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Everything posted by emytza12

  1. Aceeasi chestie : Revin cu edit sa spun nr bazelor. 20 de baze [pawn]//BaZe SetTimer("BASEup", 5000, 1); AddBASE(1, 1367.2527,777.4102,10.9314, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 100, 0, 3, 0); //base1 AddBASE(2, 2828.2356,1359.0499,11.3603, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 100, 0, 3, 0); //Base AddBASE(3, -662.8411,1018.4437,12.1262, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 50, 0, 3, 0);//EBase AddBASE(4, -2527.3743,-613.6785,132.5625, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 50, 0, 3, 0); //SBase AddBASE(5, 1077.2877,1251.7109,11.3302, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 50, 0, 3, 0); //Basex AddBASE(6, 1798.4575,-1923.9508,13.3906, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 50, 0, 3, 0);//Base6 AddBASE(7, 2231.6160,-1159.7854,25.8362, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 50, 0, 3, 0);//Base7 AddBASE(8, -688.0946,946.5336,13.0313, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 50, 0, 3, 0);//Base8 AddBASE(9, 1497.0565,-689.4225,94.9837, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 100, 0, 3, 0);//Base9 AddBASE(10, -275.1258,1878.1418,42.2924, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 100, 0, 3, 0);//Base10 AddBASE(11, -319.0096,1781.2499,43.6406, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 100, 0, 3, 0);//Base11 AddBASE(12, -68.5241,-544.6579,4.0887, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 100, 0, 3, 0);//Base12 AddBASE(13,866.9087,2093.8652,11.3923, 1267.663208,-781.323242,1091.906250, 150, 0, 5, 0);//Base13 AddBASE(14,1017.8447,2641.0938,11.1662, 225.630997,1022.479980,1084.069946, 100, 0, 7, 0);//Base14 AddBASE(15, 1075.9651,2583.5208,11.3657, 1267.663208,-781.323242,1091.906250, 100, 0, 5, 0);//Base15 AddBASE(16, -2977.3401,471.5843,5.9041, 225.630997,1022.479980,1084.069946, 100, 0, 7, 0);//Base16 AddBASE(17, 1113.4908,1743.7921,10.8203, 225.630997,1022.479980,1084.069946, 150, 0, 7, 0);//Base17 AddBASE(18, 1996.6835,2467.9995,11.2255, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 100, 0, 3, 0); //Base18 AddBASE(19, -551.4924,2593.8401,53.9348, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 100, 0, 3, 0); //Base19 AddBASE(20, 943.1837,2320.5955,10.8203, -2640.762939,1406.682006,906.460937, 100, 0, 3, 0); //Base20[/pawn]
  2. Astea? [pawn]#define Base_Dialog 94 #define MAX_DISTANCE_TO_PROP2 1.5 #define MAX_BASES 1000 new BASEPickup[MAX_BASES]; new playerinterior2[MAX_PLAYERS]=-2; new Float:BASEx, Float:BASEy, Float:BASEz; new BASEmapicon[MAX_PLAYERS]; new playerworld2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Text3D:BASEi[MAX_BASES]; forward BASEup(BASEid, Float:iconX, Float:iconY, Float:iconZ); enum BASEInfo { Nameb[200], Costb, Sellb, Interior9, Virtualworld3, Locked3, Float:InteriorX, Float:InteriorY, Float:InteriorZ, Float:iconx, Float:icony, Float:iconz } new Binfo[MAX_BASES][bASEInfo];[/pawn]
  3. Nick: emytza Problema: Am un gamemode (edit RSE , vreau sa iau anumite chestii din el ) compliez gm , dupa ce am rezolvat o eroare , totul e ok si cand pornesc serverul imi apare o eroare Erori / warnings: (se tot repeta) Lini/script:[pawn]new string[100]; format(string, sizeof(string), "{33FF33}Base Owner: {FFFFFF}%s\n{FFFFFF}Cost: {33FF33}%i {FFAF00}Hours", Binfo[bASEid][Nameb],Binfo[bASEid][Costb]); BASEi[bASEid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string,0x008080FF,iconX, iconY, iconZ,100.0); } public BASEup(BASEid, Float:iconX, Float:iconY, Float:iconZ) { new string[100]; Binfo[bASEid][iconx]=iconX; Binfo[bASEid][icony]=iconY; Binfo[bASEid][iconz]=iconZ; for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_BASES; i++) { format(string, sizeof(string), "{33FF33}Base Owner: {FFFFFF}%s\n{FFFFFF}Cost: {33FF33}%i {FFAF00}Hours", Binfo[Nameb],Binfo[Costb]);////////aici UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(BASEi, 0xCCFFDDFF, string); } return 1; }[/pawn] Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: Da dar nu mi-a iesit nimic .
  4. Darky , ai vreun pawno 0.3x ? Am mare nevoie. Mersi.
  5. Salut ! am o problema: am un gamemode foarte frumos si .... :embarrassed: nu stiu sa mut casele de pe un alt gamemode care are mai multe va rog mult sa ma ajutati . Multumesc !
  6. Multumesc mult! o sa vorbesc cu ei
  7. am vorbit si cu cei de la host si au zis ca nu e de la ei...
  8. Salut am o problema , am vazut ca s-a mai discutat nu apare serverul la internet am host de la elhost.ro si nu apare am announce 1 si tot nu merge....Ce sa fac ? Ma puteti ajuta? (
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