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Everything posted by AleX124

  1. Le-am modificat iar pe server nu apare nimic modificat .....
  2. Cele de la un server de trucking ( ppc_playercommands )
  3. Am modificat ( tradus ) un fisier inc de la include si nu merge in joc , la fel apare ....
  4. Thanks, cum pot modifica masinile de la jobs ? ( mafia , cele pe care le gasesti in baza )
  5. Si se salveaza ? Adica vreau sa modific un inc de la pawno , se salveaza cu notepad ? ?
  6. Salutare, cu ce pot modifica un fisier .inc ?
  7. Nu este nicio comanda in gamemode .....
  8. Salutare, am luat de pe net serverul lui PPC de trucking si am niste intrebari : cum pot crea case ? sau sa le i-au de undeva sa fie create deja .... si cum pot modifica comenzile pt ca nu gasesc comenzile in gamemode
  9. La mine nu merg comenzile /iesi , /hvinde , /hlock , spune mereu Aceasta nu este proprietatea ta ! chiar daca sunt pe pickup-ul de la casa mea !
  10. C:\Users\Marius\Desktop\samp03x_svr_R1-2_win32\gamemodes\grandlarc.pwn(628) : error 017: undefined symbol "params" C:\Users\Marius\Desktop\samp03x_svr_R1-2_win32\gamemodes\grandlarc.pwn(636) : error 017: undefined symbol "str" C:\Users\Marius\Desktop\samp03x_svr_R1-2_win32\gamemodes\grandlarc.pwn(636) : error 017: undefined symbol "str" C:\Users\Marius\Desktop\samp03x_svr_R1-2_win32\gamemodes\grandlarc.pwn(636) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Users\Marius\Desktop\samp03x_svr_R1-2_win32\gamemodes\grandlarc.pwn(636) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 5 Errors. [pawn] if (strcmp("/oramaa", cmdtext, true, 5) == 0) { new time; if(sscanf(params, "d", time)) //Linia 628 { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Scrie: {FFFF00}/time <ora 0 - 23>"); return true; } if(time < 0) { format(str, sizeof(str), "{30a030}[DTG]: {ffffff}Nu poti pune ora mai mica de 0."); //Linia 636 SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, str); return true; } if(time > 23) { format(str, sizeof(str), "{30a030}[DTG]: {ffffff}Nu poti pune ora mai mare de 23."); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, str); return true; } GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName)); format(str, sizeof(str), "{30a030}[DTG]: {B700FF}%s(%i) a schimbat ora la: %d", PlayerName, playerid, time); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, str); format(str, sizeof(str), "~r~Timp schimbat: ~b~%d", time); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, str, 3000, 5); SetWorldTime(time); return true; }[/pawn]
  11. Am pus si eu , nu prea am pus virgule mai sus si nu cred ca ai inteles , acel girofar pe masina dar vreau sa stiu daca pot sa-l fac sa se aprinda doar cand apas pe H , ca la masinile de politie ( LSPD, LVPD,SFPD ) ?
  12. Salutare, am adaugat un object 19420 pe un infernus si vreau sa stiu daca pot sa le fac ca la masinile de politie sa lumineze cand apas pe H ?
  13. AleX124

    Problema GTA

    Am incercat sa-l reinstalez.....la fel. Nu-l mai folosesc stai linistit....
  14. AleX124

    Problema GTA

    Salutare, nu am stiut unde sa postez si am decis ca aici. Am o problema cu jocul , de exemplu cand merg in fata cu W+SPACE imi merge 1 secunda dupa revine pe loc adica nu mai fuge zici ca se reseteaza , am incercat sa instalez s0b si de atunci nu mai merge. Va rog ajutati-ma, multumesc !
