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Problema intalnita (descriere): Nu mi se compileaza un fs (Gireada ,in caz ca citesti asta,este vorba despre fs-ul facut de tine ,acela pentru skin-uri)
Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):

C:UsersProAeXelDesktopServer GF-RPpawnoincludemSelection.inc(192) : error 017: undefined symbol "TEXT_DRAW_FONT_MODEL_PREVIEW"
C:UsersProAeXelDesktopServer  GF-RPpawnoincludemSelection.inc(196) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel"
C:UsersProAeXelDesktopServer  GF-RPpawnoincludemSelection.inc(197) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewRot"
C:UsersProAeXelDesktopServer  GF-RPpawnoincludemSelection.inc(189) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "mZoom"
C:UsersProAeXelDesktopServer  GF-RPpawnoincludemSelection.inc(189) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Zrot"
C:UsersProAeXelDesktopServer  GF-RPpawnoincludemSelection.inc(189) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Yrot"
C:UsersProAeXelDesktopServer  GF-RPpawnoincludemSelection.inc(189) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Xrot"
C:UsersProAeXelDesktopServer  GF-RPpawnoincludemSelection.inc(189) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "modelindex" 

Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul:

#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <mSelection>

new skinlist = mS_INVALID_LISTID;

public OnFilterScriptInit()
    skinlist = LoadModelSelectionMenu("skins.txt");
	print(" Skin Selector by Gireada");
	return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
	return 1;

	print(" Skin Selector by Gireada");

CMD:skin(playerid, params[])
    ShowModelSelectionMenu(playerid, skinlist, "Alegeti Skin-ul");
    return 1;

public OnPlayerModelSelection(playerid, response, listid, modelid)
    if(listid == skinlist)
            SetPlayerSkin(playerid, modelid);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Imi place noul tau look");
        else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Arati bine si asa");
        return 1;
    return 1;

Imagini / Video (optional):
Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: Da,am pus alt fisier mSelection.inc,dar nimic



PS: Atunci cand mor nu mai ramane skin-ul

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Ai nevoie de alta versiune de mSelection. Aceea versiune e ori prea veche, ori prea noua, nu stiu, nu lucrez cu mSelection :))

Dar am intalnit o data aceasta dificultate pe care, evident cu schimbarea includeului s-a rezolvat ^^

Edited by (SE)KnowN


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// Model Selection using previews. For SA-MP 0.3x and above.
// - D0erfler 2013
// - Kye 2013
// Version 1.1 R2

/*Functions to be used

ShowModelSelectionMenu(playerid, ListID, header_text[], dialogBGcolor = 0x4A5A6BBB, previewBGcolor = 0x88888899 , tdSelectionColor = 0xFFFF00AA)
ShowModelSelectionMenuEx(playerid, items_array[], item_amount, header_text[], extraid, Float:Xrot = 0.0, Float:Yrot = 0.0, Float:Zrot = 0.0, Float:mZoom = 1.0, dialogBGcolor = 0x4A5A6BBB, previewBGcolor = 0x88888899 , tdSelectionColor = 0xFFFF00AA)

// Callbacks
forward OnPlayerModelSelection(playerid, response, listid, modelid);
forward OnPlayerModelSelectionEx(playerid, response, extraid, modelid);

// settings static lists
#define mS_TOTAL_ITEMS         	1000 // Max amount of items from all lists
#define mS_TOTAL_LISTS			20 // Max amount of lists
#define mS_TOTAL_ROT_ZOOM		100 // Max amount of items using extra information like zoom or rotations

// settings dynamic per player lists
#define mS_CUSTOM_MAX_ITEMS		20


#define mS_NEXT_TEXT   "Next"
#define mS_PREV_TEXT   "Prev"
#define mS_CANCEL_TEXT   "Cancel"

