2]); RaceZavrsio++; new str[128]; format(str,128,"|| %s || FINISH! || %d.%s | Time: %02d:%02d",UtrkaInfo[utrkaIme], RaceZavrsio,PlayerName(playerid), rTime[0], rTime[1]); UtrkaPoruka(COLOR_LIGHTRED, str); if(RaceZavrsio == 1) { if(rTime[0] < UtrkaInfo[utrkaRekordMinuti]) { new file[64]; format(file,64,"/races/%s.RACE",UtrkaInfo[utrkaFileIme]); dini_Set(file, "Rekorder", PlayerName(playerid)); dini_IntSet(file, "RekordMinuti", rTime[0]); dini_IntSet(file, "RekordSekunde", rTime[1]); UtrkaInfo[utrkaRekordMinuti] = rTime[0]; UtrkaInfo[utrkaRekordSekunde] = rTime[1]; format(str,128,"TRACK RECORD BROKEN!!! Record broken by: [[%s]] Congratulations!", PlayerName(playerid)); UtrkaPoruka(COLOR_LIGHTRED, str); } else if(rTime[0] == UtrkaInfo[utrkaRekordMinuti]) { if(rTime[1]< UtrkaInfo[utrkaRekordSekunde]) { new file[64]; format(file,64,"/races/%s.RACE",UtrkaInfo[utrkaFileIme]); dini_Set(file, "Rekorder", PlayerName(playerid)); dini_IntSet(file, "RekordMinuti", rTime[0]); dini_IntSet(file, "RekordSekunde", rTime[1]); UtrkaInfo[utrkaRekordMinuti] = rTime[0]; UtrkaInfo[utrkaRekordSekunde] = rTime[1]; format(str,128,"TRACK RECORD BROKEN!!! Record broken by: [[%s]] Congratulations!", PlayerName(playerid)); UtrkaPoruka(COLOR_LIGHTRED, str); } } } TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent5[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent6[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent4[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent3[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent2[playerid]); TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, TDEvent1[playerid]); KillTimer(EventTimer[playerid]); UtrkaProlaz[playerid] = 0; KrugProlaz[playerid]= 1; return 1; } CPid[playerid] = CPid[playerid]+1; if(UtrkaInfo[utrkaZadnjiCP] == CPid[playerid]) { if(KrugProlaz[playerid] != UtrkaInfo[utrkaKrugova]) { SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpZ], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpZ], UtrkaInfo[CPRadius]); } else { SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 1, CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpZ], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpZ], UtrkaInfo[CPRadius]); } } else { SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, 0, CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]][cpZ], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpX], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpY], CPInfo[CPid[playerid]+1][cpZ], UtrkaInfo[CPRadius]); } return 1; } } } return 1; }Imagini / Video (optional): ne este cazulAti incercat sa rezolvati singur?: da
  5. ok pai iti urez bafta la asteptat !
  6. sa stii de-la mine ca nimeni nu iti va da mura in gura, eu am invatat mai intai dupa daca nu reuseam ceva reveneam cu un topic tu ce ceri e sa iti facem noii toate comenzile tale si tot nu mai inveti incearca sa gandesti si sa te descurci de unul singur ca asa nu inveti pawno
  7. e greu sa dai /save intro masina si sa treci cordonatele in gm ?
  8. noi nu oferim comenzi gata facute, doar daca ai o nelamurire legata de comanda respectiva cauta pe google e ma-i simplu !
  9. incearca ceva de genu RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid,2);
  10. deci incearac sa iti rezolvi problemele si singur mai sunt vre-o 3 sugesti de genul asta du mai fa topicuri inutile daca nu stii plateste un scripter, daca nu lasate de asa ceva daca nu te duce capul
  11. InceMan


    din cate vad in imagine iti lipseste un ,
  12. InceMan


    ce ai tu acolo este o eroare minora, se vede ca nu prea stii sa o rezolvi
  13. InceMan


    se pare ca sunteti aceasi persoana
  14. mai bine dai C/T sa numai fie intrebari de genul asta!
  15. InceMan


