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Everything posted by Taykiro

  1. Taykiro


    Ma gandesc ca daca bag asta se salveaza si bani de pe sarituri. Atunci cand sari cu masina sau cu motoru.
  2. Taykiro


    Se poate un tutorial sau ceva pe unde sa umblu sa fac asta?
  3. Taykiro


    Se poate face sa se salveze bani din casinouri?
  4. Nume:Taykiro Nume tutorial:Cum sa turfs din gf Descriere:As vrea un tutorial prin care arata cum sa scot turfs din gf a lu farse
  5. am bagat in gm dar nu imi arata teritorile
  6. dar inainte de asta iti mergea?
  7. Daca e da in videoclipu care l-am postat eu , fa cum iti zic eu. Daca e GM lu FeaR schimba include si tot ce ai in scriptfiles , in caz ca ai bagat case si prosti in sbiz, biz si propiety da copy - paste in alt document si scrie exact cum e numele la sbiz , bis si astea... sper ca ai inteles . Ti se inchide serverul din cauza ca nu se mai pot uploada fisierele (incearca sa pui ceva nou in sbiz sau in ce fisier vrei tu din scriptfiles sa vezi ca nu poti sa le modifici), pun pariu ca ti-ai reinstalat windowsu
  8. asa iti face cu comanda /enter ?
  9. Asta este pentru car ownership a lu im_back pentru ca majoritatea serverelor au fs lui.
  10. As vrea sa fac o comanda gen "/curte" daca pun "else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailed] < 1)" in comanda va merge?
  11. 1.Cum as putea face o comanda se se foloseasca intre anumite ore (ex:/heal poti folosi intre 12:00 - 19:00) 2.Cum as putea face o comanda sa o foloseasca doar cei din jail?
  12. Folosesc Car System v0.2 By Morino_Reigan , dau /buycar cumpar masina . Dupa ce dau restart la server id la masina este 1 si cand dau /lock sau ceva pentru masina zice ca nu am nicio masina
  13. Sunt tutoriale care arata cum sa faci un textdraw deasta pentru hat/glasses?
  14. Problema rezolvata T/c
  15. Inchide te rog acest topic. In caz ca cineva are problema asta cautati la ongamemodeint new string[MAX_PLAYER]; si schimbatil cu 300 sau 256 si va merge 100%
  16. Am facut bizurile si casele create3dtextlabel si acum nu pot folosi comenzile de la bizuri , case cand le folosesc imi scoate automat serveru si apoi imi da faza aia cu reconectarea. Stiti care ar putea fi problema?
  17. Taykiro

