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Everything posted by andreiutzu961

  1. frumos 7/8 PS: imi place , ce gm folosesti
  2. Mda logic , ca nu merge cu alte plugin-uri asa l-ai modificat tu .... si in + are in plugin-uri jmecheri )
  3. andreiutzu961


    schimba [pawn] #define TIME 250 [/pawn] cu [pawn] #define TIME 40000 // o poti mari [/pawn] Cred nu stiu sigur... Dar incearca ;)
  4. [pawn]Daca faci un GM si lucrati mult la el , de ce il postati pe net in loc sa il vindeti?[/pawn] Poate ca nu toti duc lipsa banilor , ca 'alti' Frumos GM :)
  5. Salut!!! Deci pana sa imi reformatez pc-ul mergea foarte bine server-ul , iar apoi cand l-am reformatat uitati.... [11:39:21] Loading plugin: streamer [11:39:22] Failed. [11:39:22] Loading plugin: sscanf [11:39:24] Failed.
  6. am pus dar uite ........ [pawn](1880) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype (3890) : warning 213: tag mismatch (3890) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo") (4168) : warning 213: tag mismatch (4168) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo") (4183) : warning 213: tag mismatch 4183) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo") (4198) : warning 213: tag mismatch (4198) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo") (4213) : warning 213: tag mismatch (4213) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo") (4228) : warning 213: tag mismatch (4228) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo") (4630) : warning 213: tag mismatch (4630) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo") (4645) : warning 213: tag mismatch (4645) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo") (4674) : warning 213: tag mismatch (4674) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo") (4683) : warning 213: tag mismatch (4683) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "PlayerInfo")[/pawn]
  7. Eroare [pawn](1880) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype (2759) : error 017: undefined symbol "CarInfo" (2759) : error 036: empty statement (2759) : error 017: undefined symbol "car" (2759) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line[/pawn] Functia [pawn]public RACtime(playerid) { for(new player=0; player<MAX_PLAYERS; player++) { if(!IsVehicleOccupied(player)) SetVehicleToRespawn(player); } Linia unde imi da eroare ...... for(new car = 1; car < sizeof(CarInfo); car++) { if(!IsVehicleOccupied(car)) SetVehicleToRespawn(car); } return 1; }[/pawn]
  8. Nu e bun link de download :|
  9. Ce mi-ai dat u acolo nu e bun imi da aceleasi erori...... iti postez toata functia poate asa iti dai seama ... primele eroari [pawn](119) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "static"[/pawn] [pawn] linia cu eroare static SetPlayerLookAt(playerid,Float:x,Float:y) { new Float:Px, Float:Py, Float: Pa; GetPlayerPos(playerid, Px, Py, Pa); Pa = floatabs(atan((y-Py)/(x-Px))); if (x <= Px && y >= Py) Pa = floatsub(180.0, Pa); else if (x < Px && y < Py) Pa = floatadd(Pa, 180.0); else if (x >= Px && y <= Py) Pa = floatsub(360.0, Pa); Pa = floatsub(Pa, 90.0); if (Pa >= 360.0) Pa = floatsub(Pa, 360.0); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Pa); return; }[/pawn] si a 2a [pawn](55258) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address (55258) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")" (55258) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (55258) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line[/pawn] [pawn] new string[128], OnFly , StartFly; if(PRESSED(KEY_SUBMISSION)) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { if(AdminDuty[playerid] && PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1337) { linia cu eroare if(!(OnFly (playerid)) && StartFly(playerid)) else StopFly(playerid); } } }[/pawn]
  10. Deci am niste erori banale dar nu le dau de cap :| le-am inversat modificat si degeaba :| linia [pawn]static SetPlayerLookAt(playerid,Float:x,Float:y)[/pawn] eroare [pawn](119) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "static"[/pawn] //========================================================= linia [pawn]if(!OnFly (playerid)) && StartFly(playerid)[/pawn] cred ca nu e aranjata bn :| Eroare [pawn](55258) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address (55258) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")" (55258) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (55258) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line[/pawn]
  11. [pawn][17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_connect' [17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_ping' [17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_close' [17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_query' [17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_real_escape_string' [17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_store_result' [17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_num_rows' [17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_free_result' [17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_row_format' [17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_retrieve_row' [17:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'mysql_fetch_field_row'[/pawn] Eroori in server_log Dc ? am facut update la plugins si degeaba si la .inc si la .so EDIT: folosesc plugins R5 poate imi dati voi cv mai bun :| In pc merge foarte bine si pe host nu porneste deloc ...........
