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Everything posted by AlwaysGoLl

  1. Este vorba de busines-urile din baza de date ai o problema la ele.
  2. A ta este facuta pe YCMD, a lui e pe ZCMD, deci trb asa CMD:createhouse(playerid, params[]) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 6) { new ivInt,Float:IntPos[3], inter,Float:pX,Float:pY,Float:pZ,string[128],query[500], text, sendername[25]; if(sscanf(params, "i",text)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{AB0000}Usage: {FFFFFF}/createhouse (0 = small, 1 = medium, 2 = big)"); if(text >= 3) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Unknown Size."); GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ); SetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeX", pX); SetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeY", pY); SetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeZ", pZ); if(text == 0) { ivInt = random(5); if(ivInt == 0)IntPos[0] = 223.20, IntPos[1] = 1287.08, IntPos[2] = 1082.14, inter = 1; else if(ivInt == 1)IntPos[0] = 2283.04, IntPos[1] = -1140.28, IntPos[2] = 1050.90, inter = 11; else if(ivInt == 2)IntPos[0] = 446.90, IntPos[1] = 506.35, IntPos[2] = 1001.42, inter = 12; else if(ivInt == 3)IntPos[0] = 328.05, IntPos[1] = 1477.73, IntPos[2] = 1084.44, inter = 15; else if(ivInt == 4)IntPos[0] = 223.20, IntPos[1] = 1287.08, IntPos[2] = 1082.14, inter = 1; else if(ivInt == 5)IntPos[0] = -42.59, IntPos[1] = 1405.47, IntPos[2] = 1084.43, inter = 8; } else if(text == 1) { ivInt = random(5)+6; if(ivInt == 6)IntPos[0] = 235.34, IntPos[1] = 1186.68, IntPos[2] = 1080.26, inter = 3; else if(ivInt == 7)IntPos[0] = 24.04, IntPos[1] = 1340.17, IntPos[2] = 1084.38, inter = 10; else if(ivInt == 8)IntPos[0] = -283.44, IntPos[1] = 1470.93, IntPos[2] = 1084.38, inter = 15; else if(ivInt == 9)IntPos[0] = -260.49, IntPos[1] = 1456.75, IntPos[2] = 1084.37, inter = 4; else if(ivInt == 10)IntPos[0] = 377.15, IntPos[1] = 1417.41, IntPos[2] = 1081.33, inter = 15; } else if(text == 2) { ivInt = random(5)+11; if(ivInt == 11)IntPos[0] = 2324.53, IntPos[1] = -1149.54, IntPos[2] = 1050.71, inter = 12; else if(ivInt == 12)IntPos[0] = 1260.64, IntPos[1] = -785.37, IntPos[2] = 1091.91, inter = 5; else if(ivInt == 13)IntPos[0] = 140.17, IntPos[1] = 1366.07, IntPos[2] = 1083.65, inter = 5; else if(ivInt == 14)IntPos[0] = 234.19, IntPos[1] = 1063.73, IntPos[2] = 1084.21, inter = 6; else if(ivInt == 15)IntPos[0] = 225.68, IntPos[1] = 1021.45, IntPos[2] = 1084.02, inter = 7; else if(ivInt == 16)IntPos[0] = 226.30, IntPos[1] = 1114.24, IntPos[2] = 1080.99, inter = 5; } new i = housess+1; mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO houses (Owner, Lockk, Hel, Arm, Level, Rentabil, Rent, Owned, Discription, Value, Takings) VALUES('AdmBot', '0', '0', '0', '10', '1', '500', '0', 'House', '10000000', '0')"); mysql_tquery(SQL, query, "", ""); HouseInfo[hID] = i; HouseInfo[hEntrancex] = GetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeX"); HouseInfo[hEntrancey] = GetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeY"); HouseInfo[hEntrancez] = GetPVarFloat(playerid, "pHeZ"); HouseInfo[hExitx] = IntPos[0]; HouseInfo[hExity] = IntPos[1]; HouseInfo[hExitz] = IntPos[2]; format(HouseInfo[hOwner], 64, "The State"); format(HouseInfo[hDiscription], 