    Cartier RPG

    Era mult mai rp daca banda era intrerupta (ma refer la stada)
  18. [pawn]new Text3D:HouseLabel[34]; new Text3D:BizLabel[5]; new Text3D:SBizLabel[12];[/pawn] de la ongamemodeint [pawn]for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(HouseInfo); h++) { AddStaticPickup(1273, 2, HouseInfo[h][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancez]); pickups++; if(HouseInfo[h][hOwned] == 1) { if(HouseInfo[h][hRentabil] == 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "{F5E618}Owner: {FFFFFF}%s \n{F5E618}Level: {FFFFFF}%d \n{F5E618}Descriere: {FFFFFF}%s \n{F5E618}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d \n{F5E618}ID: {FFFFFF}%d",HouseInfo[h][hOwner],HouseInfo[h][hLevel], HouseInfo[h][hDiscription], HouseInfo[h][hValue], h); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "{F5E618}Owner: {FFFFFF}%s \n{F5E618}Level: {FFFFFF}%d \n{F5E618}Rent: {FFFFFF}%d \n{F5E618}Descriere: {FFFFFF}%s \n{F5E618}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d \n{F5E618}ID: {FFFFFF}%d\n{F5E618}Type: /rentroom",HouseInfo[h][hOwner],HouseInfo[h][hLevel], HouseInfo[h][hRent], HouseInfo[h][hDiscription], HouseInfo[h][hValue], h); } } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "{2EAD15}House For Sale! \n{2EAD15}Level: {FFFFFF}%d \n{2EAD15}Descriere: {FFFFFF}%s \n{2EAD15}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d \n{2EAD15}ID: {FFFFFF}%d\n{2EAD15}Type: /buyhouse",HouseInfo[h][hLevel], HouseInfo[h][hDiscription], HouseInfo[h][hValue], h); } HouseLabel[h] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0x008080FF, HouseInfo[h][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[h][hEntrancez], 40.0, 0, 1); } for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(BizzInfo); h++) { if(BizzInfo[h][bOwned] == 0) { AddStaticPickup(1272, 2, BizzInfo[h][bEntranceX], BizzInfo[h][bEntranceY], BizzInfo[h][bEntranceZ]); pickups++; format(string, sizeof(string), "{2EAD15}%s\n {2EAD15}Business For Sale\n {2EAD15}Level: {FFFFFF}%d\n {2EAD15}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d\n{2EAD15}Type: /buybiz",BizzInfo[h][bMessage],BizzInfo[h][bLevelNeeded],BizzInfo[h][bBuyPrice]); } if(BizzInfo[h][bOwned] == 1) { AddStaticPickup(1239, 2, BizzInfo[h][bEntranceX], BizzInfo[h][bEntranceY], BizzInfo[h][bEntranceZ]); pickups++; format(string, sizeof(string), "{F5E618}%s\n {F5E618}Owner: {FFFFFF}%s\n {F5E618}Extortion: {FFFFFF}%s\n {F5E618}Level: {FFFFFF}%d\n {F5E618}Fee: {FFFFFF}%d\n {F5E618}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d\n{F5E618}Type: /enter",BizzInfo[h][bMessage],BizzInfo[h][bOwner],BizzInfo[h][bExtortion],BizzInfo[h][bLevelNeeded],BizzInfo[h][bEntranceCost],BizzInfo[h][bBuyPrice]); } BizLabel[h] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0x008080FF, BizzInfo[h][bEntranceX], BizzInfo[h][bEntranceY], BizzInfo[h][bEntranceZ], 40.0, 0, 1); } for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(SBizzInfo); h++) { if(SBizzInfo[h][sbOwned] == 0) { AddStaticPickup(1272, 2, SBizzInfo[h][sbEntranceX], SBizzInfo[h][sbEntranceY], SBizzInfo[h][sbEntranceZ]); pickups++; format(string, sizeof(string), "{2EAD15}%s\n {2EAD15}Business For Sale\n {2EAD15}Level: {FFFFFF}%d\n {2EAD15}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d\n{2EAD15}Type: /buybiz",SBizzInfo[h][sbMessage],SBizzInfo[h][sbLevelNeeded],SBizzInfo[h][sbBuyPrice]); } if(SBizzInfo[h][sbOwned] == 