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Everything posted by InceMan

  1. el defapt cred ca a gasit o mapa pusa de cineva pe net si vrea sa faca interiorul cu mapa gasita la creatahouse
  2. pai pe cat sa o setez pe 0?
  3. nu reusesc sa ii gasesc greseala up va rog
  4. sa fie problema asta if(HavingBall[playerid]) Baller = 999; ii pun si un printf sa vad ce are
  5. nu inteleg la ce te referi
  6. trebuie sa faci un interior cu acel interior din mapa pusa ei codul z,x,y si il pui la createhouse
  7. de ceva timp tot imi apare eroarea asta in log si nu imi dau seama de unde ar putea fi eroarea: [08:56:16] [debug] AMX backtrace: [08:56:16] [debug] #0 000518b0 in public OnObjectMoved (15) from FiveGame_v1.1.4.amx [08:56:18] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [08:56:18] [debug] Attempted to read/write array element at index 999 in array of size 500 [08:56:18] [debug] AMX backtrace: [08:56:18] [debug] #0 000518b0 in public OnObjectMoved (1) from FiveGame_v1.1.4.amx [08:56:26] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [08:56:26] [debug] Attempted to read/write array element at index 999 in array of size 500 codul: public OnObjectMoved(objectid) { new i = Baller; if(ShootingBall == 2) { BallDown2(i); return 1; } else if(ShootingBall == 3) { BallDown3(i); return 1; } else if(ShootingBall == 4) { BallDown4(i); return 1; } else if(ShootingBall == 5) { BallDown5(i); return 1; } else if(ShootingBall == 6) { ApplyAnimation(i,"BSKTBALL","BBALL_walk",4.1,1,1,1,1,1); HavingBall[i] = 1; AnimBasket[i] = 0; } if(BallBounce == 1) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetObjectPos(Ball, x, y, z); MoveObject(Ball, x, y, z+1.2, 4); BallBounce = 2; } else if(BallBounce == 2) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetObjectPos(Ball, x, y, z); MoveObject(Ball, x, y, z-1.2, 4); BallBounce = 3; } else if(BallBounce == 3) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetObjectPos(Ball, x, y, z); MoveObject(Ball, x, y, z+0.8, 3); BallBounce = 4; } else if(BallBounce == 4) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetObjectPos(Ball, x, y, z); MoveObject(Ball, x, y, z-0.8, 3); BallBounce = 5; } else if(BallBounce == 5) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetObjectPos(Ball, x, y, z); MoveObject(Ball, x, y, z+0.5, 2); BallBounce = 6; } else if(BallBounce == 6) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetObjectPos(Ball, x, y, z); MoveObject(Ball, x, y, z-0.5, 2); BallBounce = 7; } else if(BallBounce == 7) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetObjectPos(Ball, x, y, z); MoveObject(Ball, x, y, z+0.2, 1); BallBounce = 8; } else if(BallBounce == 8) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetObjectPos(Ball, x, y, z); MoveObject(Ball, x, y, z-0.2, 1); BallBounce = 0; } if(!HavingBall[i]) return 1; new Keys, ud, lr; GetPlayerKeys(i, Keys, ud, lr); if(AnimBasket[i]) { switch(BallStatus) { case 0: { BallStatus = 1; new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z); StopObject(Ball); new Float:x2, Float:y2; GetXYInFrontOfPlayerBasket(i, x2, y2,0.4); MoveObject(Ball, x2, y2, z+0.1, 5.5); } case 1: { BallStatus = 0; new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z); StopObject(Ball); new Float:x2, Float:y2; GetXYInFrontOfPlayerBasket(i, x2, y2,0.4); MoveObject(Ball, x2, y2, z-0.8, 5.5); } } return 1; } if(Keys & KEY_SPRINT) { ApplyAnimation(i,"BSKTBALL","BBALL_run",4.1,1,1,1,1,1); switch(BallStatus) { case 0: { BallStatus = 1; new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z); StopObject(Ball); new Float:x2, Float:y2; GetXYInFrontOfPlayerBasket(i, x2, y2,1.5); MoveObject(Ball, x2, y2, z+0.1, 8); } case 1: { BallStatus = 0; new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z); StopObject(Ball); new Float:x2, Float:y2; GetXYInFrontOfPlayerBasket(i, x2, y2,1.5); MoveObject(Ball, x2, y2, z-0.8, 8); } } return 1; } else { ApplyAnimation(i,"BSKTBALL","BBALL_walk",4.1,1,1,1,1,1); } switch(BallStatus) { case 0: { BallStatus = 1; new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z); StopObject(Ball); new Float:x2, Float:y2; GetXYInFrontOfPlayerBasket(i, x2, y2,1.2); MoveObject(Ball, x2, y2, z+0.1, 5); } case 1: { BallStatus = 0; new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(i, x, y, z); StopObject(Ball); new Float:x2, Float:y2; GetXYInFrontOfPlayerBasket(i, x2, y2,1.2); MoveObject(Ball, x2, y2, z-0.8, 5); } } return 1; }
  8. InceMan

