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Everything posted by FAStingTV

  1. am patit si eu asa, sterge toate incudurie din pawno si punele doar pe cele din arhiva de gm si daca tot nu merge fa update la folderul plugins din gm, iti da eroarea asta deoarece sunt vechi probabil
  2. ba copile, ce sisteme am facut eu in pawno tu nu ai facut in viata ta, doar ca nu am invatat html, si nu veni cu comentarii aiurea
  3. Nu stiu limbajul htmp si nu ma pricep, poti sa faci te rog asta, pt tine nu e greu, te rog mult
  4. Poti sa faci un update la panel ca sa putem adauga roluri din panel sau sa stergem un rol, gen aici sub imagine https://imgur.com/a/WoEQ1wW adica unde scrie premium user un admin 7 sa poata edita sau sterge sau adauga alt roll. ms
  5. Stice cnv ce id are obiectul ala alb de la garage pt factiuni din poza? https://imgur.com/a/7d9hBJ6
  6. Salcf? https://imgur.com/a/cotIR am facut un sistem de cp distance si il activez din hud ca sa imi arate cat mai am pina la checkpoint.se activeaza tot normal,insa metrii mii arat incorect mii arata doar la mijloc de harta si nu la checkpoint,ce poate fi?
  7. FAStingTV


    Cum ai facut ?am si aceiasi problema ..in loc de update ce ai pus?
  8. https://imgur.com/a/zCIMy dece imi da erroarea asta?
  9. stiu de asta .dar eu vr sa-l bag in gm
  10. Salut cine imi poate explica cum sa adaug acest quests https://pastebin.com/EB9PL4fg pe gm-ul As fi foarte recunoscator celor ca imi va explica ,ba chiar mai mlt dau recompensa pe Blue.bugged
  11. Salut scriptarilor ! stie cineva ce coordonate are TextLabel-ul la pet de pe ruby?ms anticipat
  12. Spe exemplu ca la edison in turorial sa fac factiunile?
  13. Cand apare v2?gen cu mai multe factiuni sau geva gen?
  14. Salut inca o data ,am o comanda de /freeze https://pastebin.com/qauwqHg4 va rog sa ma ajutati ca de ex daca un admin a dat freeze la un player si acel admin a esit din joc si playerul are freeze sa primeasca un freeze si respawn,ma ajutati ?
  15. https://pastebin.com/vpihzxn5Hello,uite am facut comanda asta si vrea ca sa creez o masina la toti playerii care se afla in raza x,y,z si cind dau sa se spawneze imi apare doar mie masina ,dar la ceilnti player nu,sau in orice caz se spwneaza doar la 1 player,unde am gresit?
  16. da nu cinta,pun livk si nu cinta
  17. CMD:freeze(playerid,params[]) { if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xA9C4E4FF, "You are not an admin!"); { new Target; //defines the playerid we wanna freeze if(sscanf(params, "u", Target)) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "USAGE: /freeze [playerid]"); //tell sscanf again if the parameters/syntax is wrong to return a special message if(!IsPlayerConnected(Target)) //if the ID doesn't exist, return an error-message return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "ERROR:Player is not connected!"); if(!sscanf(params, "u", Target)) { //if(Target == playerid) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR: Cant perform this command on yourself!" ); //I wouldn't add this line, because it won't let you perform this CMD on yourself //if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"ERROR: You cant perform this on Admins that are higher than your level!"); // if the player you're performing this command on has a higher level as you, return a message, you ain't able to freeze him new tname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //define the new target-name of the playerid GetPlayerName(Target,tname,sizeof(tname)); //get the playername with this function new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //define the adminname GetPlayerName(playerid,pname,sizeof(pname)); //get the adminname with this function new tstring[128]; //define the string for the player (victim) new pstring[128];// define the string for the admin which is performing new astring[128];//define the string for all the players which are online format(tstring,sizeof(tstring),"You have been frozen by administrator %s! You cant move!",pname); //this is formatting the player-string, while it's also getting the adminname format(pstring,sizeof(pstring),"You have frozen player %s(%d)!",tname,Target); //this is formatting the adminname-string, while it's also getting the playername and his ID(target) format(astring,sizeof(astring),"Administrator %s has frozen %s!",pname,tname); //this is formatting the all-string, while it's sending this message to everybody and is getting admin- and playername SendClientMessage(Target,-1,tstring);//sends the message to the victim SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,pstring);//sends