1) { AddStaticPickup(1239, 2, SBizzInfo[h][sbEntranceX], SBizzInfo[h][sbEntranceY], SBizzInfo[h][sbEntranceZ]); pickups++; format(string, sizeof(string), "{F5E618}%s\n {F5E618}Owner: {FFFFFF}%s\n {F5E618}Extortion: {FFFFFF}%s\n {F5E618}Level: {FFFFFF}%d\n {F5E618}Fee: {FFFFFF}%d\n {F5E618}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d\n{F5E618}Type: /enter",SBizzInfo[h][sbMessage],SBizzInfo[h][sbOwner],SBizzInfo[h][sbExtortion],SBizzInfo[h][sbLevelNeeded],SBizzInfo[h][sbEntranceCost],SBizzInfo[h][sbBuyPrice]); } SBizLabel[h] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0x008080FF, SBizzInfo[h][sbEntranceX], SBizzInfo[h][sbEntranceY], SBizzInfo[h][sbEntranceZ], 40.0, 0, 1); }[/pawn] [pawn]public OnPropUpdate() { new idx; new File: file2; new string[1280]; while (idx < sizeof(HouseInfo)) { new coordsstring[1280];//era 256 format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", HouseInfo[idx][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[idx][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[idx][hEntrancez], HouseInfo[idx][hExitx], HouseInfo[idx][hExity], HouseInfo[idx][hExitz], HouseInfo[idx][hHealthx], HouseInfo[idx][hHealthy], HouseInfo[idx][hHealthz], HouseInfo[idx][hArmourx], HouseInfo[idx][hArmoury], HouseInfo[idx][hArmourz], HouseInfo[idx][hOwner], HouseInfo[idx][hDiscription], HouseInfo[idx][hValue], HouseInfo[idx][hHel], HouseInfo[idx][hArm], HouseInfo[idx][hInt], HouseInfo[idx][hLock], HouseInfo[idx][hOwned], HouseInfo[idx][hRooms], HouseInfo[idx][hRent], HouseInfo[idx][hRentabil], HouseInfo[idx][hTakings], HouseInfo[idx][hVec], HouseInfo[idx][hVcol1], HouseInfo[idx][hVcol2], HouseInfo[idx][hDate], HouseInfo[idx][hLevel]); if(idx == 0) { file2 = fopen("property.cfg", io_write); } else { file2 = fopen("property.cfg", io_append); } if(HouseInfo[idx][hOwned] == 1) { if(HouseInfo[idx][hRentabil] == 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "{F5E618}Owner: {FFFFFF}%s \n{F5E618}Level: {FFFFFF}%d \n{F5E618}Descriere: {FFFFFF}%s \n{F5E618}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d \n{F5E618}House ID: {FFFFFF}%d",HouseInfo[idx][hOwner],HouseInfo[idx][hLevel], HouseInfo[idx][hDiscription], HouseInfo[idx][hValue], idx); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "{F5E618}Owner: {FFFFFF}%s \n{F5E618}Level: {FFFFFF}%d \n{F5E618}Rent: {FFFFFF}%d \n{F5E618}Descriere: {FFFFFF}%s \n{F5E618}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d \n{F5E618}ID: {FFFFFF}%d\n{F5E618}Type: /rentroom",HouseInfo[idx][hOwner],HouseInfo[idx][hLevel], HouseInfo[idx][hRent], HouseInfo[idx][hDiscription], HouseInfo[idx][hValue], idx); } } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "{2EAD15}House For Sale! \n{2EAD15}Level: {FFFFFF}%d \n{2EAD15}Descriere: {FFFFFF}%s \n{2EAD15}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d \n{2EAD15}ID: {FFFFFF}%d\n{2EAD15}Type: /buyhouse",HouseInfo[idx][hLevel], HouseInfo[idx][hDiscription], HouseInfo[idx][hValue], idx); } Update3DTextLabelText(HouseLabel[idx], 0xFFFFFFFF, string); fwrite(file2, coordsstring); idx++; fclose(file2); } idx = 0; while (idx < sizeof(BizzInfo)) { new coordsstring[1280];//era 256 