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Everything posted by TheGodfather

  1. Salut, as vrea ca atunci cand un jucator e in masina si alt jucator trage in masina acestuia, sa ii apara un mesaj jucatorului din masina ca jucatorul cu numele x a tras in masina acestuia. Am incercat sa fac ca si mai jos dar imi da acelasi id, respectiv id-ul celui care da damage. public OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate(vehicleid, playerid) { new string[128]; foreach(Player, i) if(IsPlayerInVehicle(i, vehicleid)) { format(string, sizeof(string), "%s did damage to vehicle with id %d drove by player %s", GetName(playerid), vehicleid, GetName(i)); SCMTA(-1, string); } return 1; }
  2. Zi de zi, ultima postare e pe 1 aprilie . Dar na, daca asta intelegi prin zi de zi e ok
  3. Salut, as vrea ca atunci cand un jucator e in masina si alt jucator trage in masina acestuia, sa ii apara un mesaj jucatorului din masina ca jucatorul cu numele x a tras in masina acestuia. Am incercat sa fac ca si mai jos dar imi da acelasi id, respectiv id-ul celui care da damage. public OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate(vehicleid, playerid) { new string[128]; foreach(Player, i) if(IsPlayerInVehicle(i, vehicleid)) { format(string, sizeof(string), "%s did damage to vehicle with id %d drove by player %s", GetName(playerid), vehicleid, GetName(i)); SCMTA(-1, string); } return 1; }
  4. Vorbeste cu cei de unde ai vps-ul sa iti instaleze ei un server de samp iar dupa iti pui tu fisierele
  5. Nu ma pricep atat de bine la programare pentru asta dar mersi frumos de reply.
  6. Salut, exista o metoda prin care sa dau kick playerilor care au orice fel de mod?
  7. Salut, as vrea sa pun macaraua aceasta pe umarul din partea macaralei, si cu cupa in cealalta parte de cum e acum. SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 6, 18248, 1, 0.388602, -0.084080, 0.854034, 0.000000, 83.616508, 0.000000, 0.057243, 0.039999, 0.066129);
  8. Salut, as vrea sa pun macaraua aceasta pe umarul din partea macaralei, si cu cupa in cealalta parte de cum e acum. SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 6, 18248, 1, 0.388602, -0.084080, 0.854034, 0.000000, 83.616508, 0.000000, 0.057243, 0.039999, 0.066129);
  9. Ordinea datelor e ca la case 2, folosesc datele de la host si tot primesc acea eroare.
  10. Salut, primesc aceste erori in logurile serverului si cred ca e de aici, dar nu stiu ce trebuie pus la nume_variabila case 0: SQL = mysql_connect("nume_variabila", "user phpmyadmin", "nume baza de date", "parola baza de date"), print("Server: Oficial"); [01:17:24 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) [01:17:24 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) [01:24:04 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) [01:24:04 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) [01:24:04 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) [01:24:04 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2003) Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) [01:28:36 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2005) Unknown MySQL server host '' (2) [01:28:36 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2005) Unknown MySQL server host '' (0) [01:28:36 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2005) Unknown MySQL server host '' (0) [01:28:36 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2005) Unknown MySQL server host '' (0) [01:31:47 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2005) Unknown MySQL server host 'localhost:3306' (2) [01:31:47 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2005) Unknown MySQL server host 'localhost:3306' (0) [01:31:47 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2005) Unknown MySQL server host 'localhost:3306' (0) [01:31:47 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2005) Unknown MySQL server host 'localhost:3306' (0) [01:34:05 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2002) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) [01:34:05 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2002) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) [01:34:05 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2002) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) [01:34:05 03/04/22] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #2002) Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
  11. La linia 45399 am penultima }. Asta ajuta mult :)). M-am uitat la toate liniile din ce am pus mai sus si nu e niciun array. Si cele mai mari array-uri pe care le am sunt cred ca de 500 sau pe acolo function UpdatePlayer(playerid) { ResetMoneyBar(playerid); switch(StoreMoney[playerid]) { case 0: UpdateMoneyBar(playerid, MoneyMoney[playerid]); case 1: UpdateMoneyBar(playerid, MoneyMoney[playerid]+1000000000); default: UpdateMoneyBar(playerid, 2147483647); } return true; }