  15. Simplu...dar daca esti incepator, 4/5 .
  16. Bravo Stormiest, 5/5, frumoasa ideea.
  17. L-am incercat si eu, felicitari! 5/5
  18. Erorile sunt: [pawn]C:\Documents and Settings\MariusPC\Desktop\Romania Monster Stunt\gamemodes\RMS.pwn(627) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Documents and Settings\MariusPC\Desktop\Romania Monster Stunt\gamemodes\RMS.pwn(642) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\MariusPC\Desktop\Romania Monster Stunt\gamemodes\RMS.pwn(1080) : warning 209: function "OnDialogResponse" should return a value C:\Documents and Settings\MariusPC\Desktop\Romania Monster Stunt\gamemodes\RMS.pwn(1081) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\MariusPC\Desktop\Romania Monster Stunt\gamemodes\RMS.pwn(1108) : warning 209: function "OnPlayerKeyStateChange" should return a value Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors. [/pawn] Iar randurile aproximative sunt: [pawn] if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/arme",true) == 0) { Randul 627--> new string[ 390 ]; strcat(string, "{FFFFFF}AK-47 {FF9900}- {FF0000}12000{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}Sniper {FF9900}- {FF0000}5000{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}Tec9 {FF9900}- {FF0000}5900{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}9mm {FF9900}- {FF0000}3000{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}Silenced 9mm {FF9900}- {FF0000}5600{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}M4 {FF9900}- {FF0000}14000{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}SMG (MP5) {FF9900}- {FF0000}10000{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}Health + Armour {FF9900}- {FF0000}2500{33AA33}$", 390); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_ARME,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{FFFFFF}Meniu arme", string, "Cumpara", "Iesire"); return 1; } return 0; } Randul 642--> return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xAA3333AA,"Comanda necunoscuta! Foloseste /ajutor /cmds /teles /credits !"); } [/pawn] Iar celelalte cred ca va dati seama de la ce este :-?? ! Daca nu va pun si acele randuri.
  19. Imi da alta eroare: (1599) : error 010: invalid function or declaration La linia aceea este : return 1; de care mi-ai zis. Am observat ca,cu aceea eroare tot merge serverul. :)
  20. Buna-ziua,am incercat sa compilez un GM si imi da aceasta eroare: (1574) : warning 209: function "OnPlayerKeyStateChange" should return a value Iar la aceea linie este "}" . Va pun aici continutul mai sumar de la functia "OnPlayerKeyStateChange" : [pawn]public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys) { if(newkeys == KEY_SUBMISSION) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { new VehicleID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); RepairVehicle(VehicleID); SetVehicleHealth(VehicleID, 1000); return 1; } } if (!IsNosVehicle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) return 0;//SendMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Nu poti adauga nitro la masina ta", "You can't add nitro to your vehicle", "Sie können nicht Hinzufügen nitro an Ihrem Fahrzeug."); AddVehicleComponent(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 1010); SetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 1000); new string[156]; format(string, sizeof(string), "_", VehicleName[GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))-400]); TextDrawSetString(Text:Fixing[playerid], string); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Fixing[playerid]); SetTimerEx("HM", 3000, 0, "i, i", playerid, _:Fixing[playerid]); } IsNosVehicle(vehicleid) { #define NO_NOS_VEHICLES 29 new InvalidNosVehicles[NO_NOS_VEHICLES] = { 581, 523, 462, 521, 463, 522, 461, 448, 468, 586, 509, 481, 510, 472, 473, 493, 595, 484, 430, 453, 452, 446, 454, 590, 569, 537, 538, 570, 449 }; for(new i = 0; i < NO_NOS_VEHICLES; i++) { if (GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) == InvalidNosVehicles) { return false; } } return true; } [/pawn] Multumesc.
