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Everything posted by leon

  1. Linia: 10456: In loc de: SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"_______________________________________%s_________________________________________________", name); pune: format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring),"_______________________________________%s_________________________________________________", name); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,coordsstring); 10457: nu ai new plevel; 10461: nu ai new wanted; 10463: nu ai new virworld2; robstat, str,wl, expamount,account,level,cash,money,graurugate1,graurugate2: nu sunt folosite intr-un text. AdminLabel, GetPointDistanceToPointExMorph: nu e folosit nicaieri. 54846: adauga inainte de ultima } return 1;.
  2. Adauga deasupra new coordsstring[512];
  3. Tu ai creat acele functii care doar le schimbi valoarea da nu le folosesti intr-o functie care le citeste. Ex: format(string, sizeof(string), "doipierdut: %d, culoaredoi: %d", doipierdut, culoaredoi); SendClientMessage(playerid, red, string);
  4. Poate ai bagat codurile sub #if defined FILTERSCRIPT, daca da, punele deasupra.
  5. Cauta in sistemu de ceas, e ceva pe acolo cu SetWeather sau SetPlayerWeather
  6. Vezi poate e ceva de genu prin gm: for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) { SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(carid,playerid,0,1); sau cu LockCar(i); } Sau cauta functia SetVehicleParamsForPlayer (Daca e cu 1 la sfarsit inseamnca ca incuie) / LockCar pe rand si vezi pe unde e pusa si ce face.
  7. Adica sunt incuiate ?
  8. Posteza putin si: new TeritoriuInfo.... Edit: Incearca asa: enum zInfo { tId, tOwner[64], tOwned, tTime, Float:tPozX1, Float:tPozY1, Float:tPozX2, Float:tPozY2, Float:tPozX3, Float:tPozY3, Float:tPozZ3, }; new TeritoriuInfo[6][zInfo]; forward LoadTeritorii(); public LoadTeritorii() { new arrCoords[11][64]; new strFromFile2[256]; new File: file = fopen("teritori.cfg", io_read); if (file) { new idx; while (idx < sizeof(TeritoriuInfo)) { fread(file, strFromFile2); split(strFromFile2, arrCoords, '|'); TeritoriuInfo[idx][tId] = strval(arrCoords[0]); strmid(TeritoriuInfo[idx][tOwner], arrCoords[1], 0, strlen(arrCoords[1]), 255); TeritoriuInfo[idx][tOwned] = strval(arrCoords[2]); TeritoriuInfo[idx][tTime] = strval(arrCoords[3]); TeritoriuInfo[idx][tPozX1] = floatstr(arrCoords[4]); TeritoriuInfo[idx][tPozY1] = floatstr(arrCoords[5]); TeritoriuInfo[idx][tPozX2] = floatstr(arrCoords[6]); TeritoriuInfo[idx][tPozY2] = floatstr(arrCoords[7]); TeritoriuInfo[idx][tPozX3] = floatstr(arrCoords[8]); TeritoriuInfo[idx][tPozY3] = floatstr(arrCoords[9]); TeritoriuInfo[idx][tPozZ3] = floatstr(arrCoords[10]); idx++; } fclose(file); } return 1; }
  9. S-au inversat Id-urile, poate ai adaugat/sters masini sau sunt facute gresit.
  10. Mai exista unu la fel prin GM. Vezi care e bun si sterge-l palalant.
  11. Mai ai o data codu ala in GM. Sterge-l.
  12. Creca iti lipseste #include <a_samp> sau ai ceva cu #undef MAX_PLAYERS .....
  13. leon

    help me

    new PlayedRadioInZone[MAX_PLAYERS]; OnPlayerConnect: PlayedRadioInZone[playerid] = 0; O poti pune la OnPlayerUpdate: if ( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 3.0, 2421.4243, -1219.3868, 25.5528 ) && PlayedRadioInZone[playerid] == 0 ) { PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, " URL ", 2421.4243, -1219.3868, 25.5528, Distance, 1); PlayedRadioInZone[playerid] = 1; } else { PlayedRadioInZone[playerid] = 0; }
  14. leon

