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Mysql connect ??


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Salut , am o problema cu baza de date (presupun) , server_log :



[09:47:31] Server Plugins
[09:47:31] --------------
[09:47:31]  Loading plugin: mysql.so
[09:47:31]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-2 successfully loaded.
[09:47:31]   Loaded.
[09:47:31]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[09:47:31]   CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[09:47:31]   Loaded.
[09:47:31]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[09:47:31]  ===============================

[09:47:31]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[09:47:31]          Version:  2.8.1        

[09:47:31]    (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  

[09:47:31]  ===============================

[09:47:31]   Loaded.
[09:47:31]  Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.8 by Incognito loaded ***

[09:47:31]   Loaded.
[09:47:31]  Loading plugin: profiler.so
[09:47:31]   Profiler v2.12.1 is OK.
[09:47:31]   Loaded.
[09:47:31]  Loading plugin: nativechecker.so
[09:47:31]   Loaded.
[09:47:31]  Loading plugin: mysql_static.so
[09:47:31]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-4 successfully loaded.
[09:47:31]   Loaded.
[09:47:31]  Loaded 7 plugins.

[09:47:31] Filterscripts
[09:47:31] ---------------
[09:47:31]   Loading filterscript 'ahouse.amx'...
[09:47:31] ==========================
[09:47:31] =>      ADMIN HOUSE      <=
[09:47:31] =>        By ByZz      <=
[09:47:31] ==========================
[09:47:31]   Loading filterscript 'FerrisWheel.amx'...
[09:47:31]  Working Ferris Wheel v 1.0
[09:47:31] --------------------------------------

[09:47:31]   Loaded 2 filterscripts.

[09:47:31] [profiler] Attached profiler to gamemodes/server.amx
[09:47:31]  =======================================
[09:47:31]  |                                     |
[09:47:31]  |        YSI version 3.09.0684        |
[09:47:31]  |        By Alex "Y_Less" Cole        |
[09:47:31]  |                                     |
[09:47:31]  =======================================
[09:47:31] |__________________________________________|
[09:47:31]  Samp (v1.4) | Map: LS
[09:47:31] |__________________________________________|
[09:47:31] [MySQL]: Connection to database (Yellow) failed!
[09:47:31] Number of vehicle models: 13
[09:47:31] EROARE: Nu am putut executa GetRealWeather!

Au fost mai multe buguri si le-am rezolvat , si inca ceva , am pus datele de conectare la baza de date dar nimic , iar pe windows ruleaza fara probleme si nu stiu exact unde gasesc acele date sa le inlocuiesc , orice ajutor e bine venit .


Edited by Kaps
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[09:47:31] [MySQL]: Connection to database (Yellow) failed!

Spune totul datele sunt incorecte, da ticket la firma de host si cerele datele mysql, eventual arata ne cum ai pus tu datele in pawno, schimbi cateva cifre litere ca sa nu zici ca iti furam datele.


    __  ____      __           
   /  |/  (_)____/ /____  _____
  / /|_/ / / ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/
 / /  / / (__  ) /_/  __/ /    
/_/  /_/_/____/\__/\___/_/     
Pagina     Scripting     pawn
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Pai e pe dedicatul meu , nu e nimic sa fie incorecte , le-am verificat , si pe alt servere merg datele insa pe acesta nu .


#define SQL_HOST "43.ip.ser.ver"
#define SQL_USER "user"
#define SQL_PASS "parola"
#define SQL_DB "Yellow"

Pe windows ruleaza cu toate ca are pusa conexiunea la baza de date ..


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Inseamna ca ipul e de vina, daca ai rooter portul e diferit  si trebuie sa faci port forward, incearca sa pui localhost inloc de ip


    __  ____      __           
   /  |/  (_)____/ /____  _____
  / /|_/ / / ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/
 / /  / / (__  ) /_/  __/ /    
/_/  /_/_/____/\__/\___/_/     
Pagina     Scripting     pawn
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Pai baza de date o am pe alt ip , eu incerc sa pornesc serverul pe linux , si nu gasesc unde as putea sa pun datele bazei de date , in gamemode nu am gasit nimic ..

Am lucrat mult si nu vreau sa renunt la el ..


Edited by Kaps
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Acum 23 ore, Kaps a spus:

Pai baza de date o am pe alt ip , eu incerc sa pornesc serverul pe linux , si nu gasesc unde as putea sa pun datele bazei de date , in gamemode nu am gasit nimic ..

Am lucrat mult si nu vreau sa renunt la el ..


Stai oleaca?! Cum adica nu gasesti unde sa pui datele in gamemode daca ai lucrat mult la el ? arata lista cu include-urile din gamemode.

Liber ca pasarea cerului.


P.S.:Tu plodule, da tu plodule nu te gandii ca am ciuda pe bugged, nu eu am ciuda pe faptul ca acapareaza din ce in ce mai mult mintile copiilor mai straluciti si ii transforma in scammer si viitori boschetari. Hai sa schimbam ceva! Hai sa schimbam Romania!

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L-am lucrat in Windows ,


#include <IPAA>
#include <foreach>

#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>
#include <a_players>

#include <zcmd>
#include <streamer>
#include <YSI\y_iterate>
#include <myacc>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <crashdetect>
#include <profiler>
#include <OPVJ>


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