  21. Multumesc mult! :X Alte pareri ?
  22. Felicitari friezakinght,este frumoasa !
  23. Salutare! Aceasta este o mapa (loc) in care puteti sa va impuscati,eu i-am dat acest nume pentru ca la asta m-am gandit cand am facut-o ! [ PS: Este prima mapa care o postez pe forum ] Creator: maleficul_RO (adica eu) Timp de lucru : 60min Obiecte: [pawn]CreateObject(3050, 69.990234375, 84.6357421875, 2.917072057724, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 85.7138671875, 95.1513671875, 3.6718218326569, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 77.572265625, 100.1640625, 3.6718218326569, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 75.7041015625, 96.24609375, 3.5240657329559, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 83.8330078125, 91.31640625, 3.4921534061432, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 82.0068359375, 87.4921875, 3.3119399547577, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 73.8876953125, 92.3720703125, 3.3436450958252, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 72.0537109375, 88.5302734375, 3.2002139091492, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 78.193389892578, 79.640335083008, 2.8298118114471, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 80.078125, 83.494140625, 3.0932376384735, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 66.357635498047, 77.116134643555, 2.5795550346375, 0, 0, 337.99536132813); CreateObject(3050, 62.429412841797, 69.167999267578, 2.1689755916595, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 68.1533203125, 80.8310546875, 2.7501919269562, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 62.373332977295, 78.679832458496, 2.7873435020447, 0, 0, 337.99438476563); CreateObject(3050, 58.509254455566, 80.260879516602, 2.9936528205872, 0, 0, 329.99438476563); CreateObject(3050, 60.597557067871, 65.129806518555, 2.3348648548126, 0, 0, 329.99084472656); CreateObject(3050, 56.839096069336, 67.318550109863, 2.6978189945221, 0, 0, 329.99084472656); CreateObject(3050, 53.171600341797, 69.433120727539, 3.0477473735809, 0, 0, 329.99084472656); CreateObject(3050, 49.446403503418, 71.564468383789, 3.4108970165253, 0, 0, 329.99084472656); CreateObject(3050, 54.750617980957, 82.424118041992, 3.2407600879669, 0, 0, 329.99084472656); CreateObject(3050, 50.973571777344, 84.542877197266, 3.5402834415436, 0, 0, 329.99084472656); CreateObject(3050, 45.783203125, 73.720703125, 3.7680957317352, 0, 0, 329.9853515625); CreateObject(3050, 47.2666015625, 86.5634765625, 3.8883678913116, 0, 0, 329.9853515625); CreateObject(3050, 76.3447265625, 75.7431640625, 2.5524346828461, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 72.615875244141, 68.438842773438, 2.1044371128082, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 60.397071838379, 65.039283752441, 2.3542256355286, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 70.765625, 64.7861328125, 1.8852744102478, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 68.931259155273, 61.039131164551, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 29.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 58.491661071777, 60.803657531738, 2.5382232666016, 0, 0, 337.99267578125); CreateObject(3050, 65.3369140625, 58.935546875, 1.8771605491638, 0, 0, 29.99267578125); CreateObject(3050, 57.503829956055, 58.275142669678, 2.6007213592529, 0, 0, 337.98889160156); CreateObject(3050, 61.5625, 56.5869140625, 2.2324295043945, 0, 0, 337.98889160156); CreateObject(3050, 53.463325500488, 59.956890106201, 2.9674117565155, 0, 0, 337.98889160156); CreateObject(3050, 54.279594421387, 62.471672058105, 2.9449803829193, 0, 0, 337.98889160156); CreateObject(3050, 50.2216796875, 64.15234375, 3.3367989063263, 0, 0, 333.984375); CreateObject(3050, 45.312599182129, 63.51309967041, 3.7129790782928, 0, 0, 333.984375); CreateObject(3050, 49.32421875, 61.5673828125, 3.3389999866486, 0, 0, 333.984375); CreateObject(3050, 35.878135681152, 67.863357543945, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 333.984375); CreateObject(3050, 27.890045166016, 71.750198364258, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 347.984375); CreateObject(3050, 31.9150390625, 69.732421875, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 333.984375); CreateObject(3050, 23.626457214355, 72.622528076172, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 347.98095703125); CreateObject(3050, 15.255645751953, 71.750968933105, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 51.98095703125); CreateObject(3050, 19.29296875, 73.533203125, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 