    mare e gradina ta doamne daca onu te-a dat principele principale te asa de greu sa-l faci compatibil cu gamemodul tau ? sau sa incerci sa rezolvi si problema singur, ca asa mai inveti si tu.
  16. asemena problema si aici ne respectare model de postare e simplu scrie pawno tutorial romana si iti da tot ce doresti, am observat ca in unele postari ale tale numai chesti din astea vad 1 fara model de postare 2 eu cred ca tu cauti sa-ti arate alti sau mai bine zis sati faca comanda respectiva doar ca tu sa nu asisti la nimic, doar un simplu copy / paste 3 eu te sfatuesc sa strici vreo 3, 4 gamemod-uri si dupa aia vii cu o postare cu model cu tot ce zici? C/T
  17. data vitoare vi si cu modelul prestabilit de sa-mp.ro
  18. nui numai de la asta up daca se poate
  19. e simplu scrie pawno tutorial romana si iti da tot ce doresti, am observat ca in unele postari ale tale numai chesti din astea vad 1 fara model de postare 2 eu cred ca tu cauti sa-ti arate alti sau mai bine zis sati faca comanda respectiva doar ca tu sa nu asisti la nimic, doar un simplu copy / paste 3 eu te sfatuesc sa strici vreo 3, 4 gamemod-uri si dupa aia vii cu o postare cu model cu tot ce zici?
  20. poftim CMD:rob(playerid, params[]) { new robtype[12], string[32]; if(gLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Tu nu esti logat si nu poti sa folosesti aceasta comanda!"); if(GetPlayerState(playerid) != 2 || GetVehicleType(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Trebuie Sa Conduci O Masina Cu Minim 2 Locuri!"); if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10.0, 1462.7577,-1022.5885,23.8281)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Trebuie Sa Fi La In Fata Bancii.Foloseste /Gps,Daca Nu Sti Unde Se Afla!"); if(IsACop(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Esti Politist.Nu poti sa dai Rob!"); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pWanted] > 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Ai deja un nivel de cautare ridicat, nu poti sa jefuiesti banca!"); if(BankOccupied == 2) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Exista deja un rob in desfasurare!"); new robbers = 0, robbersn = 0; foreach(new i : Player) { if(IsPlayerInVehicle(i, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) if(PlayerInfo[pRob] == 10 && PlayerInfo[pLevel] > 4 && !IsACop(playerid)) robbers ++; else robbersn ++; } if(robbers < 2) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Pentru a da Rob trebuie minim 2 playeri cu nivel 5 sau mai mare, si 10 Rob Points!"); if(robbersn > 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Unul Dintre Pasageti Nu A Indeplinit Toate Cerintele,Pentru Rob."); if(sscanf(params,"s[12]", robtype)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN, "Tasteaza:{FFFFFF} /rob <Noisy / Silent>"); { if(strmatch(robtype,"noisy")) { TextDrawSetString(Rob3Text, "Rob Type: ~y~Noisy"); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Rob1Text); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Rob2Text); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Rob3Text); RobLeader[playerid] = 1; new randoms = random(sizeof(ROBCheck)); foreach(new i : Player) { if(IsPlayerInVehicle(i, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) if(PlayerInfo[pRob] == 10 && PlayerInfo[pLevel] > 4) { InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1424.183959, -1050.503417, 25.408981, 1442.854736, -1036.265747, 27.010061, 2500); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1428.014038, -1047.335815, 25.953378, 1446.856079, -1033.275390, 27.227346, 2000); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Rob1Text); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Rob2Text); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Rob3Text); InRob = 1; SetPlayerPos(i, ROBCheck[randoms][0], ROBCheck[randoms][1], ROBCheck[randoms][2]); TogglePlayerControllableEx(i, 0); SetTimerEx("RobUnfreeze", 2000, 0, "i", i); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Liderul grupului trebuie sa planteze explozibilul pe usa seifului!"); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "* In 30 secunde autoritatile vor fii anuntate, grabiti-va!"); PlayerInfo[pRob] -= 10; Update(i, pRobx); } } UseFind[playerid] = 0; IsTowing[playerid] = 0; BankOccupied = 1; RobSec = 30; SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2942.8855,-1804.7043,1178.4606); TogglePlayerControllableEx(playerid, 0); SetTimerEx("unfr", 1500, 0, "i", playerid); CP[playerid] = 200; format(string, sizeof(string), "Remaining Members: ~y~%d", GetRobbers() ); TextDrawSetString(Rob1Text, string); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 2942.6709,-1783.2755,1178.5803, 2.0); RobFailTimer = SetTimerEx("FailedRob", 30000, 0, "d", playerid); } else if(strmatch(robtype,"silent")) { TextDrawSetString(Rob3Text, "Rob Type: ~y~Silent"); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Rob1Text); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Rob2Text); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Rob3Text); RobLeader[playerid] = 2; new randoms = random(sizeof(ROBCheck)); foreach(new i : Player) { if(IsPlayerInVehicle(i, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) if(PlayerInfo[pRob] == 10 && PlayerInfo[pLevel] > 4) { InterpolateCameraPos(i, 1424.183959, -1050.503417, 25.408981, 1442.854736, -1036.265747, 27.010061, 2500); InterpolateCameraLookAt(i, 1428.014038, -1047.335815, 25.953378, 1446.856079, -1033.275390, 27.227346, 2000); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Rob1Text); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Rob2Text); TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, Rob3Text); InRob = 1; SetPlayerPos(i, ROBCheck[randoms][0], ROBCheck[randoms][1], ROBCheck[randoms][2]); TogglePlayerControllableEx(i, 0); SetTimerEx("RobUnfreeze", 2000, 0, "i", i); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Unul dintre membrii grupului trebuie sa opreasca sistemul de securitate!"); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "* In mai putin de un minut personalul bancii va fii aici, grabiti-va!"); PlayerInfo[pRob] -= 10; Update(i, pRobx); } } UseFind[playerid] = 0; IsTowing[playerid] = 0; BankOccupied = 1; RobSec = 60; format(string, sizeof(string), "Remaining Members: ~y~%d", GetRobbers() ); TextDrawSetString(Rob1Text, string); CreateBankObjects(); RobFailTimer = SetTimerEx("SilentFailedRob", 60000, 0, "d", playerid); } } return 1; } " eu te sfatuesc sa mai inveti putin pawno, sau mai bine zis lasate de asa ceva daca nu te duce deloc capul si astepti numai mura in gura! "
  21. pune la PlayerInfo[pRob] -= 10; PlayerInfo[ i ][pRob] -= 10; si enjoy
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