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About 3xTaSY

  • Birthday 12/22/2000

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  1. Nu este mare realizare..
  2. Mai bine nu postez comanda, ma fac de ras :| raman recunoscator celui care ma ajuta sa-mi fac comanda :D
  3. Nick: Terrow Problema: Nu stiu cum pot face o comanda pt. creeat case direct de pe server.. As ramane recunoscator celui care ma ajuta sa fac comanda Erori / warnings: - Lini/script: stock AH(hi,Float:iconX,Float:iconY,Float:iconZ,Float:interiorX,Float:interiorY,Float:interiorZ,Costa,Sella,Interiora) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- new house[128], string[128]; format(house, sizeof(house), "Houses/hi%d",hi); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(!dini_Exists(house)) { dini_Create(house); format(hInfo[hi][Name], 24, "ForSale"); dini_Set(house, "Name", "ForSale"); format(hInfo[hi][Renter], 24, "ForRent"); dini_Set(house, "Renter", "ForRent"); hInfo[hi][Rentable] = 0; dini_IntSet(house, "Rentable", 0); hInfo[hi][Rentcost] = 0; dini_IntSet(house, "Rentcost", 0); hInfo[hi][Cost] = Costa; dini_IntSet(house, "Cost", Costa+00000); hInfo[hi][Sell] = Sella; dini_IntSet(house, "Sell", Sella); hInfo[hi][Interior] = Interiora; dini_IntSet(house, "Interior", Interiora); hInfo[hi][Virtualworld] = hi; dini_IntSet(house, "Locked", 1); hInfo[hi][InteriorX] = interiorX; hInfo[hi][InteriorY] = interiorY; hInfo[hi][InteriorZ] = interiorZ; dini_FloatSet(house, "X", interiorX); dini_FloatSet(house, "Y", interiorY); dini_FloatSet(house, "Z", interiorZ); dini_IntSet(house, "RentPay", 0); dini_IntSet(house, "RentGet", 0); hInfo[hi][Locked] = 1; print("-"); print("-------------(House Created)-------------"); printf("> Hello, %d", hi); printf("> Buy Cost: %d", Costa+0000); printf("> Sell Cost: %d", Sella); printf("> Interior: %d", Interiora); printf("> VirtualWorld: %d", hi); print("-----------------------------------------"); print("-"); } else { format(hInfo[hi][Name], 24, dini_Get(house, "Name")); format(hInfo[hi][Renter], 24, dini_Get(house, "Renter")); hInfo[hi][Rentable] = dini_Int(house, "Rentable"); hInfo[hi][Rentcost] = dini_Int(house, "Rentcost"); hInfo[hi][Cost] = dini_Int(house, "Cost"); hInfo[hi][Sell] = dini_Int(house, "Sell"); hInfo[hi][Interior] = dini_Int(house, "Interior"); hInfo[hi][Locked] = dini_Int(house, "Locked"); hInfo[hi][InteriorX] = dini_Float(house, "X"); hInfo[hi][InteriorY] = dini_Float(house, "Y"); hInfo[hi][InteriorZ] = dini_Float(house, "Z"); hInfo[hi][Virtualworld] = dini_Int(house, "Virtualworld"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- hInfo[hi][iconx] = iconX; hInfo[hi][icony] = iconY; hInfo[hi][iconz] = iconZ; format(house, sizeof(house), "Houses/hi%d",hi); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(strcmp(hInfo[hi][Name],"ForSale",true) == 0) { HousePickup[hi] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, iconX, iconY, iconZ); } else { HousePickup[hi] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, iconX, iconY, iconZ); } format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFF00}Owner: {33FF33}%s\n{FFFF00}House Cost: {33FF33}%i {FF0000}Coins", hInfo[hi][Name], hInfo[hi][Cost]); housei[hi] = Create3DTextLabel(string, red, iconX, iconY, iconZ, 90.0, 0, 0); } Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: Am incercat eu sa fac ceva acolo, dar nu merge.. sunt incepator in scripting, deci nu veniti cu comentarii tampite.
  4. Deci, n-am nicio idee cum as putea face o comanda pentru creeat o casa in punctul in care ma aflu. Stock-ul este mai jos. stock AH(hi,Float:iconX,Float:iconY,Float:iconZ,Float:interiorX,Float:interiorY,Float:interiorZ,Costa,Sella,Interiora) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- new house[128], string[128]; format(house, sizeof(house), "Houses/hi%d",hi); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(!dini_Exists(house)) { dini_Create(house); format(hInfo[hi][Name], 24, "ForSale"); dini_Set(house, "Name", "ForSale"); format(hInfo[hi][Renter], 24, "ForRent"); dini_Set(house, "Renter", "ForRent"); hInfo[hi][Rentable] = 0; dini_IntSet(house, "Rentable", 0); hInfo[hi][Rentcost] = 0; dini_IntSet(house, "Rentcost", 0); hInfo[hi][Cost] = Costa; dini_IntSet(house, "Cost", Costa+00000); hInfo[hi][Sell] = Sella; dini_IntSet(house, "Sell", Sella); hInfo[hi][Interior] = Interiora; dini_IntSet(house, "Interior", Interiora); hInfo[hi][Virtualworld] = hi; dini_IntSet(house, "Locked", 1); hInfo[hi][InteriorX] = interiorX; hInfo[hi][InteriorY] = interiorY; hInfo[hi][InteriorZ] = interiorZ; dini_FloatSet(house, "X", interiorX); dini_FloatSet(house, "Y", interiorY); dini_FloatSet(house, "Z", interiorZ); dini_IntSet(house, "RentPay", 0); dini_IntSet(house, "RentGet", 0); hInfo[hi][Locked] = 1; print("-"); print("-------------(House Created)-------------"); printf("> Hello, %d", hi); printf("> Buy Cost: %d", Costa+0000); printf("> Sell Cost: %d", Sella); printf("> Interior: %d", Interiora); printf("> VirtualWorld: %d", hi); print("-----------------------------------------"); print("-"); } else { format(hInfo[hi][Name], 24, dini_Get(house, "Name")); format(hInfo[hi][Renter], 24, dini_Get(house, "Renter")); hInfo[hi][Rentable] = dini_Int(house, "Rentable"); hInfo[hi][Rentcost] = dini_Int(house, "Rentcost"); hInfo[hi][Cost] = dini_Int(house, "Cost"); hInfo[hi][Sell] = dini_Int(house, "Sell"); hInfo[hi][Interior] = dini_Int(house, "Interior"); hInfo[hi][Locked] = dini_Int(house, "Locked"); hInfo[hi][InteriorX] = dini_Float(house, "X"); hInfo[hi][InteriorY] = dini_Float(house, "Y"); hInfo[hi][InteriorZ] = dini_Float(house, "Z"); hInfo[hi][Virtualworld] = dini_Int(house, "Virtualworld"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- hInfo[hi][iconx] = iconX; hInfo[hi][icony] = iconY; hInfo[hi][iconz] = iconZ; format(house, sizeof(house), "Houses/hi%d",hi); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(strcmp(hInfo[hi][Name],"ForSale",true) == 0) { HousePickup[hi] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, iconX, iconY, iconZ); } else { HousePickup[hi] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, iconX, iconY, iconZ); } format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFF00}Owner: {33FF33}%s\n{FFFF00}House Cost: {33FF33}%i {FF0000}Coins", hInfo[hi][Name], hInfo[hi][Cost]); housei[hi] = Create3DTextLabel(string, red, iconX, iconY, iconZ, 90.0, 0, 0); } As ramane recunoscator celui care ma ajuta sa fac acea comanda :D
  5. 3xTaSY