23.977661132813); CreateObject(3050, 9.8038787841797, 64.823265075684, 4.3517837524414, 0, 0, 67.976318359375); CreateObject(3050, 12.53125, 68.326171875, 4.3517837524414, 0, 0, 51.976318359375); CreateObject(3050, 4.6502265930176, 52.425857543945, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 67.972412109375); CreateObject(3050, 8.1025390625, 60.658203125, 4.3517837524414, 0, 0, 67.972412109375); CreateObject(3050, 6.3583984375, 56.4873046875, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 67.972412109375); CreateObject(3050, 2.8865661621094, 48.247406005859, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 81.972412109375); CreateObject(3050, 1.7493591308594, 39.372634887695, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 99.968994140625); CreateObject(3050, 2.322265625, 43.771484375, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 81.968994140625); CreateObject(3050, 4.6417617797852, 31.127815246582, 4.3517837524414, 0, 0, 119.96459960938); CreateObject(3050, 2.5595703125, 34.9755859375, 4.3517837524414, 0, 0, 117.96459960938); CreateObject(3050, 6.8496055603027, 27.421890258789, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 109.95971679688); CreateObject(3050, 8.2807960510254, 23.229423522949, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 109.95666503906); CreateObject(3050, 9.7073974609375, 19.075149536133, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 109.95666503906); CreateObject(3050, 11.218643188477, 14.88932800293, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 109.95666503906); CreateObject(3050, 12.772720336914, 10.730945587158, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 127.95666503906); CreateObject(3050, 15.467597961426, 7.2843933105469, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 127.95227050781); CreateObject(3050, 18.142189025879, 3.7184600830078, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 135.95227050781); CreateObject(3050, 21.296970367432, 0.61025238037109, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 135.95031738281); CreateObject(3050, 27.723628997803, -5.7123985290527, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 135.95031738281); CreateObject(3050, 24.564453125, -2.5224609375, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 135.95031738281); CreateObject(3050, 30.930328369141, -8.7876968383789, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 135.95031738281); CreateObject(3050, 40.063022613525, -18.478122711182, 3.6723577976227, 0, 0, 129.95031738281); CreateObject(3050, 34.16015625, -11.8056640625, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 129.9462890625); CreateObject(3050, 36.9833984375, -15.142578125, 4.0963234901428, 0, 0, 129.9462890625); CreateObject(3050, 42.99010848999, -21.89044380188, 3.2536435127258, 0, 0, 129.9462890625); CreateObject(3050, 45.966529846191, -25.34937286377, 2.9502696990967, 0, 0, 123.9462890625); CreateObject(3050, 48.488201141357, -28.996685028076, 2.6576976776123, 0, 0, 123.94226074219); CreateObject(3050, 51.040519714355, -32.716892242432, 2.3760688304901, 0, 0, 123.94226074219); CreateObject(3050, 53.482368469238, -36.2333984375, 2.1906266212463, 0, 0, 123.94226074219); CreateObject(3050, 55.796573638916, -39.674308776855, 2.0110347270966, 0, 0, 123.94226074219); CreateObject(3050, 60.583206176758, -47.058750152588, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 123.94226074219); CreateObject(3050, 58.24609375, -43.361328125, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 123.94226074219); CreateObject(3050, 62.899864196777, -50.616458892822, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 161.94226074219); CreateObject(3050, 73.425239562988, 60.273681640625, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 323.9384765625); CreateObject(3050, 67.013671875, -51.9833984375, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 161.9384765625); CreateObject(3050, 71.2607421875, -53.5263671875, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 215.93627929688); CreateObject(3050, 74.8349609375, -50.951171875, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 231.93786621094); CreateObject(3050, 77.5400390625, -47.4423828125, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 231.93786621094); CreateObject(3050, 80.2216796875, -43.974609375, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 253.93798828125); CreateObject(3050, 81.4111328125, -39.8134765625, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 253.93798828125); CreateObject(3050, 