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Problema restart



Problemă întâlnită (descriere): Cand dau /restart spune "server restart in 2 minute" si dupa doua minute se inchide sv si consola nu se restarteaza ... cum pot rezolva
Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): - 
Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul:


COMMAND:restart(playerid, params[])

// Send the command to all admins so they can see it
SendAdminText(playerid, "/restart", params);
// Check if the player has logged in
if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == true)
// Check if the player's admin-level is at least 7
if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] >= 7)
// Let everyone know that the server will be restarted in 2 minutes
GameTextForAll("Restart server in 2 minute!", 5000, 3);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xA0A0A0, "Restart server in 2-a minute!");
// Start the next timer which warns the players again that server will be restarted in 1 minute
SetTimer("Timer_Restart_WarnPlayers", 1000 * 60, false);
   return 0;
   return 0;
// Let the server know that this was a valid command
return 1;
forward Timer_Restart_WarnPlayers();
public Timer_Restart_WarnPlayers()
// Let everyone know that the server will be restarted in 1 minutes
GameTextForAll("Restart server intr-un minut!", 5000, 3);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xA0A0A0, "Restart server intr-un minut!");
// Start the next timer
SetTimer("Timer_Restart_Kick", 1000 * 60, false);
// Change the hostname of the server and it's password
SendRconCommand("hostname Pending Restart");
SendRconCommand("password 123");
return 1;
forward Timer_Restart_Kick();
public Timer_Restart_Kick()
// Let everyone know that the server is kicking all players before restarting
GameTextForAll("Server restarting:Reconect!", 5000, 3);
// Kick all players
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
// Start the next timer that will restart the server
SetTimer("Timer_Restart_Reboot", 1000 * 5, false);
return 1;
forward Timer_Restart_Reboot();
public Timer_Restart_Reboot()
// Restart the server
return 1;


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