    Cumpar gm

    cauta-ma in privat
  9. InceMan

    Cumpar gm

    cat esti dispus sa oferi pentru un gamemod?
  10. ai dreptate toti cauta versiuni de mysql r41 sau ultima versiune daca gamemodul nu suporta asa ceva este clar ca nu le merge
  11. pai ce e atat de greu so faci ? sunt o gramada de tutoriale si gamemode cu asemenea comanda
  12. Erori/atentionari: m.imgur.com/vg30Lsy?rAlte detalii: Multumesc mult.
  13. Poftim http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=499850
  14. daca nu intelegi nu mai incerca sa sa mai inveti scripting ps: nimeni nuti iti va da mura in gura doar iti da unele probleme care trebuie sa le rezolvi doar tu, daca te duce capul.
  15. eu zic sa revi cu un alt subiect mai detaliat.
  16. if (strcmp("/nameoff", cmdtext, true) == 0) { for(new i = GetPlayerPoolSize(); i != -1; --i) ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(playerid, i, false); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~W~Nametags ~R~off", 5000, 5); return 1; }
  17. if(strcmp(cmd, "/undercover", true) == 0) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 8 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 8 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 2 ||PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 2) { if (PlayerToPoint(20, playerid,1211.0614,-4.8793,1000.9219) || PlayerToPoint(30, playerid,234.1019,159.8395,1003.0234)) { new x_nr[256]; x_nr = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(x_nr)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{FF0000}Undercover: {FFFFFF}/undercover on/off"); return 1; } if(strcmp(x_nr,"on",true) == 0) { foreach(new i : Player) { ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(i, playerid, 1); } if(Masked[playerid] == 1) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_FADE1, "Esti UnderCover!"); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~W~Undercover ~R~ON", 5000, 5); Masked[playerid] = 1; BlockFind[playerid] = 1; ShowNameTags(0); SetPlayerSkin(playerid, skinsundercover[random(20)]); return 1; } if(strcmp(x_nr,"off",true) == 0) { foreach(new i : Player) { ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(i, playerid, 0); } if(Masked[playerid] == 0) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_FADE1, "Nu esti UnderCover!"); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~W~Undercover ~R~OFF", 5000, 5); Masked[playerid] = 0; ShowNameTags(1); BlockFind[playerid] = 0; SetPlayerSkin(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pChar]); return 1; } } } return 1; } incearca asa
  18. este facut doar pe jumatate stiu ca trebuie mai refacut poate pe viitor revin cu finalul acestui tutorial.
  19. ai la continuturi ascunse facute de mine
  20. este simplu aia este diferite locuri pentru sa de spawneze masinile la ds
  21. nu stergi ce ai la public insertca si il adaugi pe care team dat eu
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