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Everything posted by k3nw00d_kri5ty

  1. Eu nu de azi scriptez sa nu stiu ca cat trebuie sa astept, Deci inainte sa incep editarea am compilat-o sa ma asigur ca totul e bine. S-a compilat in max 10 sec, avand un numar mai mare de linii, dupa ce sa scurtez sa zicem o comanda din 4 linii fac 1, deci nu asta era problema. Am rezolvat singur reluand toate comenzile si verificandu-le, e adevarat ca am uitat sa sterg unele acolade sau sa adaug, toate acestea erau in numar mare si trecea de limita de afisare a error-ilor si pawno nu le_a mai putut afisa pe toate.
  2. In cazul asta nu e de a?teptat, cum apas compile adica f5 deja apare acel output cu acea linie cand editezi un text.
  3. Salut, am inceput un GF sa editez, am pus toate comenzile in zcmd si sscanf, am sters cateva prostii care nu isi au avut rostul, dar dupa ce sa compilez imi apare asa: De ce?
  4. La Comanda sa pun asta? CautareJucator[playerid] = 1;
  5. Am pus si liniile dar ai uitat sa raspunzi :D
  6. CMD:find(playerid, params[]) { new points, level = PlayerInfo[playerid][pDetSkill], Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z; tmp = strtok(params, idx); giveplayerid = ReturnUser(tmp); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You are not Detective."); if(UsedFind[playerid] != 0 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pDetSkill] < 401) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You've already searched for someone, wait 2 minutes !"); if(sscanf(params, "u", giveplayerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "USAGE: /find [playerid/PartOfName]"); if(!IsPlayerConnected(giveplayerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BROWN, "That player is not connected."); if(giveplayerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(giveplayerid == playerid) return 1; if(level >= 0 && level <= 50) { points = 4; } else if(level >= 51 && level <= 100) { points = 6; } else if(level >= 101 && level <= 200) { points = 8; } else if(level >= 201 && level <= 400) { points = 10; } else if(level >= 401) { points = 12; } GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer)); GetPlayerPos(giveplayerid, X,Y,Z); SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, X,Y,Z, 6); FindTime[playerid] = 1; FindTimePoints[playerid] = points; UsedFind[playerid] = 1; } return 1; }
  7. Am comanda /find [nume], adica de ex: scriu /find xxx pune un checkpoint la locul unde este jucatorul, problema mea este ca daca jucatorul se misca, checkpointul ramane tot acolo deci nu ar "merge" checkpointul dupa player, cum fac asta?
  8. Tutorial MoveObject Dupa cum stiti, a aparut versiunea de SA:MP 0.3d, care ne-a adus niste modificari in functia MoveObject. In versiunea 0.3c aceasta functie este mai 'greoaie', dupa cum a-ti observat obiectele care erau pe baza de mutat s-au bug-uit asa ca va v-oi prezenta un mic tutorial de a repara acest BUG. Cu acest programel puteti sa va creati obiectul: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=282801 Parametrii functiei: (objectid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Speed, Float:RotX = -1000.0, Float:RotY = -1000.0, Float:RotZ = -1000.0) objectid ID-ul obiectului care dorim sa mutam Float:X Cordonata X Float:Y Cordonata Y Float:Z Cordonata Z Float:Speed Viteza de mutare a obiectului (unitati pe secunda) Float:RotX Rotatia X a obiectului Float:RotY Rotatia Y a obiectului Float:RotZ Rotatia Z a obiectului Sa incepem: Pentru prima data trebuie sa definim obiectul, la inceputul script-ului: new obiect; Dupa care la OnGameModeInit cream obiectul: obiect = CreateObject(ModelObiect, Xinchis, Yinchis, Zinchis, RotatiaXinchis, RotatiaYinchis, RotatiaZinchis); Nota: Xinchis, Yinchis, Zinchis, RotatiaXinchis, RotatiaYinchis, RotatiaZinchis = ne va trebui cordonatele obiectului cand bariera/poarta este inchisa. Iar acum ca sa mutam obiectul (o puneti la o comanda sau unde doriti voi): MoveObject(obiect, Xdeschis, Ydeschis, Zdeschis, 1, RotXdeschis, RotYdeschis, RotZdeschis) Nota: Xdeschis, Ydeschis, Zdeschis, 1, RotXdeschis, RotYdeschis, RotZdeschis = ne va trebui cordonatele obiectului cand bariera/poarta este deschisa. Sa nu uitam, 1 este viteza de mutare a obiectului (unitati pe secunda) Iar daca doriti sa se inchida automat bariera/poarta ne va trebui un timer: forward BariraSeInchide() // La inceputul script-ului; SetTimer("BariraSeInchide", 5000, false);// O punem la o comanda sau unde doriti voi "BariraSeInchide" - Numele functiei pentru a apela un string. 5000 - Intervalul in milisecunde (1000 = o secunda) false - Daca doriti sa se repete acest timer scrieti true daca doriti sa nu se repete scrieti false Iar acum cream callback-ul forward-at 'BariraSeInchide': public BariraSeInchide() { MoveObject(obiect, Xinchis, Yinchis, Zinchis, 1, RotatiaXinchis, RotatiaYinchis, RotatiaZinchis) return 1; } La MoveObject(obiect, Xinchis, Yinchis, Zinchis, 1, RotatiaXinchis, RotatiaYinchis, RotatiaZinchis) folosim cordonatele din OnGameModeInit (ceea ce creaza obiectul)
  9. Daca ne gandim bine civilii au pMember respectiv pLeader 0 adica gTeam[playerid] = 3 Deci va trebuii sa faci in felul urmator: else if (PlayerInfo[playa][pMember] == 0 || PlayerInfo[playa][pLeader] == 0)//Police Force spawn { SetPlayerToTeamColor(playa); SetPlayerInterior(playa,6); SetPlayerPos(playa, x,y,z); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playa, angle); PlayerInfo[playa][pInt] = interior; return 1; } Cordonatele, interiorul, FacingAngle le pui ale tale Daca doresti comanda /respawn ( original facut de mine > ) poftim: if(strcmp(cmd, "/respawn", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) { tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Utilizare: /respawn [Nume/ID Jucator]"); return 1; } giveplayerid = ReturnUser(tmp); if(IsPlayerConnected(giveplayerid)) { if(giveplayerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) { SpawnPlayer(giveplayerid); GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); format(string, sizeof(string),"* Ai primit respawn de Adminul %s !",sendername); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW2, string); } } } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Acel jucator nu este conectat."); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "you are not authorized to use this command."); } return 1; } Bafta la scriptat.