82.6318359375, -35.826171875, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 265.93505859375); CreateObject(3050, 82.919921875, -31.576171875, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 265.93505859375); CreateObject(3050, 83.189453125, -27.1943359375, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 257.93701171875); CreateObject(3050, 84.1689453125, -22.8525390625, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 257.93701171875); CreateObject(3050, 85.173828125, -18.6396484375, 1.8589880466461, 0, 0, 257.93701171875); CreateObject(3050, 86.06640625, -14.349609375, 1.8589880466461, 0, 0, 257.93701171875); CreateObject(3050, 86.9736328125, -10.1904296875, 1.8589880466461, 0, 0, 257.93701171875); CreateObject(3050, 87.92578125, -5.8564453125, 1.8589880466461, 0, 0, 257.93701171875); CreateObject(3050, 88.8544921875, -1.5810546875, 1.8589880466461, 0, 0, 257.93701171875); CreateObject(3050, 89.78125, 2.712890625, 1.8589880466461, 0, 0, 257.93701171875); CreateObject(3050, 90.7587890625, 7.0107421875, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 257.93701171875); CreateObject(3050, 91.68359375, 11.33984375, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 257.93701171875); CreateObject(3050, 92.794921875, 15.7900390625, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 281.93664550781); CreateObject(3050, 91.9345703125, 20.103515625, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 281.93664550781); CreateObject(3050, 91.044921875, 24.359375, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 281.93664550781); CreateObject(3050, 90.255859375, 28.61328125, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 281.93664550781); CreateObject(3050, 89.4287109375, 32.9091796875, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 295.93322753906); CreateObject(3050, 87.48046875, 36.7841796875, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 295.93322753906); CreateObject(3050, 85.5283203125, 40.8056640625, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 295.93322753906); CreateObject(3050, 83.7158203125, 44.779296875, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 295.93322753906); CreateObject(3050, 81.723304748535, 49.024555206299, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 295.927734375); CreateObject(3050, 79.970703125, 52.6494140625, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 295.93322753906); CreateObject(3050, 78.2021484375, 56.53125, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 323.93737792969); CreateObject(3050, 74.6748046875, 59.10546875, 1.8515093326569, 0, 0, 323.93737792969); CreateObject(3050, 34.765182495117, 73.480422973633, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 61.984375); CreateObject(3050, 46.3271484375, 66.203125, 3.7129261493683, 0, 0, 333.984375); CreateObject(3050, 42.427734375, 68.240234375, 4.0894575119019, 0, 0, 333.984375); CreateObject(3050, 38.357421875, 70.404296875, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 333.984375); CreateObject(3050, 34.670532226563, 80.466400146484, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 329.9853515625); CreateObject(3050, 42.251953125, 75.9052734375, 4.1126499176025, 0, 0, 329.9853515625); CreateObject(3050, 38.482421875, 78.1650390625, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 329.9853515625); CreateObject(3050, 35.882759094238, 93.419189453125, 4.3098020553589, 0, 0, 53.9853515625); CreateObject(3050, 43.5146484375, 88.833984375, 4.230920791626, 0, 0, 329.9853515625); CreateObject(3050, 39.8251953125, 91.05859375, 4.2938327789307, 0, 0, 329.9853515625); CreateObject(3050, 33.310516357422, 89.933792114258, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 53.981323242188); CreateObject(3050, 30.760803222656, 86.46533203125, 4.3593215942383, 0, 0, 93.981323242188); CreateObject(3050, 74.4384765625, 72.041015625, 2.3205757141113, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 47.691146850586, 77.892333984375, 3.5936996936798, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 58.69140625, 71.796875, 2.5391218662262, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 55.1357421875, 73.6904296875, 2.8680367469788, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 51.3505859375, 75.9873046875, 3.2373335361481, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 44.2294921875, 80.0712890625, 3.931512594223, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); CreateObject(3050, 40.365234375, 82.2626953125, 4.3082571029663, 0, 0, 63.995361328125); 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