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  1. Deci problema este urmatoarea, apas F4 apar sagetutele alea locul unde ai murit in aer ti-l arata si daca apesi spawn nu face nimic, iar daca un admin incearca sa dea respawn sau altceva nu se intampla nimic si trebuie sa dai /q si sa intri iarasi ca sa mearga. Nu gasesc OnPlayerRequestSpawn in gamemode..
  2. 1. Deci cand apas F4, apare skin-ul care il am in functie de factiune si alea, iar daca dau spawn nu se intampla nimic si trebuie sa dai Q altfel nu merge. 2. Vreau sa fac faruriile sa se aprinda cu CTRL, nu stiu de ce trebuie sa apas de vro 10x ca sa se aprinda si tot nu raman aprinse.
  3. 1. Deci cand apas F4, apare skin-ul care il am in functie de factiune si alea, iar daca dau spawn nu se intampla nimic si trebuie sa dai Q altfel nu merge. 2. Vreau sa fac faruriile s? se aprinda cu CTRL, nu stiu de ce trebuie sa apas de vro 10x ca sa se aprinda si tot nu raman aprinse. ( am o comanda lightson si lightsoff ) 3. Am comanda /duty si merge sa o foloseasca si civili / membrii din alte factiuni. 2. Comanda lightson sa o fac sa mearga cu CTRL si lightsoff cu CTRL sa se stinga. [pawn]// Comanda /lightson //============================================================================================================================================================= if(strcmp(cmd, "/lightson",true) == 0) { new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(vid != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) { GetVehicleParamsEx(vid,engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective); // |||||| SetVehicleParamsEx(vid,engine,VEHICLE_PARAMS_ON,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective); //VEHICLE_PARAMS_ON is used to turn onn the lights. } return 1; } //============================================================================================================================================================= // Comanda /lightsoff //============================================================================================================================================================= if(strcmp(cmd, "/lightsoff",true) == 0) { new vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(vid != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) { GetVehicleParamsEx(vid,engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective); // |||||| SetVehicleParamsEx(vid,engine,VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective); //Here the VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF will turn off your lights. } return 1; }[/pawn] 3. [pawn]//----------------------------------[duty]----------------------------------------------- if(strcmp(cmd, "/duty", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if (PlayerToPoint(3, playerid,255.3,77.4,1003.6) || PlayerToPoint(3,playerid,-1616.1294,681.1594,7.1875) || PlayerToPoint(3,playerid,234.6342,112.0572,1003.2257) || PlayerToPoint(3,playerid,297.4851,186.3805,1007.1719)) { if(OnDuty[playerid]==0) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 1) { format(string, sizeof(string), "* Ofiter %s scoate un baston si o arma din dulap.", sendername); } else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 2 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 2) { format(string, sizeof(string), "* Agent SRI %s scoate un baston si o arma din dulap", sendername); } else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 3 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 3) { format(string, sizeof(string), "* Militar %s scoate un baston si o arma din dulap.", sendername); } ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 70); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 3, 0); SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 100); OnDuty[playerid] = 1; } else if(OnDuty[playerid]==1) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 1) { format(string, sizeof(string), "* Ofiter %s pune un baston si o arma in dulap.", sendername); } else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 2 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 2) { format(string, sizeof(string), "* Agent SRI %s pune un baston si o arma in dulap.", sendername); } else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 3 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 3) { format(string, sizeof(string), "* Militar %s pune un baston si o arma in dulap.", sendername); } ProxDetector(30.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE); ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); SetPlayerArmour(playerid, 0); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 41, 500); OnDuty[playerid] = 0; } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, " Nu esti la vestiare !"); return 1; } }[/pawn]