  10. Am scris: npp_save cd $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) "D:\Jocuri\Samp\Server de Sa-mp GodFather\pawno\pawncc.exe" "$(FILE_NAME)" -; -( Il salvez, si la 'Console' primesc aceasta eroare: NPP_SAVE: C:\Program Files\Notepad++\change.log CD: C:\Program Files\Notepad++ Current directory: C:\Program Files\Notepad++ "D:\Jocuri\Samp\Server de Sa-mp GodFather\pawno\pawncc.exe" "change.log" -; -( Process started >>> change.log(1) : error 010: invalid function or declaration change.log(3) : error 010: invalid function or declaration change.log(8) : error 010: invalid function or declaration change.log(10) : error 010: invalid function or declaration change.log(15) : error 010: invalid function or declaration change.log(17) : error 010: invalid function or declaration change.log(27) : error 010: invalid function or declaration change.log(29) : error 010: invalid function or declaration change.log(38) : error 010: invalid function or declaration change.log(40) : error 010: invalid function or declaration change.log(49) : error 013: no entry point (no public functions) Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 11 Errors. <<< Process finished. ================ READY ================ Am gresit eu ceva ?:-??
  11. Vezi daca ai la 'gamemodes' un fisier '.amx'.
  12. Fail, New Ostrich Owner Pawner ar veni NOOP.
  13. Am si eu exact aceasta problema ... habar nu am ce sa fac :| Am dezinstalat de N ori ... de la N site-uri rezultat = nimic !
  14. scrie fara "/" o.O doar vehcmds !
  15. Sall, so... instalam MTA sa creez niste obiecte pentru server, am pus obiectele pentru 0.3c SA:MP unde trebuia, dar din nefericire dupa ce am intrat in Mta s-a incarcat intra in joc si pe cand sa apas Objects (iconitza) observ ca nu merge .. why?Hai ca ma uit in consola si vad ca imi da o gramada de erori gen: [21:49:56] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:49:56] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:49:56] INFO: Failed to create 'marker' from 'editor_main' [21:49:56] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:49:56] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:49:56] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:49:56] INFO: Failed to create 'marker' from 'editor_main' [21:50:15] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:15] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:15] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:15] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' [21:50:16] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:16] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:16] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:16] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' [21:50:16] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:16] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:16] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:16] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' [21:50:16] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:16] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:16] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:16] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' [21:50:17] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:17] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:17] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:17] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' [21:50:17] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:17] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:17] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:17] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' [21:50:17] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:17] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:17] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:17] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' [21:50:18] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:18] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:18] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:18] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' [21:50:18] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:18] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:18] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:18] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' [21:50:18] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:18] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:18] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:18] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' [21:50:19] WARNING: edf\edf.lua:552: Bad 'resource' pointer @ 'getResourceName'(1) [21:50:19] ERROR: edf\edf.lua:552: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [21:50:19] ERROR: editor_main\server\interface.lua:11: call: failed to call 'edf:edfCreateElement' [21:50:19] INFO: Failed to create 'object' from 'editor_main' Iar in + imi da si sa instalez v1.0.5 :|, hai ca instalez de va merge .. nici asa. #Nu imi ziceti sa merg pe forum MTA ca nu merge sa ma inregistrez nu stiu dc :| Nu inchideti va rog acest topic ... am nevoie acum de ajutorul vostru.
  16. Se salveaza ... dar cand intru in joc nu mai o am ...
  17. 3/5 ce se poate face acolo ?:O
  18. k3nw00d_kri5ty


    10/10 super faina :D
  19. Nici vantul nu mai trece pe aici ?:-w
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