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Everything posted by danii14

  1. Salutare . Problema este ca : 1. Nu trebuie sa fi logat pe server cand iti dai admin. 2. Deschide cu noptepadul default de la windows .. nu da "open as"[EN] sau "deschidere cu"[RO] .
  2. Ma ajuta si pe mine cineva ?
  3. Codurile: [pawn] SetPlayerSpawn(playerid); SetTimerEx("UpdateSecondary", 3000, false, "i", playerid); } return 1;[/pawn] [pawn]forward SetPlayerSpawn(playerid);[/pawn]
  4. Salutare SA-MP Romania . Am si eu o problema .. intru pe server , ma joc .. dupa ce ies si intru iara ma spawneaza in acelasi loc .. dau /respawn si tot in acel loc ma da .. care sa fie problema ?
  5. 1. Deconecteaza-te depe server. 2. Nu mai dai open with cand incerci sa iti bagi adminul. 3. Bafta !
  6. Imi cer scuze la ultima linie este "}"
  7. [pawn]C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(62) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "COLOR_RED") C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3028) : error 004: function "GivePlayerCash" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3057) : error 004: function "GivePlayerCash" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3093) : error 004: function "SafeResetPlayerWeapons" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3094) : error 004: function "SafeGivePlayerWeapon" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3121) : error 004: function "SafeResetPlayerWeapons" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3633) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3645) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3657) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3669) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3673) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3685) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3689) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3693) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3697) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3701) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3705) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3709) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3713) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3725) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3729) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3733) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3737) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3741) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3753) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3757) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\PGRPG\GM\gamemodes\PG6.pwn(3761) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 26 Errors.[/pawn]
  8. Salutare SA-MP.RO . Am incercat sa fac un script de newbiechat si nu stiu unde am gresit . Problema este ca el nu imi da nicio eroare ... Merge inchis / deschis dar cand scriu cu /n nu apare nimic . [pawn]//----------------------------------[newbie chat]---------------------------------------- if(strcmp(cmd, "/newbie", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/n", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You havent logged in yet !"); return 1; } if ((noooc) && PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, " The OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin !"); return 1; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMuted] == 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, TEAM_CYAN_COLOR, " You can't speak, you have been silenced !"); return 1; } GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); new length = strlen(cmdtext); while ((idx < length) && (cmdtext[idx] <= ' ')) { idx++; } new offset = idx; new result[64]; while ((idx < length) && ((idx - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1))) { result[idx - offset] = cmdtext[idx]; idx++; } for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(FindIP(result)) /// { new advertiser[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, advertiser, sizeof(advertiser)); format(string, sizeof(string), "[Warning]: %s[iD: %d] face reclama ",advertiser,i); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string,1); return 0; } result[idx - offset] = EOS; if(!strlen(result)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "{55D4FF}SCRIE:{B4B4B4} (/n)ewbie [text]"); return 1; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] == 1) format(string, sizeof(string), "{7F90E5}*(N) Incepator Nivel 1 - %s[%d]:{FFFFFF} %s",sendername, result); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] == 2) format(string, sizeof(string), "{7F90E5}*(N) Incepator Nivel 2 - %s[%d]:{FFFFFF} %s",sendername, result); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] == 3) format(string, sizeof(string), "{7F90E5}*(N) Incepator Nivel 3 - %s[%d]:{FFFFFF} %s",sendername, result); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] == 1) format(string, sizeof(string), "{7F90E5}*(N) Administrator Nivel 1 - %s[%d]:{FFFFFF} %s",sendername, result); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] == 2) format(string, sizeof(string), "{7F90E5}*(N) Administrator Nivel 2 - %s[%d]:{FFFFFF} %s",sendername, result); } return 1; } if(strcmp(cmd, "/non", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 7 && (!noooc)) { noooc = 1; BroadCast(COLOR_GRAD2, " Newbie chat channel disabled by an Admin !"); } else if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2 && (noooc)) { noooc = 0; BroadCast(COLOR_GRAD2, " Newbie chat channel enabled by an Admin !"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " you are not authorized to use that command!"); } } return 1; }[/pawn]
  9. Este un textdraw :-? . Cauta in gamemod dupa cuvantul "TextDraw" si vei gasi unde este sau "map" .
  10. Deoarece acestea se pot deschide doar daca pui o comanda in Gamemodn . http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=302773 Ai in pawno o linie de genul RemoveBuilding ? Culoarea la masina se defineste prin ultimele 2 cifre de exp: [pawn]AddStaticVehicle(433,2150.5164,-2661.9878,13.9834,304.4830,43,0)[/pawn] 43 si 0 = Culorile .
  11. danii14


