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Everything posted by Massari

  1. [pawn]if (strcmp("/stopsweep", cmdtext, true) == 0) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] == 16) { if(strsweeper[playerid] > -1) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); new vehicleid; vehicleid= GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); SetVehicleToRespawn(vehicleid); strsweeper[ playerid ] = -1; return 1; } return 1; } return 1; }[/pawn]
  2. Ceva gen : [tt]switch( PlayerData[ Player ][ Rank ] ) { case 1: SetPlayerSkin( Player , 5 ) ; case 2: SetPlayerSkin( Player , 10 ) ; case 4: SetPlayerSkin( Player , 15 ) ; case 5: SetPlayerSkin( Player , 198 ) ; }[/tt]
  3. Arata frumos si in script si in-game . 5/5 bravo draga
  4. Nu il postez, am cerut idei, sa nu il fac dupa placul si doar cum imi place mie )
  5. Deci, m-am apucat de un gamemode de RP/G . Ce ziceti sa il fac tot dynamic sau static .. ? Daca dynamic, am bagat sisteme de: House Dynamic Hotdog Stand Dynamic 3DText Dynamic ATM Dynamic Job Dynamic Toate sistemele sunt pe mysql r34, le pun pe r38 cand am timp . Aveti idei de niste sisteme unice dynamice ? .
  6. [pawn]if(strcmp(cmd, "/givegun", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, " {FFA500}[iNFO]:{ffffff} /givegun [Player id] [arma id (eg. 46 = Parachute)] [gloante]"); return 1; } new playa; new gun; new ammo; playa = ReturnUser(tmp); tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); gun = strval(tmp); if(!strlen(tmp)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " {FFA500}[iNFO]:{ffffff} /givegun [Player id] [weaponid] [ammo]"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD4, "3(Golf club) 4 (Knife) 5 (Lilieci) 6 (Shovel) 7 (Copie) 8 (Katana) 10-13 (Dildo) 14 (Flowers) 16 (Grenati) 18 (Molotovs) 22 (9mm pistol) 23 (SPistol)"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, " 24 (Shotgun) 29 (MP5) 30 (AK47) 31 (M4) 33 (Pusca) 34 (Sniper) 35 (Bazuka) 37 (Flame-thrower) 41 (Spray) 43 (Camera) 46(Parachute)"); return 1; } if(gun < 1||gun > 46||gun==27||gun==1||gun==2||gun==9||gun==17||gun==19||gun==20||gun==21||gun==38||gun==39||gun==40||gun==44||gun==45) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " Id-ul armei este invalid!"); return 1; } tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); ammo = strval(tmp); if(ammo <1||ammo > 9999999999) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " Nu mai putin de 1 si mai mult de 999999999999 gloante!"); return 1; } if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 7) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playa)) { if(playa != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { ServerGivePlayerWeapons(playa, gun, ammo); } } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " Tu nu ai acces la aceasta comanda!"); } } return 1; }[/pawn]
  7. Massari

    Problema /rac

    posteaza callback-u ractime
  8. Respecta modelul. Da-mi comanda /ban si /kick.
  9. Fapte nu vorbe. Observ ca esti mai bun de 1000 ori si matur dupa topicurile tale. sau mai bine, "Observam" Urat stats, parerea mea.
  10. Foarte multa munca sa stergi apoi sa adaugi ceva intr-un gamemode de pe net .
  11. 3/10 .. Un RPG obosit mi-am dat seama doar din descriere .
  12. Pare in regula, esti sigur ca Limba[ ] e setat pe 0 si 1 ? Probabil e setat pe 2 ..
  13. Mie nu imi plac serverele cu script-uri complicate si in mare parte lagoase. Eu imi doresc ca odata si odata sa ajung sa setez la MAX_PLAYERS 500, si cu atatea inutilitati, script-ul meu va avea peste 2 mb, nu peste 700 de KB -.- Am postat acest FS pentru cei ce gandesc ca mine. Nimeni nu cred ca mai gandeste ca tine . Sa zicem ca maine cineva gen RuNix face o gresala, si RSS V6 ajunge postat pe internet. Daca RSS-ul va fi postat, niciun scripter roman nu va putea posta pe net un Gang System, poate, facut de la 0 de el, din cauza ca voi veti comenta rapid ca-i scos din RSS O.o ? Bullshit :-j. Wtf, serios ?
