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As avea o propunere sa faci versiunea urmatoare !

Sa pui /v rovineta , /v asigurare .. Si sa le faci pe un anumit timp cu dialog si daca nu ai facute asigurare si rovineta sa te de-a jos din masina !

Sa pui /v lock la mai putin  de 100 metri !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bravo  ;) . Un FS reusit dar cam greu de instalat .  :undecided: . L-am bagat pe sv. ,[glow=red,2,300] NU AM MODIFICAT  nimic la carsonserver [/glow] am adaugat liniile acelea care trebuiau puse in GM . Totul OK . Intru pe server , adaug o masina pers pe sv cu comanda si surpriza : NU E PERSONALA . Am mai observat ca dupa ce adaug masini "personale" nu se salveaza , adica nu raman pe server sau oriunde altundeva. Comenzile cu "/v" nu imi merg decat dupa ce restartez serveru si e foarte aiurea.

Si cateva intrebari :

1) Mai pot folosii comanda /veh fara sa dereglez sistemul de masini pers ?

2) De ce nu se salveaza masinile ?

3) Cine ma poate ajuta sa il instalez ? PM va rog.

O zi buna . :))

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Guest farse

Ca FS-ul isi da load primul,de preferat pune la OnFilterScriptInit : SetTimer("LoadStuff",2000,0)

si tot ce e la OnFilterScriptInit pui in functia LoadStuff


public OnFilterScriptInit()



return 1;


forward LoadStuff();

public LoadStuff()


//tot ce e la OnFilterScriptInit

return 1;


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si nam modificat decat nr d masini d pe srv

C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1455) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1460) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1454) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1454) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1454) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1454) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1474) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1479) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1473) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1473) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1473) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1473) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1493) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1498) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1492) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1492) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1492) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1492) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1512) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1517) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1511) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1511) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1511) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1511) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1531) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1536) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1530) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1530) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1530) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1530) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1550) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1555) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1549) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1549) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1549) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1549) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1569) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1574) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1568) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1568) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1568) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1568) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1588) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1593) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1587) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1587) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1587) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1587) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1607) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1612) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1606) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1606) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1606) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1606) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1626) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1631) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1625) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1625) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1625) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1625) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1645) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1653) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1644) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1644) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1644) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(1644) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(2021) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(2029) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(2016) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "tires"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(2016) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "lights"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(2016) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "doors"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(2016) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "panels"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(2048) : error 017: undefined symbol "GetVehicleDamageStatus"
C:\Documents and Settings\Speedy\My Documents\Downloads\carownership_by_Im_BanK\filterscripts\carownership.pwn(2059) : error 017: undefined symbol "UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.

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Probabil iti lipsesc niste includes de iti da erorile alea.

Mersi frumos ! Merge !

Auzi,e normal sa se faca putin lag cand dau /park sau /acreatecar ?

Si,sti de ce cand sunt in interioare am lag de 2-3 secunde ? Cand sunt afara merge perfect :)

probabil e de la PC tau, sau poate mai ai alte fs care iti ingreuneaza serverul.

FS-ul nu ar trebuii sa faca lag.

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salut,am si eu problema aia :daca dau /v park la masina mi-o schimba,daca stiti cum sa o rezolv va rog sa imi spuneti si mie(problema este la gamemode[larp])...iar ca sa nu fac off topic,ca doar de asta postez,sa va intreb ceva...eu am masinile factiunilor de la 0 la 188,am setat in fs acolo unde sa cerut numarul masinilor din gm,si cand le creez mi le face corect,dar dupa aceea,cand dau restart,imi pune si masinile create pentru dealership si cele cumparate cu id-urile de la 1 incolo...va rog sa ma ajutati...

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Hai noroc,inca odata felicitari pentru fs,e super...dar rog pe cineva sa ma ajute cu 2 lucruri....1:Cum fac ca masinile sa fie inmatriculate doar de un politist,sau leader.(am incercat,am pus,sa compilat,dar nu functioneaza in joc,o poate schimba oricine)

2:Va rog frumos,trebuie sa fac neaparat ca masina 1,sau 2,sau 3,sa fie inchisa,doar daca esti langa ea...imi trebuie pentru un server rp.Multumesc frumos,si astept un raspuns...Bafta.

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