  12. [pawn] public LoadSQLInfo() { new arrCoords[4][64],strFromFl[128]; new File: file = fopen("mysqlinfo.cfg", io_read); if (file) { fread(file, strFromFl); split(strFromFl, arrCoords, '|'); strmid(MYSQLHost, arrCoords[0], 0, strlen(arrCoords[0]), 255); strmid(MYSQLUsername, arrCoords[1], 0, strlen(arrCoords[1]), 255); strmid(MYSQLPassword, arrCoords[2], 0, strlen(arrCoords[2]), 255); strmid(MYSQLDatabase, arrCoords[3], 0, strlen(arrCoords[3]), 255); print("Datele din mysqlinfo.cfg au fost incarcate cu succes !"); fclose(file); } else print("Fisierul mysqlinfo.cfg lipseste din directorul Scriptfiles !"); return 1; } [/pawn] La mine nu e asa la mine sunt facute sa , salveze in [pawn]scriptfiles[/pawn] dar din pacate cand il pornesc el spune ca merg pornesc dar defapt nu isi fac , conecsiunea Poate ca nu le-am scris bn ...... eu le-am asa trecute ....... [pawn] localhost|user la baza|password |iar username |si aici numele la baza adica cum o am io trecuta in PC. [/pawn] Mie un baiat mi-a umblat acolo mai de mult si mi-a mers cred ca nu am aranjat bn eu .......
  13. scz de dublu post dar nimeni ....... ?
  14. Deci nu inteleg dc nu se conecteaza la baza lui de date .. :| server_log [pawn]---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team [23:17:03] [23:17:03] Server Plugins [23:17:03] -------------- [23:17:03] Loading plugin: mysql.so [23:17:03] > MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded. [23:17:03] Loaded. [23:17:03] Loading plugin: streamer.so [23:17:03] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded *** [23:17:03] Loaded. [23:17:03] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [23:17:03] [23:17:03] =============================== [23:17:03] sscanf plugin loaded. [23:17:03] © 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [23:17:03] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee" [23:17:03] =============================== [23:17:03] Loaded. [23:17:03] Loaded 3 plugins. [23:17:03] [23:17:03] Filterscripts [23:17:03] --------------- [23:17:03] Loading filterscript 'Turf.amx'... [23:17:03] Unable to load filterscript 'Turf.amx'. [23:17:03] Loading filterscript 'SObjects.amx'... [23:17:03] 1823 Dynamic Objects Loaded in 2 ms ~ [23:17:03] Loading filterscript 'time.amx'... [23:17:03] Loading filterscript 'animlist.amx'... [23:17:03] Loading filterscript 'fireworks.amx'... [23:17:03] Loading filterscript 'anti_fk_kill.amx'... [23:17:03] ---------------------------------------- [23:17:03] Anti FakeKill Flood FilterScript by RuNix [23:17:03] ---------------------------------------- [23:17:03] Loaded 5 filterscripts. [23:17:04] Datele din mysqlinfo.cfg au fost incarcate cu succes ! [23:17:04] Datele necesare pentru conectare au fost incarcate [23:17:04] [23:17:04] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [23:17:04] MYSQL: Incearca conectarea la server ... [23:17:04] MYSQL: Eroare de conexiune, reconectare ... [23:17:04] MYSQL: Nu s-a reusit reconectarea la server, se inchide server-ul... [23:17:04] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [23:17:04] [23:17:04] [23:17:04] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [23:17:04] MYSQL: Conexiunea pare moarta, reincercam... [23:17:04] [23:17:04] [23:17:04] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [23:17:04] MYSQL: Incearca conectarea la server ... [23:17:04] MYSQL: Eroare de conexiune, reconectare ... [23:17:04] MYSQL: Nu s-a reusit reconectarea la server, se inchide server-ul... [23:17:04] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [23:17:04] [23:17:04] [23:17:04] MYSQL: Nu s-a reusit reconectarea la server, inchidem