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Everything posted by SpriTe_

  1. Am facut cum a zis Y_Less, dar nu merge, imi da eroare tot la: [pawn] i@YSII_Ag[/pawn]
  2. Nu stiu daca este corect, dar uite cum am pus eu: [pawn] foreach (new vehicles_War : i) [/pawn] Si am aceste erori: [pawn] (205) : error 017: undefined symbol "i@YSII_Ag" (205) : error 017: undefined symbol "i@YSII_Ag" (205) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (205) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line [/pawn]
  3. Itter_create este : [pawn] Itter_Create - Create a new itterator value set. [/pawn] Si in RO: [PAWN] Itter_Create - Crearea unui nou set de valori itterator. [/PAWN] Parca asa tin minte.. E ceva din foreach, daca nu gresesc. :-?? EDIT: Poate sa pun un nou include de FOREACH ?? Cum crezi va merge? Am incercat foreachex( new vehicles_War, i); Dar am: [pawn] error 020: invalid symbol name "" (206) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (206) : warning 215: expression has no effect (206) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "]" (206) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line [/pawn]
  4. Salut SA-MP.ro, am gasit pe NET un GM, foarte fain si as vrea sa-l rezolv, adica are cateva erori: Eroare: [pawn] (75) : error 010: invalid function or declaration (76) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype (77) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype [/pawn] And the linies: [pawn] Itter_Create(houses, MAX_HOUSES); //75 Itter_Create(vehicles_War, 40); //76 Itter_Create(vehicles_TankDM, 10); //77 [/pawn] Si a doua problema este asta: [pawn] foreachex(vehicles_War, i) [/pawn] Error: [pawn] (206) : error 017: undefined symbol "vehicles_War@YSII_Ag" (206) : error 017: undefined symbol "vehicles_War@YSII_Ag" (206) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (206) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line [/pawn] Ajutati-ma va rog. :D
  5. Ma sterge in PNM liniile alea, si revii cu un EDIT, unde pui erorile/warningurile care le si gata.. Cata galceveala de la asta..
  6. Foarte bine lucrat Rocky.. ^^ 5/5
  7. Frumos serverul, numai ca unele lucruri sunt copiate de e RsE-ul lui K1DDU. Oricum GJ 3.5/5
  8. Pai stergi TD-ul cu acel Site si gata ! =D
  9. Salut SA-MP.ro, in ultimul timp am inceput sa postez multe topicuri la aceasta sectiune, caci rezolv un GM important, dati sa va explic: 1.Intru in joc, ma duc la vreun pickup de casa: 2.Scriu comanda /buy si ca sa vezi : De ce oare apare asa, comanda este in GM, iat-o: [pawn] CMD:buy( playerid, params[ ] ) { new str[ 255 ], str1[ 255 ], housenumber; housenumber = GetHouseID( playerid ); if ( housenumber == -1 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ERROR: {FFFFFF}You are not in a house icon!" ); format( str1, sizeof( str1 ), "Houses/Users/%s", udb_encode( PlayerName( playerid ) ) ); if ( dini_Exists( str1 ) ) { if ( dini_Int( str1, "Houseid" ) !=- 255 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ERROR: {FFFFFF}You can only buy one house!" ); } format( str1, sizeof( str1 ), "Houses/houseid%d", housenumber ); if ( strcmp( hInfo[ housenumber ][ Name ],"ForSale", true ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ERROR: {FFFFFF}This house isn't for sale!"); if ( GetPlayerMoney( playerid ) < hInfo[ housenumber ][ Cost ] ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ERROR: {FFFFFF}Not enough money!" ); SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "SUCCES: {FFFFFF}You have bought the house!" ); format( str, sizeof( str ), "%s has bought houseid 0", PlayerName( playerid ) ); print( str ); GivePlayerMoney( playerid, -hInfo[ housenumber ][ Cost ] ); dini_Set( str1, "Name", PlayerName( playerid ) ); strmid( hInfo[ housenumber ][ Name ] , PlayerName( playerid ), 0, 25, 25 ); hInfo[ housenumber ][ Locked ] = dini_IntSet( str1, "Locked", 0 ); format( str1, sizeof( str1 ), "Houses/Users/%s", udb_encode( PlayerName( playerid ) ) ); if ( !dini_Exists( str1 ) ) dini_Create( str1 ); new Float:sy, Float:sx, Float:sz; dini_IntSet( str1, "Houseid", housenumber ); if ( !dini_Isset( str1,"Rentid" ) ) { dini_IntSet( str1, "Rentid", -255 ); } GetPlayerPos( playerid, sx,sy,sz ); dini_FloatSet( str1, "SpawnX", sx ); dini_FloatSet( str1, "SpawnY", sy ); dini_FloatSet( str1, "SpawnZ", sz ); dini_IntSet( str1, "SpawnInt", GetPlayerInterior( playerid ) ); DestroyPickup( HousePickup[ housenumber ] ); HousePickup[ housenumber ] = CreatePickup( 1272, 23, hInfo[ housenumber ][ iconx ], hInfo[ housenumber ][ icony ], hInfo[ housenumber ][ iconz ] ); return 1; } [/pawn] Am tot in scriptfiles: [pawn] Am foulderul Houses, am casele in el, sunt 500 case, am foulderul Users. [/pawn] Am enum-ul: [pawn] enum HouseInfo { Name[24], Renter[24], Rentable, Rentcost, Cost, Sell, Interior, Virtualworld, Locked, Float:InteriorX, Float:InteriorY, Float:InteriorZ, Float:iconx, Float:icony, Float:iconz, Rentfee } new hInfo[MAX_HOUSES][HouseInfo]; [/pawn] Care-i problema ajutati-ma va rog frumos?
