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  1. Poziţie: scripter / mapper ScripterAlte detalii: Am deschis de curand un server folosind acest gm Am nevoie de un scripter, gm-ul mai are cateva bug-uri pe care nu le pot solutiona. Add alex_nike29 daca e cineva interesat. Va multumesc
  2. Problema intalnita (descriere): Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): Error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 Callback: OnHouseCreated Query: INSERT INTO `Houses`(`ID`, `HouseName`, `HouseCost`, `HouseSell`, `HouseInterior`, `HouseLocked`, `HouseIntX`, `HouseIntY`, `HouseIntZ`, `HouseX`, `HouseY`, `HouseZ`, `HouseRent`) VALUES (0,'ForSale',150,75,0,1,0.00,0.00,0.00,1293.25,1272.86,10.82,0,0.00,0.00,0.00,0) [09:15:02] ==================================================== Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): Imagini / Video (optional): http://imgur.com/a/lkTSs Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: Da, dar nu am reusit!
  3. Ce pluginuri:Imi poti da exemple? Am comanda leave if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/leave", true)) { SpawnInDM[ playerid ] = " "; IsPlayerInZone[ playerid ] = 0; ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); SetPlayerRandomSpawn(playerid); SetPlayerHealth(playerid,100.0); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); SetPlayerWorldBounds(playerid, 20000.0000,-20000.0000,20000.0000,-20000.0000); // Bounderies Off// return 1; }
  4. Ce sistem de admin folosesti Pune si tu aici comenzile Si daca ai dcmd trebuie sa definesi si acolo si sigur de aia nu-ti merge
  5. Stie cineva cum se rezolva?
  6. Am pus comanda in dm si respawnul merge,iar cand adaug isplayerinzone sa nu mai folosesca nici o comanda mor si nu ma respawneaza in dm if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/m4", true)) { ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); IsPlayerInZone[ playerid ] = 1; SpawnInDM[playerid] = "/m4"; SetPlayerRandomSpawnM4(playerid); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid,31 , 9999); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 0.0); new tName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, tName, sizeof(tName)); format(string, sizeof(string), " ~r~]~g~%s ~y~-> ~b~M4~r~(/m4) ]", tName); TextDrawDestroy(Text:Reclama); Reclama = TextDrawCreate(340.000000, 435.000000, " "); TextDrawFont(Reclama, 2); TextDrawLetterSize(Reclama, 0.300000, 1.000000); TextDrawBackgroundColor(Reclama, 0xFFFF00FF); TextDrawColor(Reclama, 0x00C2ECFF); TextDrawSetOutline(Reclama, 1); TextDrawSetProportional(Reclama, 1); TextDrawSetShadow(Reclama, 1); TextDrawShowForAll(Reclama); TextDrawSetString(Reclama, string); SetTimer("reclamatime",10000,false); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~h~~h~~g~] ~r~Welcome ~y~to ~b~M4 ~g~]", 5000, 5); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN, "If you want to get out of DM use the command /leave!"); return 1; }
  7. Folosesc IsPlayerInZone la zonele cu dm si nu inteleg dce nu ma respawneaza in dm ci ma da in random spawn Am facut exact dp tutorial http://www.sa-mp.ro/forum/index.php/topic,13195.0.html Si pentru respawn in dm acest tutorial http://www.sa-mp.ro/forum/index.php?topic=13123.0 Si fara playerinzone ma respawneaza in dm iar cand adaug isplayerinzone ma da un randomspawn dar sunt tot in dm ca treb sa dau /leave sa ies din dm! Ma puteti ajuta sa-l fac!
  8. Pai daca folosesti asa mta e normal sa nu ai ca obiectele sunt in anumite versiuni!
  9. Cauta in mta flour,ramps 1-id 19129 2id 18783 3id 6959
  10. Deci de curand mi-am facut rost de un vps Pana ieri a mers perffect,insa acum imi da eroare!
  11. Torque


    Iati include de la 03e pawno si da un recompile la gm,o sa-ti merga!
  12. Comanda lui e buna numai ca el nu o definise!
  13. Adauga la OnPlayerCommandText Pawno Code: [select] dcmd(explode,7,cmdtext); si asta Pawno Code: [select] #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if ((strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) == 0) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 0) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, "")))||(((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 32) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, (%3)[(%2) + 2]))))) return 1 undeva sus in headerul scriptului, inafara unei functii .. defapt, direct dupa includes si gata de fiecare data cand adaugi o comanda in dcmd trebuie sa adaugi si la OnPlayerCommandText Pawno Code: [select] dcmd(comanda,cate caractere are comanda,cmdtext);
  14. Nu am rezolutia aia,o am pe cea mai mica!Default Era de un mod cleo,lam scos si acum e ok Serverul e ok!
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