  14. PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ PointStunt ] +=20 ;
  15. Sisteme deastea sunt pe tot forumu .. fa si tu ceva mai frumos gen un sistem de radio cu textdraw, sa alegi radio-u apasand pe un textdraw.. etc 3/5
  16. http://www.girlshare.ro/33408358.5
  17. Scoti tot sistemul MySQL si pui txt.
  18. Aranjeaza scriptul sau baga sub include-uri EX: #include <a_samp> #include blablala... #pragma tabsize 0
  19. COMMAND:kick(playerid, params[]) { new giveplayerid, reason[24], string[125], name[24], name2[24]; if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { if(sscanf(params, "is[24]", giveplayerid, reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"[ERROR]Usage: /kick [playerid] [reason]"); else if(giveplayerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1,"[ERROR] Player Is Not Connected"); else { GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, name, sizeof(name)); GetPlayerName(playerid, name2, sizeof(name2)); format(string, sizeof(string), "<< ADM KICK >> Admin %s kicked %s(%d) | Reason: %s", name2, name, giveplayerid, reason); SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string); Kick(giveplayerid); } } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "SERVER: Unknown Command"); return 1; }
  20. Ce nu ai reusit ? Arata ce ai incercat.
  21. Salut GTA-MP . Daca am gresit ceva, astept reply. Astazi am sa va arat cum sa faceti un sistem de ban offline, adica sa poata bana un jucator offline . Acesta este primul meu tutorial deci vreau sa ma criticati . Trebuie sa aveti MySQL In gm-ul dvs. Avem nevoie de XAMPP sau WAMP . Eu recomand XAMPP Bun, sa incepem ! [img width=500 height=400] [img width=500 height=400] [img width=500 height=400] Am sa folosesc: #include <ZCMD> #include <a_mysql> // mysql r34 #include <sscanf2> new aHandle ; new gQuery[ 2000 ] ; public OnPlayerConnect( playerid ) [tt]gQuery[ 0 ] = EOS ; new ConnectedIP[ 24 ]; GetPlayerIp( playerid, ConnectedIP, 24 ); format( gQuery, sizeof gQuery, "SELECT * FROM `Banlist` WHERE `IP`='%s' OR `Name`='%s'", ConnectedIP, GetName( playerid ) ); mysql_tquery( aHandle, gQuery, "CheckBan", "d", playerid );[/tt] Explicatie: [tt]EOS = End Of String - Opreste string-ul cand propozitia se termina. GetPlayerIp( playerid, name[], len ) . SELECT * FROM `Banlist` WHERE `IP`='%s' OR `Name`='%s' // Selecteaza din baza de date tabelul `BANLIST` , Name sau IP mysql_tquery( connectionHandle, query[], callback[], format[], {Float,_}:... );[/tt] CMD:banoff( playerid, params[ ] ) { [tt]if ( IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, "Nu esti administrator RCON !" ) ; gQuery[ 0 ] = EOS ; new Player[ 24 ], Reason[ 128 ] ; if( sscanf( params, "s[24]s[128]", Player, Reason ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Foloseste: /banoff <PartOfName> <Reason>" ) ; new Security[ 24 ]; mysql_escape_string( Player, Security ); format( gQuery, sizeof gQuery, "SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE `Name`='%s'", Security ) ; mysql_tquery( aHandle, gQuery, "OnBanOfflineCalled", "ssd", Security, Reason, playerid ) ; return ( 1 ) ; } Explicatie: sscanf( const data[], const format[], {Float,_}:... ) ; s[24] - S = String s[128] - S = String (Altele: "u" - User ID or Name, "i" integer, "f" float, "x", Hex number) Player, Reason - Parametrii SendClientMessage( playerid, color, const message[] ) mysql_escape_string( const source[], destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len = sizeof(destination) ) ; mysql_tquery( connectionHandle, query[], callback[], format[], {Float,_}:... ); // in