the message to the admin SendAdminMessage(-1,astring);//sends the message to everybody TogglePlayerControllable(Target,0); //with that function, the player won't be able to mov, while we're using the variable "Target" as the playerid } } return 1; } CMD:unfreeze(playerid,params[]) { if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xA9C4E4FF, "You are not an admin!"); { new Target; //defines the playerid we wanna unfreeze if(sscanf(params, "u", Target)) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "USAGE: /unfreeze [playerid]"); //tell sscanf again if the parameters/syntax is wrong to return a special message if(!IsPlayerConnected(Target)) //if the ID doesn't exist, return an error-message return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "ERROR:Player is not connected!"); if(!sscanf(params, "u", Target)) { //if(Target == playerid) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "ERROR: Cant perform this command on yourself!" ); //I wouldn't add this line, because it won't let you perform this CMD on yourself //if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"ERROR: You cant perform this on Admins that are higher than your level!"); // if the player you're performing this command on has a higher level as you, return a message, you ain't able to unfreeze him new tname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //define the new target-name of the playerid GetPlayerName(Target,tname,sizeof(tname)); //get the playername with this function new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //define the adminname GetPlayerName(playerid,pname,sizeof(pname)); //get the adminname with this function new tstring[128]; //define the string for the player (victim) new pstring[128];// define the string for the admin which is performing new astring[128];//define the string for all the players which are online format(tstring,sizeof(tstring),"You have been unfrozen by administrator %s! Now you can move!",pname); //this is formatting the player-string, while it's also getting the adminname format(pstring,sizeof(pstring),"You have unfrozen player %s(%d)!",tname,Target); //this is formatting the adminname-string, while it's also getting the playername and his ID(target) format(astring,sizeof(astring),"Administrator %s has unfrozen %s!",pname,tname); //this is formatting the all-string, while it's sending this message to everybody and is getting admin- and playername SendClientMessage(Target,-1,tstring);//sends the message to the victim SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,pstring);//sends the message to the admin SendAdminMessage(-1,astring);//sends the message to everybody TogglePlayerControllable(Target,1); //with that function, the player will be able to move again, while we're using the variable "Target" as playerid again //PlayerInfo[Target][Frozen] = 0;//IMPORTANT:we're getting the variable "[frozen]" out of the enum, and set it's value to "0", the compiler knows now that the player is unfrozen } } return 1; } // in loc de /if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) pui if(pInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1 && pInfo[playerid][pHelper] < 1)
  18. sal am o comanda /play CMD:play(playerid, params[]) { new link[228]; // definim o nouă variabilă numită 'link' care va fi un parametru esențial în executarea comenzii if(sscanf(params, "S[228]", link)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Folosirea corecta este: /play <link>"); // verifică dacă scriem doar /play fără un LINK, PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, link); // funcția din pawn pentru a executa o melodie. return 1; } vrea cind tatez /play <link> sa pun linkul de la youtube si sa cinte.insa el nu cinta deoarece nu e convertit muzica.Cine ma ajuta sa pun link de la yt si sa cinte?
  19. Nu e o problema asa trebue sa apara,nu ai nici o erroare
  20. Salut Buggd. Aici este o comanda https://pastebin.com/6uWsDMrF este un sistem ce givecoins.Insa eu vr sa ma ajutati cum ca : cind eu creez o comanda : CMD:weapon(playerid, params[]) { GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 100); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Ai primit un deagle!"); return 1; } eu as vrea sa pun o interdictie ca sa imi eie 10 coins daca dau aceasta comanda ca si cum as pune la bani if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 100) insa eu vr la coins si nu vreau la coins cind scriu /weapon sa imi eie 10 coins,si cind nu am coin sa-mi scrie ca nu ai atitea coin PLS HELP !!!!
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