#define mS_SELECTION_ITEMS 		21
#define mS_ITEMS_PER_LINE  		7
#define mS_DIALOG_BASE_X   	75.0
#define mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y   	130.0
#define mS_DIALOG_WIDTH    	550.0
#define mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT   	180.0
#define mS_SPRITE_DIM_X    	60.0
#define mS_SPRITE_DIM_Y    	70.0

new PlayerText:gCurrentPageTextDrawId[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:gHeaderTextDrawId[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:gBackgroundTextDrawId[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:gNextButtonTextDrawId[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:gPrevButtonTextDrawId[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:gCancelButtonTextDrawId[MAX_PLAYERS];
new PlayerText:gSelectionItems[MAX_PLAYERS][mS_SELECTION_ITEMS];
new gSelectionItemsTag[MAX_PLAYERS][mS_SELECTION_ITEMS];
new gItemAt[MAX_PLAYERS];

#define mS_LIST_START			0
#define mS_LIST_END				1
new gLists[mS_TOTAL_LISTS][2]; // list information start/end index

#define mS_ITEM_MODEL			0
#define mS_ITEM_ROT_ZOOM_ID 	1
new gItemList[mS_TOTAL_ITEMS][2];

new Float:gRotZoom[mS_TOTAL_ROT_ZOOM][4]; // Array for saving rotation and zoom info
new gItemAmount = 0; // Amount of items used
new gListAmount = 0; // Amount of lists used
new gRotZoomAmount = 0; // Amount of Rotation/Zoom informations used


stock mS_GetNumberOfPages(ListID)
	new ItemAmount = mS_GetAmountOfListItems(ListID);
	if((ItemAmount >= mS_SELECTION_ITEMS) && (ItemAmount % mS_SELECTION_ITEMS) == 0)
		return (ItemAmount / mS_SELECTION_ITEMS);
	else return (ItemAmount / mS_SELECTION_ITEMS) + 1;


stock mS_GetNumberOfPagesEx(playerid)
	new ItemAmount = mS_GetAmountOfListItemsEx(playerid);
	if((ItemAmount >= mS_SELECTION_ITEMS) && (ItemAmount % mS_SELECTION_ITEMS) == 0)
		return (ItemAmount / mS_SELECTION_ITEMS);
	else return (ItemAmount / mS_SELECTION_ITEMS) + 1;


stock mS_GetAmountOfListItems(ListID)
	return (gLists[ListID][mS_LIST_END] - gLists[ListID][mS_LIST_START])+1;


stock mS_GetAmountOfListItemsEx(playerid)
	return GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_custom_item_amount");


stock mS_GetPlayerCurrentListID(playerid)
	if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_active") == 1) return GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_id");
	else return mS_INVALID_LISTID;


stock PlayerText:mS_CreateCurrentPageTextDraw(playerid, Float:Xpos, Float:Ypos)
	new PlayerText:txtInit;
   	txtInit = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, Xpos, Ypos, "0/0");
   	PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, txtInit, 0);
	PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, txtInit, 0.4, 1.1);
	PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, txtInit, 1);
	PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, txtInit, 0);
    PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, txtInit, 1);
    PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, txtInit, 0xACCBF1FF);
    PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, txtInit);
    return txtInit;

// Creates a button textdraw and returns the textdraw ID.

stock PlayerText:mS_CreatePlayerDialogButton(playerid, Float:Xpos, Float:Ypos, Float:Width, Float:Height, button_text[])
 	new PlayerText:txtInit;
   	txtInit = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, Xpos, Ypos, button_text);
   	PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, txtInit, 1);
   	PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid, txtInit, 0x000000FF);
   	PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, txtInit, 0x000000FF);
	PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, txtInit, 0.4, 1.1);
	PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, txtInit, 1);
	PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, txtInit, 0); // no shadow
    PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, txtInit, 0);
    PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, txtInit, 0x4A5A6BFF);
    PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, txtInit, 1);
    PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, txtInit, 2);
    PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, txtInit, Height, Width); // The width and height are reversed for centering.. something the game does <g>
    PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, txtInit);
    return txtInit;

