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Everything posted by Grig

  1. Daca nu ai poze,sistem-ul tau e =0.
  2. Grig

    0.3x - 0.3z

    1.Downloadezi serverul 0.3z de aici 2.Dezarhivezi undeva. 3.Samp-server,announce si samp-npc le urci pe host,si dai replace la cele vechi.
  3. User: root Password: lasi liber.
  4. 1.Rat.at esti tu. 2.Cand te iei de mama,fac urat..nu ma intereseaza cati ani ai,sau cine esti. 3.Esti un anal.fabet,nici un cuvant nu esti in stare sa scrii corect.
  5. Multumesc pentru compliment,tigane.
  6. Chiar te rog,dai drumul,sa vad de ce esti in stare. Nu ma pun cu un copil de 12-13 ani,mai mult de atat nu ai.
  7. Daca esti interesat,ce inseamna "pawn": Pawn-limbaj. Pawno-editor. Dar tu de unde sa stii chestiile astea desteptule? Daca esti tu mare "scripter".
  8. Biberonu ti-l las tie prietene,termina-ti sticluta. Sa "vin sa vorbim"? Ce sa vorbesc cu tine? Ca postezi servere care nu-ti apartin,asta sa vorbim? Sau ca nu stii sa faci nici o amarata de comanda setkills ? Si apropo daca as avea nevoie de "comenzile" si "gm-urile" lui Ph0eniX,mi le fac singur,dar nu am nevoie.
  9. CMD: materials get 100 { SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, x,y,z,3.0); SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 , "Text"); return 1; } Asta numesti tu comanda? Prietene nu am nimic cu tine,dar daca nu sti,nu posta. Daca tot zici ca esti "muci" in scripting,atunci pune mana si invata.
  10. Bine zis. Mi-am dat seama dupa asta
  11. Aici Pentru cei care nu se documenteaza. Puteai sa faci si o descriere,dar nah la ce?
  12. Grig

    26 Erori

    Ai uitat o acolada ( { ). Foloseste asta
  13. Grig

    13 Warnings.

    [pawn] car[250] = AddStaticVehicleEx(410,1745.4379,-1293.3605,13.2064,106.8201); //Manana car[251] = AddStaticVehicleEx(410,1737.1295,-1295.2291,13.1991,273.6917); //Manana car[252] = AddStaticVehicleEx(410,1720.0951,-1262.1112,13.1176,1.2802); //Manana car[262] = AddStaticVehicleEx(574,1640.1847,-1907.6075,13.2773,7.4078);//Street sweeper 6 car[263] = AddStaticVehicleEx(574,1643.2698,-1906.9639,13.2773,13.2786);//Street sweeper 7 car[264] = AddStaticVehicleEx(574,1668.7634,-1893.8806,13.2720,270.2140);//Street sweeper 8 car[265] = AddStaticVehicleEx(574,1668.7612,-1889.0950,13.2720,269.8389);//Street sweeper 9 car[266] = AddStaticVehicleEx(574,1645.8835,-1906.0941,13.2773,14.4750);//Street sweeper 10 car[267] = AddStaticVehicleEx(574,1613.9064,-1887.1757,13.2720,86.5466);//Street sweeper 11 car[268] = AddStaticVehicleEx(574,1614.2715,-1889.1967,13.2720,89.7532);//Street sweeper 12[/pawn] Liniile 26023 & 26024 nu au pozitia corecta in script,si variabila new car; sterge-o.
  14. Grig


    Greu e sa traiesti in lumea de azi. Unde e incercuit cu rosu,dai click pe acea "fereastra" si adaugi ce nume vrei tu.
  15. Hmm. [pawn] #define W "{FFFFFF}" #define B "{001EFF}" #define Y "{FFEE00}" #define R "{FF0000}" CMD:rconcommands( playerid, params [ ] ) { new sz_gReg [ 150 ]; format( sz_gReg, 200, "W"Aici iti vom prezenta comenzile rconului:\n "B"/sethours = [playerid], [Hours]\n /setkills = [playerid], [Kills]\n /setlevel = [playerid], [Level]\n "Y"/fakecmd = [playerid], [Command]\n /fakechat = [playerid], [Message]\n /setpass = [playerid], [newpassword]\n "R"/setadminwarn = [playerid], [AWarn]\n /setvipwarn = [playerid], [VWarn]\n /setRSPrank = [playerid], [Rank]" ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 9382, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""W"Rconcommands:", sz_gReg, "OK","" ); return ( 1 ); }[/pawn]
  16. Aici Numai stau sa iti scriu. Incearca cu ce ti-am dat eu.
  17. Grig

    Eroare sscanf

    Daca ai facut update la include-uri,ai compilat din nou GM-ul cu noile include-uri?
  18. [pawn] #include <a_samp> new SkyLzo98; public OnGameModeInit() { SkyLzo98 = AddStaticVehicle(411, 1799.6177, -1854.6157, 14.8478, 0.0000, 1, 0); return 1; } public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) { if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == SkyLzo98) { new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); if(!strcmp(name, "SkyLzo98", false)) return RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x281aeb, "Bine ai venit in masina ta, SkyLzo98"); return 1; } return 1; }[/pawn]
  19. [pawn]CMD:gy( playerid , params[ ] ) { PutPlayerInVehicle( playerid, 562, 0); SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "{FFFFFF}Ai spawnat un {FF0000}Elegy {FFFFFF}'" ); return 1; }[/pawn]
  20. And? Nu ne arati si noua warning-ul?
  21. Informatii: Uitandu-ma pe internet,am dat de un "Patch",care mareste limita de playeri de la 1000 la 40000(40k),si m-am gandit sa il aveti si voi. Cateva poze: [img width=500 height=357] Download: [download]http://www.solidfiles.com/d/7e981f11d1/[/download] Good luck! P.S:Nu este facut de mine.
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