  10. Mai citeste RULES: 6.Nu postati ID-uri de mess/skype sau de alt fel. Toate probleme se rezolva aici.
  11. Hey am gasit ru o comanda pe sscanf in PC,si am pus-o in , dar am o problema la linia asta: [pawn] if( sscanf(params, "i", params[0]) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, "/up [HIGH]"); [/pawn] Cu eraorea asta: [pawn] error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) [/pawn] Ce-i gresit? EDIT Am rezolvat, iata comanda corecta: [pawn] CMD:up( playerid, params[ ] ) { if( sscanf(params, "i", params[0]) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "/UP [HIGH]"); new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { GetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), x, y, z); SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), x, y, z + params[0]); } else { GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 46, 1); SetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z + params[0]); } return 1; } [/pawn] T/C
  12. Poi scriptul care mi l-a dat Darky nu e pe sscanf? PS:Poate si nu e, dar sa nu ma certi , nu sunt inca mare maestru inca studiez si eu PAWN Lang.
  13. Nu am avut in vedere eroarea la compile, dar zic ca atunci cand intru in joaca si dau /up <inaltimea> tot asa apare ca imi arata cum trebuie sa folosesc corect.
  14. Tot nu merge, acceasi eroare imi da, WTF?
  15. Darky, cum definesc SCM?
  16. Salut SA-MP.ro, cerez un GM acum si am o problema cu comanda CMD:up, iata scriptul: [pawn] CMD:up( playerid, params[ ] ) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; new string[ 128 ]; new height = strval( string ); if ( height == 0 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_RED, "USAGE: {FFFF00}/up <Height>" ); if ( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) ) { GetVehiclePos( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), x, y, z ); SetVehiclePos( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), x, y, z + height ); } else { GetPlayerPos( playerid, x, y, z ); GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, 46, 1 ); SetPlayerPos( playerid, x, y, z + height ); } return 1; } [/pawn] Deci sa va explic, ca exemplu eu intru in joaca, scriu comanda /up 5 ( acest 5 indica inaltimea ), dupa ce scriu asta, nu ma ridica in sus, dar apare in chat ca nu folosesc corect, adica apare linia asta din comanda: [pawn] if ( height == 0 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_RED, "USAGE: {FFFF00}/up <Height>" ); [/pawn] Care e greseala, am omis ceva?
