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Salut, m am apucat de cva timp de un proiect frumos de la 0 si am ajuns la punctul masini personale, ma poate ajuta si pe mn cnv u un tutorial pentru vehicule personale? comanda /v si daca se poate si /buycar dar ma intereseaza in mare parte comanda /v si systemul in sine de masini personale. 

Multumesc anticipat :))


Am inceput sa creez usor usor systemul de masini personale si am o problema cu incarcarea numelui vehicului, nu l gaseste, ma poate ajuta cnv?



YCMD:vehicles(playerid, params[], help)
        return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Nu ai niciun vehicul personal");

    new string[2048] = "Slot\tVehicle\tStatus\tDespawn Time\n";
    foreach(new i : PlayerVehicles[playerid])
        if(PersonalVehicle[i][pvSpawnedID] == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
            format(string, 2048, "%s{ffffff}%d\t%s\tHidded\t-\n", string, (i + 1),  GetVehicleName(PersonalVehicle[i][pvModel]));
            format(string, 2048, "%s{ffffff}%d\t%s\t%s\t%d min\n", string, (i + 1), GetVehicleName(PersonalVehicle[i][pvModel]), (IsVehicleOccupied(PersonalVehicle[i][pvSpawnedID])) ? ("{ffffff}Occupied") : ("{FFFFFF}Available"), ((PersonalVehicle[i][pvDespawnTime] - gettime()) / 60)); 

    new title[64];
    format(title, 64, "%s's garage (%d slots)", GetName(playerid), PlayerInfo[playerid][pVehicleSlots]);
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, title, string, "Select","Close");
    return true;


function LoadPersonalVehicles(playerid)
		return true;

	new id, string[64];
	for(new i = 1; i < (cache_num_rows() + 1); i++)
		id = Iter_Free(TotalPlayerVehicles);

		PersonalVehicle[id][pvID] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "ID", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvModelID] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "ModelID", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvOwnerID] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "OwnerID", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvColorOne] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "ColorOne", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvColorTwo] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "ColorTwo", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvX] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "X", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvY] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "Y", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvZ] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "Z", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvAngle] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "Angle", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvOdometer] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "Odometer", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvFuel] = cache_get_field_contentfloatt(i - 1, "Fuel", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvAge] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "Age", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvInsurancePoints] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "InsurancePoints", mysql);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvLock] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "LockStatus", mysql);

		PersonalVehicle[id][pvSpawnedID] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvDespawnTime] = 0;

		cache_get_field_content(i - 1, "CarPlate", PersonalVehicle[id][pvCarPlate], mysql, 12);
		cache_get_field_content(i - 1, "Components", string, mysql, 64);
		sscanf(string, "p<|>ddddddddddddddddd", PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][0], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][1], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][2], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][3], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][4], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][5], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][6], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][7], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][8], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][9], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][10], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][11], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][12], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][13], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][14], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][15], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][16]);

		Iter_Add(TotalPlayerVehicles, id);
		Iter_Add(PlayerVehicles[playerid], id);

	return printf("[Account] %s loaded %d vehicles.", GetName(playerid),Iter_count(PlayerVehicles[playerid]));
function LoadPersonalVehicles(playerid)
	new Cache: db = mysql_query (SQL, "SELECT * FROM `cars` ORDER BY `cars`.`ID` ASC");

 	for (new i, j = cache_get_row_count (); i != j; ++i)
		cars ++;
		id = Iter_Free(TotalPlayerVehicles);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvID] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "ID", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvModel] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "Model", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvOwnerID] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "OwnerID", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvColorOne] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "ColorOne", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvColorTwo] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "ColorTwo", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvX] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "X", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvY] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "Y", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvZ] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "Z", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvAngle] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "Angle", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvOdometer] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "Odometer", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvFuel] = cache_get_field_content_float(i - 1, "Fuel", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvAge] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "Age", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvInsurancePoints] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "InsurancePoints", SQL);
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvLock] = cache_get_field_content_int(i - 1, "LockStatus", SQL);

		PersonalVehicle[id][pvSpawnedID] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
		PersonalVehicle[id][pvDespawnTime] = 0;

		cache_get_field_content(i - 1, "CarPlate", PersonalVehicle[id][pvCarPlate], SQL, 12);
		cache_get_field_content(i - 1, "Owner", PersonalVehicle[id][pvOwner], SQL, 32);
		cache_get_field_content(i - 1, "Components", string, SQL, 64);
		sscanf(string, "p<|>ddddddddddddddddd", PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][0], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][1], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][2], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][3], 
			PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][4], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][5], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][6], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][7], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][8], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][9], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][10], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][11], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][12], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][13], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][14], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][15], PersonalVehicle[id][pvComponents][16]);

		Iter_Add(TotalPlayerVehicles, id);
		Iter_Add(PlayerVehicles[playerid], id);

	printf("[SERVER]: %d personal cars loaded.", cars);
	return 1;

Prima functie este cea standard pe care am scris o din tutoialul lui Growy iar a doua functie am adaptato ca cea de la loadhouse dar nu ar cam aveam nicio treaba deoarece stiu ca systemul de masini trebuie facut pe iteratori.

  • 1 month later...

Salut stiu ca este cam vechi acest topic dar am sa imi spun opinia parerea mea sincera este ca daca noi iti dam sistemul intreg tu nu ai sa inveti niciodata cum se face daca cauti pe youtube sau daca iti bati putin capul :) 

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