  12. Am pus #pragma dynamic 500000 pe prima linia din gamemode si tot apar alea in log.
  13. Chestiile alea nu se pot rezolva? Sau nu sunt erori?
  14. Salut, primesc aceste erori in loguri, aveti idee de ce? [19:05:24] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819530, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BCBC4 [19:05:24] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:05:24] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819530, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BCBC4 si astea [19:17:56] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public TwoTimer () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:56] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:56] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:56] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:56] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public L_AFKDETECT () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:56] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:56] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:56] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:56] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public SearchForNewlyPausedPlayers () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:56] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:56] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:56] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:56] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public Timers () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public timersec () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public OneTimer () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public Spectator () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public OneTimer () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public L_AFKDETECT () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public SearchForNewlyPausedPlayers () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public TwoTimer () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
  15. Ok, o sa fac. Am parola lunga si imbarligata de rcon :). Si si daca se logheaza cu el pe sv de samp nu poate face nimic ca ii da kick
  16. Am pus "rcon 0" in server.cfg. O incerca sa se logheze cu rcon, dar a picat serverul. Mai am si astea: [19:17:56] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public TwoTimer () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:56] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:56] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:56] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:56] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public L_AFKDETECT () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:56] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:56] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:56] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:56] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public SearchForNewlyPausedPlayers () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:56] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:56] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:56] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:56] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public Timers () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public timersec () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public OneTimer () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public Spectator () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public OneTimer () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public L_AFKDETECT () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public SearchForNewlyPausedPlayers () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:17:57] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819900, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BD184 [19:17:57] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:17:57] [debug] #0 00459aa8 in public TwoTimer () at C:\Users\crist\Desktop\HPQ123 samp gamemode actual cu tot ce trebuie\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:45399 [19:17:57] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
  17. Salut, cineva a incercat sa imi pice serverul, aveti idee daca pot face ceva impotriva acestui atac? Am primit urmatoarele in logurile serverului: [19:05:24] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:05:24] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819530, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BCBC4 [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:05:24] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819530, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BCBC4 [19:05:24] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:05:24] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819530, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BCBC4 [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:05:24] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819530, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BCBC4 [19:05:24] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow" [19:05:24] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0xF1819530, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x25BCBC4 [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY: [19:05:24] BAD RCON ATTEMPT BY:
  18. A mers bine 2 zile, dupa in loc sa puna 3 a pus 6...
  19. Salut, acum cateva minute server-ul meu a cazut iar in loguri apare chestia asta. Aveti idee de la ce e? [17:12:34] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error [17:12:34] [debug] Native backtrace: [17:12:34] [debug] #0 f6c328b6 in _Z13GetStackTraceRSt6vectorI10StackFrameSaIS0_EEPv () in plugins/crashdetect.so [17:12:34] [debug] #1 f6c2a120 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoRKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/crashdetect.so [17:12:34] [debug] #2 f6c2a886 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/crashdetect.so [17:12:34] [debug] #3 f6c2af96 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler7OnCrashERKN2os7ContextE () in plugins/crashdetect.so [17:12:34] [debug] #4 f6c31f82 in ?? () in plugins/crashdetect.so [17:12:34] [debug] #5 f7f58b70 in __kernel_rt_sigreturn () in linux-gate.so.1 [17:12:34] [debug] #6 f6770013 in _ZN7CPlugin14RebuildRPCDataEhPN6RakNet9BitStreamEt () in plugins/YSF.so [17:12:34] [debug] #7 f67804fb in _ZN14CHookRakServer5RPC_2EPvPhPN6RakNet9BitStreamE14PacketPriority17PacketReliabilityj8PlayerIDbb () in plugins/YSF.so [17:12:34] [debug] #8 080ac299 in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] #9 080c8dbc in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] #10 080cb155 