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[19:03:03] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue)
[19:03:03] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:03:03] [debug] #0 000003f8 in ?? (1156202496, 1151000576) in XSS.amx
[19:03:03] [debug] #1 0000e1c0 in public CPSERVICE_Handler () in XSS.amx
[19:03:03] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue)
[19:03:03] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:03:03] [debug] #0 0000e098 in public CPSERVICE_Handler () in XSS.amx
[19:03:04] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue)
[19:03:04] [debug] AMX backtrace:


Acea 'eroare' iti indica faptul ca functia CPSERVICE_Handler este executata prea incet adica ai probleme de performanta cu ea. Crashdetect incepe sa iti raporteze aceste probleme cand functia dureaza cel putin 5 milisecunde sa fie executata.

Solutia este sa optimizezi acea functie sau daca preferi ca functia sa fie in continuare executata foarte incet si sa iti blocheze serverul pentru cele cel puti 5 milisecunde

long_call_time 0

in server.cfg si nu iti mai apare 'eroarea'

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