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Problema Createhouse



Problema intalnita (descriere):Deci daca dau /createhouse mi se creaza casa.. dar problema este ca daca dau un rr la server,nu mai este casa.. si daca eu cumpar aceea casa..si ii dau restart la server ma da in aer pe un camp,pe langa dilimore..Ce sa ii fac??
Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):-
Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):


CMD:createhouse(playerid, params[])
    new Float:Pos[3], Float:IntPos[3], inter, ivInt, ivPrice, ivLevel;
    if(gLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Tu nu esti logat si nu poti sa folosesti aceasta comanda!");
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 6) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Nu ai gradul necesar ca sa folosesti aceasta comanda!");
    if(sscanf(params,"iii",ivLevel,ivPrice,ivInt)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN, "Tasteaza:{FFFFFF} /createhouse <level> <price> <intid>");
        if(ivLevel < 1 || ivLevel > 50) return 1;
        if(ivPrice < 1 || ivPrice > 100000000) return 1;
        if(ivInt < 1 || ivInt > 42) return 1;
        GetPlayerPos(playerid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);

        if(ivInt == 1)IntPos[0] = 140.17, IntPos[1] = 1366.07, IntPos[2] = 1083.65, inter = 5;
        else if(ivInt == 2)IntPos[0] = 2324.53, IntPos[1] = -1149.54, IntPos[2] = 1050.71, inter = 12;
        else if(ivInt == 3)IntPos[0] = 225.68, IntPos[1] = 1021.45, IntPos[2] = 1084.02, inter = 7;
        else if(ivInt == 4) IntPos[0] = 234.19, IntPos[1] = 1063.73, IntPos[2] = 1084.21, inter = 6;
        else if(ivInt == 5) IntPos[0] = 226.30, IntPos[1] = 1114.24, IntPos[2] = 1080.99, inter = 5;
        else if(ivInt == 6) IntPos[0] = 235.34, IntPos[1] = 1186.68, IntPos[2] = 1080.26, inter = 3;
        else if(ivInt == 7) IntPos[0] = 491.07, IntPos[1] = 1398.50, IntPos[2] = 1080.26, inter = 2;
        else if(ivInt == 8) IntPos[0] = 24.04, IntPos[1] = 1340.17, IntPos[2] = 1084.38, inter = 10;
        else if(ivInt == 9) IntPos[0] = -283.44, IntPos[1] = 1470.93, IntPos[2] = 1084.38, inter = 15;
        else if(ivInt == 10) IntPos[0] = -260.49, IntPos[1] = 1456.75, IntPos[2] = 1084.37, inter = 4;
        else if(ivInt == 11) IntPos[0] = 83.03, IntPos[1] = 1322.28, IntPos[2] = 1083.87, inter = 9;
        else if(ivInt == 12) IntPos[0] = 2317.89, IntPos[1] = -1026.76, IntPos[2] = 1050.22, inter = 9;
        else if(ivInt == 13) IntPos[0] = 2495.98, IntPos[1] = -1692.08, IntPos[2] = 1014.74, inter = 3;
        else if(ivInt == 14) IntPos[0] = 2807.48, IntPos[1] = -1174.76, IntPos[2] = 1025.57, inter = 8;
        else if(ivInt == 15) IntPos[0] = 2196.85, IntPos[1] = -1204.25, IntPos[2] = 1049.02, inter = 6;
        else if(ivInt == 16) IntPos[0] = 377.15, IntPos[1] = 1417.41, IntPos[2] = 1081.33, inter = 15;
        else if(ivInt == 17) IntPos[0] = 2270.38, IntPos[1] = -1210.35, IntPos[2] = 1047.56, inter = 10;
        else if(ivInt == 18) IntPos[0] = 446.99, IntPos[1] = 1397.07, IntPos[2] = 1084.30, inter = 2;
        else if(ivInt == 19) IntPos[0] = 387.22, IntPos[1] = 1471.70, IntPos[2] = 1080.19, inter = 15;
        else if(ivInt == 20) IntPos[0] = 22.88, IntPos[1] = 1403.33, IntPos[2] = 1084.44, inter = 5;
        else if(ivInt == 21) IntPos[0] = 2365.31, IntPos[1] = -1135.60, IntPos[2] = 1050.88, inter = 8;
        else if(ivInt == 22) IntPos[0] =  2237.59, IntPos[1] = -1081.64, IntPos[2] = 1049.02, inter = 2;
        else if(ivInt == 23) IntPos[0] = 295.04, IntPos[1] = 1472.26, IntPos[2] = 1080.26, inter = 15;
        else if(ivInt == 24) IntPos[0] =  261.12, IntPos[1] = 1284.30, IntPos[2] = 1080.26, inter = 4;
        else if(ivInt == 25) IntPos[0] = 221.92, IntPos[1] = 1140.20, IntPos[2] = 1082.61, inter = 4;
        else if(ivInt == 26) IntPos[0] = -68.81, IntPos[1] = 1351.21, IntPos[2] = 1080.21, inter = 6;
        else if(ivInt == 27) IntPos[0] = 260.85, IntPos[1] = 1237.24, IntPos[2] = 1084.26, inter = 9;
        else if(ivInt == 28) IntPos[0] =  2468.84, IntPos[1] = -1698.24, IntPos[2] = 1013.51, inter = 2;
        else if(ivInt == 29) IntPos[0] = 223.20, IntPos[1] = 1287.08, IntPos[2] = 1082.14, inter = 1;
        else if(ivInt == 30) IntPos[0] =  2283.04, IntPos[1] = -1140.28, IntPos[2] = 1050.90, inter = 11;
        else if(ivInt == 31) IntPos[0] = 328.05, IntPos[1] = 1477.73, IntPos[2] = 1084.44, inter = 15;
        else if(ivInt == 32) IntPos[0] = 223.20, IntPos[1] = 1287.08, IntPos[2] = 1287.08, inter = 1;
        else if(ivInt == 33) IntPos[0] = -42.59, IntPos[1] = 1405.47, IntPos[2] = 1084.43, inter = 8;
        else if(ivInt == 34) IntPos[0] = 446.90, IntPos[1] = 506.35, IntPos[2] = 1001.42, inter = 12;
        else if(ivInt == 35) IntPos[0] = 299.78, IntPos[1] = 309.89, IntPos[2] = 1003.30, inter = 4;
        else if(ivInt == 36) IntPos[0] = 2308.77, IntPos[1] = -1212.94, IntPos[2] = 1049.02, inter = 6;
        else if(ivInt == 37) IntPos[0] = 2233.64, IntPos[1] = -1115.26, IntPos[2] = 1050.88, inter = 5;
        else if(ivInt == 38) IntPos[0] = 2218.40, IntPos[1] = -1076.18, IntPos[2] = 1050.48, inter = 1;
        else if(ivInt == 39) IntPos[0] = 266.50, IntPos[1] = 304.90, IntPos[2] = 999.15, inter = 2;
        else if(ivInt == 40) IntPos[0] = 243.72, IntPos[1] = 304.91, IntPos[2] = 999.15, inter = 1;
        else if(ivInt == 41) IntPos[0] = 343.81, IntPos[1] = 304.86, IntPos[2] = 999.15, inter = 6;
        else if(ivInt == 42) IntPos[0] = 2259.38, IntPos[1] = -1135.77, IntPos[2] = 1050.64, inter = 10;

