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cateva buguri



Va rog ma puteti ajuta sa rezolv cateva buguri?

1.Deci cand am wanted si un politist ma omoara imi da secundele de jail imi ia banii dar nu ma baga in jail ma da unde ma spawnez eu de obicei.Cand ma aresteaza cu /arrest ma da in jail

2.Am la toate factiunile porti si la unele bariera care apesi H si se deschid dar la o factiune doar leaderu poate deschide bariera si inca o chestie legat de bariere cum as putea sa fac sa se ridice mai repede?dureaza in jur de 5-8 secunde sa se ridice bariera in sus

3.La PD,FBI,NG cand dau leader sau leaderu da /invite nu se pune automar team2 trebuie sa le dea un admin tot timpu /setteam x 2.


comanda /makeleader

[pawn] if(strcmp(cmd, "/makeleader", true) == 0)




tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);



SCM(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: /makeleader [playerid/PartOfName] [Number(1-16)]");

SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ID = 1 = Police Force || ID = 2 = FBI || ID = 3 = National Guard || ID = 4 = Ambulance ||");

SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ID = 5 = Corleone || ID = 6 = Barzini  || ID = 7 Presedinte || ID = 8 = Hitman ||");

SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ID = 9 = News Reporter || ID = 10 = Taxi || ID = 11 = School Instructor || ID = 12 = The Nang Boys ||");

SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ID = 13 = Underground Street Tunning || ID = 14 = Ballas || ID = 15 Grove || ID = 16 Los Santos Vagos");

SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ID = 17 = Tow Car Company");

return 1;


new para1;

new level;

para1 = ReturnUser(tmp);

tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);

level = strval(tmp);

if(level > 17 || level < 0) { SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "  Dont go below number 0, or above number 17!"); return 1; }

if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >=7)




        if(para1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)


            if(PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] > 0 || PlayerInfo[para1][pFMember] < 255)


                SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "  That player is in a Faction / Family !");

                return 1;


GetPlayerName(para1, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));

GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));

PlayerInfo[para1][pLeader] = level;

PlayerInfo[para1][pRank] = 6;

SetPlayerHealth(para1, 0.0);

format(string, sizeof(string), "  You have been promoted to Leader to your requested Faction by Admin %s", sendername);

SCM(para1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);

format(string, sizeof(string), "  You have given %s control to run Faction Number %d.", giveplayer,level);

SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);

if(level == 0) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 0; }

                        else if(level == 1) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 71; } //Police Force

else if(level == 2) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 285; } //FBI/ATF

else if(level == 3) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 287; } //National Guard

else if(level == 4) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 228; } //Fire/Ambulance

else if(level == 5) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 113; } //Corleone

else if(level == 6) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 270; } //Barzini

else if(level == 7) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 186; } //Mayor

else if(level == 8) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 294; } //Hitmans

else if(level == 9) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 227; } //News Reporters

else if(level == 10) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 61; } //Taxi Cab Company

else if(level == 11) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 171; } //Driving/Flying School

else if(level == 12) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 184; } //The Nang Boys

else if(level == 13) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 24; } //Underground Street Tunning

else if(level == 14) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 104; } //Ballas

else if(level == 15) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 271; } //Grove

else if(level == 16) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 110; } //Los Santos Vagos

else if(level == 17) { PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = 50; } //Tow Car Comapny

    gTeam[para1] = 17;

    PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 17;

    SetPlayerSkin(para1, PlayerInfo[para1][pChar]);

    GetPlayerName(playerid, numewarning, sizeof(numewarning));

                format(string, sizeof(string), "[AdmWarning]: %s ia dat leader[%d] lui %s.",numewarning,level,giveplayer);

                ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string, 5);


}//not connected




SCM(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "  you are not authorized to use that command!");



return 1;




[pawn]if(strcmp(cmd, "/invite", true) == 0)




tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);



SCM(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: /invite [playerid/PartOfName]");

return 1;


new para1;

new ftext[20];

para1 = ReturnUser(tmp);

if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] >= 1)




        if(para1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)


    if (gTeam[para1]==TEAM_GREEN && PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] == 0 && PlayerInfo[para1][pFMember] == 255)


        if(PlayerInfo[para1][pJob] > 0)


            SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "  Can't invite him, player has a Job !");

            return 1;


        if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 1) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 2; gTeam[para1] = 2; ftext = "Police Force"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 280; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 280); }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 2) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 2; gTeam[para1] = 2; ftext = "FBI/ATF"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 286; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 286); }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 3) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 2; gTeam[para1] = 2; ftext = "National Guard"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 287; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 287); }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 4) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 1; gTeam[para1] = 1; ftext = "Firemen/Ambulance"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 70; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 70); }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 5) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 5; gTeam[para1] = 5; ftext = "Corleone"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 258; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 120); }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 6) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 5; gTeam[para1] = 5; ftext = "Barzini "; ChosenSkin[para1] = 120; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 258); }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 7) { return 1; }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 8) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 10; gTeam[para1] = 12; ftext = "Hitman Agency"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 127; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 127); }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 9) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 12; gTeam[para1] = 12; ftext = "CNN Studio"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 148; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 148); }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 10) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 12; gTeam[para1] = 12; ftext = "Taxi Cab Company"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 255; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 255); }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 11) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 12; gTeam[para1] = 12; ftext = "School Instructors"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 59; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 59); }

        else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 12) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 12; gTeam[para1] = 12; ftext = "The Nang Boys"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 184; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 184); }