stock PlayerText:mS_CreatePlayerHeaderTextDraw(playerid, Float:Xpos, Float:Ypos, header_text[])
	new PlayerText:txtInit;
   	txtInit = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, Xpos, Ypos, header_text);
   	PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, txtInit, 0);
	PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, txtInit, 1.25, 3.0);
	PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, txtInit, 0);
	PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, txtInit, 0);
    PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, txtInit, 1);
    PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, txtInit, 0xACCBF1FF);
    PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, txtInit);
    return txtInit;


stock PlayerText:mS_CreatePlayerBGTextDraw(playerid, Float:Xpos, Float:Ypos, Float:Width, Float:Height, bgcolor)
	new PlayerText:txtBackground = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, Xpos, Ypos,"                                            ~n~"); // enough space for everyone
    PlayerTextDrawUseBox(playerid, txtBackground, 1);
    PlayerTextDrawBoxColor(playerid, txtBackground, bgcolor);
	PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, txtBackground, 5.0, 5.0);
	PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, txtBackground, 0);
	PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, txtBackground, 0);
    PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, txtBackground, 0);
    PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, txtBackground,0x000000FF);
    PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, txtBackground, Width, Height);
   	PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, txtBackground, bgcolor);
    PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, txtBackground);
    return txtBackground;

// Creates a model preview sprite

stock PlayerText:mS_CreateMPTextDraw(playerid, modelindex, Float:Xpos, Float:Ypos, Float:Xrot, Float:Yrot, Float:Zrot, Float:mZoom, Float:width, Float:height, bgcolor)
    new PlayerText:txtPlayerSprite = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, Xpos, Ypos, ""); // it has to be set with SetText later
    PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, txtPlayerSprite, TEXT_DRAW_FONT_MODEL_PREVIEW);
    PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, txtPlayerSprite, 0xFFFFFFFF);
    PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, txtPlayerSprite, bgcolor);
    PlayerTextDrawTextSize(playerid, txtPlayerSprite, width, height); // Text size is the Width:Height
    PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewModel(playerid, txtPlayerSprite, modelindex);
    PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewRot(playerid,txtPlayerSprite, Xrot, Yrot, Zrot, mZoom);
    PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, txtPlayerSprite, 1);
    return txtPlayerSprite;


stock mS_DestroyPlayerMPs(playerid)
	new x=0;
	while(x != mS_SELECTION_ITEMS) {
	    if(gSelectionItems[playerid][x] != PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW) {
			PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, gSelectionItems[playerid][x]);
			gSelectionItems[playerid][x] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;


stock mS_ShowPlayerMPs(playerid)
	new bgcolor = GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_previewBGcolor");
    new x=0;
	new Float:BaseX = mS_DIALOG_BASE_X;
	new Float:BaseY = mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y - (mS_SPRITE_DIM_Y * 0.33); // down a bit
	new linetracker = 0;
	new mS_listID = mS_GetPlayerCurrentListID(playerid);
	if(mS_listID == mS_CUSTOM_LISTID)
		new itemat = (GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_page") * mS_SELECTION_ITEMS);
		new Float:rotzoom[4];
		rotzoom[0] = GetPVarFloat(playerid, "mS_custom_Xrot");
		rotzoom[1] = GetPVarFloat(playerid, "mS_custom_Yrot");
		rotzoom[2] = GetPVarFloat(playerid, "mS_custom_Zrot");
		rotzoom[3] = GetPVarFloat(playerid, "mS_custom_Zoom");
		new itemamount = mS_GetAmountOfListItemsEx(playerid);
		// Destroy any previous ones created

		while(x != mS_SELECTION_ITEMS && itemat < (itemamount)) {
			if(linetracker == 0) {
				BaseX = mS_DIALOG_BASE_X + 25.0; // in a bit from the box
				BaseY += mS_SPRITE_DIM_Y + 1.0; // move on the Y for the next line
			gSelectionItems[playerid][x] = mS_CreateMPTextDraw(playerid, gCustomList[playerid][itemat], BaseX, BaseY, rotzoom[0], rotzoom[1], rotzoom[2], rotzoom[3], mS_SPRITE_DIM_X, mS_SPRITE_DIM_Y, bgcolor);
			gSelectionItemsTag[playerid][x] = gCustomList[playerid][itemat];
			BaseX += mS_SPRITE_DIM_X + 1.0; // move on the X for the next sprite
			if(linetracker == mS_ITEMS_PER_LINE) linetracker = 0;
		new itemat = (gLists[mS_listID][mS_LIST_START] + (GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_page") * mS_SELECTION_ITEMS));
		// Destroy any previous ones created