        ++ Total_House_Created;

        new house = Total_House_Created;

        HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX] = Pos[0];
        HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY] = Pos[1];
        HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ] = Pos[2];
        HouseInfo[house][hExitX] = IntPos[0];
        HouseInfo[house][hExitY] = IntPos[1];
        HouseInfo[house][hExitZ] = IntPos[2];
        strmid(HouseInfo[house][hOwner], "The State", 0, MAX_PLAYER_NAME, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
        HouseInfo[house][hValue] = ivPrice;
        HouseInfo[house][hInt] = inter;
        HouseInfo[house][hLock] = 1;
        HouseInfo[house][hOwned] = 0;
        HouseInfo[house][hRent] = 1;
        HouseInfo[house][hRentable] = 0;
        HouseInfo[house][hSafe] = 0;
        HouseInfo[house][hLevel] = ivLevel;
        HouseInfo[house][hWorld] = Total_House_Created;
        HouseInfo[house][hSellPrice] = 0;

        gQuery[0] = (EOS);
        mysql_format(handle, gQuery, sizeof(gQuery) ,"INSERT INTO `houses` (`ID`,`EntranceX`,`EntranceY`,`EntranceZ`,`ExitX`,`ExitY`,`ExitZ`,`Owner`,`Value`,`Interior`,`Lock`,`Owned`,`Rent`,`Rentable`,`Safe`,`Level`,`World`) VALUES (%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,'%e',%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)",
        mysql_query(handle ,gQuery);
        format(gString, sizeof(gString), "House %d\nAceasta casa este la vanzare!\nPrice: {FFFFFF}$%s\n{FF9933}Level: {FFFFFF}%d\n{FF9933}Pentru a cumpara aceasta casa,Foloseste comanda /buyhouse.",house,FormatNumber(HouseInfo[house][hValue]),HouseInfo[house][hLevel]);
        HouseInfo[house][hTextInfo] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(gString,0xFF9933FF,HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ]+0.5,15, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1, -1, -1, 15.0);
        HouseInfo[house][hPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ], -1, -1, -1, 15.0);
    return 1;

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Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: Chiar nu am idee ce ar putea fii.