    Firma de host functioneaza pe lemne . Au ramas fara lemne. Zi numele firmei 8-|
  6. Romania Real Stunt - Edit Frumos edit, 9/10 :)
  7. Nume: TwisteR42O.. Problem? întâlnit?: Am incercat sa fac o comanda pentru a da restart la proprietati / case direct de pe server. Ce am încercat pân? acum: case Console: { if ( !response ) return 1; switch( listitem ) { case 0: mysql_function_query( g_Handle, "UPDATE `Houses` SET `Name` = ForSale", false, "", "" ); case 1: mysql_function_query( g_Handle, "UPDATE `Props` SET `pOwner` = Nobody", false, "", "" ); } return 1; } Codul sursa/Log/Altele: Am pus mai sus. Compilarea imi merge perfect, cand intru pe server imi apare in meniu restart houses / properties, dar cand dau click pe el, in baza de date nu se updateaza nimic la acea coloana :|
  8. Cum pot face, ca atunci cand un admin foloseste comanda /giveweapon, sa apara ceva de genu: [ADMIN]: X has used the command /giveweapon Numele armei Nu stiu ce sa pun in comanda ca sa-mi apara si numele armei dupa /giveweapon ... :|
  9. L-am instalat deja. Degeaba :)
  10. Ce ma? Am luat deja astea, am pus fisierele in folderul unde este instalat GTA-ul, si gata. TOT NU MERGE !
  11. Orice copil de 7 ani poate face o astfel de comanda. :-j Ai gandit mult inainte sa o faci?
  12. Deci, cand deschid samp-server.exe, imi apar 2 erori: Windows-ul l-am instalat din nou, in seara asta. Nu cred ca este ceva in neregula cu windows-ul...
  13. Nu folosesc host. Intru pe localhost/phpmyadmin ca sa incarc baza de date(folosesc xampp)
  14. Am pus exact cum mi-ai spus tu => 5 errors. Toate sunt legate de conexiunea la baza de date a serverului. Serverul ruleaza pe a_mysql_r33 si in folderul includes din pawno, exista acest include. Este wos build 29 (poate te ajuta sa intelegi mai bine)
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