64, "House"); HouseInfo[hValue] = 5000000; HouseInfo[hHel] = 0; HouseInfo[hInterior] = inter; HouseInfo[hLock] = 0; HouseInfo[hOwned] = 0; HouseInfo[hRent] = 500; HouseInfo[hRentabil] = 1; HouseInfo[hTakings] = 0; HouseInfo[hLevel] = 10; HouseInfo[hVirtual] = housess+1; mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `Entrancex`='%f',`Entrancey`='%f',`Entrancez`='%f',`Exitx`='%f',`Exity`='%f',`Exitz`='%f',`Interior`='%d',`Virtual`='%d',`Value`='%d',`Level`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d'",HouseInfo[hEntrancex],HouseInfo[hEntrancey],HouseInfo[hEntrancez],HouseInfo[hExitx],HouseInfo[hExity],HouseInfo[hExitz],HouseInfo[hInterior],HouseInfo[hVirtual],HouseInfo[hValue],HouseInfo[hLevel],i); mysql_tquery(SQL, query, "", ""); mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `Entrancex`='%f',`Entrancey`='%f',`Entrancez`='%f',`Exitx`='%f',`Exity`='%f',`Exitz`='%f',`Interior`='%d',`Virtual`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d'", HouseInfo[hEntrancex], HouseInfo[hEntrancey], HouseInfo[hEntrancez], HouseInfo[hExitx], HouseInfo[hExity], HouseInfo[hExitz], HouseInfo[hInterior], HouseInfo[hVirtual], i); mysql_tquery(SQL, query, "", ""); if(ivInt >= 0 && ivInt <=5) { mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `InteriorType` = 0 WHERE `ID`='%d'",i); mysql_tquery(SQL,query,"",""); HouseInfo[hInteriorType] = 0; } else if(ivInt >= 6 && ivInt <=10) { mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `InteriorType` = 1 WHERE `ID`='%d'",i); mysql_tquery(SQL,query,"",""); HouseInfo[hInteriorType] = 1; } else if(ivInt >= 11 && ivInt <=16) { mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `houses` SET `InteriorType` = 2 WHERE `ID`='%d'",i); mysql_tquery(SQL,query,"",""); HouseInfo[hInteriorType] = 2; } OnPropTextdrawUpdate(1,i); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInfo[hEntrancex], HouseInfo[hEntrancey], HouseInfo[hEntrancez]); housess++; format(string,sizeof(string),"Succes: {FFFFFF}Casa %d a fost creata cu succes.",i); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN3, string); GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); format(string, sizeof(string), "({c40b0b}Admin Info{FFFFFF}) %s a creat o noua casa ID: %d.", sendername, i); ABroadCast(COLOR_WHITE, string, 1); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN3, AdminOnly); } return 1; }
  3. Intri in pawno si langa butonul de amx este o sageata si dai pe ea!
  4. ai o problema la pluginuri... la streamer
  5. Incearca sa iti pui mintea la contributie si sa vezi ce nu e definit... poate nu a pus ";" incearca sa descoperi singur....
  6. Mama... daca nici mura in gura nu stii sa faci... lasa-te..
  7. Pai mai ai turfuri care au valoarea 1 adica (1, 0, 12, 0, 0, '114.21', '-1364.93', '506.54', '-912.91'), prima litera din paranteza a mai fost folosita odata...
  8. Bun sa incepem... Cand intru pe server si dau /save imi zice OnFoot Positon Saved! dupa acea ma duc in documents GTA San Andreas User Files->SAMP-> SaveDPosition ,dar cand intru acolo nu imi da aceaste coordonate... Ce sa fac?
  9. nu ai versiunea de mysql potrvita...
  10. Este o problema de la SampFuncs daca ai...
  11. Pai ai pus la mysql_host datele? De la host ce iti trebuie tie?
  13. o poti lua dintr-un gm de pe net
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