format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%d|%s|%s|%s|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d\n", BizzInfo[idx][bOwned], BizzInfo[idx][bOwner], BizzInfo[idx][bMessage], BizzInfo[idx][bExtortion], BizzInfo[idx][bEntranceX], BizzInfo[idx][bEntranceY], BizzInfo[idx][bEntranceZ], BizzInfo[idx][bExitX], BizzInfo[idx][bExitY], BizzInfo[idx][bExitZ], BizzInfo[idx][bLevelNeeded], BizzInfo[idx][bBuyPrice], BizzInfo[idx][bEntranceCost], BizzInfo[idx][bTill], BizzInfo[idx][bLocked], BizzInfo[idx][bInterior], BizzInfo[idx][bProducts], BizzInfo[idx][bMaxProducts], BizzInfo[idx][bPriceProd]); if(idx == 0) { file2 = fopen("bizz.cfg", io_write); } else { file2 = fopen("bizz.cfg", io_append); } if(BizzInfo[idx][bOwned] == 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "{2EAD15}%s\n {2EAD15}Business For Sale\n {2EAD15}Level: {FFFFFF}%d\n {2EAD15}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d\n{2EAD15}Type: /buybiz",BizzInfo[idx][bMessage],BizzInfo[idx][bLevelNeeded],BizzInfo[idx][bBuyPrice]); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "{F5E618}%s\n {F5E618}Owner: {FFFFFF}%s\n {F5E618}Extortion: {FFFFFF}%s\n {F5E618}Level: {FFFFFF}%d\n {F5E618}Fee: {FFFFFF}%d\n {F5E618}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d\n{F5E618}Type: /enter",BizzInfo[idx][bMessage],BizzInfo[idx][bOwner],BizzInfo[idx][bExtortion],BizzInfo[idx][bLevelNeeded],BizzInfo[idx][bEntranceCost],BizzInfo[idx][bBuyPrice]); } Update3DTextLabelText(BizLabel[idx] ,0x008080FF, string); fwrite(file2, coordsstring); idx++; fclose(file2); } idx = 0; while (idx < sizeof(SBizzInfo)) { new coordsstring[1280];//era 256 format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%d|%s|%s|%s|%f|%f|%f|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d\n", SBizzInfo[idx][sbOwned], SBizzInfo[idx][sbOwner], SBizzInfo[idx][sbMessage], SBizzInfo[idx][sbExtortion], SBizzInfo[idx][sbEntranceX], SBizzInfo[idx][sbEntranceY], SBizzInfo[idx][sbEntranceZ], SBizzInfo[idx][sbLevelNeeded], SBizzInfo[idx][sbBuyPrice], SBizzInfo[idx][sbEntranceCost], SBizzInfo[idx][sbTill], SBizzInfo[idx][sbLocked], SBizzInfo[idx][sbInterior], SBizzInfo[idx][sbProducts], SBizzInfo[idx][sbMaxProducts], SBizzInfo[idx][sbPriceProd]); if(idx == 0) { file2 = fopen("sbizz.cfg", io_write); } else { file2 = fopen("sbizz.cfg", io_append); } if(SBizzInfo[idx][sbOwned] == 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "{2EAD15}%s\n {2EAD15}Business For Sale\n {2EAD15}Level: {FFFFFF}%d\n {2EAD15}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d\n{2EAD15}Type: /buybiz",SBizzInfo[idx][sbMessage],SBizzInfo[idx][sbLevelNeeded],SBizzInfo[idx][sbBuyPrice]); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "{F5E618}%s\n {F5E618}Owner: {FFFFFF}%s\n {F5E618}Extortion: {FFFFFF}%s\n {F5E618}Level: {FFFFFF}%d\n {F5E618}Fee: {FFFFFF}%d\n {F5E618}Valoare: {FFFFFF}%d\n{F5E618}Type: /enter",SBizzInfo[idx][sbMessage],SBizzInfo[idx][sbOwner],SBizzInfo[idx][sbExtortion],SBizzInfo[idx][sbLevelNeeded],SBizzInfo[idx][sbEntranceCost],SBizzInfo[idx][sbBuyPrice]); } Update3DTextLabelText(SBizLabel[idx] ,0x008080FF, string); fwrite(file2, coordsstring); idx++; fclose(file2); } return 1; } [/pawn]
  19. e 256 .. nu stiu de ce arata asa:|
  20. Am facut la house , sbizz , bizz Create3DTextLabel dar am o problema nu se vede tot numele se vede doar putin din el la case in gm e " house for sale , name: , level , money , id" , iar pe server se vede doar house for sale , la fel si la bizzuri numa ca acolo se vede doar putin din numele bizului
  21. Taykiro


    Gata am rezolvat. Mersi Gireada
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