  17. SpriTe_


    Solved, toate dilogurile mele erau definite prin new, trebuia #define DIALOG_NAME (number) Greseala mea, T/C
  18. SpriTe_


    Salutare SA-MP.ro, am o comanda de /buyvip si am pus-o in GM, intru in joaca, dau /buyvip, apare dialogul asta: [pawn] CMD:buyvip( playerid, params[ ] ) { ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, BuyVip, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{E60000}Buy {FFFF00}V{E60000}.{FFFF00}I{E60000}.{FFFF00}P", "{00FF00}ENG: {FF9900}Select your language!\n{00FF00}RO: {FF9900}Selectati Limba!", "Romana", "English" ); return 1; } [/pawn] Dar, apas limba Romana Sau English si nimic nu apare, dilogul anterior dispare si altceva nimic nu apare, iti continui jocul: [pawn] if ( dialogid==BuyVip ) { if ( response ) { new strgvip[ 2048 ]; strcat( strgvip,"{FFFF00}Buna! {FF9900}Ai selectat limba romana!\nEu iti voi arata cum poti cumpara {FF9900}V{FFFF00}.{FF9900}I{FFFF00}.{FF9900}P pe {E60000}Romania {FFFF00}My {0000BB}Server{FF9900}, cat costa si alte informatii!\n\n\n"); strcat( strgvip,"Pentru inceput trebuie sa stii Regulamentul {FFFF00}V.I.P-ilor!\n{E60000}Regulament:\n1 ){FF9900}Nu ai voie sa te teleportezi ( /vgoto ) de mai multe ori si sa-l omori!\n{E60000}2 ){FF9900}Nu ai voie sa vorbesti vulgar in chat-ul V.I.P-ilor( #)\n{E60000}3 ){FF9900}Nu ai voie sa iti schimbi numele ( /vname ) intr-un nume folosiit si sa faci abuz pe seama lui!\n"); strcat( strgvip,"{E60000}4 ){FF9900}Nu ai voie sa dai /vspec pe un admin!\n{E60000}5 ){FF9900}Nu ai voie sa dai sa folosesti comanda /vspec in timpul unui event\n{E60000}6 ){FF9900}Nu ai voie sa folosesti comenzile /ltc[1-12] in timpul unui DeathMatch!\n"); strcat( strgvip,"Si alte chestii similare...\n\n\nApoi trebuie sa stii ce inseamna V.I.P pe serverul nostru {E60000}My {FFFF00}Server {0000BB}Name\n{FF9900}Dictionar RDU=> {E60000}V.I.P {FF9900}=> Echipa de scripteri a vrut ca playeri ce joaca mult pe server\nsa aiba mai multe comenzi decat playeri simpli\n"); strcat( strgvip,"Asa ca au creat un script cu care poti cumpara V.I.P! V.I.P-urile au comenzi ce alti playeri nu au\nDeci in concluzie V.I.P-ul este un om importat pe serverul nostru:D!\n\n"); strcat( strgvip,"Apoi {FF9900}V{FFFF00}.{FF9900}I{FFFF00}.{FF9900}P-ul se plateste cu Coins!\n{FF9900}V{FFFF00}.{FF9900}I{FFFF00}.{FF9900}P-ul se platesete cu monede ( /monede )\n\n{00FF00}Deci vrei sa cumperi V.I.P?\n\n\n"); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, BuyVip2, 0,"{FFFF00}Cumpara V{E60000}.{FFFF00}I{E60000}.{FFFF00}P",strgvip, "Da", "Nu"); } else { new strgvip[ 2048 ]; strcat( strgvip,"{FFFF00}Hello! {FF9900}You have selected English!\nI'll show you how you cand buy {FF9900}V{FFFF00}.{FF9900}I{FFFF00}.{FF9900}P on {E60000}Roamnia {FFFF00}My Server {0000BB}Stunt{FF9900}, how much cost and more informations!\n\n\n"); strcat( strgvip,"To begin you must know the {FFFF00}V.I.P {FF9900}Rules!\n{E60000}Rules:\n1 ){FF9900}You can not teleport ( /vgoto ) several to a player and kill him!\n{E60000}2 ){FF9900}You can not speak dirty on the V.I.P chat( #)\n{E60000}3 ){FF9900}You can not change your name ( /vname ) to a name in use and make abouse of him!\n"); strcat( strgvip,"{E60000}4 ){FF9900}You can not use /vspec on a admin!\n{E60000}5 ){FF9900}You can not use /vsepc to a player at the event!\n{E60000}6 ){FF9900}You can not use /ltc[1-12] at the DeathMatch!\n"); strcat( strgvip,"And the others matter related...\n\n\nThen you need to know what is V.I.P on our server {E60000}Server{FFFF00}My {0000BB}Name!\n{FF9900}Dictionary RDU=> {E60000}V.I.P {FF9900}=> The scripters team make a V.I.P system for all players who \nplay hard and help the server!\n"); strcat( strgvip,"So all V.I.P members can use other commands that normal players can't use!\n\n\nBut you must know ho much cost:\n{FF9900}V{FFFF00}.{FF9900}I{FFFF00}.{FF9900}P cost Coins ( /coins )\n\n{00FF00}So you wan to buy V.I.P?\n\n\n"); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, BuyVip3, 0,"{FFFF00}Buy V{E60000}.{FFFF00}I{E60000}.{FFFF00}P",strgvip, "Yes", "No"); } } [/pawn] Care e problema, ce am omis?