    Ajutor Dmv

    #include <a_samp> #define COLOR_LIGHTBLUE 0x33CCFFAA #define COLOR_GRAD1 0xB4B5B7FF #define MAX_STRING 255 new dmv; new dmvc; new CP[MAX_PLAYERS]; new TakingLesson[MAX_PLAYERS]; forward PlayerToPoint(); enum pInfo { pCarLic, } new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo]; new Float:gCheckpoints[24][3] = { {1421.1475,-1699.3237,13.2888}, {1432.4354,-1658.6343,13.1245}, {1432.3827,-1588.9227,13.1318}, {1454.7500,-1480.2014,13.0978}, {1457.2000,-1439.2382,13.1303}, {1429.9436,-1437.6150,13.1244}, {1423.7155,-1398.9248,13.1238}, {1350.0922,-1393.0492,13.1469}, {1106.5748,-1397.0431,13.1716}, {1059.6833,-1419.8898,13.1155}, {1035.0563,-1571.5737,13.1341}, {1143.5441,-1574.9717,13.0121}, {1289.9336,-1574.8125,13.1246}, {1295.0909,-1659.1091,13.1246}, {1295.0031,-1704.4797,13.1240}, {1299.5117,-1817.1479,13.1245}, {1300.8134,-1855.0059,13.1245}, {1389.0083,-1874.1768,13.1245}, {1523.0303,-1874.8875,13.1266}, {1571.1161,-1872.5188,13.1252}, {1572.3271,-1733.9789,13.1269}, {1531.4258,-1730.1346,13.1245}, {1437.5671,-1730.2736,13.1254}, {1424.2367,-1694.3533,13.2030} }; public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { SetVehicleNumberPlate(dmvc, " School"); return 1; } public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); if(TakingLesson[playerid] != 0) { if( IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, dmvc) ) { if( CP[playerid] == sizeof(gCheckpoints) ) { new pName[24], str[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -5000); format(str, 128,"dmven: Felicitari %s! Ai luat licenta de condus.", pName); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, str); RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); SetVehicleToRespawn(dmvc); TakingLesson[playerid] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] = 1; } else { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, gCheckpoints[CP[playerid]][0], gCheckpoints[CP[playerid]][1], gCheckpoints[CP[playerid]][2], 5.0); CP[playerid]++; } } } return 1; } public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid) { if(pickupid == dmv) { GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~g~Bine ai venit la DMV ~n~~y~Scrie /dmv pentru licenta de condus ~n~~w~Costa: $5000", 5000, 3); } } public OnFilterScriptInit() { dmv = CreatePickup(1239, 23, 1412.8313,-1700.3066,13.5395); //dmv_DMV dmvc = AddStaticVehicleEx(506,1413.2147,-1717.5602,13.2899,359.6807,12,12,10); //dmv Car } public OnFilterScriptExit() { return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { //----------------------------------[dmv]----------------------------------------------- if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/dmv", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] == 0) { CP[playerid] = 0; if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, 1412.8313, -1700.3066, 13.5395)) { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, gCheckpoints[0][0], gCheckpoints[0][1], gCheckpoints[0][2], 4.0); CP[playerid]++; TakingLesson[playerid] = 1; PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, dmvc, 0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "dmv: Please follow the checkpoints and drive safety!"); } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " You already have a Drive License !"); return 1; } } return 1; } return 0; }
  15. new CautareJucator[MAX_PLAYERS]; OnPlayerConnect: CautareJucator[playerid] = -1; OnPlayerDisconnect: for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && CautareJucator[i] == playerid) { CautareJucator[i] = -1; SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Jucatoru pe care il cautai a iesit de pe server !"); } } public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { if( IsPlayerConnected(playerid) ) { if( CautareJucator[playerid] != -1 ) { if( IsPlayerConnected(CautareJucator[playerid]) ) { new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z; GetPlayerPos(CautareJucator[playerid], X, Y, Z); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, X, Y, Z, 6); } } } return 1; }
  16. enum pInfo { Deaths, Kills, Jailed, Frozen, Level, pVip, LoggedIn, Registered, God, GodCar, TimesSpawned, Muted, MuteWarnings, Warnings, Caps, DoorsLocked, pCar, pPing, SpamCount, SpamTime, PingCount, PingTime, FailLogin, Coins, DeathMatch, RaceScore, Rank, }; new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo];
  17. format(result,sizeof(result), "%s has registered and now {FF0000}are %d accounts registered.", :...);
  18. leon

    Intrebare .

    Cine stie cum pot lega 2 linii in unu ? Ex: new number1 = 25; new number2 = 20; new numberresult = 2520;
  19. pune: new statsstring[2000];
  20. leon

    Intrebare .

    Eu unu nam asa ceva pe servar .
  21. leon

    Intrebare .

    Nush dc da cand ma omor apare o sticla pe jos in lucu unde am murit . E bug sau alceva....... ?
  22. leon


    Daca te referi la VirtualWorld foloseste: SetVehicleVirtualWorld(Id-Masina, Nr-VirtualWorld);
  23. 1. Cred ca mai ai prin GM ceva cu #define DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, daca da sterge-o. 2. Incearca asa: gPlayerAccount[playerid] = 0; new regstring[128]; new regname[64]; GetPlayerName(playerid,regname,sizeof(regname)); format(regstring,sizeof(regstring),"\t\t\t\t\n"#wh"Bun venit,"#color_red" %s"#wh", acest nick nu este inregistrat.",regname); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,12345,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Register",regstring,"Register","Exit");
  24. leon


    Sal. Pune asta la sfarsit: forward IsPlayerInDM(playerid); public IsPlayerInDM(playerid) { new message[256]; if(DM[playerid] == 1) { format(message, sizeof(message), "[DM-INFO] Pentru a iesi din acest DM, scrie /exitdm ."); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, message); } return 0; } Si adauga if(IsPlayerInDM(playerid)) la fiecare comanda de teleport.
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