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Comanda script (/ban ) !


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10 hours ago, adiqua said:

Salut , As vrea si eu o comanda /ban sa poti da ban pe zile si permanent multumesc!


CMD:ban(playerid, params[]) {
	if(playerVariables[playerid][pAdminLevel] >= 1) {

	    if(sscanf(params, "uis[60]", playerBanID,days, playerBanReason))
	    	return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, SYNTAX_MESSAGE"/ban [playerid] [days: 0 - permanently / max 999 days] [reason]");

		    if(playerVariables[playerBanID][pAdminLevel] >= 1)
				return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You can't ban an administrator.");

			new aString[384];

			if(days == 0)
				playerVariables[playerBanID][pBanned] = 1;

		       	format(aString, sizeof(aString), "Ban: %s has been permanent banned by %s, reason: %s", playerVariables[playerBanID][pNormalName], playerVariables[playerid][pNormalName], playerBanReason);
		       	SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED, aString);
		       	mysql_real_escape_string(aString, aString);
				format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "INSERT INTO lastpunish (text, playerID) VALUES ('%s', '%d')", aString,playerVariables[playerBanID][pInternalID]);
		       	format(aString, sizeof(aString), "INSERT INTO bans (playerNameBanned, playerBannedBy, playerBanReason) VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s')", playerVariables[playerBanID][pNormalName], playerVariables[playerid][pNormalName], playerBanReason);
				SetTimerEx("kick2", 1000, 0, "d", playerBanID);
			else if((days >= 1) && (days <= 999))

				new File:tempban = fopen("TempBans.ban", io_append);
		                new year,month,day;
		                getdate(year, month, day);
		                day += days;
		                if (IsMonth31(month))
		                    if (day > 31)
		                        month += 1;
		                        if (month > 12)
		                            year += 1;
		                            while(day > 31) day -= 31;
		                        else while(day > 31) day -= 31;
		                else if (!IsMonth31(month))
		                    if (day > 30)
		                        month += 1;
		                        if (month > 12)
		                            year += 1;
		                            while(day > 30) day -= 30;
		                        else while(day > 30) day -= 30;
		                else if (!IsMonth31(month) && IsMonth29(year) && month == 2)
		                    if (day > 29)
		                        month += 1;
		                        if (month > 12)
		                            year += 1;
		                            while(day > 29) day -= 29;
		                        else while(day > 29) day -= 29;
		                else if (!IsMonth31(month) && !IsMonth29(year) && month == 2)
		                    if (day > 28)
		                        month += 1;
		                        if (month > 12)
		                            year += 1;
		                            while(day > 28) day -= 28;
		                        else while(day > 28) day -= 28;
				format(string, sizeof(string), "Ban: %s has been banned by %s for %d days, reason: %s",playerVariables[playerBanID][pNormalName], playerVariables[playerid][pNormalName], days, playerBanReason);
				SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string);

				new str[128];
				format(str,128,"UPDATE `playeraccounts` SET `playerBanDays`='%d' WHERE `playerName`='%s'",days*24,playerVariables[playerBanID][pNormalName]);
				mysql_tquery(handle, str);

				format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "INSERT INTO lastpunish (text, playerID) VALUES ('%s', '%d')", string,playerVariables[playerBanID][pInternalID]);
				SCM(playerBanID,-1,"Ai fost banat temporar de catre un admin!");
		        SetTimerEx("kick2", 1000, 0, "d", playerBanID);
				SCM(playerid,-1,"Invalid amount of days");
	else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, AdminOnly);
	return 1;


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