in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] #11 080cbbe2 in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] #12 080cbe2f in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] #13 080cd211 in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] #14 080aea5d in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] #15 080aee9c in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] #16 080aef02 in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] #17 080aa13a in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] #18 f7a4dee5 in __libc_start_main () in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 [17:12:34] [debug] #19 0804b4e1 in ?? () in ./samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] Registers: [17:12:34] [debug] EAX: f66c3010 EBX: f67de000 ECX: 0000ffff EDX: 0000005f [17:12:34] [debug] ESI: 0000000f EDI: 00000000 EBP: ff7fedf8 ESP: ff7fed90 [17:12:34] [debug] EIP: f6770013 EFLAGS: 00010202 [17:12:34] [debug] Stack: [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000000: ff7fedc4 0000ffff 0000005f f67de000 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000020: 00000000 09f3b0b0 ff7fedd8 08071706 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000040: 0000000f 00000000 ff7fee68 f676959e [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000060: 00000000 09f3b0b0 ff7fee68 f67804fb [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000080: ffffffec f7a2dc80 09f36ecc 0a8b1a08 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000000a0: 09f46000 f682d5d4 00000160 00000001 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000000c0: ff7feeb0 09f46094 00000003 00000003 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000000e0: 09f46090 0816261a ff7fef10 00000001 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000100: 00000000 00000000 ff7feec8 000000a0 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000120: ffffffff 0a21ffff 00000014 00000008 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000140: 00000003 00000002 ff7ff048 080c8dbc [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000160: 00000002 00000650 ff7ff0cc ff7fefe0 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000180: 000000c0 00000800 00000000 ff7fef21 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000001a0: 7c7f5c44 d6c01ac4 ff7fef41 080cec92 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000001c0: ff7fefe0 00000001 ff7fef78 0804d3fb [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000001e0: ff7fefe0 00000001 ff7ff118 080c9ee8 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000200: 3f5d6ff2 00000001 ff7fefc8 00000000 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000220: 00000650 0a8b1780 ff7fefc3 cfe00000 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000240: f7f55080 01ee3ba2 ff830000 0001ffe9 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000260: 0001cf01 ffe0fff4 723d00c0 492b5177 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000280: fbe06d46 190191eb ff7ff058 00000000 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000002a0: 09f46e62 ff7ff058 008000c1 0abe93d0 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000002c0: 0a20ffc0 0000000f 00000003 0a20ffc0 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000002e0: 0abe93d0 0000000f c47c7f5c 00000000 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000300: 00000000 0a23abe0 0a2317d0 0a20ffc0 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000320: ff7ff130 0a97c420 ff7ff0d8 080cbe2f [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000340: 0a82dd6c 0abe93d0 ff7ff108 080cd211 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000360: 00000000 00000000 01e17f6d f181d040 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+00000380: 0abe93d0 ff7ff130 00000018 00000001 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000003a0: 00010112 00000063 00000000 44af58df [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000003c0: 000000c8 000000c8 000000c8 f181d070 [17:12:34] [debug] ESP+000003e0: 00000001 ff7ff1cc 00012064 00000000 [17:12:34] [debug] Loaded modules: [17:12:34] [debug] 00000000 - 00187dc3 samp03svr [17:12:34] [debug] f7f58000 - f7f58d2c linux-gate.so.1 [17:12:34] [debug] f7f44000 - f7f46eec /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 [17:12:34] [debug] f7f21000 - f7f4176b /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 [17:12:34] [debug] f7d42000 - f7f2cf4e /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 [17:12:34] [debug] f7c3d000 - f7d40f08 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 [17:12:34] [debug] f7c1e000 - f7c3a9cc /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 [17:12:34] [debug] f7a2f000 - f7c22bcf /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 [17:12:34] [debug] f7f59000 - f7f8400b /lib/ld-linux.so.2 [17:12:34] [debug] f7a1c000 - f7a2b9b4 plugins/sscanf.so [17:12:34] [debug] f7678000 - f7a20ac7 plugins/mysql_static.so [17:12:34] [debug] f766d000 - f7675567 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/librt.so.1 [17:12:34] [debug] f6c58000 - f6c6a4bc /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnss_files.so.2 [17:12:34] [debug] f6c13000 - f6c573ac plugins/crashdetect.so [17:12:34] [debug] f682e000 - f6902b05 plugins/streamer.so [17:12:34] [debug] f6742000 - f682f467 plugins/YSF.so [17:12:34] [debug] f6c0b000 - f6c0fd14 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnss_dns.so.2 [17:12:34] [debug] f2995000 - f29abdc4 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libresolv.so.2
  20. Salut, cand dau /clan - clan members doresc sa adaug coloana "Job Money" dar nu mi-o pune. Cand dau /clan - clan members, ma duce aici. case 1: { new szDialog[1000], szDialog2[1000], Members, name[180], cwarn[180], cdays[180], szRank1[180], cjobmoney; format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`Clan` = '%d' ORDER BY `users`.`ClanRank` DESC LIMIT 50", PlayerInfo[playerid][pClan]); new Cache: result = mysql_query(SQL, query); strcat(szDialog2, "#. Name\tRank\tClan Warns\tClan Days\tJob Money\n"); for(new i, j = cache_num_rows(); i != j; ++i) { cache_get_field_content(i, "name", name); cache_get_field_content(i, "ClanRank", szRank1); cache_get_field_content(i, "ClanWarns", cwarn); cache_get_field_content(i, "ClanDayss", cdays); cache_get_field_content_int(i, "ClanJobMoney", cjobmoney); format(Selected[playerid][Members], MAX_PLAYER_NAME, name); format(szDialog, sizeof(szDialog), "%d. %s\t%d\t%s/3\t%s\t$%s\n", Members+1, name, strval(szRank1), cwarn, cdays, FormatNumbers(cjobmoney)); strcat(szDialog2, szDialog); Members++; } cache_delete(result); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CLAN_MEMBERS, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Clan members", szDialog2, "Ok", "Back"); }
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