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Everything posted by JoKeRy

  1. Tu cred ca n-ai inteles ce am vrut eu. Citeste cu atentie ce am cerut eu acolo. //EDIT: Voi mai explica odata ce vreau eu sa schimb la aceste comenzi. La /goto vreau sa schimb " * You have been teleported" in " You have been teleported at %s!". La /gethere vreau sa schimb " You have been teleported" in " Admin/Helper %s has teleported you at him!" (sa apara Admin daca e admin si Helper daca e helper). Va rog ajutati-ma am nevoie cat mai repede.
  2. De ce postezi aiurea? Ce mi-ai dat tu acolo eu am deja... Nu ai facut modificarilea alea.
  3. GM-ul este Godfather. Deci asta e comanda /goto: if(strcmp(cmd, "/goto", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "{00A1FF}USAGE{FFFFFF}: /goto [playerid/PartOfName]"); return 1; } new Float:plocx,Float:plocy,Float:plocz; new plo; plo = ReturnUser(tmp); new playa; playa = ReturnUser(tmp); if (IsPlayerConnected(plo)) { if(plo != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 1) { if(Spectate[playerid] != 255) { Spectate[playerid] = 256; } GetPlayerPos(plo, plocx, plocy, plocz); if(PlayerInfo[plo][pInt] > 0) { SetPlayerInterior(playerid,PlayerInfo[plo][pInt]); PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = PlayerInfo[plo][pInt]; PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] = PlayerInfo[plo][pLocal]; } if(PlayerInfo[plo][pInt] == 10 && PlayerInfo[plo][pLocal] == 500) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "You can`t go to this player"); return 1; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] == 0) { SetPlayerInterior(playerid,0); } if(plocz > 530.0 && PlayerInfo[plo][pInt] == 0) //the highest land point in sa = 526.8 { SetPlayerInterior(playerid,1); PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = 1; } if (GetPlayerState(playerid) == 2) { new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); SetVehiclePos(tmpcar, plocx, plocy+4, plocz); TelePos[playerid][0] = 0.0;TelePos[playerid][1] = 0.0; } else { SetPlayerPos(playerid,plocx,plocy+2, plocz); } SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " {9D0000}*{F6C861}You have been teleported"); if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) { GetPlayerName(playa, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer)); GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); format(string, sizeof(string), " Admin {F81414}%s {AFAFAF}has teleported at you!",sendername); SendClientMessage(plo, COLOR_GREY, string); format(string,sizeof(string), "{FF2C00}[AdmWarning]: {FFFFFF}Admin {33FF33}%s {FFFFFF}Has teleported to {33FF33}%s",sendername, giveplayer); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string, 5); } if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 1) { GetPlayerName(playa, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer)); GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); format(string,sizeof(string), "{FF2C00}[AdmWarning]: {FFFFFF}Helper {33FF33}%s {FFFFFF}Has teleported to {33FF33}%s ",sendername, giveplayer); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string, 5); format(string, sizeof(string), " Helper {F81414}%s {AFAFAF}has teleported at you!",sendername); SendClientMessage(plo, COLOR_GREY, string); } SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid,GetPlayerVirtualWorld(plo)); HouseEntered[playerid] = HouseEntered[plo]; } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " You are not authorized to use that command!"); } } } else { format(string, sizeof(string), " %d is not an active player.", plo); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, string); } } return 1; } Si asta e comanda /gethere: if(strcmp(cmd, "/gethere", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "{00A1FF}USAGE{FFFFFF}: /gethere [playerid/PartOfName]"); return 1; } new Float:plocx,Float:plocy,Float:plocz; new plo; plo = ReturnUser(tmp); GetPlayerName(playerid,sendername,sizeof(sendername)); GetPlayerName(plo, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer)); if (IsPlayerConnected(plo)) { if(plo != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if (PlayerInfo[plo][pAdmin] > 1337) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Ask the admin to goto you."); return 1; } /*else if(AFKCheck[plo] > 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Can't use this command on a afk player !"); return 1; }*/ if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] == 10 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal] == 500) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "You can`t use this command in this place"); return 1; } if(PlayerInfo[plo][pJailed] == 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You can`t use this command on that player because is in jail !"); return 1; } if(WantedLevel[plo] >= 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY," You can`t use this command on that player, is currently Wanted !"); return 1; } if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pHelper] >= 1) { GetPlayerPos(playerid, plocx, plocy, plocz); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] > 0) { SetPlayerInterior(plo,PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt]); PlayerInfo[plo][pInt] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt]; PlayerInfo[plo][pLocal] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal]; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] == 0) { SetPlayerInterior(plo,0); } if(plocz > 930.0 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] == 0) //the highest land point in sa = 526.8 { SetPlayerInterior(plo,1); PlayerInfo[plo][pInt] = 1; } if (GetPlayerState(plo) == 2) { TelePos[plo][0] = 0.0; TelePos[plo][1] = 0.0; new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(plo); SetVehiclePos(tmpcar, plocx, plocy+4, plocz); } else { SetPlayerPos(plo,plocx,plocy+2, plocz); } SendClientMessage(plo, COLOR_GRAD1, " You have been teleported"); format(string,sizeof(string), "{FF2C00}[AdmWarning]: {33FF33}%s {FFFFFF}Has teleported {33FF33}%s (%d) {FFFFFF}to Himself",sendername,giveplayer,plo); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string, 5); SetPlayerInterior(plo,GetPlayerInterior(playerid)); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(plo,GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " You are not authorized to use that command!"); } } } else { format(string, sizeof(string), " %d is not an active player.", plo); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, string); } } return 1; } Eu as vrea asa: cand dau /gethere sa ii apara celui pe care l-am adus la mine asa: "Admin/Helper %s has teleported you at him!" (Daca e admin sa apara Admin si daca e helper sa apara Helper) Si la /goto invers, ii apare celui la care m-am teleportat ca eu m-am teleportat la el dar nu imi apare mie, eu as vrea sa imi apara mie cand dau asa: "You have been teleported at %s!".
  4. Cel mai tare GM de stunt (dupa RSE)! 9.99/10.
  5. JoKeRy