		while(x != mS_SELECTION_ITEMS && itemat < (gLists[mS_listID][mS_LIST_END]+1)) {
			if(linetracker == 0) {
				BaseX = mS_DIALOG_BASE_X + 25.0; // in a bit from the box
				BaseY += mS_SPRITE_DIM_Y + 1.0; // move on the Y for the next line
			new rzID = gItemList[itemat][mS_ITEM_ROT_ZOOM_ID]; // avoid long line
			if(rzID > -1) gSelectionItems[playerid][x] = mS_CreateMPTextDraw(playerid, gItemList[itemat][mS_ITEM_MODEL], BaseX, BaseY, gRotZoom[rzID][0], gRotZoom[rzID][1], gRotZoom[rzID][2], gRotZoom[rzID][3], mS_SPRITE_DIM_X, mS_SPRITE_DIM_Y, bgcolor);
			else gSelectionItems[playerid][x] = mS_CreateMPTextDraw(playerid, gItemList[itemat][mS_ITEM_MODEL], BaseX, BaseY, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, mS_SPRITE_DIM_X, mS_SPRITE_DIM_Y, bgcolor);
			gSelectionItemsTag[playerid][x] = gItemList[itemat][mS_ITEM_MODEL];
			BaseX += mS_SPRITE_DIM_X + 1.0; // move on the X for the next sprite
			if(linetracker == mS_ITEMS_PER_LINE) linetracker = 0;


stock mS_UpdatePageTextDraw(playerid)
	new PageText[64+1];
	new listID = mS_GetPlayerCurrentListID(playerid);
	if(listID == mS_CUSTOM_LISTID)
		format(PageText, 64, "%d/%d", GetPVarInt(playerid,"mS_list_page") + 1, mS_GetNumberOfPagesEx(playerid));
		PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, gCurrentPageTextDrawId[playerid], PageText);
		format(PageText, 64, "%d/%d", GetPVarInt(playerid,"mS_list_page") + 1, mS_GetNumberOfPages(listID));
		PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, gCurrentPageTextDrawId[playerid], PageText);


stock ShowModelSelectionMenu(playerid, ListID, header_text[], dialogBGcolor = 0x4A5A6BBB, previewBGcolor = 0x88888899 , tdSelectionColor = 0xFFFF00AA)
	if(!(0 <= ListID < mS_TOTAL_LISTS && gLists[ListID][mS_LIST_START] != gLists[ListID][mS_LIST_END])) return 0;
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_page", 0);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_id", ListID);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_active", 1);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_time", GetTickCount());

    gBackgroundTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerBGTextDraw(playerid, mS_DIALOG_BASE_X, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y + 20.0, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH, mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT, dialogBGcolor);
    gHeaderTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerHeaderTextDraw(playerid, mS_DIALOG_BASE_X, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y, header_text);
    gCurrentPageTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreateCurrentPageTextDraw(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 30.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y + 15.0);
    gNextButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerDialogButton(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 30.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y+mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT+100.0, 50.0, 16.0, mS_NEXT_TEXT);
    gPrevButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerDialogButton(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 90.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y+mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT+100.0, 50.0, 16.0, mS_PREV_TEXT);
    gCancelButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerDialogButton(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 150.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y+mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT+100.0, 50.0, 16.0, mS_CANCEL_TEXT);

