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Everything posted by HiTman

  1. HiTman

    G RPG v1.5

    Mda.. deci cand sunt logat cu rcon-ul scriu /faadmin si cica tresa fiu admin 5
  2. HiTman


    Au trecut 12 ore .. cineva?
  3. HiTman


    Ti-am dat PM cu mess-ul meu
  4. HiTman


    Asa credeam si eu .. baza de date dar totusi imi pozi spune ce sa fac?
  5. HiTman


    Nume: HiTman Problem? întâlnit?: Cand intru pe server nu apare dialog-ul de register doar cel de login nu conteaza chiar daca nu am cont inregistrat , zice sa ma loghez .. bun ma loghez (orice pass) si merge. Ce am încercat pân? acum: Multe.. Codul sursa/Log/Altele: //==================================== CallBacks =============================// public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) { gsString[ 0 ] = EOS; new connecting_ip[ 16 ] ; GetPlayerIp( playerid, connecting_ip, 16 ); if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ LoggedIn ] == 0 ) { format( gsString, 512, "{00FF00}Please login into your account, before start playing on {FFFF00}RSE.\n{33CCFF}If you aren't {FF0000}%s{33CCFF}, please click on '{FF0000}New Nick{33CCFF}' and you can change your nick and play !\n\n{00FF00}Put your password what do you use it when you register your account:", PlayerName( playerid ) ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Login Account", gsString, "Login", "New Nick" ); return 0; } if ( GetNumberOfPlayersOnThisIP( connecting_ip ) > MAX_CONNECTIONS_FROM_IP ) { format( gsString, 144, ">> Server-Security << :: IP Ban player '%s'. {FFFF00}Reason: Too many connections from this IP", PlayerName( playerid ) ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_ULTRARED, gsString ); BanEx( playerid, "Bots Flood" ); return 1; } printf( "Debug Bans 1" ); format( gsQuery, 512, "SELECT * FROM `Banlist` WHERE `IP` = '%s' OR `Name` = '%s'", connecting_ip, PlayerName( playerid ) ); mysql_query( gsQuery, THREAD_CHECK_BANS_LIST, playerid ); printf( "Debug Bans 2" ); return 1; } } case THREAD_CHECK_ACCOUNT_USERNAME: { mysql_store_result( ); if ( !IsPlayerConnected( extraid ) ) return mysql_free_result( ); gsString[ 0 ] = EOS; new pField[ 20 ] ; if ( mysql_num_rows( ) == 0 ) { ShowPlayerDialog( extraid, RegDialog, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{FF0000}#1 {FFFFFF}Type Password", "{FFFFFF}Welcome to {00FF00}Romania {FF0000}Stunt {00FF00}Empire {FFFFFF}server.\n\ Any member of this server needs to create an account to save his stats.\n\n\ {FF0000}Ok, so ... please type your account password, and we can progress.", "Next", "" ); } else { mysql_retrieve_row( ); mysql_get_field( "IP", pField ); if ( !strcmp( GetPlayerIPEx( extraid ), pField, true ) ) { new pName[ 25 ]; GetPlayerName( extraid, pName, 25 ); mysql_real_escape_string( pName, pName ); format( gsQuery, 256, "SELECT * FROM `Accounts` WHERE `Name` = '%s'", pName ); mysql_query( gsQuery, THREAD_PLAYER_ACCOUNT_LOGIN, extraid ); } else { format( gsString, 512, "{00FF00}Please login into your account, before start playing on {FFFF00}RSE.\n{33CCFF}If you aren't {FF0000}%s{33CCFF}, please click on '{FF0000}New Nick{33CCFF}' and you can change your nick and play !\n\n{00FF00}Put your password what do you use it when you register your account:", PlayerName( extraid ) ); ShowPlayerDialog( extraid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Login Account", gsString, "Login", "New Nick" ); } } mysql_free_result( ); return 1; } /============================================================================// public OnQueryError( errorid, error[ ], resultid, extraid, callback[ ], query[ ], connectionHandle ) return printf( "errorid: %d | error: %s | resultid: %d | extraid: %d | callback: %s | query: %s", errorid, error, resultid, extraid, callback, query ); //============================================================================//
  6. HiTman


    Reinstaleaza GTA San Andreas .
  7. Iati alt pawno si daca merge pawno-ul bine si tot iti da erroare anuntama ..
  8. Iti arata cumva 2-3 erori cu MSVCP100.dll? si MSVCP100.dll?
  9. HiTman

    President House

    Parca mai mult vad removebuilding ) Oricum 3/5 se puatea si mai bine.
  10. daca ai sters return return 0; .}
  11. Indepartezi tot ce tine de ,,MySQL"
  12. Exact .. dane comanda Trebuie mai intai s-o vedem
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