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Everything posted by ruben88

  1. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XPKPR78Z Poftim,acm ruleaza pe 0.3c!
  2. Nici o grija,lamfacut eu am descarcat vreo 3-4 netframeork si pana la urma unul tot a fost bun! Si scz de dublepost!
  3. ruben88

    Mape 0.3c

    Gandesc man,am gasit si eu topicul ala dupa ce am postat,pe forumul asat am cautat si nu am gasit si apoi mam dus la aia de pe .com si am gasit acolo! Dar...cam multa engleza!
  4. ruben88

    Mape 0.3c

    Salut,am vazut ca sunt deja mape 0.3c si sunt foarte frumoase si cum as putea face rost de mape cu obiecte 0.3c,in MTA sunt tot obiecta 0.3a si 0.3b dar 0.3c nu am vazut!
  5. Ma ajutati careva? inainte ami mergea,acm nu mai ami merge dupa ce am schinbat windowsul si am bagat ce a spus stuntman
  6. Pff,miam schinbat windowsul si acm nu mai ami citeste pluginul am scris acolo xStreamer dar scrie failid
  7. Poftim aceasta este de la onplayerconnect! OnPlayerConnect(playerid); Textdraw0 = TextDrawCreate(3.000000,344.000000,"..::Need For Speed::.."); TextDrawUseBox(Textdraw0,1); TextDrawBoxColor(Textdraw0,0x000000ff); TextDrawTextSize(Textdraw0,-1.000000,146.000000); TextDrawAlignment(Textdraw0,0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraw0,0x0000ff33); TextDrawFont(Textdraw0,3); TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw0,0.299999,0.700000); TextDrawColor(Textdraw0,0xffffffff); TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw0,1); TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw0,1); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Text:Textdraw0); Checkgate = SetTimer("CheckGate", 1000, 1); lvwz = SetTimer("LVWZ", 1000, 1); SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 1, -3535.9673,-66.2674,2.1839, 5, 0); //Airport Admincastle SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 2, -3357.6938,-69.7644,123.2506, 19, 0); //Flag AdminCastle SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 3, -3284.2493,-125.4545,2.5392, 9, 0); //Boats AdminCastle // SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 4, 2869.8384,-1749.3060,11.0444, 37, 0); //Secret Stuntzone SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 5, 1002.3448,-2291.4976,14.0816, 53, 0); //DragRace SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 6, 200.6568,2503.0281,16.4844, 5, 0); //AA SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 7, -468.6863,2207.8826,46.5093, 56, 0); //SpawnPoint SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 8, 314.3689,1906.3972,17.6406, 5, 0); //Airbattle (Area51) SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 9, 610.0776,1698.3099,6.9922, 51, 0); //Truck Stop SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 10, -1597.0704,-2727.6892,48.5391, 51, 0); //Truck Stop SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 11, -327.0811,1768.1223,42.7596, 51, 0); //Truck Stop SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 12, 1734.6804,-1944.9839,13.564, 48, 0); //Train Station SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 13, -1961.2306,138.1871,27.6875, 48, 0); //Train Station SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 14, 1433.2821,2651.9473,11.3926, 48, 0); //Train Station SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 15, 2841.9917,1290.7056,11.3906, 48, 0); //Train Station SetPlayerMapIcon( playerid, 16, -1433.4529,-956.0518,200.9836, 19, 0); //Flag Hideout new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new string[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName)); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a intrat pe server.", pName); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREY, string); if(!strcmp("[ViP]Labrik",pName,true) || !strcmp("netzeek",pName,true) || !strcmp("[MT]Lavis",pName,true)) { new kstring[128]; format(kstring, sizeof(kstring), "%s a primit kick (nume nepermis).", pName); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREY, kstring); print(kstring); Kick(playerid); } AllowPlayerTeleport(playerid, 0); BombArmed[playerid] = false; AntiFalloff[playerid] = false; DMZone[playerid] = 0; spawnplacechosen[playerid] = false; ReceiveInfo[playerid] = false; stupidjumpsfound[playerid] = 0; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BASIC, "Bun venit pe ..::Need For Speed::.. speram sa te distrezi!