	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_previewBGcolor", previewBGcolor);
	SelectTextDraw(playerid, tdSelectionColor);
	return 1;


stock ShowModelSelectionMenuEx(playerid, items_array[], item_amount, header_text[], extraid, Float:Xrot = 0.0, Float:Yrot = 0.0, Float:Zrot = 0.0, Float:mZoom = 1.0, dialogBGcolor = 0x4A5A6BBB, previewBGcolor = 0x88888899 , tdSelectionColor = 0xFFFF00AA)
	if(item_amount > mS_CUSTOM_MAX_ITEMS)
		item_amount = mS_CUSTOM_MAX_ITEMS;
		print("-mSelection- WARNING: Too many items given to "ShowModelSelectionMenuEx", increase "mS_CUSTOM_MAX_ITEMS" to fix this");
	if(item_amount > 0)
		for(new i=0;i<item_amount;i++)
			gCustomList[playerid] = items_array;
		SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_page", 0);
		SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_id", mS_CUSTOM_LISTID);
		SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_active", 1);
		SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_time", GetTickCount());
		SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_custom_item_amount", item_amount);
		SetPVarFloat(playerid, "mS_custom_Xrot", Xrot);
		SetPVarFloat(playerid, "mS_custom_Yrot", Yrot);
		SetPVarFloat(playerid, "mS_custom_Zrot", Zrot);
		SetPVarFloat(playerid, "mS_custom_Zoom", mZoom);
		SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_custom_extraid", extraid);

		gBackgroundTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerBGTextDraw(playerid, mS_DIALOG_BASE_X, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y + 20.0, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH, mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT, dialogBGcolor);
		gHeaderTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerHeaderTextDraw(playerid, mS_DIALOG_BASE_X, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y, header_text);
		gCurrentPageTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreateCurrentPageTextDraw(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 30.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y + 15.0);
		gNextButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerDialogButton(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 30.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y+mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT+100.0, 50.0, 16.0, mS_NEXT_TEXT);
		gPrevButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerDialogButton(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 90.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y+mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT+100.0, 50.0, 16.0, mS_PREV_TEXT);
		gCancelButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = mS_CreatePlayerDialogButton(playerid, mS_DIALOG_WIDTH - 150.0, mS_DIALOG_BASE_Y+mS_DIALOG_HEIGHT+100.0, 50.0, 16.0, mS_CANCEL_TEXT);

		SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_previewBGcolor", previewBGcolor);
		SelectTextDraw(playerid, tdSelectionColor);
		return 1;
	return 0;


stock HideModelSelectionMenu(playerid)
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_ignore_next_esc", 1);
	return 1;


stock mS_DestroySelectionMenu(playerid)
	if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_active") == 1)
		if(mS_GetPlayerCurrentListID(playerid) == mS_CUSTOM_LISTID)
			DeletePVar(playerid, "mS_custom_Xrot");
			DeletePVar(playerid, "mS_custom_Yrot");
			DeletePVar(playerid, "mS_custom_Zrot");
			DeletePVar(playerid, "mS_custom_Zoom");
			DeletePVar(playerid, "mS_custom_extraid");
			DeletePVar(playerid, "mS_custom_item_amount");
		DeletePVar(playerid, "mS_list_time");
		SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_active", 0);

		PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, gHeaderTextDrawId[playerid]);
		PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, gBackgroundTextDrawId[playerid]);
		PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, gCurrentPageTextDrawId[playerid]);
		PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, gNextButtonTextDrawId[playerid]);
		PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, gPrevButtonTextDrawId[playerid]);
		PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, gCancelButtonTextDrawId[playerid]);

		gHeaderTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
		gBackgroundTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
		gCurrentPageTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
		gNextButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
		gPrevButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;	
		gCancelButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;	


public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	// Init all of the textdraw related globals
    gHeaderTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
    gBackgroundTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
    gCurrentPageTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
    gNextButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
    gPrevButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
    gCancelButtonTextDrawId[playerid] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
    for(new x=0; x < mS_SELECTION_ITEMS; x++) {
        gSelectionItems[playerid][x] = PlayerText:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
	gItemAt[playerid] = 0;
	return CallLocalFunction("MP_OPC", "i", playerid);

#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
	#undef OnPlayerConnect
	#define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect
#define OnPlayerConnect MP_OPC

forward MP_OPC(playerid);

