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Everything posted by Spilter

  1. up, sper sa nu imi dati warn, am vrut doar sa o readuc in discutie poate stie cineva.
  2. Pentru prima eroare da de la inceput, de unde incepe definitia, ca nu avem cum sa ne dam seama asa.
  3. Salut ! Am un site facut special pentru serverele pe MySQL si vreau sa il folosesc, doar ca am o mica problema, nu pot conecta serverul la acel site, precizez am baza de date de la host si serverul este MySQL. Am incercat cu o baza de date de la domeniu, merge asa, dar degeaba ca nu pot face nimic nu am baza de date acolo. Am incercat cu baza de date a serverului(cea de la host) si nu merge, poate gresesc undeva, nu stiu. Multumesc anticipat !
  4. Spilter


    Deci, de cand am bagat versiunea 0.3x toti playerii primesc crash. Am pus pluginurile de 0.3x si nimic. Exista si un program prin care cineva poate creea crash ? Este posibil sa fie bug de la 0.3x ? Va rog ajutatima, chiar nu stiu ce sa fac.Multumesc.
  5. Nimeni? (scz 2x post)
  6. if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] < 4) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x4FA7FFFF, "*** You need level 4 to use this !"); return 1; } asta o bagi sub asta if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You havent logged in yet !"); return 1; }
  7. Salut!Cum pot face ca politistii cand omoara pe cineva sa nu ia wanted?Multumesc anticipat
  8. Uite ce am pus #define SetPlayerHoldingObject(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9) SetPlayerAttachedObject(%1,MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS-1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9) #define StopPlayerHoldingObject(%1) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(%1,MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS-1) #define IsPlayerHoldingObject(%1) IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(%1,MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS-1)
  9. ?Cum pot scama de erorile urmatoare C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15288) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15290) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15292) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15296) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15300) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15304) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15308) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15312) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15316) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15320) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15324) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15328) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15332) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15334) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Spilter\Desktop\Creepz Server Bun\gamemodes\v1.pwn(15337) : error 010: invalid function or declaration Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 15 Errors. Liniile if(dialogid==bandana) { if(response) { if(listitem==0) { SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18917, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==1) { SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18913, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==2) { SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18916, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==3) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18915, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==4) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18912 , 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==5) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18911 , 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==6) { SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18914, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==7) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18918, 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==8) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18920 , 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==9) { SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0, 18919 , 2, 0.078534, 0.041857, -0.001727, 268.970458, 1.533374, 269.223754); } if(listitem==10) { for(new i;i<5;i++) RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid,i); } } return 1; }
  10. pai daca te uiti mai bine am scris ca am rezolvat aia cu coordonatele dar acum nu se vede nimic la coordonatele noi asta incerc sa spun!
  11. Am gasit astea dar acum nu se vede nimic am pus coordonatele da nu se vede!
  12. eu vreau sa schimb locul unde te arata cand te loghezi , ca akolo nu pot da /save
  13. Salut!Cum pot schimba spawn-ul cand te inregistrezi si cand te loghezi sa pun alte coordonate, ce trebuie sa schimb !Ast raspuns
  14. Nu stie nimeni?(scz 2x post)
  15. Salut!!Am o problema .Am adaugat o casa 1094.5835,-806.3062,107.4146,2454.717041,-1700.871582,1013.5151970,0,0,0,0,0,The State,Ryders house,500000,0,0,12,1,0,0,5000,1,0,418,-1,-1,182,5 am pus la HouseInfo in loc de 35-case pe care le aveam am bagat 37-casa creata +1 Problema este cand incerc sa deschid serverul imi da asta EnableTirePopping() function is removed. [18:27:13] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3 [18:27:13] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap() [18:27:13] [18:27:13] [18:27:13] Number of vehicle models: 3 Nu stiu de la ce este dar cand pun inapoi 35 merge !!Multumesc!!
  16. Salut!Problema este ca am la bicilete si avioane fuel si Speedometer !Can se termina benzina trebuie sa ma duc cu bicicleta la benzinarie ) Si e cam nasola !nush ce linii trebuie sa pun exact!Mersi
  17. Am rezolvat problema !!Ms pentru deranj gunskill
  18. Poi asta inseamna ca sa compilat bine.
  19. Nu tot timpul numai level 0 nu se schimba deloc
  20. Salut!!Am facut in Gf/RP un topic akolo cu payday sa rezolvat cu syncup!Dar acum nush daca e de la asta arata la tot serverul level 0 !Dc?Multumesc Las si linia de la SyncUp public SyncUp() { new hour,minute,second; gettime(hour,minute,second); if(minute == 0) PayDay(); return 1; }
  21. Daca cautai pe google mai bine gaseai asta http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=205666 Dar vezi daca ai arme infinite nu se vad doar cele cu gloante!Trebuie sa mai modifici putin!
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