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Everything posted by Ph0eniX

  1. Topic inchis , 48h+ fara reply.....
  2. Topic inchis , 48h+ fara up/reply.....
  3. Ph0eniX


    Topic inchis , 48h+ fara reply.....
  4. Topic inchis , 48h fara reply.....
  5. Topic inchis , in aceasta sectiune NU se cere asa ceva. Edit by Admin: Si nici nu se accepta idei copiate dupa alte servere.
  6. Posteaza liniile de la OnGameModeInit / OnFilterScriptInit unde creeaza masinile.
  7. Topic inchis , 48h+ fara up/reply.
  8. Topic inchis , 48h+ fara reply.
  9. Nu lua in considerare ce scrie mai sus incearca sa-ti instalezi Microsoft Visual c++ 2010
  10. Ph0eniX

    Problema mysql

    Topic inchis , respecta modelu'.
  11. Topic inchis , 48h+ fara up/reply.
  12. Topic inchis , 48h+ fara up/reply.
  13. Topic inchis , respecta modelu'.
  14. Ph0eniX

    Comanda mute

    Topic inchis , 48h+ fara reply.
  15. Fa un stock unde sa se creeze din nou masinile sau , daca nu este in acelasi GM/FS comanda respawncars cu masinile pers , fa in fs-u cu masini personale un public ex: public RespawnPCars() { wifi = Create.... si ce mai vrei tu } la comanda respawncars pui SetTimer... pt acest public , succes si te astept cu reply. EDIT: Topic inchis , 48h+ fara reply.
  16. Topic inchis , 48h fara up / reply.
  17. Ai IP Dinamic , instaleaza hamachi si adauga ip-u de la hamachi
  18. if(GetPlayerInterior(killerid) != 1) { SetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid) +1); } in loc de 1 pui interiori in care nu vrei sa dea wanted
  19. Topic inchis , 48h+ fara reply.
  20. Topic inchis , 48h+ fara reply.
  21. Topic inchis , 48h fara reply.
  22. Topic inchis , 48h fara reply.
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