    Help Please!

    1.Scrie in GM new PlayerInfo; 2. Du-te la linia 92 si inlocuieste "]" cu ";"
  6. Foarte tare GM 4/5 (pentru ca e urat TD), mie chiar mi-a placut, dar am o intrebare. Cum imi dau admin?
  7. Frumos GM, poate imi deschid un server cu GM-ul asta...
  8. JoKeRy


    Am facut asta dar acum ramane mereu acelasi skin care il setez, adica daca intru pe server imi da skin-ul pe care l-am setat in GM, apas F4 si il schimb dar nu ramane salvat, imi da tot acel skin din GM de fiecare data cand intru pe server.
  9. Frumos GM, 4/5. P.S: Sincer, cred ca e mai mult RPG decat Godfather pentru ca ai modificat unele factiuni. P.S2: Rezolva bug-ul ala la masini!
  10. JoKeRy


  11. JoKeRy


    Am facut asta dar tot aceasi skin mi-l da.....
  12. JoKeRy


    (Up) Ma ajuta cineva va rog?
  13. JoKeRy

    BUG LA /o

    Eu folosesc alt script de OOC, cred ca e mai bun, doar adminii pot sa scrie pe /o. if(strcmp(cmd, "/ooc", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/o", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You havent logged in yet !"); return 1; } if ((noooc) && PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, " The OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin !"); return 1; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuted] == 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_CYAN_COLOR, " You can't speak, you have been silenced !"); return 1; } GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); new length = strlen(cmdtext); while ((idx < length) && (cmdtext[idx] <= ' ')) { idx++; } new offset = idx; new result[64]; while ((idx < length) && ((idx - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1))) { result[idx - offset] = cmdtext[idx]; idx++; } result[idx - offset] = EOS; if(!strlen(result)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "{00A1FF}USAGE{FFFFFF}: (/o)oc [ooc chat]"); return 1; } format(string, sizeof(string), "(({4BB3F9}Admin {F81414}%s{FFFFFF}: %s ))", sendername, result); OOCOff(COLOR_OOC,string); printf("%s", string); } return 1; } P.S: Trebuia sa dai Edit, nu dublu post.
  14. JoKeRy


