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Reglare comanda /Bans

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Problema intalnita (descriere): Am incercat sa fac o comanda care are functia de a arata playerii ban-ati pi server, dar, am niste probleme. Dupa cum vedeti, as dori sa-i arate doar pe cei care sunt banati, adica "1", dar mi-i arata pe primii 20 de playeri.

Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): Nu am.

Imagini / Video (optional): untitled222.jpg

Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu):

CMD:bans(playerid, params[])
	BanList(playerid, "Banned", "Banned");
	return 1;
stock BanList(playerid, stats[], what[], limit = MAX_TOP_LIMIT)
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
	new Speed = GetTickCount(), DialString[3_000], String[2][128],
	Query[2][256], DBResult:Result1, DB:g_dbKeptAlive, what2[30];
    g_dbKeptAlive = db_open("Accounts.db");
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
	format(Query[0], 256, "SELECT `name` FROM `users` ORDER BY `%s` *1 DESC limit %d", stats, limit);
	Result1 = db_query(g_dbKeptAlive, Query[0]);
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
	if(!strcmp(what, "Banned")) 				what2 = "Banned";
	// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
	format(DialString, sizeof DialString, "{00FF00}Players {0066CC}%s\n", what2);
	for(new Qr; Qr < db_num_rows(Result1); Qr++)
		db_get_field(Result1, 0, String[0], 128);
		format(Query[1], 256, "SELECT `%s` FROM `users` WHERE `Name` = '%s'", stats, String[0]);
		new DBResult:Result2 = db_query(g_dbKeptAlive, Query[1]);
		db_get_field(Result2, 0, String[1], 128);
		// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
		if(!strcmp(stats, "Banned")) format(DialString, sizeof DialString,
		"%s\n{AFAFAF}%d. {0066CC}%s {00FF00}Is Banned: {0066CC}%s", DialString, Qr+1, String[0], String[1]/*FormatNumber(strval(String[1]))*/ );
		// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
	format(DialString, sizeof DialString, "%s\n\n{00FF00}Lista banurilor generata in {0066CC}%d{00FF00} ms.", DialString, GetTickCount() - Speed);
	ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 123, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FF00}F{0066CC}S{AFAFAF} - Banned Players", DialString, "Ok", "");
	return 1;

Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: Da, dar nu-i dau de capat. nu pre stiu SQL..

Va rog frumos sa ma ajutati, va rog din tot sufletul! va multumesc anticipat pentru atentia acordata

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