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Everything posted by Bladex

  1. dami un site unde pot sa pun muzica care vreau ca nu stiu nici unu
  2. nu se aude cand ma loghez nimik daca pui link de youtube cu celelalte se aude?
  3. Bladex


    mai sus de asta dute pana unde scrie asa ceva [pawn] if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {[/pawn] si pui[pawn] for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {[/pawn] EDIT: Pune cum a zis dark e mai usor!
  4. e definit de 2 ori PlayAudioStreamForPlayer sterge unul dintre ele
  5. Bladex


    adauga asta mai sus [pawn] for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)[/pawn] sau in loc de asta SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_YELLOW," pui asta SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,"
  6. scoate altu include ala nu bun
  7. Bladex


    Salut am facut o comanda /war si este /war 1 . /war 2 , /war 3 /war 4 cum pun ca dupa ce dau /war 1 de exemplu sa mai pot da inca odata doar daca au trecut 12 ore 120000000 e 12 ore? daca nu imi ziceti si mie ca tot ma incurc cu asteaa
  8. Descarca Converterul Lui Farse : http://www.sa-mp.ro/forum/index.php/topic,14604.msg89008.html#msg89008 Fati mapa in MTA e mai usor dupa ce dai save intri acolo undei ai instalat intri la salvari dai dublu click unde iti apare numele salvari care lai pus si acolo deschide programul lui farse si dai convert si iti va aparea cordonatele si dupa intri in pawno dai ctrl+f dai createdynamicobject sau CreateObject si faci o chestie noua asa //------Mapa X--- si apesi enter si dai paste dai compile si e gata ! Bafta
  9. Bladex


    nu sunt errori ma citeste tot :-w am zis ca primese pe checkpoint 123219837$ edit: T.C am rezolvat
  10. Bladex


    poi am facut jobu de fermier am pus prima data asa new cash=(random(70-20)+20); si acuma asa new cash=(random(150-700)+700); si primesc 78321378219 ma rog o suma mare oare nu e bine ceva aici? [pawn] if(FarmerVar[playerid] == 1) { if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { new carid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new cash=(random(150-700)+700); if(IsAHarvest(carid)) { switch(FarmerPickup[playerid][0]) { case 0: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -205.9348,-1332.2749,10.4056, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 1: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 2: { if(JustStarted[playerid] != 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] += cash * 20; format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Added to your paycheck~n~~g~$%d",cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1); } else { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -548.5396,-1329.0653,19.6210, 5.0); } case 3: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 4: { if(JustStarted[playerid] != 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] += cash * 20; format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Added to your paycheck~n~~g~$%d",cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1); } else { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -370.9486,-1281.1089,29.8698, 5.0); } case 5: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 6: { if(JustStarted[playerid] != 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] += cash * 20; format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Added to your paycheck~n~~g~$%d",cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1); } else { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -258.3272,-1387.9211,10.1292, 5.0); } case 7: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 8: { if(JustStarted[playerid] != 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] += cash * 20; format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Added to your paycheck~n~~g~$%d",cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1); } else { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -288.8517,-1385.0117,9.8957, 5.0); } case 9: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 10: { if(JustStarted[playerid] != 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] += cash * 20; format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Added to your paycheck~n~~g~$%d",cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1); } else { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -283.1325,-1338.2822,7.4280, 5.0); } case 11: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 12: { if(JustStarted[playerid] != 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] += cash * 20; format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Added to your paycheck~n~~g~$%d",cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1); } else { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -224.5992,-1509.1902,7.4473, 5.0); } case 13: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 14: { if(JustStarted[playerid] != 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] += cash * 20; format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Added to your paycheck~n~~g~$%d",cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1); } else { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -247.2859,-1528.8744,6.5904, 5.0); } case 15: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 16: { if(JustStarted[playerid] != 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] += cash * 20; format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Added to your paycheck~n~~g~$%d",cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1); } else { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -283.9610,-1549.7180,6.4975, 5.0); } case 17: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 18: { if(JustStarted[playerid] != 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] += cash * 20; format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Added to your paycheck~n~~g~$%d",cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1); } else { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -431.6107,-1334.0961,28.6561, 5.0); } case 19: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 20: { if(JustStarted[playerid] != 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPayCheck] += cash * 20; format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~Added to your paycheck~n~~g~$%d",cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 5000, 1); } else { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -476.4104,-1391.6769,20.4733, 5.0); } case 21: { SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -376.7750,-1437.6874,25.7266, 5.0); if(JustStarted[playerid] != 0) { JustStarted[playerid] = 0; } } case 22: { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Use /exit to leave a harvest~n~~r~Bonus 100$ in cash", 5000, 1); SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid, 100); } } FarmerPickup[playerid][0]++; PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1056, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } } return 1; }[/pawn]
  11. Bladex


    acuma face animu dar nu primeste jetpack )
  12. Bladex


    Am o problema la jetpack cand dai ./jetpack nu primesc nimik [pawn] if(strcmp(cmd, "/jetpack", true) == 0) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3) { SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_USEJETPACK); GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); format(string, 256, "[AdmWarning]: %s a folosit comada /jetpack", sendername); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string,1); return 1; } }[/pawn]
  13. dai pe google junkbuster si acolo intri in folder si este acolo ceva unde este antispam daca e 0 inseamna ca e dezactivat daca 1 activat , descarcal si fatil singur si pune in pawno junkbuster.inc include si la inceput la gm pune #include <JunkBuster>
  14. Bladex


    EDIT : AM REZOLVAT ! dati tc sau delete. problema era : era pus asa [pJob] = 20 si trebuia asa [pJob] == 20 Mersi oricum T/C
  15. Bladex


    am pus din addstaticvehicleex in addstaticvehicle si mi-au aparut multe warning-uri warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition multe multe
  16. Bladex

    Set Caracter

    :-w eu vreau boti unde sa dau setskin ce skin atata nu masini X(
  17. Bladex

    Set Caracter

    numi trebe masini ma ! Oameni doar atata care nu misca doar stau
  18. Salut cum pot face ca sa pun un skin sa fie ca un player bot si sa stea acolo?:D
  19. Ma ajutati si pe mine cum scot pickup-urile acelea de la jocul normal cand intri in case/pd/24/7 etcc. Zicetimi va rog frumos
  20. Salut . am facut si eu un gm dar sunt pickup'uri care nush sa le scot Image
  21. Bladex

    Cars Respawn

    deci sa le pun pe addstaticvehicle sau createvehicle?
  22. dai compile si zii ce apare dupa ce lai compilat .. acolo in casuta aia ! Sal suicide nu vii pe bloodzrp )
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