    Singurul "AddPlayerClass" pe care l-am gasit este AddPlayerClass(Peds[i][0],1958.3783,1343.1572,1100.3746,269.1425,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1); dar nu este la fel ca linia pe care mi-ai dat-o tu, si nici nu stiu ce sa modific ca sa schimb skin-ul. Sper ca ma va ajuta cineva.
  15. JoKeRy


    Imi spune cineva cum schimb skin-ul care ti-l da cand intri prima data pe server. La mine pe server imi da skin-ul , dar eu vreau sa pun alt skin. Imi spune cineva cum?
  16. Am o problema la JunkBuster. De exeplu daca cineva spameaza arata FasteRZonE: FiReFoX has kicked for command spam. Dar eu vreau sa arate JunkBuster: FiReFoX has kicked for command spam. Vreau sa schmb FasteRZonE in JunkBuster sau ce nume vreau eu dar nu stiu cum, ma ajuta cineva? Tin sa precizez ca am JunkBuster 11 si am cautat in include-uri, in JunkBuster.pwn si in GM dar nu am gasit FasteRZonE. P.S: Stiu ca am mai postat odata dar nu m-a ajutat nimeni. EDIT: Nu mai e nevoie, am rezolvat. Multumesc oricum pentru "ajutor".
  17. Nu ma pricep eu prea bine, dar te-as sfatui sa folosesti alt sistem de masini personale.
  18. Am o problema la JunkBuster. De exeplu daca cineva spameaza arata FasteRZonE: FiReFoX has kicked for command spam. Dar eu vreau sa arate JunkBuster: FiReFoX has kicked for command spam. Vreau sa schmb FasteRZonE in JunkBuster sau ce nume vreau eu dar nu stiu cum, ma ajuta cineva? Tin sa precizez ca am JunkBuster 11 si am cautat in include-uri, in JunkBuster.pwn si in GM dar nu am gasit FasteRZonE.
  19. JoKeRy

    Problema Client

    Am facut deja asta.
  20. JoKeRy

    Problema Client

    Nu am alt GTA SA, acesta este original si imi mergea pe alt PC. Le merge bine si prietenilor mei. E o eroare rara, dar unii o au si vreau sa stiu cum sa o rezolv.
  21. Am downloadat clientul de pe filelist, l-am instalat, am copiat crack-ul si cand il pornesc sta cateva secunde, se inchide si imi apare gta_sa has stopped working. Am reinstalat clientul de 3 ori si am sters si GTA SA User files, am facut setarile si din compatibilitate si l-am adaugat la Data Execution Prevention, am incercat de multe ori si nimic. Am Windows XP Professional SP3, procesor Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Placa video nVidia GeForce 7600 GS si toate driver-ele si update-urile la zi. Va rog spuneti-mi ce sa fac ca sa ruleze.
  22. Pai asa era de la inceput, dar darky a zis sa le sterg.
  23. Am facut ce ai zis tu si acum primesc erorile astea: [pawn]G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(2159) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie12" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(6185) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie11" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13851) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie2" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13852) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie3" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13853) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie4" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13854) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie5" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13855) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie6" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13856) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie7" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13857) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie8" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13858) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie9" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13859) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie10" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13860) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie11" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13862) : error 017: undefined symbol "sri2" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13863) : error 017: undefined symbol "sri3" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13864) : error 017: undefined symbol "sri4" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13865) : error 017: undefined symbol "sri5" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13866) : error 017: undefined symbol "sri6" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13867) : error 017: undefined symbol "sri7" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13870) : error 017: undefined symbol "ng2" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13871) : error 017: undefined symbol "ng3" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13872) : error 017: undefined symbol "ng4" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13873) : error 017: undefined symbol "ng5" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13876) : error 017: undefined symbol "politie12" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13879) : error 017: undefined symbol "medic2" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13880) : error 017: undefined symbol "medic3" G:\CriSS\gta sa mods\BigNetwork\gamemodes\rpg.pwn(13881) : error 017: undefined symbol "medic4" Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 26 Errors. [/pawn]
  24. Nu ma pricep prea bine, deci...Ce trebuie sa fac ca sa-l pot compila?
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