                            else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 13) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 12; gTeam[para1] = 12; ftext = "Underground Street"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 24; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 24); }

                            else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 14) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 12; gTeam[para1] = 12; ftext = "Ballas"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 104; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 104); }

                            else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 15) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 12; gTeam[para1] = 12; ftext = "Grove"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 271; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 271); }

                            else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 16) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 12; gTeam[para1] = 12; ftext = "Los Santos Vagos"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 110; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 110); }

                            else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 17) { PlayerInfo[para1][pTeam] = 12; gTeam[para1] = 12; ftext = "Tow Car Company"; ChosenSkin[para1] = 50; SetPlayerSkin(para1, 50); }

else { return 1; }

GetPlayerName(para1, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer));

GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));

PlayerInfo[para1][pMember] = PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader];

PlayerInfo[para1][pRank] = 1;

PlayerInfo[para1][pFwarn] = 0;

printf("AdmCmd: %s has invited %s to join %s.", sendername, giveplayer, ftext);

format(string, sizeof(string), "  You have Joined the %s, you were invited by Leader %s", ftext, sendername);

SCM(para1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);

format(string, sizeof(string), "  You have Invited %s to join the %s.", giveplayer,ftext);

SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string);


new rand = random(sizeof(gInviteSpawns));

SetPlayerPos(para1, gInviteSpawns[rand][0], gInviteSpawns[rand][1], gInviteSpawns[rand][2]); // Warp the player

SetPlayerFacingAngle(para1, gInviteSpawns[rand][3]);

SetPlayerCameraPos(para1,gInviteSpawns[rand][0] + 3, gInviteSpawns[rand][1], gInviteSpawns[rand][2]);

SetPlayerCameraLookAt(para1,gInviteSpawns[rand][0], gInviteSpawns[rand][1], gInviteSpawns[rand][2]);

TogglePlayerControllable(para1, 0);

    SelectChar[para1] = 255;

    SelectCharID[para1] = PlayerInfo[para1][pMember];

    SelectCharPlace[para1] = 1;

    PlayerInfo[para1][pModel] = ChosenSkin[para1];

    PlayerInfo[para1][pChar] = ChosenSkin[para1];

    SCM(para1, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "* Use 'next' to Select the char you want to use.");

    SCM(para1, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "* If you've found the Char you want to use, type 'done'.");




    SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "  That player is currently Wanted / a Different Team / or already a Family Member.");

    return 1;



}//not connected



return 1;



si ce am gasit despre bariera la factine


public closebarieracorleone()


    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)


if (IsPlayerConnected(i))


RotateObject(barieracorleone, 0, 90, 1.2499694824219, 20, 11.5);



    return 1;


[pawn]  if((newkeys==KEY_CROUCH))


        if(PlayerToPoint(12.0,playerid,1261.9246826172, -2046.1292724609, 59.021949768066))


        if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 5)


if ((!adds)) {return 1;}

    SetTimer("AddsOn9", addtimer33, 0);adds = 0;

            RotateObject(barieracorleone, 0, 0.75006103515625, 1.2468566894531, 20, 11.5);

            SCM(playerid, WHITE, "The barrier is now open and will be closed in 4 seconds ");





if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/q", true))     {         Ban(playerid);         return true;     }

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3 answers to this question

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1. seteaza jail-ul (x,y,z) functia [glow=red,2,300]pJailed[/glow] sa fie valabila.

2. Ca sa faci sa deschida si membri bariera dute la [glow=red,2,300]public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)[/glow] iar acolo gasesti poarta respectiva si vei avea pLeader == nr factiune, tu va trebui sa adaugati si pentru membru in felul urmator pMember == nr factiune

De exemplu:

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 0 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 0)
Iar timer-ul se steaza la [glow=red,2,300]SetTimer[/glow] De exemplu la tine sunt 4 secunde SetTimer("closebarieracorleone",4000,0); Modifica [glow=red,2,300]4000[/glow] (1000 = 1 secunda) 3. Seteaza la /invite sau /makeleader gteam-ul respectiv
gTeam[playerid] = 2;

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[pawn]RotateObject(barieracorleone, 0, 90, 1.2499694824219, 20, 15.5);[/pawn]

Daca observi am modificat ultima cifra de la 11.5 la 15.5 . Eu cred ca acea este viteza cu care se roteste obiectul > se deschide bariera. Incearca sa o ajustezi dupa bunul plac.

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