  19. SpriTe_

    1 Error

    Salutare SA-MP.ro, dgraba finisez GM-ul si a mai ramas numai o eroare, si am venit aici ca sa ma ajutati sa o rezolv: Linia: [pawn] C_DATA[ housenumber ][ NewCar ] = 1; [/pawn] Si eroarea: [pawn] error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "C_DATA") [/pawn] Daca aveti nevoie, aiata enum-ul C_DATA: [PAWN] enum C_ENUM { HouseCar, Kills, Deaths } new C_DATA[MAX_PLAYERS][C_ENUM]; [/PAWN] Ideas?
  20. Mda foarte de greu de gasit: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=407045 Sau direct download: http://forum.sa-mp.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5248&d=1358626151
  21. Vad ca nu voi primi ajutor, va inteleg e mult de gandit, le rezolv eu cuma, asa ca cer T/C
  22. Frumos GM ^.^, bafta cu el in continuare.. ON : Pentru versiunea V.1, arata foarte bine. 5/5
  23. Salut SA-MP.ro, e pe sfarsite un GM de al meu, dar am niste probleme cu el..: Linia 15921 [pawn]new height = strval( playerid, params[ ] );[/pawn] Linia 16751 [pawn]GMCountDown( );[/pawn] Linia 17858 [pawn]C_DATA[ housenumber ][ NewCar ] = 1;[/pawn] Linia 19168 [pawn]if ( !strlen( playerid, params[ ] ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "USAGE: {33CCFF}/getinfo [playerid]" );[/pawn] Linia 19170 [pawn]player1 = strval( playerid, params[ ] );[/pawn] Linia 19317 [pawn]if ( CountDown == -1 )[/pawn] Linia 19319 [pawn]CountDown = 6;[/pawn] Linia 19945 [pawn]FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_ABLUE, "\"%s\" (id %d) Average Ping: %d (Last ping readings: %d, %d, %d, %d)", PlayerName2( Player ), Player, Average, PlayerInfo[ Player ][ pPing ][ 0 ], PlayerInfo[ Player ][ pPing ][ 1 ], PlayerInfo[ Player ][ pPing ][ 2 ], PlayerInfo[ Player ][ pPing ][ 3 ] );[/pawn] Linia 19996 [pawn] new Float:Gravity = floatstr( playerid, params[ ] ), string[ 128 ];[/pawn] Linia 21119 [pawn]if ( !strlen( playerid, params[ ] ) )[/pawn] Linia 21134 [pawn]Player = strval( playerid, params[ ] );[/pawn] Linia 22948 [pawn]if ( strlen( playerid, params[ ] ) == 0 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ACCOUNT: {FFFFFF}Correct usage: '{E60000}/register [password]{FFFFFF}'" );[/pawn] Linia 22949 [pawn]if ( strlen( playerid, params[ ] ) < 6 || strlen( playerid, params[ ] ) > 24 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ACCOUNT: {FFFFFF}Password length must be greater than {E60000}6 {FFFFFF}characters!" );[/pawn] Linia 22988 [pawn]if ( strlen( playerid, params[ ] ) == 0 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "ACCOUNT: {FFFFFF}Correct usage: '{E60000}/login [Password]{FFFFFF}'" );[/pawn] Linia 23068 [pawn]pColor = GetPlayerColor( playerid );[/pawn] Linia 23464 [pawn]if ( sscanf( params, "i", Colour ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, "/mycolor ", "0 = Black | 1 = White | 2 = Red | 3 = Orange | 4 = Yellow | 5 = Green | 6 = Blue | 7 = Purple | 8 = Brown" );[/pawn] Erorile Linia 15921-> error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) Linia 16751-> error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address si error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero Linia 17858-> error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "C_DATA") Linia 19168-> error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) Linia 19170-> error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) Linia 19317-> error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call Linia 19319-> error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call Linia 19945-> error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo") Linia 19996-> error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) Linia 21119-> error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) Linia 21134-> error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) Linia 22948-> error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) Linia 22949-> error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) Linia 22988-> error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) Linia 23068-> error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant) Linia 23464-> error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) STIU CA SITUATIA E CRISTICA DAR AM INCREDERE NUMAI IN SA-MP.RO !
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