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BASIC, "Joaca corect, nu face spam,ai voie cu hack!, etc."); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Pentru mai multe informatii scrie /ajutor."); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BASIC, "Nu trage,si nu va DM cu admini!"); return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public CountDown() { switch(Count) { case 5: { GameTextForAll("~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~b~-~r~ 5 ~b~-", 1100, 3); } case 4: { GameTextForAll("~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~b~-~r~ 4 ~b~-", 1100, 3); } case 3: { GameTextForAll("~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~b~-~r~ 3 ~b~-", 1100, 3); } case 2: { GameTextForAll("~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~b~-~r~ 2 ~b~-", 1100, 3); } case 1: { GameTextForAll("~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~b~-~r~ 1 ~b~-", 1100, 3); } case 0: { GameTextForAll("~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~b~-~g~ START! ~b~-", 2000, 3); KillTimer(CountdownTimer); IsCountdownStarted = false; } } Count--; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ] Pana la onplayerspawn si asta este din server_log [00:36:15] Incarcat cu succes. [00:36:15] S-a incarcatat un gamemode. [00:36:15] [00:36:15] Number of vehicle models: 64 [00:43:12] Incoming connection: [00:43:12] [join] SLAVA251297 has joined the server (0: [00:43:32] [part] SLAVA251297 has left the server (0:1) [00:44:31] Incoming connection: [00:44:31] [join] Fixa has joined the server (0: [00:45:03] Incoming connection: [00:45:03] [join] triller has joined the server (1: [00:45:16] Incoming connection: [00:45:16] [join] alexutz has joined the server (2: [00:45:43] [chat] [alexutz]: sall [00:46:24] [NotimeBot]: FireWorkInfo has succesfully loaded [00:46:34] Incoming connection: [00:46:34] [join] RPG has joined the server (3: [00:46:35] Incoming connection: [00:46:35] [join] toaletna_bg has joined the server (4: [00:46:37] Incoming connection: [00:46:37] [join] tigar has joined the server (5: [00:46:46] Incoming connection: [00:46:46] [join] opTion has joined the server (6: [00:47:08] Incoming connection: [00:47:08] [join] sonyact has joined the server (7: [00:47:46] Incoming connection: [00:47:46] [join] Graniti has joined the server (8: [00:47:51] Incoming connection: [00:47:51] [join] Aleksin_45 has joined the server (9: [00:47:52] [part] Fixa has left the server (0:0) [00:48:01] [part] alexutz has left the server (2:0) [00:48:03] Incoming connection: [00:48:03] [join] alexutz has joined the server (0: [00:48:19] Incoming connection: [00:48:19] [join] [SpeedBoys]Xtreme has joined the server (2: Aicia nu este decat ca au intrat,dar poate voi stiti alceva! Aveti destule informati?
  8. Sa fac un folder in scriptfiles? ??? Mie mi se aprinde tot doar ca dupa vreo 20 de sec se stinge consola si serverul se stinge!
  9. filterscripts LADMIN~1 Properties Drift_3 AUTOTU~1 CARSPA~1 ipshower vdialog xStreamer Xstreamo tunecar FireworkV2.0 Drift_2 Drift_3 CountDown Objects xstunt Announce 1 query 1 Mapname Need For Speed weburl www.NFSpeed.forumz.ro plugins xStreamer maxnpc 0 onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 100 Astea sunt ultimele!
  10. Sall,nustiu ce are dar serverul acm cand al pornesc ma joc 30-40 sec si apoi de inchide consola si se stinge sevrerul!Ce are,are buguri?
  11. Da,dar unde o pun in ladmin4v2 au in GM?
  12. Sall,am o problema cu ladmin4v2 am un fs cu car spawner /car modelul dar playeri nu al poate folosi din cauza ca le trebuie admin level 3,si am incarcat sa scot ladmin4v din sevrer si a mers /car model dar cand este ladmin4v2 in sevreru nu mai merge la playeri,ce ai pot face ca sa poata sa le mearga si la playri comand aaceia /car model?
  13. Pentru dublu post raspunzi,dar sa ma ajuti nu ce vrei,vrei sevrerul,til dau prin PM?
  14. Am facut exact asa,si tot nu ami apare! >:(
  15. Ma ajutati nu mi se vede Mapele dar totul este facut bun totul scrie ca este loadet doar ca nu se vad mapele!
  16. Eu nu am gasit comanda report,aceasta comanda este in Ladmin4v2 /report [playerid] [reason] cred ca si in Luxadmin si celelalte
  17. Da merge acm ms,dar tot nu ami apar mapele care leam pus :-\,am incercat de toate! La plugins spune ca este LOADED tot la FS-uri este si acolo LOADED tot doar ca nu ami apar mapele!
  18. Uite cum le am eu! filterscripts ladmin4v2 vdialog CountDown lnos Properties Xstreamo Drift_2 xStreamer Drift Drift_3 ip animlist driftpoint WeaponShop(1) tunecar tuning CarSpawner Asa leam pus acm dar tot asa ami spune!
  19. Ami spune asa xStreamer error: xStreamer filterscript not loaded!
  20. Ms,am vazut multe topicuri care nu stiu cum sa faca ca sa tina un server de samp!
  21. Salut,am facut acest tutorial pentru a va arata cum se face Port Fowroad pe ip dinamik de la firma cliknet,eu folosesc un Modem MT882 multi au spus ca nu pot tine server samp la clicknet! Deci sa incepem! 1).Intrati in browser-ul de internet! 2.)La adresa scrieti! 3).La username scrieti Admin si parola este la fel admin! 4).Intrati la Basic apoi la NAT! 5).Apoi apasati pe Virtual Server! 6.)Apoi faceti cum este aici! Virtual Server for Single IP Account Rule Index 1 Application Le lasati asa cum sunt! Protocol ALL Start Port Number 7777 End Port Number 7777 Local IP Address Start Port(Local) 7777 End Port(Local) 7777 7.)Apoi dupa ce ati facut cum e aici dati Submit! 8.)Ati terminat! Va asigur ca va va merge acm serverul,puteti sal incercati! Acest tutorial este facut de mine nu lam luat de pe nici un site! Am folosit un Modem MT882,pe celelalte nustiu sigur daca va va merge!
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