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Everything posted by onix09

  1. Eroarea:(9245) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linia: SetPlayerPosWV(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z) { SetPlayerPosEx(playerid,X,Y,Z); //<<<========================== LINIA 9245! if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),X,Y,Z); LinkVehicleToInterior(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),0); PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid,GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),0); SetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),0.0); } }
  2. Ai in server.cfg: plugins streamer.dll/.so (Streamer ... sau e folosesti tu | .dll=windows .so=linux) filterscripts "numele pluginului"
  3. Frate... vreti dovada.. nu e facut de el, efurat din BLOODZ RP!!!
  4. Ba nu, ia o poza mai mare
  5. Vati gasit sa o faceti si voi .... VARA :| ... cat despre mapa frumoasa 1/2
  6. Up. Va rog, chiar nu stie nimeni? Daca stie macar sa imi zica... si ii voi ramane si dator daca mil face el...
  7. Chiar de tne era postat ala lol :shocked:
  8. onix09


    WoWWWWW.... Cati Copiatori SSR.... exista wiki.sa-mp.com... cauta p acolo
  9. Gresit total ... LOL ) Scrie sus de tot [pawn]#pragma unused PlayerPos[/pawn]
  10. onix09

    Help :D

    Cu un timer:| Opresti animatia
  11. Dane si liniile din jur cu vreo 5 in sus 5 in jos si punele intre [pawn] {AICI LINIILE} [/pawn]
  12. :shocked: Incerca sa compilez cu pawno 0.3d
  13. Cam da... asa fac si eu dar iam zis... k multi fac asa... la ce lenesi sunt :| ... Arata si mai frumos daca faci cu tab, adica aranjezi liniile Sunt de aceiasi Parere cu Tine
  14. Prea simplu:)) Lose ineditation = Nu e aranjat bine Mai treubie sa pui taburi sau sa stergi taburi casa fie in linie ori pentru a nu iti mai aparea niciodata eroarea asta pui sus de tot in gm [pawn]#pragma tabsize 0[/pawn] PS. sami spui daca tia mers
  15. Man, daca nu ma ajuti nu te baga :| Eu vreau doar sa aflu, cum pot sti cati de \t trebuie sa bag :|
  16. Sall... am si eu un dialog facut cu space'uri casa arate bine [pawn]CMD:cmds(playerid, pramas[]) { new BigString[3500]; strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}======================================================================{00C0FF}>\n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}Comenzi Generale: \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/cmds {00C0FF}-> {FFFFFF}Iti arata toate comenzile disponibile. \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/teles {00C0FF}-> {FFFFFF}Iti arata toate teleporturile disponibile. \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/rules {00C0FF}-> {FFFFFF}Iti arata respectul, regulile! \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/credits {00C0FF}-> {FFFFFF}Arata creatori serverului!. \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}======================================================================{00C0FF}>\n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}Comenzi Secundare: \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{F81414}/register -> Te inregistrezi pe serverul SRC \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{F81414}/login -> Te logezi pe serverul SRC \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{F81414}/stats -> Vizualizezi staticticile contului tau \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/pm -> Trimiti un mesaj unui player \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{F81414}/admins -> Vezi/Afli ce Admini sunt ON pe server \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{F81414}/vips -> Vezo/Afli ce Player Vip sunt ON pe server \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/top -> Vizualizezi un Top cu Playeri Serverului SRC \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{B7FF00}/cookies -> Afli cate prajituri ai \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{B7FF00}/buycookies -> Cumperi prajituri \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{B7FF00}/eatcookies -> Mananci Prajituri \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/time -> Vezi Cat Este Ceasul \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{F81414}/cpass -> Iti Schimbi Parola \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{B7FF00}/cfacebook -> Iti Creezi un Cont de Facebook \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{B7FF00}/facebook -> Te uiti la Profilul Tau de FaceBook sau al altui Player \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{B7FF00}/flogin -> Te loghezi pe contul tau de FaceBook \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{B7FF00}/dfacebook -> Iti stergi Contul de FaceBook \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/tune -> Iti tunezi Masina \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{B7FF00}/fstyle -> Iti Setezi Stilul de Lupta \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{B7FF00}/carcolor -> Setezi Culoarea Masini in Care Esti \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{F81414}/kill -> Te Sinucizi! \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/flip -> Iti ridici AutoVehiculul in picioare \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/jetpack -> Faci rost De un JetPack \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}/kickme -> Iti dai singur Kick \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{B7FF00}/neon -> Iti atasezi un neon la masina \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}======================================================================{00C0FF}>\n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}Legenda: {F81414}Rosu: Comenzi Importante | {FFFFFF}Alb: Comenzi Simple \n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}Legenda: {B7FF00}Lime: Comenzi FUN | {00C0FF}Pagina2 - Mai Multe Comenzi\n", 3500 ); strcat(BigString, "{00C0FF}|{FFFFFF}======================================================================{00C0FF}>\n", 3500 ); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 3112, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00C0FF}------{FFFFFF}Comenzile Serverului{00C0FF}------", BigString, "OK","Pagina 2"); return 1; }[/pawn] Si normal, in joc nu apare space'ul bine :| Am inteles...dar de mult stiam defapt.. ca trebuie sa fac cu \t dialogul... dar nu stiu cum sa folosec \t... stiu ca pune un spatiu liber mai mare...dar cum imi dau seama cat imi trebuie ???????? Daca este cineva care ma poate ajuta... raman dator ! Am cautat si pe wiki, dar arata numai alte semne: http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Scripting_Basics Le arata doar pe: \0 NULL character Ends a string. \n Line feed use \n for a new line in Linux (also works in Windows) \r Carriage return Use \r\n for a new line in Windows \\ Backslash Used to put an actual backslash in a string \' Single quote Used to use an actual single quote as a character in single quotes (use: '\'') \" Double quotes Used to put an actual double quote in a string \xNNN; Hex number Used to set the character to the character represented by the hex number specified in place on NNN \NNN; Number Used to set the character to the character represented by the number specified in place of NNN (see \0)
  17. Frate, ai auzit de www.wiki.sa-mp.com Si apropo, nu e IfPlayerToPoint ci IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint Si pentru lenea ta iti voi da si link direct: http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint
  18. onix09