// Even though only Player* textdraws are used in this script,
// OnPlayerClickTextDraw is still required to handle ESC

public OnPlayerClickTextDraw(playerid, Text:clickedid)
   	if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_ignore_next_esc") == 1) {
		SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_ignore_next_esc", 0);
		return CallLocalFunction("MP_OPCTD", "ii", playerid, _:clickedid);
   	if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_active") == 0) return CallLocalFunction("MP_OPCTD", "ii", playerid, _:clickedid);

	// Handle: They cancelled (with ESC)
	if(clickedid == Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW) {
		new listid = mS_GetPlayerCurrentListID(playerid);
		if(listid == mS_CUSTOM_LISTID)
			new extraid = GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_custom_extraid");
			CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerModelSelectionEx", "dddd", playerid, 0, extraid, -1);
			PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1085, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerModelSelection", "dddd", playerid, 0, listid, -1);
			PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1085, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        return 1;
	return CallLocalFunction("MP_OPCTD", "ii", playerid, _:clickedid);

#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerClickTextDraw
	#undef OnPlayerClickTextDraw
	#define _ALS_OnPlayerClickTextDraw
#define OnPlayerClickTextDraw MP_OPCTD

forward MP_OPCTD(playerid, Text:clickedid);


public OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw(playerid, PlayerText:playertextid)
	if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_active") == 0 || (GetTickCount()-GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_time")) < 200 /* Disable instant selection */) return CallLocalFunction("MP_OPCPTD", "ii", playerid, _:playertextid);

	new curpage = GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_page");
	// Handle: cancel button
	if(playertextid == gCancelButtonTextDrawId[playerid]) {
		new listID = mS_GetPlayerCurrentListID(playerid);
		if(listID == mS_CUSTOM_LISTID)
			new extraid = GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_custom_extraid");
			CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerModelSelectionEx", "dddd", playerid, 0, extraid, -1);
			PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1085, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerModelSelection", "dddd", playerid, 0, listID, -1);
			PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1085, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		return 1;
	// Handle: next button
	if(playertextid == gNextButtonTextDrawId[playerid]) {
		new listID = mS_GetPlayerCurrentListID(playerid);
		if(listID == mS_CUSTOM_LISTID)
			if(curpage < (mS_GetNumberOfPagesEx(playerid) - 1)) {
				SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_page", curpage + 1);
				PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1083, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			} else {
				PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1085, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			if(curpage < (mS_GetNumberOfPages(listID) - 1)) {
				SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_page", curpage + 1);
				PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1083, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			} else {
				PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1085, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		return 1;
	// Handle: previous button
	if(playertextid == gPrevButtonTextDrawId[playerid]) {
	    if(curpage > 0) {
	    	SetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_list_page", curpage - 1);
	    	PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1084, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		} else {
		    PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1085, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		return 1;
	// Search in the array of textdraws used for the items
	new x=0;
	while(x != mS_SELECTION_ITEMS) {
	    if(playertextid == gSelectionItems[playerid][x]) {
			new listID = mS_GetPlayerCurrentListID(playerid);
			if(listID == mS_CUSTOM_LISTID)
				PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1083, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				new item_id = gSelectionItemsTag[playerid][x];
				new extraid = GetPVarInt(playerid, "mS_custom_extraid");
				CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerModelSelectionEx", "dddd", playerid, 1, extraid, item_id);
				return 1;
				PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1083, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				new item_id = gSelectionItemsTag[playerid][x];
				CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerModelSelection", "dddd", playerid, 1, listID, item_id);
				return 1;
	return CallLocalFunction("MP_OPCPTD", "ii", playerid, _:playertextid);

