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Everything posted by Kingsley

  1. http://invision-virus.com/forum/index.php/files/file/504-sos34-vip-members/
  2. Nu imi dau seama la tema asta.
  3. Este o imagine -> se gaseste in fisierul carbon-images(ceva de genul). Dezarhivezi fisierul si cauti cele 2 poze sau 1(in care se afla numele temei "Carbon" si adresa site-ului "IPBForumSkins"). Apoi inlocuiste imaginile sau imaginea cu imaginea LOGO-ul site-ului tau sau ce vrei tu sa pui acolo. ! Imaginea cu ce vrei tu sa inlocuiesti acolo trebuie sa aiba aceasi denumire ca fisierul anterior sters.
  4. Mai multe aici:https://www.facebook.com/lpf.ro/?fref=nf
  5. @The RockE asemanator =)))) @GeaniDaca ai putea sa imi dai si mie gamemode-ul LinkMania?
  6. @..H3AtonN.. Mai doriti si un sistem de factiuni de ala jmecher rau?Sau un sistem de case de ala ff smech.NU SE CER SCRIPTURI.Incearca tu sa il faci si daca ai probleme noi te ajutam. CER T/C.
  7. OFFTOPIC:Omule ce ai facut?Cum mama naibii il ai pe Selly abonat si pe Tequila subscriber?Si alti Youtoubers cu 1k+ subs. .Le-ai dat mita sa se aboneze=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  8. Pot oferi si servicii IPB cat si PAWNO.Daca esti curios te rog sa imi dai add: live:itudor.bd(skype) P.S. Ai gresit categoria.Aici scripterii ofera servicii.Tu nu oferi servici ci cauti persoane pentru anumite functii.Adica topic-ul trebuie mutat la "Caut scripter".Rog un administrator sa se ocupe.
  9. 8/10(ar fi mers vocea).Cu ce program la-i facut?
  10. @GabiVL eu din cate inteleg cineva ti-a spart server-ul.Schimba parola RCON.
  11. Morrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:D.De la mine ai un milion cu dedicatie pentru toate serverele fantoma din Romania...sa avem noroc anu asta sa dispara.
  12. Kingsley


    Un program pentru detectarea } lipse sau care sa imi zica unde nu sunt asezate bine.
  13. @[RW]Robi nu l-am testat.Dar nu prea cred ca e bun...incearca-l...
  14. Nu te putem ajuta daca ne dai codul asta...dane mai multe coduri in care apar variabilele: pprcarkeyx: phelikeyx: pmotokeyx pPcarkeyx
  15. @RaZoR23Keltone e BuGGed ce vrei mai mult?Cine nu stie cum arata BuGGed?
  16. C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\pawno\include\streamer.inc(494) : error 017: undefined symbol "Streamer_OnPlayerWeaponShot" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(55) : error 017: undefined symbol "AntiDeAMX" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(2554) : error 004: function "vUpdate" is not implemented C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(3643) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerHealthEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(3649) : error 017: undefined symbol "Carspeed" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(3848) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(3861) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(4077) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerHealthEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(4101) : error 017: undefined symbol "AntiFlood_InitPlayer" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(4443) : error 017: undefined symbol "ClearWanted" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(4918) : error 004: function "ProxDetector" is not implemented C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5534) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerHealthEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5535) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerArmourEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5538) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerArmourEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5539) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerHealthEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5544) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerHealthEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5554) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerArmourEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5555) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerHealthEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5570) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerHealthEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5571) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetPlayerArmourEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5574) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerArmourEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5575) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerHealthEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5580) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerHealthEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5590) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerArmourEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5591) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerHealthEx" C:\Users\VICTOR\Desktop\Chestii\LCZ-Gaming RPG\gamemodes\LCZ-Gaming.pwn(5622) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerHealthEx" Deci de dimineata am scos niste job-uri si licenta de pescuit din gamemod,dar a inceput sa imi dea erorile astea.
  17. Cum a zis si NoNamed.Modifica JunkBuster-ul sa nu mai dea BAN IP celor ce folosesc hack...de exemplu sa le dea kick.
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