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Everything posted by AdyUzzy1

  1. 1. Bleahh ! . 2. Nu e facut de tine cu siguranta , nu esti bun de absolut nimic 3. Ciobane , aici nu e sa te dai tu mare . o puteai face la Imagini si Video Aici scrie clar !"Discutii care nu au legatura cu SAMP-ul. "
  2. Nu , momentan sunt incepator in Photoshop.
  3. LOL ! Esti mai idiot de cat credeam.. Incerci sa imi faci o imagine proasta fata de altii , dar nu iti merge sa stii Invidia asta e mare.
  4. Am facut asta , si tot la fel , chiar nu stiu ce sa fac ..
  5. Nick: UzzyZVR Problema: MySQL Erori / warnings: [22:52:52] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [22:52:52] [debug] cache_get_row_count [22:52:52] [debug] mysql_tquery [22:52:52] [debug] AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle [22:52:52] [debug] EditDynamicObject [22:52:52] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterial [22:52:52] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterialText [22:52:52] [debug] mysql_escape_string [22:52:52] [debug] cache_insert_id [22:52:52] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [22:52:52] [debug] cache_get_row_count [22:52:52] [debug] mysql_tquery [22:52:52] [debug] AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle [22:52:52] [debug] EditDynamicObject [22:52:52] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterial [22:52:52] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterialText [22:52:52] [debug] mysql_escape_string [22:52:52] [debug] cache_insert_id Lini/script: - Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: Da
  6. Ce pot sa zic , imi place Succes in continuare
  7. Tu ai nickname "fytza" Incearca: F-Gaming.ro Fiz-Gaming.ro Fy-Gaming.ro Fii creativ!
  8. Eu l-am facut . Lol Spui asta doar pentru ca ai ciuda pe mine sau .. ? poti sa dispari
  9. Am si eu aceasi problema , dar pluginurile se incarca..
  10. Ai pus toate pluginurile alea in folderul serverului si tot nu merge? Incearca sa iti actualizezi Microsoft Visual C ++
  11. Pune astea in folderul cu serverul. http://www.solidfiles.com/d/c64740ae4d/libmySQL.dll http://www.solidfiles.com/d/789f4624d5/msvcp110.dll http://www.solidfiles.com/d/d2862fbce7/msvcr100.dll http://www.solidfiles.com/d/ab7a7851d7/msvcr100d.dll http://www.solidfiles.com/d/f5aef46c32/msvcr110.dll
  12. Pai eu cred ca am uitat un "}" dar acum nu stiu unde , si asta e problema
  13. Nick: UzzyZVR Problema: Am un server in PC si cand il compilez pur si simplu ramane asa . deci nu se compileaza . Care ar fii problema? Erori / warnings: - Lini/script: - Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: da
  14. Simplu Oricum apreciez efortul . bravo
  15. Asta vorbesti cu el in privat
  16. Intersant , ceva de genul era la LuxAdmin nu?
  17. AdyUzzy1

    HQ Taxi, LS

    Folositor , multumesc
  18. Nick: UzzyZVR Problema: Open Server Erori / warnings: [07:58:15] ==================================================== [07:58:15] Error ID: 1146 Error: Table 'serverstunt.sqlchat' doesn't exist Callback: OnMessagesReceived Query: SELECT sender, message FROM sqlchat WHERE timestamp > 1398351046 AND type = 1 ORDER BY timestamp ASC; [07:58:15] ==================================================== Lini/script: Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: Da
  19. Am si eu o problema Am pornit serverul ( MySQL ) si imi da problema asta [07:59:50] ==================================================== [07:59:50] Error ID: 1146 Error: Table 'serverstunt.sqlchat' doesn't exist Callback: OnMessagesReceived Query: SELECT sender, message FROM sqlchat WHERE timestamp > 1398351046 AND type = 1 ORDER BY timestamp ASC; [07:59:50] ====================================================
  20. Folositor! Bravo Gireada!
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