    Inlocuieste: [pawn]public OnRecordingPlaybackEnd() StartRecordingPlayback(onfool,rec);[/pawn] cu [pawn]public OnRecordingPlaybackEnd() StartRecordingPlayback(onfoot,rec);[/pawn]
  12. danii14


    Ia incearca sa stergi cele 2 comenzi sa vezi daca merge . Daca nu adauga comenzile aici .
  13. Ia incearca sa bagi asta : [pawn]cmd(report, playerid, params[]) { new infractor, reason[128]; if(sscanf(params, "us", infractor, reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, GRAY, "Scrie: /report [nume/ID jucator] [motiv]"); if(infractor != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { new namer[48], string[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid, namer, sizeof(namer)); format(string, sizeof string, "Raportare jucator: %d Motiv: %s Raport trimis de %s", infractor, reason, namer); SendMessageToAdmins(WHITE, "|_____________________Raport_____________________|"); SendMessageToAdmins(GREEN, string); SendMessageToAdmins(WHITE, "|________________________________________________|"); SendClientMessage(playerid, GREEN, "Multumim!Raportul a fost trimis catre toti Administratorii online!"); } else SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "Nu este nici un jucator conectat cu acest nume!"); return 1; }[/pawn]
  14. danii14


    Ai aici un tutorial cum sa pui parola pe un skin . +1 ? http://www.sa-mp.ro/forum/index.php?topic=20681.0
  15. danii14


    Cauta in FS daca ai aceasta linie si daca nu cumva ai scris-o gresit . Daca tot asa face ar trebuie sa adaugi include "onfool" .
  16. Vezi ca ai gresit cand ai completat spatiile de la mysql . Vezi ca s.ar putea sa ai un ip in loc de obisnuitul "localhost"
  17. [LINIA 62] #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA [LINIA 49908] } [LINIA 54097] Inexistenta
  18. Salutare . Am si eu un gamemod si imi da 3 erori la pawno ( Warnings ) . Desi se poate compila parerea mea este ca e mai bine fara niciun warning . Mai jos aveti eroarea .. daca ma poate ajuta cineva !? Multumesc anticipat ! [pawn]C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\\GM\XX@\gamemodes\PG3.pwn(62) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "COLOR_RED") C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\GM\XX@\gamemodes\PG3.pwn(49908) : warning 209: function "CustomPickups" should return a value C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\GM\XX@\gamemodes\PG3.pwn(54097) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gCopPlayerSpawns"[/pawn]
  19. A reusit careva sa rezolve problema ?
  20. Lasa codul pawno sa vad daca este corect.
  21. Nu are niciun virus ! Eu sunt cRz. si daca tu crezi ca este ca la nunta dute ma si fati tu GM-ul tau! Stai tu si lucreaza atatea ore cat am lucrat eu la acest GM cu Mitza ! Daca mai comenteaza vreunu gen "Virusi , GF-EDIT , E de fetite" o sa il scoatem depe sa-mp.ro .
  22. Ok , am sa incerc sa il fac ca un FS si revin.
  23. Buna ziua/seara. Am si eu o problema. Vreau sa modific sistemul de login/register de la GM-ul meu de la cel vechi cu /register si /login la unul nou ( Casuta ptr. register/login ) . Il schimb , totul bine fara nici o eroare in pawno dar cand intru pe server imi apare aceasta casuta dar dupa ce ma inregistrez imi apare sa selectez skinul . Ma puteti ajuta?
  24. Buna ziua/seara. Am si eu o problema. Vreau sa modific sistemul de login/register de la GM-ul meu de la cel vechi cu /register si /login la unul nou ( Casuta ptr. register/login ) . Il schimb , totul bine fara nici o eroare in pawno dar cand intru pe server imi apare aceasta casuta dar dupa ce ma inregistrez imi apare sa selectez skinul . Ma puteti ajuta?
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