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Pai ori nu ai baza de date, ori nu e corecta sintaxa mysql de aici

mysql_format(handle, gQuery, sizeof(gQuery) ,"INSERT INTO `houses` (`ID`,`EntranceX`,`EntranceY`,`EntranceZ`,`ExitX`,`ExitY`,`ExitZ`,`Owner`,`Value`,`Interior`,`Lock`,`Owned`,`Rent`,`Rentable`,`Safe`,`Level`,`World`) VALUES (%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,'%e',%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)",
        mysql_query(handle ,gQuery);

Verifico manual in baza de date.




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Acum 1 oră, Shaolinu a spus:

Problema intalnita (descriere):Deci daca dau /createhouse mi se creaza casa.. dar problema este ca daca dau un rr la server,nu mai este casa.. si daca eu cumpar aceea casa..si ii dau restart la server ma da in aer pe un camp,pe langa dilimore..Ce sa ii fac??
Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):-
Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):

Imagini / Video (optional):-
Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: Chiar nu am idee ce ar putea fii.

mysql_format(handle, gQuery, sizeof(gQuery) ,"INSERT INTO `houses` (`ID`,`EntranceX`,`EntranceY`,`EntranceZ`,`ExitX`,`ExitY`,`ExitZ`,`Owner`,`Value`,`Interior`,`Lock`,`Owned`,`Rent`,`Rentable`,`Safe`,`Level`,`World`) VALUES ('%d','%f','%f','%f','%f','%f','%f')",
        mysql_pquery(handle ,gQuery, "", "");

mysql_format(handle, gQuery, sizeof(gQuery),"UPDATE `houses` SET `Owner`='%s', `Value`='%d', `Interior`='%d', `Lock`='%d', `Owned`='%d', `Rent`='%d', `Rentable`='%d', `Safe`='%d', `Level`='%d', `World`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d' ", HouseInfo[house][hOwner], HouseInfo[house][hValue], HouseInfo[house][hInt], HouseInfo[house][hLock],HouseInfo[house][hOwned],HouseInfo[house][hRent], HouseInfo[house][hRentable], HouseInfo[house][hSafe], HouseInfo[house][hLevel], HouseInfo[house][hWorld], house);

mysql_pquery(handle, gQuery, "", "");


incearca așa.


Servicii Scripting de calitate:


Future Project: ExpertGame


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Chiar acum, DaEdRiC-FoX a spus:

mysql_format(handle, gQuery, sizeof(gQuery) ,"INSERT INTO `houses` (`ID`,`EntranceX`,`EntranceY`,`EntranceZ`,`ExitX`,`ExitY`,`ExitZ`,`Owner`,`Value`,`Interior`,`Lock`,`Owned`,`Rent`,`Rentable`,`Safe`,`Level`,`World`) VALUES ('%d','%f','%f','%f','%f','%f','%f')",
        mysql_pquery(handle ,gQuery, "", "");

mysql_format(handle, gQuery, sizeof(gQuery),"UPDATE `houses` SET `Owner`='%s', `Value`='%d', `Interior`='%d', `Lock`='%d', `Owned`='%d', `Rent`='%d', `Rentable`='%d', `Safe`='%d', `Level`='%d', `World`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d' ", HouseInfo[house][hOwner], HouseInfo[house][hValue], HouseInfo[house][hInt], HouseInfo[house][hLock],HouseInfo[house][hOwned],HouseInfo[house][hRent], HouseInfo[house][hRentable], HouseInfo[house][hSafe], HouseInfo[house][hLevel], HouseInfo[house][hWorld], house);

mysql_pquery(handle, gQuery, "", "");


incearca așa.

Nu mai merge de loc comanda.. scrie /createhouse 1 1 1 de ex.. si nu mai face nimic.. 

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Acum 11 minute, Shaolinu a spus:

Nu mai merge de loc comanda.. scrie /createhouse 1 1 1 de ex.. si nu mai face nimic.. 

Am făcut.o de pe telefon, nu îmi dau seama dacă am fa ut vreo greșeală, mă uit mâine și o refac si dau edit.


Servicii Scripting de calitate:


Future Project: ExpertGame


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La 06.11.2016 la 12:20, DaEdRiC-FoX a spus:

Am făcut.o de pe telefon, nu îmi dau seama dacă am fa ut vreo greșeală, mă uit mâine și o refac si dau edit.

Mai ma ajuti si pe mine frate? Chiar am nevoie de ajutor.

La 06.11.2016 la 10:26, Gireada a spus:

Verifico manual in baza de date.

Cum adica ? ce tre sa fac?

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INSERT INTO `houses` (`ID`,`EntranceX`,`EntranceY`,`EntranceZ`,`ExitX`,`ExitY`,`ExitZ`,`Owner`,`Value`,`Interior`,`Lock`,`Owned`,`Rent`,`Rentable`,`Safe`,`Level`,`World`) VALUES ('%d','%f','%f','%f','%f','%f','%f','%e','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d','%d')




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