  4. Rezolvat, eu ma refeream cand ii dau cuiva lider si iese ii da skin 7. Am rezolvat.
  5. Am pus asta si mi-am dat lider la Politie, cand am iesit skin 7..
  6. Eu am facut /makeleader, /invite, /giverank, aceste comenzi cu skin-uri, dar cand ies dupa joc de vro 2x si intru imi da acel skin 7...Daca imi poti spune cum pot face sa se salveze. Uite aici comanda: /makeleader ca exemplu: [pawn]if(strcmp(cmd, "/makeleader", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: /makeleader [playerid/PartOfName] [Number(1-16)]"); return 1; } new para1; new level; para1 = ReturnUser(tmp); tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); level = strval(tmp); if(level > 17 || level < 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Incearca o factiune de la 1-17 !"); return 1; } if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 6) { if(IsPlayerConnected(para1)) { if(para1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] > 0 || PlayerInfo[para1][pFMember] < 255 || PlayerInfo[para1][pPunish] > 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Acel jucator este deja intr-o Factiune sau are FPunish !"); return 1; } GetPlayerName(para1, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer)); GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); PlayerInfo[para1][pLeader] = level; format(string, sizeof(string), " Ai fost promovat Lider la factiunea dorita de catre Adminul %s", sendername); SendClientMessage(para1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string); format(string, sizeof(string), " I-ai dat Lider lui %s la factiunea cu numarul %d.", giveplayer,level); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string); if(level == 0) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 289; } else if(level == 1) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 295; } //Police Force else if(level == 2) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 286; } //FBI/ATF else if(level == 3) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 287; } //Armata Romana else if(level == 4) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 70; } //Fire/Ambulance else if(level == 5) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 115; } //Dragonu else if(level == 6) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 113; } //Camataru else if(level == 7) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 147; } //Mayor else if(level == 8) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 294; } //Hitmans else if(level == 9) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 227; } //Stirile ProTV else if(level == 10) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 61; } //Taxi Cab Company else if(level == 11) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 171; } //Driving/Flying School else if(level == 12) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 270; } //Sadoveanu Family else if(level == 13) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 110; } //Duuianu Family else if(level == 14) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 104; } //Capone Family else if(level == 15) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 272; } //Corsicanu else if(level == 16) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 268; } //Remorcari Auto else if(level == 17) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 3; } //Rromii if(level == 0) { gTeam[para1] = 3; PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 3; } else if(level == 1 || level == 2 || level == 3) { gTeam[para1] = 2; PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 2; } else if(level == 4) { gTeam[para1] = 1; PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 1; } else { gTeam[para1] = 15; PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 15; } SetPlayerSkin(para1, PlayerInfo[para1][pChar]); if(level == 0) { PlayerInfo[para1][pRank] = 0; } else { PlayerInfo[para1][pRank] = 6; } } }//not connected } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " Nu esti autorizat sa folosesti aceasta comanda!"); } } return 1; } if(strcmp(cmd, "/forceskin", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: /forceskin [playerid/PartOfName]"); return 1; } new para1; para1 = ReturnUser(tmp); if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 4) { if(IsPlayerConnected(para1)) { if(para1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] < 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " That player is not in a Family / Force !"); return 1; } GetPlayerName(para1, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer)); GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); format(string, sizeof(string), "* You are forced to Change your Skin by Admin %s.", sendername); SendClientMessage(para1, COLOR_WHITE, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "* You have forced %s To change his Skin.", giveplayer); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string); if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] == 1) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 5; ChosenSkin[para1] = 59; } else if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] == 2) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 6; ChosenSkin[para1] = 121; } else if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] == 3) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 7; ChosenSkin[para1] = 98; } else if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] == 4) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 8; ChosenSkin[para1] = 46; } else if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] == 14) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 9; ChosenSkin[para1] = 174; } //else if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] == 6) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 2; ChosenSkin[para1] = 111; } else if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] == 7) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 2; ChosenSkin[para1] = 164; } else if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] == 8) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 10; ChosenSkin[para1] = 186; } else { return 1; } SetPlayerInterior(para1,0); new rand = random(sizeof(gInviteSpawns)); SetPlayerPos(para1, gInviteSpawns[rand][0], gInviteSpawns[rand][1], gInviteSpawns[rand][2]); // Warp the player SetPlayerFacingAngle(para1, gInviteSpawns[rand][3]); SetPlayerCameraPos(para1,gInviteSpawns[rand][0] + 3, gInviteSpawns[rand][1], gInviteSpawns[rand][2]); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(para1,gInviteSpawns[rand][0], gInviteSpawns[rand][1], gInviteSpawns[rand][2]); TogglePlayerControllable(para1, 0); SelectChar[para1] = 255; SelectCharID[para1] = PlayerInfo[para1][pMember]; SelectCharPlace[para1] = 1; PlayerInfo[para1][pModel] = ChosenSkin[para1]; PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = ChosenSkin[para1]; SendClientMessage(para1, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "* Use 'next' to Select the char you want to use."); SendClientMessage(para1, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "* If you've found the Char you want to use, type 'done'."); } } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " nu esti autorizat sa folosesti aceasta comanda!"); } } return 1; } [/pawn]
  7. Ma poate ajuta cineva ? Uitati un video in care va arat problema mea. Si ca sa va da-ti seama, cand dau respawn cuiva, apare skin 7 pentru 2 secunde si abia apoi iti da respawn, deci nu stiu cum sa fac s? se salveze skin-urile..
  8. Am rezolvat cu buygun. Astept un ajutor la problema cu skin-urile.
  9. Mda, de ce il pui daca stii ca te ataci din cauza reply-urilor si il stergi ?
  10. Ma poti ajuta sa rezolv si eu problemele ? Comanda /buygun nu merge nici cu gm-ul default.
  11. Da, inca nu stiu rezolvarea.. si mi-a zis eminem mai sus ca problema cu skin-urile e de la crasher-ul ala care zice ca ai revenit unde erai, am incercat sa l scot, dar cand dau compilare imi dau 2-3 erori si nu se compileaza..
  12. Nu merge nici acum buygun, si la cea cu skin-urile n-am habar.
  13. Hello, chiar nu se sinchiseste nimeni sa ma ajute si pe mine ?
  14. Am si eu o problema la comanda /buygun din gm-ul pro-gaming. Oriunde ma aflu pe harta si execut comanda de mai sus imi apare "Unknown Command", dar ceva mai grav, nu mai merge nimic (nici o comanda). Am luat /buygun din alt gamemod si patesc la fel. O a doua problema, chiar daca sunt intr-o factiune leader sau membru si am skin-ul de acolo cand ies dupa server si intru iar, ma da cu skin de civil.
  15. k1mO

    Setare skin

    Am setat ca atunci cand un admin este /aod sa ii dea skin 217, acum vreau sa setez cand nu mai este /aod sa ii revina skin-ul care il avea (de factiune/civil) Care este linia? Nu prea am habar, ma poate indruma cineva? Multumesc !
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