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Everything posted by KripToN.

  1. Ba Uzzi te omor nu mai baga gm-uri bune pe net ca moare SA-MP!!!!! 1+
  2. Ba Uzzi te omor nu mai baga gm-uri bune pe net ca moare SA-MP!!!!!
  3. Really Uzzi25+GM GodFather ==BOMBA:)) Respect frumos gm
  4. Salut, caut partener care vrea sa plateasca host in schimb de Grad pe server.
  5. Am rezolvat deja singur ieri:)) nu mam intilnit niciodata cu myacc
  6. Cum plm:) pornesc gm daca are baza de date in include??? tutorial ceva video?
  7. E cumparat de la Edison el a rezolv 2-3 bugulete si in rest doar edit
  8. Degraba numai Nephrite stai fara grija deja e pe net gm Nephrite:d
  9. Cum fac comanda /healme pe un anumit interval de timp ca nu am dovedit sa iau de aici ca eram pe telefon
  10. Recomand 1+ am avut nevoie de el si nu ma lasat ma ajutat la un pret foarte bun.
  11. Imi pica srv cand dau /makeleader ce are? CMD:makeleader(playerid, params[]) { new userID, level; if(IsPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Nu esti logat!"); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 4) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Nu ai acces!"); if(sscanf(params, "ui", userID, level)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Sintaxa: {FFFFFF}/makeleader <playerid> <faction>"); if(!IsPlayerLogged[userID]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Acel player nu este logat!"); if(userID != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(level > 15 || level < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Factiunea trebuie sa aiba un numar 1-15!"); if(PlayerInfo[userID][pBlackList] >= 1) { format(szMessage, 256, "Acest player mai are blacklist inca {FFFF00}%d ore{FFFFFF}, va putea intra intr-o factiune dupa ce ii va expira blacklist-ul!", PlayerInfo[userID][pBlackList]); SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, szMessage); return 1; } if(level == 10 || level == 11) return SCM(playerid, -1, "Factiune invalida. (10 si 11)"); if(PlayerInfo[userID][pPunish] > 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Acest jucator are FPunish! Foloseste /fpk!"); new ttext[40]; if(level == 1) { ttext = "{3B61F7}Police Departament{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 295; } else if(level == 2) { ttext = "{0033FF}F.B.I{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 286; } else if(level == 3) { ttext = "{FF6347}Paramedic{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 70; } else if(level == 4) { ttext = "{E8A710}Los Vagos{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 113; } else if(level == 5) { ttext = "{1C7D19}Grove Street{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 292; } else if(level == 6) { ttext = "{A5443B}Hitman Agency{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 294; } else if(level == 7) { ttext = "{DDA0DD}News Reporters{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 187; } else if(level == 8) { ttext = "{FFFF00}Taxi{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 272; } else if(level == 9) { ttext = "{FFDEAD}Tow Car Company{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 268; } //else if(level == 10) { ttext = "{29FF03}Need For Speed{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 107; } //else if(level == 11) { ttext = "{E34627}Fast And Furious{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 185; } else if(level == 12) { ttext = "{9A03FF}Ballas Familly{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 296; } else if(level == 13) { ttext = "{00A6FF}Varrios Los Aztecas{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 174; } else if(level == 14) { ttext = "{B3F856}Presedinte{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 147; } else if(level == 15) { ttext = "{3B61F7}National Guard{F29C55}"; PlayerInfo[userID][pModel] = 287; } PlayerInfo[userID][pLeader] = level; PlayerInfo[userID][pCommands] = 0; new query[256]; format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `accounts` SET `Commands`='%d' WHERE `Username`='%s'", PlayerInfo[userID][pCommands], GetName(userID)); mysql_query(mysql, query); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "Ai fost promovat ca lider la factiunea %s de catre administratorul %s!", ttext,GetNameEx(playerid)); SendClientMessage(userID, COLOR_SERVER, szMessage); format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "L-ai promovat pe %s lider la factiunea %s!", GetNameEx(userID),ttext); SetPlayerToTeamColor(userID); PlayerInfo[userID][pRank] = 6; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SERVER, szMessage); gTeam[userID] = 11; PlayerInfo[userID][pTeam] = 11; SetPlayerSkin(userID, PlayerInfo[userID][pModel]); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCommands] = 0; format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `accounts` SET `Commands`='%d' WHERE `Username`='%s'", PlayerInfo[playerid][pCommands], GetName(playerid)); mysql_query(mysql, query); } return 1; }
  12. Multumesc dar ce interval de timp este pus? 30 secunde?
  13. Cum o comanda care sa mearga la un anumit interval de timp?
  14. Sunt foarte multe obiecte vo 500-600
  15. E foarte mare Mapa si rebuie din MTA SAU MAPEDITOR de scos 2 obiecte
  16. Salut cine doreste sa ma ajute free sa-mi scoata cateva obiecte de pe gm ca mie nu imi mai merge MTA [Maxim timp acordat pentru a scoate 3-min]
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