cazul nostru folosim callback-ul OnBanOfflineCalled forward OnBanOfflineCalled( Security[ ], Reason[ ], playerid, Player ) ; public OnBanOfflineCalled( Security[ ], Reason[ ], playerid, Player ) { gQuery[ 0 ] = EOS ; format( gQuery, sizeof gQuery, "INSERT INTO `Banlist` VALUES(0, 'Banned Offline', '%s', '%s', '%s')", Security, GetName( playerid ), Reason ); mysql_tquery( aHandle, gQuery, "", "" ); return ( 1 ); } Explicatie: INSERT INTO `Banlist` VALUES(0, 'Banned Offline', '%s', '%s', '%s') // Insereaza in tabelul `Banlist` Valorile . mysql_tquery( connectionHandle, query[], callback[], format[], {Float,_}:... ); // in cazul nostru nu am folosit nici un callback forward CheckBan( playerid ) ; public CheckBan( playerid ) { new Reason[ 128 ], Admin[ 128 ], Rows, Fields; cache_get_data( Rows, Fields, aHandle ) ; if ( !Rows ) return ( 1 ) ; gQuery[ 0 ] = EOS ; cache_get_field_content( 0, "Reason", Reason, 1, 128 ); cache_get_field_content( 0, "Admin", Admin, 1, 128 ); format( gQuery, sizeof gString, "Numele Adminului: %s", Admin ) ; SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, gQuery ) ; format( gQuery, sizeof gString, "Motivul Banului: %s", Reason ) ; SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, gQuery ) ; SetTimerEx( "KickPlayer", 50, false, "i", playerid ) ; return ( 1 ) ; } Explicatie: cache_get_field_content( row, const field_name[], destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len = sizeof(destination) ); cache_get_data( &num_rows, &num_fields, connectionHandle = 1 ); forward KickPlayer( playerid ) ; public KickPlayer( playerid ) return Kick( playerid ) ; stock GetName( playerid ) { new GetPName[ 24 ]; GetPlayerName( playerid, GetPName, sizeof( GetPName ) ) ; return ( GetPName ) ; } Multumesc, o sa mai fac tutoriale MySQL, cum sa faci un sistem de inregistrare / logare etc. [/tt]
  22. Primul baza Al doilea server-ul
  23. [tt]Buna seara/ziua . Credite : Creatori: FywTy AnDy47 The Row Diverse: Maurice DarkyTheAngel K1ddu Rimmon Totul a inceput de la un server de trucking amarat, cu 5-6 jucatori, apoi m-am gandit cu AnDy47 sa incepem un gamemode de RPG unic .. dar in data de 21.Februarie.2014 am renuntat la proiect din cauza lipsei de timp, am incercat sa facem ceva unic . Server-ul are niste sisteme pot sa spun unice . (Cred). Ex: Sistemul de telefoane este mai avansat, poti sa-ti cumperi un telefon in functie de banii care ii detii, de exemplu mergi la Vodafone, Orange etc si scrii /buyphone, iti apare un dialog cu telefoane, EX: Samsung galaxy Ace, S3 etc .. Mai jos am sa scriu sistemele server-ului (Cateva dintre ele) ![/tt] Sistem de administratie avansat. Sistem de ban, pe mysql Sistem de business-uri Sistem de case Sistem de event ( Star Event ) Sistem de licente Sistem de pescuit (Unic) Sistem de judete (Unic, banuiesc) Sistem de schimbare a parolei IN-GAME. Sistem de jail (OFFLINE) Sistem de loguri Sistem de note (Unic, banuiesc) Sistem de accent Sistem de DMV (Este buguit banuiesc, am inceput sa fac traseul cu jaloane, dar in ziua aceea am renuntat la proiect) Sistem de banca Sistem de TOP. [tt]Poze: [/tt] http://imgur.com/a/7DwII [tt]Download: Gamemode[/tt] http://www.solidfiles.com/d/cce8ae70f8/G-Roleplay.zip [tt]Baza de date[/tt] http://www.solidfiles.com/d/b32f0fad75/db_roleplay.sql [tt]Si multe altele, le descoperiti voi daca il descarcati .[/tt] [tt]Am uitat sa precizez ca server-ul este inceput de la 0, tot scriptul si ca este pe MySQL r34. [/tt]
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