server-ul... [23:17:04] ------------------------------------------------------------------ [23:17:04] [23:17:04] 0 Houses Loaded [23:17:04] 0 Bizz Loaded [23:17:04] 0 SBusinesses Loaded [23:17:04] Stuff loaded [23:17:04] 0 IRC Channels Loaded [23:17:04] 0 factiuni incarcate [23:17:04] Leaders loaded [23:17:04] Families loaded [23:17:04] 0 turfs Loaded [23:17:04] Papers loaded [23:17:04] 0 Vehicles Loaded [23:17:04] [23:17:04] ======== Statistici: ======== [23:17:04] [23:17:04] Vehicles [ 660] [23:17:04] Objects: [ 77] [23:17:04] Pickups: [ 147] [23:17:04] Menu's: [ 32] [23:17:04] Textdraws: [1645] [23:17:04] [23:17:04] ==== Sfarsitul statisticii ==== [23:17:04] [23:17:04] Time taken to execute OnGameModeInit: 17 miliseconds [23:17:04] [23:17:04] Next-Level RPG [23:17:04] _____________________ [23:17:04] [23:17:04] [PAWN]: Vehicle Models 128 | Vehicles 660 [23:17:04] Number of vehicle models: 128 [23:17:04] --- Server Shutting Down. [23:17:04] Next-Level RPG [23:17:04] > MySQL plugin unloaded. [23:17:04] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito unloaded *** [23:17:04] [23:17:04] ===============================[/pawn] mysql log [pawn][Mon Apr 15 19:25:47 2013] ------------------------- [Mon Apr 15 19:25:47 2013] Logging Started [Mon Apr 15 19:25:47 2013] ------------------------- [Mon Apr 15 19:28:01 2013] ------------------------- [Mon Apr 15 19:28:01 2013] Logging Started [Mon Apr 15 19:28:01 2013] ------------------------- [/pawn] [pawn] new arrCoords[4][64],strFromFl[128]; new File: file = fopen("mysqlinfo.cfg", io_read); if (file) { fread(file, strFromFl); split(strFromFl, arrCoords, '|'); strmid(MYSQLHost, arrCoords[0], 0, strlen(arrCoords[0]), 255); strmid(MYSQLUsername, arrCoords[1], 0, strlen(arrCoords[1]), 255); strmid(MYSQLPassword, arrCoords[2], 0, strlen(arrCoords[2]), 255); strmid(MYSQLDatabase, arrCoords[3], 0, strlen(arrCoords[3]), 255); print("Datele din mysqlinfo.cfg au fost incarcate cu succes !"); fclose(file); } else print("Fisierul mysqlinfo.cfg lipseste din directorul Scriptfiles !"); return 1; }[/pawn] Deci cum trebuie sa trec in scriptfiles in acel fisier mysqlinfo.cfg Eu am trecut asa [pawn]localhost| numele la baza de date| si pass[/pawn] e bine ??
  15. [pawn][00:29:45] [debug] #0 003edd44 in public houseup (houseid=0, Float:iconX=0.00000, Float:iconY=0.00000, Float:iconZ=0.00000) at D:\SA-MP\gamemodes\RsE.pwn:56224 [00:29:45] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [00:29:45] [debug] Accessing element at index 1000 past array upper bound 999 [00:29:45] [debug] AMX backtrace: [00:29:45] [debug] #0 0043bfcc in public BASEup (BASEid=0, Float:iconX=0.00000, Float:iconY=0.00000, Float:iconZ=0.00000) at D:\SA-MP\gamemodes\RsE.pwn:61856 [00:29:50] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [00:29:50] [debug] Accessing element at index 1100 past array upper bound 1099 [00:29:50] [debug] AMX backtrace:[/pawn] La compilarea gm-ului totu e in regula si cand il pornesc la fel dar cand intru pe server imi apar in server.cfg multe dastea asa :| imi da multe dastea asa ? dc? Edit: spune ceva de aceste linii dar nu imi pot da seama :| linia 61856[pawn]format(string, sizeof(string), "{33FF33}Base Owner: {FFFFFF}%s\n{FFFFFF}Cost: {33FF33}%i {FFAF00}Hours", Binfo[Nameb],Binfo[Costb]); [/pawn] linia 56224 [pawn]format(string, sizeof(string), "{33FF33}Owned by: {FFFFFF}%s\n{FFFFFF}Cost: {33FF33}%i {FFAF00}Coins", hInfo[Namec],hInfo[Cost]);[/pawn] Si imi mai da asta in server.cfg [pawn][00:29:34] [debug] #0 000a5090 in public OnGameModeExit () at D:\SA-MP\gamemodes\RsE.pwn:16023[/pawn]
  16. Eu zic ca se va mai juca mult timp mai ales cand va aparea asazisa versiune 0.4a ....... cu mai multe chestii .........