    1.numele topicului 2. Vorbeste cu cei de la host
  19. Nu mai conteaza, la aia ma ajutat cineva de pe sa-mp.com
  20. La toate am doar 1 buton, daca de la asta e, le voi sterge si revin cu edit Rezolvat, mai am doar 1 warning Eroarea: (617) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linia: SetPlayerArmour(playerid, GetPlayerArmour(playerid)+10);
  21. Mdea.. am erori Eroare: (145) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linie: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 999,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Select A Class:", "{55B500}Normal (Shotgun +Silent Pistol)\nArmed (10Armour +Shotgun + silent Pistol)\nJet-Trooper (Usage /jp to spawn a jetpack)\nFireman (Flamethrower + Moltove + Fire Estinguisher + RPG)\nSniper (Always Invisible On Map)\nScout (Have Special Duel Sawn off Shotgun)\nEngineer (Press 'ALT' button to build box)\nSWAT (Press 'ALT' To plant a TNT barrel)\nPeon (Country Rifle + Colt + Melle +Tear Gas)", "Select"); Eroare: (617) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linie: SetPlayerArmour(playerid, GetPlayerArmour(playerid)+10); Eroare: (624) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linie: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 999,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "You Need to atleast Rank-1", "{55B500}Normal (Shotgun +Silent Pistol)\nArmed (10Armour +Shotgun + silent Pistol)\nJet-Trooper (Usage /jp to spawn a jetpack)\nFireman (Flamethrower + Moltove + Fire Estinguisher + RPG)\nSniper (Always Invisible On Map)\nScout (Have Special Duel Sawn off Shotgun)\nEngineer (Press 'ALT' button to build box)\nSWAT (Press 'ALT' To plant a TNT barrel)\nPeon (Country Rifle + Colt + Melle +Tear Gas)", "Select"); Eroare: (643) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linie: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 999,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "You Need to atleast Rank-5", "{55B500}Normal (Shotgun +Silent Pistol)\nArmed (10Armour +Shotgun + silent Pistol)\nJet-Trooper (Usage /jp to spawn a jetpack)\nFireman (Flamethrower + Moltove + Fire Estinguisher + RPG)\nSniper (Always Invisible On Map)\nScout (Have Special Duel Sawn off Shotgun)\nEngineer (Press 'ALT' button to build box)\nSWAT (Press 'ALT' To plant a TNT barrel)\nPeon (Country Rifle + Colt + Melle +Tear Gas)", "Select"); Eroare: (663) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linie: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 999,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "You Need to atleast Rank-5", "{55B500}Normal (Shotgun +Silent Pistol)\nArmed (10Armour +Shotgun + silent Pistol)\nJet-Trooper (Usage /jp to spawn a jetpack)\nFireman (Flamethrower + Moltove + Fire Estinguisher + RPG)\nSniper (Always Invisible On Map)\nScout (Have Special Duel Sawn off Shotgun)\nEngineer (Press 'ALT' button to build box)\nSWAT (Press 'ALT' To plant a TNT barrel)\nPeon (Country Rifle + Colt + Melle +Tear Gas)", "Select"); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0); Eroare: (676) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linie: RemovePlayerMapIcon(playerid); Eroare: (684) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linie: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 999,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "You Need to atleast Rank-1", "{55B500}Normal (Shotgun +Silent Pistol)\nArmed (10Armour +Shotgun + silent Pistol)\nJet-Trooper (Usage /jp to spawn a jetpack)\nFireman (Flamethrower + Moltove + Fire Estinguisher + RPG)\nSniper (Always Invisible On Map)\nScout (Have Special Duel Sawn off Shotgun)\nEngineer (Press 'ALT' button to build box)\nSWAT (Press 'ALT' To plant a TNT barrel)\nPeon (Country Rifle + Colt + Melle +Tear Gas)", "Select"); Eroare: (704) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linie: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 999,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "You Need to atleast Rank-8", "{55B500}Normal (Shotgun +Silent Pistol)\nArmed (10Armour +Shotgun + silent Pistol)\nJet-Trooper (Usage /jp to spawn a jetpack)\nFireman (Flamethrower + Moltove + Fire Estinguisher + RPG)\nSniper (Always Invisible On Map)\nScout (Have Special Duel Sawn off Shotgun)\nEngineer (Press 'ALT' button to build box)\nSWAT (Press 'ALT' To plant a TNT barrel)\nPeon (Country Rifle + Colt + Melle +Tear Gas)", "Select"); Eroare: (725) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linie: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 999,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "You Need to atleast Rank-7", "{55B500}Normal (Shotgun +Silent Pistol)\nArmed (10Armour +Shotgun + silent Pistol)\nJet-Trooper (Usage /jp to spawn a jetpack)\nFireman (Flamethrower + Moltove + Fire Estinguisher + RPG)\nSniper (Always Invisible On Map)\nScout (Have Special Duel Sawn off Shotgun)\nEngineer (Press 'ALT' button to build box)\nSWAT (Press 'ALT' To plant a TNT barrel)\nPeon (Country Rifle + Colt + Melle +Tear Gas)", "Select"); Eroare: (746) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition Linie: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 999,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "You Need to atleast Rank-7", "{55B500}Normal (Shotgun +Silent Pistol)\nArmed (10Armour +Shotgun + silent Pistol)\nJet-Trooper (Usage /jp to spawn a jetpack)\nFireman (Flamethrower + Moltove + Fire Estinguisher + RPG)\nSniper (Always Invisible On Map)\nScout (Have Special Duel Sawn off Shotgun)\nEngineer (Press 'ALT' button to build box)\nSWAT (Press 'ALT' To plant a TNT barrel)\nPeon (Country Rifle + Colt + Melle +Tear Gas)", "Select");
  22. testez akm si revin cu edit Edit: A mers, nu aveam pus MAX_VEHICLES la define
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