#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerClickPlayerTD
	#undef OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw
	#define _ALS_OnPlayerClickPlayerTD
#define OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw MP_OPCPTD

forward MP_OPCPTD(playerid, PlayerText:playertextid);


stock LoadModelSelectionMenu(f_name[])
	new File:f, str[75];
	format(str, sizeof(str), "%s", f_name);
	f = fopen(str, io_read);
	if( !f ) {
		printf("-mSelection- WARNING: Failed to load list: "%s"", f_name);
	if(gListAmount >= mS_TOTAL_LISTS)
		printf("-mSelection- WARNING: Reached maximum amount of lists, increase "mS_TOTAL_LISTS"", f_name);
	new tmp_ItemAmount = gItemAmount; // copy value if loading fails
	new line[128], idxx;
		if(tmp_ItemAmount >= mS_TOTAL_ITEMS)
			printf("-mSelection- WARNING: Reached maximum amount of items, increase "mS_TOTAL_ITEMS"", f_name);
		idxx = 0;
		if(!line[0]) continue;
		new mID = strval( mS_strtok(line,idxx) );
		if(0 <= mID < 20000)
			gItemList[tmp_ItemAmount][mS_ITEM_MODEL] = mID;
			new tmp_mS_strtok[20];
			new Float:mRotation[3], Float:mZoom = 1.0;
			new bool:useRotation = false;
			tmp_mS_strtok = mS_strtok(line,idxx);
			if(tmp_mS_strtok[0]) {
				useRotation = true;
				mRotation[0] = floatstr(tmp_mS_strtok);
			tmp_mS_strtok = mS_strtok(line,idxx);
			if(tmp_mS_strtok[0]) {
				useRotation = true;
				mRotation[1] = floatstr(tmp_mS_strtok);
			tmp_mS_strtok = mS_strtok(line,idxx);
			if(tmp_mS_strtok[0]) {
				useRotation = true;
				mRotation[2] = floatstr(tmp_mS_strtok);
			tmp_mS_strtok = mS_strtok(line,idxx);
			if(tmp_mS_strtok[0]) {
				useRotation = true;
				mZoom = floatstr(tmp_mS_strtok);
				new bool:foundRotZoom = false;
				for(new i=0; i < gRotZoomAmount; i++)
					if(gRotZoom[0] == mRotation[0] && gRotZoom[1] == mRotation[1] && gRotZoom[2] == mRotation[2] && gRotZoom[3] == mZoom)
						foundRotZoom = true;
						gItemList[tmp_ItemAmount][mS_ITEM_ROT_ZOOM_ID] = i;
				if(gRotZoomAmount < mS_TOTAL_ROT_ZOOM)
						gRotZoom[gRotZoomAmount][0] = mRotation[0];
						gRotZoom[gRotZoomAmount][1] = mRotation[1];
						gRotZoom[gRotZoomAmount][2] = mRotation[2];
						gRotZoom[gRotZoomAmount][3] = mZoom;
						gItemList[tmp_ItemAmount][mS_ITEM_ROT_ZOOM_ID] = gRotZoomAmount;
				else print("-mSelection- WARNING: Not able to save rotation/zoom information. Reached maximum rotation/zoom information count. Increase '#define mS_TOTAL_ROT_ZOOM' to fix the issue"); 
			else gItemList[tmp_ItemAmount][mS_ITEM_ROT_ZOOM_ID] = -1;
	if(tmp_ItemAmount > gItemAmount) // any models loaded ?
		gLists[gListAmount][mS_LIST_START] = gItemAmount;
		gItemAmount = tmp_ItemAmount; // copy back
		gLists[gListAmount][mS_LIST_END] = (gItemAmount-1);
		return (gListAmount-1);
	printf("-mSelection- WARNING: No Items found in file: %s", f_name);
stock mS_strtok(const string[], &index)
	new length = strlen(string);
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

	new offset = index;
	new result[20];
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
		result[index - offset] = string[index];
	result[index - offset] = EOS;
	return result;
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Hmm...ai ultima versiune de .inc-uri de la SA:MP ? Sunt multe persoane care nu au , poate fi si asta.

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	print("[ERROR] - Unable to establish a connection with the world...");
	return 1;


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http://sa-mp.com/download.php, descarci windows server , iei folder-ul pawno si il pui in locul folder-ului pe care-l ai tu in folder-ul cu server-ul tau . Nu trebuie sa copiezi celelalte inc-uri pe care le ai tu, vor ramane salvate, doar scoate folder-ul pawno din acea arhiva si pune-l peste folder-ul pawno de la server-ul tau .

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