  17. Sincer sa fim seriosi nai 3 euro pentru un host :| (strangeti)
  18. pff nu ma poate ajuta nimeni ??
  19. (27789) : error 020: invalid symbol name "" [pawn] format(s_szReturn, sizeof(s_szReturn), "%.*f" , iDecimals, xVariable); } (27789) else if(iTag == tagof(hex:) || iTag == tagof(Hex:)) { format(s_szReturn, sizeof(s_szReturn), "0x" "%04h%04h", (xVariable & (0xFFFF0000)) >>> 16, xVariable & (0x0000FFFF)); return s_szReturn; }[/pawn]
  20. Am o problema cu serverul pe host in pcm erge bn... :| cand intru pe el in 2 minute se inchide m-am uitat in server.cfg nu avea nimic iar apoi cand am pus crashdetect.so [pawn][16:12:11] [debug] Server crashed while executing EoS.amx [16:12:11] [debug] AMX backtrace: [16:12:11] [debug] #0 001aacf4 in ?? () from EoS.amx [16:12:11] [debug] #1 00207f60 in public OnDialogResponse () from EoS.amx [16:12:11] [debug] System backtrace: [16:12:11] [debug] #0 f7d410f3 in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so [16:12:11] [debug] #1 f7d38b61 in _ZN11crashdetect20PrintSystemBacktraceEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so [16:12:11] [debug] #2 f7d3b405 in _ZN11crashdetect15SystemExceptionEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so [16:12:11] [debug] #3 f7d40c42 in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so [16:12:11] [debug] #4 ffffe500 in ?? () [16:12:11] [debug] #5 08139540 in ?? () from ./samp03svr [16:12:11] [debug] #6 081399aa in ?? () from ./samp03svr [16:12:11] [debug] #7 f7d43267 in amx_Exec () from plugins/crashdetect.so [16:12:11] [debug] #8 f7d3b8b4 in _ZN11crashdetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/crashdetect.so [16:12:11] [debug] #9 f7d3f203 in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so [16:12:11] [debug] #10 080adf8f in ?? () from ./samp03svr [16:12:11] [debug] #11 080b942a in ?? () from ./samp03svr [16:12:11] [debug] #12 080717b8 in ?? () from ./samp03svr [16:12:11] [debug] #13 080718b2 in ?? () from ./samp03svr [16:12:11] [debug] #14 0807b6d0 in ?? () from ./samp03svr [16:12:11] [debug] #15 080b55fd in ?? () from ./samp03svr [16:12:11] [debug] #16 080b5792 in ?? () from ./samp03svr [16:12:11] [debug] #17 080b10a3 in ?? () from ./samp03svr [16:12:11] [debug] #18 00296ebc in __libc_start_main () from /lib/libc.so.6 [16:12:11] [debug] #19 0804b521 in ?? () from ./samp03svr [/pawn]
  21. Acest server a fost creat de catre mine pentru a se juca playeri sa-mp pe el , va rog sa nu modificati creditele. Ai zis bn a fost creat ca de-acum in colo nu va mai fi al tau ) ca de obicei il ia ii schimba credits cateva texte si am gm :| oricum ai un 10 de la mn pentru muca depusa :P
  22. Erori !! :| [pawn](27531) : error 017: undefined symbol "YSI_gS" (27531) : warning 215: expression has no effect (27531) : error 001: expected token: ")", but found ";" (27531) : error 036: empty statement (27531) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line [/pawn] dc? sa-i fac update la YSI/y_ini nu il gasesc :|
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